John Cena, Face of the Company - A Product Of Luck?

John cena wouldn't just be A top guy. He'd still be THE top guy. Does ANYONE recall what Brock Lesnar was best? He was a monster... wait for it... getting closer now... HEEL!!!!!!! Brock lesnar was a heel for the duration of his career. He was a heel when he entered the WWE, he was a heel when he beat the rock at ss, he turned face for about 30 seconds, and he was a heel when eg beat him. When is the last time a heel was the face of the company? Uhm... let me think... never? That's right, NEVER. Cena was destined for his spot since day 1.

The only guy who would have been effected by this is JBL. If lesnar stayed JBL may not have gotten the honor of being the guy to hand the torch to cena. That guy would have been lesnar, and they both would have been drafted to raw. Batista would still be whc, orton would still have gone to sd with him. I think orton and edge would be the guys that would be hurt by brock staying. NOT cena.

One other thing. Most pushes have to do with luck. If the madison square garden incident hadn't happened there would be no austin 3:16. If no one did crazy amounts of steroids in the 80's bret hart wouldn't have beaten ric flair. That's just how things work.
Was it luck that instead of HBK vs Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 13, we got Bret Hart vs Stone Cold with the double turn?

Things like this happen all the time, but we can't honestly prove a "what if" something didn't or did happen.

Cena was well on his way to becoming a top guy, winning his first mid card title on Lesnar's last night.

He was way over, and I'd say he was going to be a top guy with or without Lesnar. Maybe he wouldn't have won his first world title as soon as he did, but I'm sure he would have eventually one way or another.
The WWE had big plans for Cena from the start. The very way he debuted against Angle showed they had high hopes for him. As other's stated Lesnar was almost always the heel so he really has nothing to do with this equation. All Cena needed was the positioning, which WWE had every intention of giving him somewhere down the line.
It wasn't a matter of hustling it was a matter of who was available - if Brock stayed Cena would've played second fiddle. If Batista remained healthy, Cena would've remained second fiddle, I don't care how big Batista thinks he is/was the fact of the matter is that Batista was the biggest star who got the loudest pops in 2005 therefore he was on top until he got hurt, he wasn't "out-hustled" at all. Orton, on the other hand, was out-hustled but the point of this topic is to say how Cena succeeded on the misfortune of others. If Orton was mature there'd be no reason to push Cena at WM21 and that probably would've been Randy
Except Lesnar didn't stay because he COULDN'T HACK IT, Batista didn't stay because he COULDN'T HACK IT, Orton didn't stay on top because he COULDN'T HACK IT.

You're forgetting the most important part of the equation. It's just your ability, your charm, your looks, it's your WORK ETHIC. Cena destroys all 3 in that department. NONE of those three have Cena's passion. So no, it fucking isn't luck because he beat out those other three because he has more passion and work ethic.

Rey Mysterio got "lucky" that guerrero died, that's why he got his spot because he was the next most over guy who was also friends with Guerrero.

Nobody died with Cena, there was no extra sympathy. You had several talented guys and only one of them was willing to do all the extracurricular stuff and get better every year.

Not only that but you think a guy like Lesnar, a heel, a monster heel would be the face of the company? Can you see him going on talk shows? the guy is a fucking recluse. He didn't even do that much as the UFC's top draw. Batista? He was over for a year. It wasn't maintained. He didn't have the drive. Plus he was in his late 30s. Do you REALLY think he would be the top guy? Orton has already proven he doesn't have what it takes, Cena passed him up a long time ago.

Saying Cena got "lucky" is like saying Albert Pujols got lucky because he trained more and harder than everyone else. I mean, sure, there is probably some kid out there who had all the natural ability of Pujols but because he quit baseball Pujols got "lucky" and now he's the best.

It's insane the level you guys go to hate on Cena. The guy had every bit as much talent as the other three and Brock quit, Batista quit, and Orton was never as over and isn't as good of a PR guy (due to his own ways). Yet you say that Cena got "lucky"? That's beyond stupid. I'm not a Cena fan, I have none of his merchandise, in fact, I've spent more on ROH in the past 7 years than WWE, probably about 20 times as much. Yet I can see that Cena is the face of the company because he worked for it and EARNED it. Luck is for losers.
It's obvious that Lesnar was destined to remain as the face of the company for many years to come. He had recently signed a lucrative, long term deal with WWE. He was going to be the big thing in WWE for the next four or five years. He was a once in a generation talent. That however is not to say Cena wouldn't be in a strong position. Lesnar was still the WWE Champion when Cena was getting pushed against guys like Kurt Angle and The Big Show. WWE obviously wanted to do something with Cena and I have no doubts that he was always going to walk out of Los Angeles with the WWE Championship long before the event. Lesnar was reportedly on his way to RAW to collide with Triple H in the main event and gain the World Heavyweight Championship. Obviously that didn't happen and Lesnar instead left and Cena's stock rose even higher than perhaps it was originally intended.
There was no need to be so furious, you call me fucking dumb,well you are in a public posting site,not in your home,anyways keep calm,just see-
1-what is the fullform is wwe? Its world WRESTLING entertainment, whatever it is whether media tour or entertainment or sales, its wrestling that matters most.. Thats why name of this site is WRESTLE zone.
2-i never said cena is worst wrestler..he is better than that,but he is not best either..
3-he is the face of an WRESTLING company.
Now just read all 3 points together and ask yourself how many 5* matches cena gave to us as face of the company?

