John Cena Turning Heel At Royal Rumble?

That N Word

Actively evolving
Recently there was reports/rumors that John Cena was gonna turn heel to begin a feud with The Undertaker for WrestleMania 33. On SmackDown 900, The Undertaker returned and states that "WrestleMania would no longer defined him" and that "he was back taking souls and digging hoes." Now while Taker didn't directly say he was back. He sure as hell insinuated it. His next comment was that if Team SmackDown lost, they would "have to fear the godd*** deadman."

Now with that being said. I could see Team SmackDown losing at Survivor Series and Undertaker taking them out one-by-one. With rumors of Randy leaving after Survivor Series for a vacation. I could see Undertaker taking him out on SmackDown and stating he's coming for the winner of Ambrose/Styles at the Royal Rumble PPV. From there his next victim being James Ellsworth and getting rid of him for good. Bray at TLC (unfortunately for him.) Then that leads us to AJ Styles vs. The Undertaker at Royal Rumble.

Since the brand split, John Cena has become the "resident legend" on SmackDown. A role that Undertaker held in the original brand split. I could easily see something happen at the Rumble, where AJ Styles is facing The Deadman and the ref gets knocked down and maybe Gallows and Anderson coming to help their buddy get the biggest win of his career and John Cena (who is advertised to return at the Rumble by WWE) running down to make the save with his fist wrapped in chain. He picks Styles up for the AA before turning and decking The Undertaker, who was getting to his feet slowly.

His reason is simple. If anybody's gonna beat Styles for that title it's gonna be him. He say's that SmackDown tried to replace him by bringing back the bones of The Undertaker and is pissed that he wasn't even asked to be on Team SmackDown at Survivor Series. He say's the fans booed him for almost 2 decades, but cheer a running joke like James Ellsworth. He say's as he reaches his 40's, it's a new John Cena. He say's that John Cena is all about John Cena,whooping ass and taking names. He say's and that John Cena starts this new era by ending the washed up Deadman,a mission Brock Lesnar failed to complete and challenges Taker to a match at WrestleMania.
For me, Taker vs. Cena is one of the only "must see" programs left for either wrestler. Such a match would have a bigger feel to it if the streak was still intact but it could still be a great match.

While I highly doubt it could happen, I think it'd be fun for Cena to make a surprise appearance at the Survivor Series and cost the SmackDown single stars their match and then disappear again for a while. Have commentators play it up continuously over the coming weeks and months, just build it up and milk the crap out of the "when are we gonna hear from Cena" angle, maybe up to the Royal Rumble itself where he's a surprise entrant, possibly along with Taker, and Taker eliminates him upon which we finally get an explanation for Cena's actions on the next SmackDown.
I really like this notion. Taker goes after Team SD and Cena calling him out for doing that. Taker believes he's doing what has to be done and Cena believes he's standing up for what he thinks is right. It defines the personality of both men perfectly.

It doesn't need to be a heel turn and Cena doesn't need to go after Taker because he must be the one to beat Styles. Judging from Cena's character, him calling out Undertaker for "punishing" team Smackdown fits his role. He is after all, the face that runs the place.
10 years ago called, they want thier claim back.

Are we really wasting are time thinking the only true baby face in WWE less maybe that rat face, clown shoe looking Ellsworth. Is going to finally turn heel....Why because everyone has flip flopped....Or just because Hogan did it. Don't be dumb.
Yeah, no. They didnt do it over all those years, they are not gona do it now just because IWC will boo Cena when he faces Undertaker. They would boo Cena anyway (or is that Roman gimick now?) so why turn him just because he is facing Undertaker? They would just do Legend vs Legend match and let Cena do his "overcoming the odds" he does every time even when he tries to cross the street and thats it. No need for overcomplicating things.
I could see them going with New Leader of Smackdown vs Old Leader of Smackdown, with Cena protecting his show from a Taker who has lost his mind. It'd feel very Batman vs Superman and Taker's promo was somewhat vengeful and heelish. I could certainly see him picking off members of Team Smackdown until Cena has had enough.
Conceptually, it's a way for Cena to finally make a heel turn -- which isn't happening, by the way.

