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Jimmy Hart

future admin

Getting Noticed By Management
Jimmy Hart was hired by TNA and straight away started Managing The nassty boys, now that the Nasty boys are released, what do you see for Jimmy Hart?
He will definitely manage someone/tag team, and I was thinking, what if Jimmy hart managed, a team like Beer Money, or MCMG, opr something like that. If he manages someone I hope it is a team, team managers are so much better IMO.
What do you think should happen with him?
Well let me channel my inner Sid here, and say that TNA needs to keep Jimmy Hart around. The man represents the old in the wrestling world, something that is archaic to many fans currently watching, but he does represent something important. He is a manager. Managers as skilled of him are a dime a dozen as he would say himself, and they need to be preserved. I hope he goes out and tags with a team like Beer Money, really setting them up as this team of henchmen in the TNA.
See, this is why TNA will be driven into the ground by the LEG DROP OF DOOM and his cronies. Jimmy Hart was last relevant... I dare to say the Hart Foundation days. Yeah he has done other stuff, but let us be serious for a second. The Nasty Boyz were never relevant, Bubba the Love Sponge is a waste and Flair, I thought he was gonna have a heart attack a few Mondays back during a promo. Hogan brought in all his buddies and he has to keep 'em happy. So, Jimmy Hart will probably manage MCMG or BMI, he may even do a good job. He is a great mouth piece. But he is a great mouth piece from a past era. If they want to push youth..push youth.
I truly respect and admire everything Jimmy Hart has done for wrestling's history, I really am, but that is exactly what it is-history.

TNA is slowly falling into the same pitfall WCW did. At first I thought Hogan's arrival to TNA would give the company more push towards a feud with WWE, but so far over-the-hill-tandems have been in the main picture, and that is no way to push future talent.

Jimmy Hart, not being a wrestler himself, is an exception-but a minor one. If I was doing a fantasy wrestling game, I would have Hart on the roster to manage my younger talent. But that's one seasoned star. TNA is being criticized for its elderly debaucle here and in other groups. "The Mouth of The South" represents the old, and fans are tired of the old. Love him to death but his time was then, not now.

But given the TNA standards, I could see him working an angle with MCMG. My top pick.
Jimmy Hart would be better served with Matt Morgan, he is a big guy that has that "it" look but needs a mouth piece, the MCMG have enough charisma on there own as does Beer Money.
I have a different view on Jimmy Hart i think he should manage a stable of young/up and coming talent sadly Jay lethal has now gone which is a shame because i think he could of used Jimmy Hart quite well. This because while he is a good in ring wrestler, deserved an X division push but lacked the mic talent to make him in to a all round talent. But moving on i would to see Rob Terry be the first one to get the push with Hart because he could push him as a power house like Brock Lesner did when he became the WWE champion but with the global belt. Also this save us having listen to Terry trying cut a promo until he gets better

Next and i know it sounds wrong and different but LAX reform and have Hart manage them in a fued against Beer Money. The matches these two teams could have would be quite possibly main event worthy and entertaining also it would give the tag title some meaning to have reconised teams fueding over them which i think is something both companies have lost track over.

Finally have Matt Morgan lefted up into the main event picture and fued against AJ Styles this would be my dream match with flair in one corner and Hart in the other both of these people can only bring more to this match if it was giving the right angle and time.
TNA should keep Jimmy Hart and not release him. Jimmy Hart represents a lot of things from the old school era. He is plain old school and I love that.

