John Cena the answer to Lesnar?

In fact, I think the WWE showed how disposable Goldberg and Lesnar was.

They did that for the same reason they made batista look pathedic for three straight times in a row. They knew he was gonna leave so they did their best to show that he wasn't very good. I think the 'E' can exile best in this, showing that a wrestler isn't very good or dehyping him whatever it is called.
See, this is one thing I dont get from the WWE. Take a guy like Batista, who's been with the company for 8 years, was a full-time employee besides being hurt. Never went to a rival organization, never been fired, put on decent matches and dropped belts without a fuss when he was asked to, because he understands how business goes.

And now, when he decides to leave or take a long time away, the E makes him look like shit. First loses at Mania (thats ok, I can understand that) then loses to Cena by having his ankles duct taped ( a 6 year old could have won that by doing the same thing) and then is forced to say I quit and still gets his ass thrown off the top of a car.

Why cant the E let the guy leave with some dignity? We all know this is a work and stories but theres alot of people who will remember Batista simply for the last few months of his career and how he jobbed to Cena to death. This is not fair to the man.
does anybody remember when lesnar was thinking about coming back to the WWE? i remember a few years back they kept talking about on WWE TV and all week how lesner and WWE officials were having a meeting to negotiate at the end of the week. obviously it didn't happen (probably due to not enough money being thrown brock's way) but it would have been great if he did. also remember hearing that WWE was asking superstars to take a paycut so that WWE could afford brock, which was supposedly why wrestlers like Dudley Boyz left. but who knows if there is any truth to that. still think it's funny that Brock quit WWE to play football, didn't make it and then went back to pro wrestling in japan. i think his final pro wrestling match before leaving for the UFC was against Kurt Angle. I remember Kurt sporting around the belt on TNA Impact and the announce team pushing the fact that Angle had won if from Lesnar in Japan. i'm almost sure to that he had already had his first MMA fight in japan while still actively competing in pro wrestling. i guess that would make him the first to simultaneously compete in MMA and be a wrestler instead of Bobby Lashley.
in addition to the travel, i remember lesnar saying in an interview with Maxim magazine that he decided to leave wrestling due to the fact that he was becoming addicted to painkillers or something like that. i think he said he was basically washing down painkillers with bottles of vodka everyday.
Yeah i would say Lesnar couldn't play a face for shit, so if he had stuck around it would've been as the heel bully or a tweener at best

Cena is boring for atleast half the audience but he gets bums on seats and sells merchandise, thats soemthing Lesnar never would've done to the same extent

back to the topic though, yes it doesn seem very coincidental and th0ough may not be the total reason it's likely that they went. Um Oh Shit who do we push now, hey this Cena guy got over at the same Mania so why not try him.

But b4 that we'll have to tone down his character over a few years and turn him into the most split reaction champ in history.
To TC, the public took to Cena completely? I find that rather hilarious. Granted I liked Cena from 03-05 and was glad he won the belt. Then the rapper gimmick dropped, his promos became the same stuff on a different day and although he has changed the buisness, its good for the WWE money wise, but bad for wrestling fans with the quality we became used to in the 90's-2005.

But anyway, Cena is bigger then Brock ever was because he has the clean look and the role model look. Brock looked/s like the guy who will rip you in half for looking at him wrong. So clearly it was and is easier to make Cena the bigger star.
I would have to agree with alot of people on this page, in that, Cena replaced Brock as the face of WWE. People mention Batista and Orton. I think that Batista either already had similar things from Brock, like his spinebuster. But if you remember at the end of Brock's match at Mania 19, they called Brock 'the animal'. Not to mention that they pretty much wear the same boots, which, Lesnar did before Batista. As much as I hate to say it, Cena is the face. He's good for business, and what's good for business, is good for everyone.

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