But, and it's a big BUT, why would he give a crap about avenging Undertaker's wrath of destruction? There's no one on Team Smackdown that Cena gets along with -- hypothetically.

He's been in recent major feuds with Styles and Ambrose, went through the ringer with Bray Wyatt, and his time in the ring with Orton lasted way too long a few years ago. Shane is the only guy he's never worked a program with... and I don't put it above VKM to book his kid in a WM match with Cena.

All that being said, still think Taker fights Styes at Royal Rumble and wins the belt in Texas, his home state.

He then defends against Cena -- where both can be considered a babyface -- and loses the belt to Cena for #16.
All that being said, still think Taker fights Styes at Royal Rumble and wins the belt in Texas, his home state.

He then defends against Cena -- where both can be considered a babyface -- and loses the belt to Cena for #16.

I'm all about Cena tying and one day breaking Flair's record. WWE is going to do it, and Cena deserves it (love or hate the guy).

What I don't want to see is this scenario that you've mentioned. Old Man Taker taking the title off of Styles in a an unceremonious title dump only to lose it at Mania to Cena. If Taker walks into a match with Cena with a title around his waist, the outcome is a forgone conclusion.

I would love to see Cena lay down for Taker, since Taker essentially ended his career by laying down for Brock again and again.

I'd love to see Cena tip his hat to the legend by doing the honors.
If John Cena is really going to turn heel, then I am happy.

We have yet to see what Cena can do as a heel. Cena has good mic skills and good in-ring work. These two qualities could make him a good heel.

My only problem with Cena is his stale and boring gimmick. His finisher sucks just like his gimmick. A heel Cena will show us the other side of his personality which might be great enough.

Plus, Cena's heel turn will surely boost ratings since it hasn't been done until now.
I thought of it as well, but I think they should do it a little differently:
At Survivor Series have SD lose as said, and Taker goes on to cost each of the participants - Putting Orton on the shelf for a few weeks, destroy James, cost Wyatt his match at TLC, and finally after announcing he will be facing the WWE WHC at the Royal Rumble attack both Ambrose and Styles in the 1st SD of 2017 (They will have Ambrose vs Styles in a Last Chance Match, that as a result of this will end in a No Contest).

Then at the Rumble it's the champion, the pheonmenal A .J. Styles to defend his title against The Phenom, The Undertaker, with either SCSA or HBK as the referees - drawing power in the Texas zone.

Then in the match have the referee (preferablly HBK and use SCSA in an other capacity) taken out by a kick from Styles. Styles then goes out to ringside and takes a chair. He is about to hit Taker with it when you here - to du du du. Cena is back!!
He stands next to a crawling Undertaker and faces Styles. Undertaker is on his knees, Cena looks at Styles, and then BAM. He punches Taker straight in his face, revealing brass knuckles on them. He then takes the chair and beats Taker with like 10 chair shot (to the mid section, so it won't really destroy Taker). Then he looks at Styles, and leaves.
HBK gets up, Styles takes Taker hits the Styles Clash and pins Taker.

Now that will be massive.
And this match should close out the Royal Rumble PPV.
When people say "Cena heel turn"....why?

At this point, wouldn't a heel Cena be kind of like seeing Isaac Yankem against the Undertaker? Or Conor McGregor as a masked wrestler named Fightin Irish vs Undertaker?

Point being, a heel Cena (at this point) isn't "John Cena". It'd be dilluted.

Hogan turned heel in a different promotion that didn't really accept him. Cena also still sells a shitload of merch and, whether the IWC admits it or not, is very over as a "heel" with the IWC. So no.

