Brian Kendrick: Too Small to Make It

Kendrick cannot and will not ever be a credible threat to anyone. Like the subject of the thread states...he is TOO small! Although there are guys that are short who have succeeded he has no size or weight, and that's what I mean when I say too small. He is only a credible opponent if they ressurect the Cruiserweight Division or if he stays with Eziekel and really make moves in the Tag Division.

Brian Kendrick developed a nice character in the 2nd half of 2008 and got some good heat from the crowd. He earned a spot in the Scramble match, and since then it has been downhill, as the IWC, the live crowd, and obviously creative see that he is too small to play with the big boys. It just doesn't look right.

TBK's gimmick has gone from fresh and innovative to simply annoying. His dance is annoying, he is skinny, and he hasn't shown any good moves in the ring in quite some time. Punch, kick, drop kick, rest hold, failed sliced bread finishing move, job. I haven't seen anything from him that impresses me, and the reactions from the live crowds have been quieter and quieter. When was the last time he won a match? He is on a 6 or 7 week losing streak now isn't he? Brian Kendrick has shown signs but nothing as of late and nothing that can have any longevity in the WWE. He's always been a credible jobber. They gave him a new gimmick which got him semi-over but all of that is down the tube as he has become very annoying and the live crowd agrees with me. I want the guy to get his ass kicked not because he is a good heel but because he is annoying and I want him to get buried (or at least the current gimmick he has). We already have HBK, and John Morrison as the arrogant pretty boys in the WWE so we don't need TBK.

I don't see him winning any titles other than the tag titles and the cw title if they ever bring it back. I don't even think he is good enough for an ECW championship run. Look at a guy like Evan Bourne if you want to discuss smaller guys who have a lot of potential in the WWE. Get Brian Kendrick off of my television set unless he is being squashed by someone like Umaga, Kennedy, or MVP then I'll watch.

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