John Cena Possibly not at RAW?

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Kings....Reign....Supreme ....
I know theres a John Cena thread, however I didnt know if this quite fit;

Anyhow the 54th running of the Daytona 500 has been postponed until Monday Feb. 27th at noon. John Cena is the guest Flag starter for the race which begs the obvious question.

With RAW in Portland, Oregon will John Cena make it to RAW tomorrow night?

Physically It might be possible to do a 9 hour plane ride from Florida to Oregon however whether it would be worth it to rush him back? The Rock will be at his first RAW since November and with Cenas promo last week built up a big showdown between the two. It'd be crazy for Cena to not be there.

On the other hand having John Cena there in front of the cameras and audience in Florida waving the green flag would be great product placement for WWEs biggest show of the year.

So that begs the question

Will Cena be rushed from Daytona to Oregon? Pull Cena from RAW? Or Pull Cena away from waving the green flag at Daytona?
I can totally see him staying in Florida and the WWE using "Live via satellite" Cena as part of the show. I don't honestly think he's needed tomorrow unless the WWE are planning a physical confrontation, which is possible given The Rock won't always be around.
I don't think there's any earthly possibility that John Cena won't be at Raw. It's the Wrestlemania homestretch, the biggest time of the WWE calendar year. With the Rock making a rare appearance, I think it'd be a huge mistake for Cena not to be present in order to directly interact with the Rock in some way. How many more times is Rock gonna be on WWE TV before Wrestlemania? Probably not a lot, so the WWE knows that they cannot waste the crucial time that they have with him by doing Cena-via-satellite promos. I'm sure it'd be great for the WWE for Cena to be at the Daytona 500, but not at the expense of his #1 priority, the show. Plus, storyline-wise, how would that look for Cena (who has been blasting the Rock for not appearing on WWE TV) to not be there in person while the Rock is? It'd be such a shame for the WWE to waste this precious opportunity, and they know it. That's why I think he'll be there.
I'm sure he will be there but i wish he wasn't. Rock is set to be at i think 4 Raws going into WM and i don't think it would smart for the two of them to have a face to face confrontation this early on. Save it for a later Raw. I think Rock is going to be on next week too so it would make way more since for them to do it next week. Cena spoke last week. Rock speaks this week. They meet next week.
Cena made a commitment for 2/26/12. It's not his fault it didn't work out, and i'd hope NASCAR understands

Plus, John Cena isn't going to make the slightest difference in the Daytona 500. I fully expect Cena to be at Raw tomorrow to meet face to face with Rock
It is massive MASSIVE MASSIVE publicity for WWE. I think he will stay for the race, and they will play it up as Cena doing something for the company and business he loves. In Fact, I think it is great, it would allow the WWE to tease their face to face. I think it will be a blessing in disguise.
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Didn't this happen before a few years ago? Anyway, I feel that the only way he WILL show up is if there is something HUGE already planned. I do not find it necessary for Cena to be at RAW, the feud has been going on for almost a year, can't make it much bigger. Give time to other feuds to build them up. But I would not be surprised if he is at Raw or there via satelite. Could be a very busy day for Cena
Seriously?? First off to the dude who started the post, from Daytona Beach Florida to Portland Oregon it is a 5 hour plane ride. Plus if he is on a charter jet, it might even be less. So that is not even an issue. Secondly, Cena could show up at 5:58 PST and walk straight out to greet the Rock w/o any issues. So that part of things is not the issue.

However, if I am WWE creative I use this to my advantage. Cena was clamoring for a face to face with the Rock live on Raw and when he finally shows up to face him...Cena is VIA SATELLITE!!!! That could spark more heel heat for Cena and more face pop for Rocky.

Bottom line is that if WWE wants him there, he can be there without any major issues..but if they want storyline gold, keep him there!!!
Storyline gold? Bottom line he has been preaching about being there at Raw every day for the last 10 years. If he doesn't show up it makes him look cowardly. I'm sorry ksudodger but as your name suggest maybe you dodge people but the character that John Cena has built over the years doesn't dodge anyone. As for storyline gold please! That makes no sense.
There is no way Cena misses Raw. His whole schtick against The Rock has been that he's been there while Rock hasn't, so on the night that The Rock returns Cena is going to "live via satellite" him? Not a chance. Cena will be there tomorrow night.