Cena vs Undertaker as the classic babyface Cena and the Deadman? Absolutely.
Another one of these topics? Come on. Cena's not turning anytime soon. He makes the WWE too much money. If he turned, who would provide the same amount of merchandise money that Cena does? Who would do all the media appearances, and be as good of a role model? They tried with Reigns and the fans didn't want him as the top guy. Until they find someone who fits both sides of the problem as the solution (top in merchandise sales, and top in fan support) then Cena won't turn. The WWE won't put themselves into a bad place by not having someone to replace him.

I'll play along. Let's say he does turn. Why would they do it at the Rumble? It should be saved for Wrestlemania or even Summerslam. That is too big of a moment to do at the Rumble. It would be one of the most shocking moments in the past 15 years (arguably THE biggest other than the Streak ending) so it needs to happen at an event worthy of that magnitude. Turning during a match with Taker is a missed opportunity (Streak or not) that they could take advantage of at Wrestlemania, assuming someone has stepped up as the solution to the problem of who could replace Cena as the legitimate face of the company by then. I do not agree with the idea suggested by the opening post. It shouldn't happen at the Rumble and until they have found someone who for sure can replace Cena as THE guy, it shouldn't happen at all.
The best way to turn Cena heel is on the SmackDown after WrestleMania, after failing to win the WWE World Championship from The Undertaker. Undertaker beats Cena clean at Mania, and retires on SmackDown, vacating the title. Cena could then turn heel on whoever SmackDown's #2 babyface was at the time when a match is announced to determine the next WWE World Champion.
He makes the WWE too much money.

Does he? I'll be the first to admit that he still has his appeal to most kids and plenty of adults. However, how much money can he be making for WWE on his limited schedule? Think of all of the house shows and SD episodes he is adding no value to. How valuable does WWE view him as a face going forward if they are having him lose cleanly to AJ Styles at the second biggest event of the year? How valuable is he if they are letting Ambrose and Styles steal his thunder on the mic in his last SD appearance?

Who would do all the media appearances, and be as good of a role model?

A lot of people have and can step in to this rolee. WWE's corporate culture, drug testing, Performance Center experience, the growth of social media, and example set by guys like The Rock, Cena, and Miz have changed the maturity level of the guys who enter this industry.

They tried with Reigns and the fans didn't want him as the top guy.

Heel Cena can and will be the top guy, at least on SD. Just not the top face. It will be time for other full time guys to step up. Just like they've been doing during Cena's absences.

I'm not saying he will turn heel. I'm just saying your arguments are shortsighted and outdated. The biggest obstacle to Cena turning heel is Cena's outside projects and Cena himself. Other than Total Divas/Bellas and movie career, he is making a lot of money hosting. Hosting does not translate well when you are also playing a heel on WWE television. If anyone can walk that line it is Cena but that is a tough spot to be in.

I would like Cena to turn heel but it is pretty irrelevant if he is retiring the UT and attempting to tie Flair. Smark audiences are not going to let him do either of those things without letting him hear their displeasure. He is the heel by default.
For those still hanging on to this dream of one day seeing john cena turn heel I got only one thing to say to you guys, IT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. Stop believing all theses fall report about how cena is going to go heel for this feud or for that feud. If they are going toward the cena vs taker match at mania, it's going to be like what they did with hhh and hbk. It's going to be babyface vs babyface in a respect type of storyline, I could see taker beat aj at the royal rumble for the wwe championship and then go on with the cena wanted to finally tied ric flair's record at mania and having cena having to get through taker at mania to get his 16th title reign, but that will be done as a babyface and not a heel.

The idea of cena turning heel as been floating the mind of the hardcore wrestling fans for years but now that cena is mostly a special attraction and is probably the most over he's been as a babyface in a long time, I don't see the reason why the would do this stupid decision of ruining cena's legacy by turning him heel just for a feud against taker.
For those still hanging on to this dream of one day seeing john cena turn heel I got only one thing to say to you guys, IT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. Stop believing all theses fall report about how cena is going to go heel for this feud or for that feud. If they are going toward the cena vs taker match at mania, it's going to be like what they did with hhh and hbk. It's going to be babyface vs babyface in a respect type of storyline, I could see taker beat aj at the royal rumble for the wwe championship and then go on with the cena wanted to finally tied ric flair's record at mania and having cena having to get through taker at mania to get his 16th title reign, but that will be done as a babyface and not a heel.

