Jim Powers


In Waylon Mercy's Hands
Many people will not remember him as he was a main event jobber. I call him that in the sense that he didn't look like a jobber as he looked young, he was very muscular and actually got 1 push with Paul Roma. My question though to those who remember him was what your thoughts of him were and do you think he could have amounted to something if he was 3 inches taller (6'2") instead of 5'11". He was my favorite jobber in the sense that I always felt he could win a match and hold his own with other talent.
jimmy powers was good for the time he was actively wrestling. he had a GREAT body and formed a pretty good tag team with paul (i never should have been a horseman) roma... but jimmy OR paul couldnt cut it as a singles competitor.. i could easily have seen them as AT LEAST a one time tag team champion.. MAYBE a transitional I-C champ if the timing was right.

i liked powers better than roma (jimmy was always the better looking one anyway lol) and i thoght jim had more charisma and talent than roma... unfortunately vince chose his favorite and buried.. then dismissed.. the other.
I remember him as a basic jobber on the then WWF Saturday show. He always struck me as somewhat stiff in the ring because of his bulk. A typical bodybuilder type Vince liked to hire. They had him once on their Tuesday Night Titans show and he really didn't come off like he would be good on the mic. He had a good look but wasn't that good in the ring.

When he teamed with Roma he wasn't much better. Roma was more athletic, Powers was the "Power" of the team, but I don't remember him doing much besides arm drags, clotheslines and the occasional dropkick.

I don't think he would ever had made it higher than he jobber ranks in WWE.
Ahh good old Jim Powers I remember him from back in the day. I remember him teaming with Paul Roma and after they split he was a nothing more than a jobber. I was kinda surprised to see him pop up in WCW in the mid to late 90's with Teddy Long as his manager and he actually looked like he got even bigger than his WWE tenure. He was on Nitro occasionally and WCW's B and C shows but again just as his WWE run he really didn't do anything. I was always surprised since he had a great body and since Vince likes bigger guys he didn't give him a push which also carried over to WCW. He had the look but he was kinda stiff in the ring but Jim Powers is one of my favorite jobbers of all time.
I am sure Jim Powers could have been taught to work less stiff through agents. In WCW he was very bulked up and came off short although 5'11" is his listed height. The big thing about him is he could have easily been put with Bagwell when he teamed with that other guy. He had a solid look to him and lots of ppl work stiff and got way bigger pushes than him.
hahaha, i remember Jim Powers, i'm only 21, i swear i've been watchin wrestling forever. His family owned a pizza shop in my neighborhood and they had his autographed picture up on the wall. He will always be just a jobber to me, dont remember if he was any good but based on everyone elses post im pretty sure he wasnt.
The big thing about him is he could have easily been put with Bagwell when he teamed with that other guy.

I'm assuming you mean Scotty Riggs, which formed the greatest tag team ever, THE AMERICAN MALES!!! Ok Ok I am just kidding, but they were pretty good and their theme made it to my "forever to be remembered" hall of fame.

Jim Powers. The WCW Saturday Night Main Eventer, jobber to the stars... Ultimate Warriors illegitimate son?? No? Seriously??!! OK...

I enjoyed watching Powers. The guy just felt like a badass to me and he put on some good matches (note I said good not GREAT)... I just think he was used entirely wrong. It probably has to do with his 5'11" thing but still, he was used wrong.

No, I don't have a makeshift storyline to sell him as the next big thing. And my head hurts too much for remembering what wCw Saturday Night brought us (Dungeon of Doom, who is La parka this week, some of the stupiest things ever) to even try. But I always thought Jim Powers should have gone farther than jobber. He certainly was the most JACKED jobber I ever saw...

Oh and can we get a set of props for the mentioning of Jim Powers by one named WaylonMercy??? ANYONE see the comedy value there?? Just me?
"Oh and can we get a set of props for the mentioning of Jim Powers by one named WaylonMercy??? ANYONE see the comedy value there?? Just me?"

Waylon Mercy was INCREDIBLE. I started the Waylon Mercy fan club on Facebook because he rocked. Anyone who DDT's a wrestler onto the floor and tells the referee he slipped is #1 in my books.

Anyways, Jim Powers deserved better because he had the look and was built which Vince loves. He must have been bad with backstage politics or something or he couldn't talk himself out of a paperbag. I started this thread because of the Lex Luger thread someone made and it made me remember the time he wrestled Luger when he was the Narcissist. I figure this would stimulate better conversation than "What if John Cena left WWE for TNA" which gets posted every week haha.
Bro I meant no disrespect, in fact I thought it was AWESOME. The correlation of the missed potential of Powers and Mercy to me is hilariously funny. But not in a bad way. I have a weird sense of humor and sometimes think things are funny because of their awesome quotient.

Jim comes in discussion many times between me and my friend. And it's always the same thing: Missed opportunity. But I've already gone into that.

So again Waylon, I was actually paying you a compliment in my weird way. Hence the positive rep you received. Sorry if i offended you.

And yea, this is about 300 times better than those threads
i dont think "height" had anything to do with it. look at koko b ware 5'8 wwe hall of famer. konnan 5'10 pat tanaka orient express was 5'9-5'10. paul roma is the same height. savio vega 5'11 etc etc. it has to do with the gimmick, charsima, mic skills. etc. not being gay but power's body was insane he was good looking (no homo). he had the look. but wat is a jim powers? it didnt come across anything to the fans and his mic skills were poor. plus being in an era late 80's-early 90's wen the tag team div was deep didnt help at all.

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