i never said that cena doesn't know wrestling, he is great worker,he is good on mic, but he is not gifted WRESTLER come on he is no where near ric flair,kurt angle,cm punk,danial bryan,y2j..and list goes on, i am not a cena hater i just said he is not THE best wrestler and yet he is face of a wrestling company..this shows how vince see the word 'wrestler'..just see an example -suppose ''A' Is face of a music company,he has good looks,he is ideal employee, but cant sing well (justin bebar can be a great example lol) then can 'A' deserved to be face of a music company...?just answer this..
I don't like Cena, but his spot at the top is by no means luck.
He has had to work so damn hard to be there, his whole life is pretty much the business and his hard work is what has kept him there.
Sure he's not the best wrester, but what he does, he does well.
He is pretty damn good on the mic, I got respect for how he can cut a promo.
He is a good face to have, he has the look down and I don't think it really matters if he took a few years to build, he needed it
Except Lesnar didn't stay because he COULDN'T HACK IT, Batista didn't stay because he COULDN'T HACK IT, Orton didn't stay on top because he COULDN'T HACK IT.

You're forgetting the most important part of the equation. It's just your ability, your charm, your looks, it's your WORK ETHIC. Cena destroys all 3 in that department. NONE of those three have Cena's passion. So no, it fucking isn't luck because he beat out those other three because he has more passion and work ethic.

Rey Mysterio got "lucky" that guerrero died, that's why he got his spot because he was the next most over guy who was also friends with Guerrero.

Nobody died with Cena, there was no extra sympathy. You had several talented guys and only one of them was willing to do all the extracurricular stuff and get better every year.

Not only that but you think a guy like Lesnar, a heel, a monster heel would be the face of the company? Can you see him going on talk shows? the guy is a fucking recluse. He didn't even do that much as the UFC's top draw. Batista? He was over for a year. It wasn't maintained. He didn't have the drive. Plus he was in his late 30s. Do you REALLY think he would be the top guy? Orton has already proven he doesn't have what it takes, Cena passed him up a long time ago.

Saying Cena got "lucky" is like saying Albert Pujols got lucky because he trained more and harder than everyone else. I mean, sure, there is probably some kid out there who had all the natural ability of Pujols but because he quit baseball Pujols got "lucky" and now he's the best.

It's insane the level you guys go to hate on Cena. The guy had every bit as much talent as the other three and Brock quit, Batista quit, and Orton was never as over and isn't as good of a PR guy (due to his own ways). Yet you say that Cena got "lucky"? That's beyond stupid. I'm not a Cena fan, I have none of his merchandise, in fact, I've spent more on ROH in the past 7 years than WWE, probably about 20 times as much. Yet I can see that Cena is the face of the company because he worked for it and EARNED it. Luck is for losers.

I'm not denying the fact that Cena has the best work ethic out of the 4 but to say "Brock Lesnar was a heel he didn't have what it took to be face" is ridiculous, almost every great heel can produce an entertaining face run. Just because he was heel for the majority of his first 2 years he couldn't be face? Tell that to Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, and even John Cena himself.

Another issue I have is you saying Batista quit, Batista didn't do anything close to quitting he got hurt. You say Rey got lucky because Eddie died, well believe it or not death and injury are in the same category of misfortune and Cena was fortunate that Batista couldn't maintain his top face status due to injury.

As for Orton, I'll agree that Cena surpassed him and nothing about that was luck, he outworked him but for the other two I think it's clear that he benefited from the misfortune of others
I'm not denying the fact that Cena has the best work ethic out of the 4 but to say "Brock Lesnar was a heel he didn't have what it took to be face" is ridiculous, almost every great heel can produce an entertaining face run. Just because he was heel for the majority of his first 2 years he couldn't be face? Tell that to Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, and even John Cena himself.

Another issue I have is you saying Batista quit, Batista didn't do anything close to quitting he got hurt. You say Rey got lucky because Eddie died, well believe it or not death and injury are in the same category of misfortune and Cena was fortunate that Batista couldn't maintain his top face status due to injury.

As for Orton, I'll agree that Cena surpassed him and nothing about that was luck, he outworked him but for the other two I think it's clear that he benefited from the misfortune of others

Brock Lesnar never improved on the mic. You think people are bored with Cena? Lesnar had to stay heel because he couldn't do anything other than be that monster who destroyed people. I'd like to see someone keep that going for five years as a face without people getting sick of it. Lesnar was great, but he was great as a heel.

Batista on the other hand had the fans turning against him long before Cena did. Before we were barraged with remarks like "5 moves of Doom" and "Cena is stale" we heard "Boretista" and the "You can't wrestle" chant. Cena was destined to be a star, Batista on the other hand was made by Triple H. Here we have an example of the two ways to create stars. The rub and the natural.

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