The idea of cena turning heel as been floating the mind of the hardcore wrestling fans for years but now that cena is mostly a special attraction and is probably the most over he's been as a babyface in a long time, I don't see the reason why the would do this stupid decision of ruining cena's legacy by turning him heel just for a feud against taker.
How a heel turn could ruin a wrestler's legacy? I am honestly shocked by what you said here.

A heel turn, infact, enhances a wrestler's legacy. The Rock was made via a heel turn. Stars are made through a heel turn. That's a blatantly ignorant statement.
ShinChan™;5609441 said:
How a heel turn could ruin a wrestler's legacy? I am honestly shocked by what you said here.

A heel turn, infact, enhances a wrestler's legacy. The Rock was made via a heel turn. Stars are made through a heel turn. That's a blatantly ignorant statement.
Rock, Hogan, etc turned heel with a homogeneous audience. Cena gets a fun split reaction. The IWC treats him more like a heel.

What, exactly, would be the point of his heel turn? So the half that cheers him would boo and the half that boos would cheer?

I think the IWC wants it to be cool to cheer Cena. A heel Cena would be cool to cheer. He's incredibly talented and works both the cheers and the boos. He's 100x more interesting how he is and it enhances whoever he's against.
ShinChan™;5609441 said:
How a heel turn could ruin a wrestler's legacy? I am honestly shocked by what you said here.

A heel turn, infact, enhances a wrestler's legacy. The Rock was made via a heel turn. Stars are made through a heel turn. That's a blatantly ignorant statement.

Yeah but at the rock was at the beginning of his career when he turn heel the first time and the second time he was at a part of his career that everybody was haying him anyway so he turn heel because of necessity.

When stone cold turn heel at wrestlemania 17, is heel tun almost ruin his career and if you don't believe me just ask austin himself. He's been very outspoken about how that heel turn was the worst decision of his career.

A heel turn when done at the wrong time, can hurt a wrestler legacy and cena turning heel right now makes no sense and could hurt is career. The thing is that cena should have turn heel a couple of years ago when he was in the high of him getting booed by fans, I would have help his career then, know he the most popular guy on the roster outside of lesnar so turning him heel right would just hurt him in the long run. When I say it will ruin his legacy, I mean that I this point of his career, he would lost too many fans and money to please a handful of fans that are still stuck in the past since he's a part timer and e doesn't need to turn heel or face anymore.
Rock, Hogan, etc turned heel with a homogeneous audience. Cena gets a fun split reaction. The IWC treats him more like a heel.

What, exactly, would be the point of his heel turn? So the half that cheers him would boo and the half that boos would cheer?

I think the IWC wants it to be cool to cheer Cena. A heel Cena would be cool to cheer. He's incredibly talented and works both the cheers and the boos. He's 100x more interesting how he is and it enhances whoever he's against.
I don't think that he is treated as a heel anymore.

You're only speculating about the crowd reaction he would get on turning heel. His gimmick has been the same for years and it has gotten stale and boring. A heel turn would surely ignite something new that could help in showcasing the other side of his personality.

Do you think that the crowd will cheer him if he turns on a big babyface like Dean Ambrose? Of course, he would be cheered even as a heel against Roman Reigns. But what about turning on a big babyface?
I doubt Cena turns heel. He's still the top face of the company. If people would have bought into Reigns, maybe it could have happened.
Cena doesn't need to turn heel. He's getting booed by certain demographics and cheered by others wherever he is. This will never change. He's been a face for over 10 years despite temporarily joining force with the likes of the Nexus and the whole Zack Ryder debacle. He didn't turn heel then and he won't now.

More fans will cheer or boo him depending on who he is feuding with, an actual turn is definitely not needed.

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