Besides, does it really take six hours (the time Cena waves the flag to the start of Raw in PST) to fly from Florida to Oregon, especially if he's doing it in a private jet (which he most assuredly is)? Even if it did, he probably only has to be there for the last 20-30 minutes of the show; I bet he could easily swing doing both.
The WWE would be crazy to let John Cena miss Raw tomorrow. I don't know enough about the logistics of a trip from Daytona Beach to Oregon, but if it isn't possible for Cena to be at both, then his first priority HAS to be RAW.

For the past year, John Cena has "bitched" about The Rock appearing via satellite ... claiming that The Rock abandoned the WWE for outside endeavors. Now, five weeks before the two are set to square off, Cena is going to abandon Raw so that he can wave a little flag? I understand the difference between the two - that Rock's hiatus wasn't WWE related and that Cena's missing Raw would be for a WWE appearance - but I still think it would take some steam away from Cena's anti-Rock message.

I do think the WWE would be smart to have Cena appear at both - if possible. I think they could use it to add fuel to the Cena/Rock rivalry. Cena could mention his chaotic schedule, citing that he woke up in Daytona Beach to promote the WWE brand, then flew across the country and drove straight to the arena to entertain the fans for Monday Night Raw. He could tell The Rock that being there for the fans means so much to him that he's willing to do that to entertain them ... and go on to say that The Rock obviously isn't willing to do that.
Odds are he will be at RAW after all this is John Cena the same guy who has blasted the Rock time after time for not being on RAW while he has been there week in and week out for years never missing a RAW as a matter of fact he has even gone so far as to call WWE his home. With that in mind I think it would be safe to assume that RAW is his number one concern everything else takes a back seat
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well if john cena cannot make it to raw tommorow night they can simply just use the whole cena is doing this for wwe and would prob be better off this way instead of having a face to face tommorow, too soon. i mean if rock is going to be there every week for 5 weeks, what they going to do every week just come out and bs for 20 mins then one or the other will put either a AA or Rock Bottom. I do hope they dont' have cena on raw tommorwo where rock will cry that cena is a hypocrite then cena come on via satellite and says its for wwe and shut the hell up. I am a Rock fan not a Cena fan. But i think this is how it should go down. Then next week have a confrontation CENA AA..Then next week rock Rock Bottom, Then next week a tag match with both of them in it. Then Raw before mania put them both in squash matches against someone. Rock needs to have some in ring time before mania. Just saying.
John Cena will be at Raw tomorrow night. THE 500 will start at 12pm EST which is 9amPST. So if he leaves right after the start he can make it to Portland by 3pm PST which is 6pm EST. I doubt Cena would stay long after the start of the race. But, THE 500 may not even run tomorrow.....rain still in forcast.
I absolutely guarantee that Cena will get there on-time. He'll be getting there and back thanks to McMahon's jet.

And there's no way that Cena can miss Raw during the Wrestlemania homestretch, it's just too important and the IWC would jump all over WWE for missing out.
I do think it would be interesting to have Cena do something via satellite and mock Rock. I dont know how they could d it, but i know they can.
It would be something different and Rock and Cena could wait one more week to stand Face to Face.
Updating with new developments;

According to Daytona Intl.'s twitter feed John Cena has been upgraded to both flag bearer and grand marshal for tomorrows race. The plan is still to have the race at Noon EST. However the forecast according to says there is a chance of isolated thunderstorms which could possibly delay the race even further. No word from WWE or Cena so I'm guessing this is going to be a game time decision.
In Bret Hart's book he talked about finishing one house show, immediately boarding a plane in his wrestling gear, and flying to another house show where he worked the main event.

If the WWE wants Cena at RAW, he will be there.
Cena can play up the fact that the Rock shows up on a night he knows Cena wont be there. I really wonder about this whole match. The Rock was pretty much the same way all of Cena's detractors portrait him. He had FEWER moves, did both heel and face, and was way over with kids. I think those kids grew up and while they still like Rock, hate Cena for the same reasons they liked rock when they were kids. I just don't know if they can make that big of a compelling storyline with both being faces. I actually think it might be easier to turn the Rock heel by having him call the fans suckers that will take him back as many times as he leaves them, maybe siding with a heel Zack Ryder.
Didn't this happen before a few years ago?