Now as for his duties in TNA, I will love to see him Manage the Motor City Machine Guns. With him as their manager and the MCMG as a heel tag team I'm pretty sure that the MCMG could be a top tag team all over the world. And especially now that the MCMG had earn a title shoot at the tag team champions. The MCMG and Jimmy Hart as the manager will be priceless.
I for sure hope he sticks around. This is one thing that TNA can do to show a difference from WWE, have managers. WWE has abandoned the idea of managers for some reason(when they need them, they have plenty of people who can't speak a lick on the mic) Jimmy Hart is a guy who has the talent to bring excitement to wrestlers who can't do it themselves fully. Also, just a reminder to Insanekiller Jay Lethal is still in TNA. IN fact, Hogan put him in charge of Impact on March 29th. Do you even watch TNA or did you mean someone else?
you know what i think? i think that jimmy has something that most of us have not seen in a long time. closes the wwe has go then to have a manager like this is Armando Alejandro Estrada, and i still think he was not as good.so i think .... tag team?? no i would like him more to start off with, manegin some one that has all the talent and stardom, but has average mic skills.who? well he would go perfectly with MR. Monday night, the hole fuck**g show RVD. why? ..does any one remember when RVD was with-something-alfanso, with the wiseling. it looked like rvd was on top of his game at that time, something like aj. but wait theres more...he needs to manege new talent right? well why not the MCMG or why not make a new tagteaM with Daniel's, or bring back AMW? may be sabu can come back. the possibilities are endless in TNA. every one reading this,TNA or wwe fans,( i like both) should start watching tna on mondays, ithink it would be sad not to have two companies. so if your truly a wrestling fan try to give tna ratings, or we will be stoke with WWE, no more jeff,rvd,sting,Samoa,mcmg. keep it alive guys.
Well let me channel my inner Sid here, and say that TNA needs to keep Jimmy Hart around. The man represents the old in the wrestling world, something that is archaic to many fans currently watching, but he does represent something important. He is a manager. Managers as skilled of him are a dime a dozen as he would say himself, and they need to be preserved. I hope he goes out and tags with a team like Beer Money, really setting them up as this team of henchmen in the TNA.

i'm assuming you didnt mean that they are a dime a dozen, as they arent. and the rest of your post wouldnt make sense, dime a dozen would mean they are cheap and disposable cause you can get more.
just makin sure you were on the right page here
yeah sorry i was confusing him with the other half of the tag them he was in but i do think he has one of the best potentials in the x division to be giving a push by jimmy hart. If you change his gimmick from the randy savage one to something that would suit him more cause at the moment he reminds me of TNA's version santino from wwe made to job most the time and there for pure comedy reasons
If a.wrestler looks like a wrestler, acts like a wrestler, gets a pop like a wrestler... But screws it all up when he opens his mouth, that's when ya give him a manager. Mcmg can cut a promo. Beer money cuts better promos than Hart does, already.
You want to USE jimmy hart, give him a stable full of Hernandez, big Rob Terry maybe generation me, and abyss. I'd rather see him manage heels, but TNA has lots of heels who can talk. The question for a manager is, "who isn't getting over because of their mic skills?" Isolate those guys with a manager/valet/handler and they get over. Pair him up w Ric Flair and you get two guys fighting over the same microphone.

Big fan, big fan.
Right, exactly, wrestles good. Gets a pop. Then opens his mouth and kills his own momentum. Russo could definitely do something with Hart kidnappened him to turn him back into a killikg machine.
I wouldn't mind seeing him continue to manage.

As long as they put him with some1 worth it. I can see him managing Team Hogan or Abyss and i wouldn't enjoy that at all. I wouldn't mind seeing him Manage a team like Beer Money but i doubt we see that considering they are more with Bischoff right now. It'll be interesting either way.
I do miss seeing managers running around. Hell, I even miss valets. However, I just don't think that Jimmy Hart really...well he just doesn't fit in now in wrestling in my opinion. Jimmy Hart was always this incredibly high strung, over the top and almost cartoonish character that worked pretty well for wrestling in the 80s and the first half of the 90s.

I think Jimmy Hart is a perfect example of Hulk Hogan being stuck in the past and not really have much of an idea how to get out. Since coming to TNA, Hogan has set up angles and storylines, some of them original, that probably would have worked in the 80s and 90s. But now, it just seems dated to me.
Why can't we use the managers of the past to reintroduce the art form. The manger really hasn't been a popular or widely used character in about a decade so I suppose some fans haven't really grown up seeing mangers and may not be familiar with character. I think TNA needs to trim the fact with wrestlers and invest in some mangers to speak for the ones in TNA that need a boost for that. They'd only need like 3 manger type characters really. At least one face, one heel. Add a third for a wild card.
mm...I hope Jimmy Hart does stay with TNA!Whether it would be managing someone or even helping out backstage. I read somewhere awhile back that when WCW was around Jimmy was in charge of all the wrestlers theme musics and everything.....
Maybe i guess he could get into that again in TNA?....IDK..IMO..I may be wrong though..but im pretty sure that it was Jimmy or someone....

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