I don't know if this is what you're thinking of, but John Cena was on Larry King Live on a Monday Night and missed Raw once, in the aftermath of Benoit killing his wife and son. He did an interview on Raw via satellite.

Cena can play up the fact that the Rock shows up on a night he knows Cena wont be there. I really wonder about this whole match. The Rock was pretty much the same way all of Cena's detractors portrait him. He had FEWER moves, did both heel and face, and was way over with kids. I think those kids grew up and while they still like Rock, hate Cena for the same reasons they liked rock when they were kids. I just don't know if they can make that big of a compelling storyline with both being faces. I actually think it might be easier to turn the Rock heel by having him call the fans suckers that will take him back as many times as he leaves them, maybe siding with a heel Zack Ryder.

In response to the first sentence, how would that work exactly? Cena was supposed to be there, the only reason this is even an issue is because the rain pushed back the 500, which only happened to today, so there's no way for The Rock to have known he wouldn't be there...

And I think it's safe to say they've already come up with a pretty stellar storyline, so that's not much of a concern at this point.

Besides, does it really take six hours (the time Cena waves the flag to the start of Raw in PST) to fly from Florida to Oregon, especially if he's doing it in a private jet (which he most assuredly is)? Even if it did, he probably only has to be there for the last 20-30 minutes of the show; I bet he could easily swing doing both.

Actually, it starts at noon EASTERN time, so it's 9 hours between the planned start of the race and the start of Raw. Honestly, he could stay for the race and make it by the end of the show assuming no more rain delays. He won't, he'll leave right after it starts, but he could.

Like a lot of people have said, they could work this into the storyline if they wanted to...but there's no reason for them to, and they won't. He'll definitely be there.
Perfect opportunity for Rock to make fun of Cena not being able to be at the show just like Cena makes fun of him for the exact same reason. Its a good thing that Cena isnt there. It helps build up that momentum for when they actually meet at WM or the weeks leading up. A perfect tease if you ask me.
Perfect opportunity for Rock to make fun of Cena not being able to be at the show just like Cena makes fun of him for the exact same reason. Its a good thing that Cena isnt there. It helps build up that momentum for when they actually meet at WM or the weeks leading up. A perfect tease if you ask me.

Tell me again how it's the exact same reason? Anyone who thinks it's the same is an idiot. If Dwayne makes fun of Cena for it, any halfway intelligent viewer will know he's really stretching the truth equating Cena not being there for one night because the Daytona 500 had a rain delay to Dwayne not being there for years.

So please, enlighten me as to how it's the exact same.
i dont see cena not being there. a charter flight can make it in less than nine hrs. i doubt he would take a commercial flight seeing as how he has access to corporate flights.
ok first of all Cena will make it to raw he is waving the green flag to start the race!! To my knowledge there is no information on him staying the whole race!! nascar is slower than baseball i dont see cena staying for the whole race. Waving the green flag and making the 5 hour plane ride or less (depending on charter jets or not) he will be at raw to confront the rock!! I dont see him missing raw tomorrow
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Seriously?? First off to the dude who started the post, from Daytona Beach Florida to Portland Oregon it is a 5 hour plane ride. Plus if he is on a charter jet, it might even be less. So that is not even an issue. Secondly, Cena could show up at 5:58 PST and walk straight out to greet the Rock w/o any issues. So that part of things is not the issue.

However, if I am WWE creative I use this to my advantage. Cena was clamoring for a face to face with the Rock live on Raw and when he finally shows up to face him...Cena is VIA SATELLITE!!!! That could spark more heel heat for Cena and more face pop for Rocky.

Bottom line is that if WWE wants him there, he can be there without any major issues..but if they want storyline gold, keep him there!!!
um its 11 hours man . as long as cena is in Oregon by 9 and at the arena by 9 45 he will be ok . here is the thing tho the flights tomorrow are to early or to late . Thank You For Your Time God Bless You
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