JeriShow are once again Tag Team Champs ... I mean Show-Miz ... same thing

Everyone seems really to be saying one of 2 things. The first is that MizShow or ShowMiz or whatever didnt need the belts and they're just a clone of JeriShow etc etc blah blah blah.
The second is that although people wanted SES to win, Miz and Show was a good surprise.
So heres what i think, SES would have been a good pick to win, but think how much more dominant they would look if they got a pin on the Big Show. Or the Miz even, seeing as he's the US champ. It'd be easy to get the win in a triple threat because theres other people. But Miz and Show can carry the belts well i think. Miz's shoulders might get crowded but thats the only real problem with it.
Once again, everyone is looking at this too critically. It could always be worse.
They missed the boat on this one completely. After his amazing feud with Hady, his feud with Taker knocked him down a few pegs. Now he is slowly regaining what he had during the summer and what better way to continue that is to win the tag titles. As much as I like Miz and Big Show, why did they have to win the titles? I see another feud with MVP and Henry on the horizon and MVP and Henry's matches with Jerishow were unspectacular. They keep giving it to these thrown together teams with upper midcarders and hope they raise the prestige of the titles. Jerishow and DX didn't do it in my opinion and I don't see Miz and Big Show doing anything different. This would have been great for Punk and Gallows as they can grow their straight edge society and be one of the best stables in recent memory.

I do have to say this goes to show how far Miz has come in such a short time. From being hated to now being U.S. and tag champs is an amazing accomplishment. He is one of the best heels on RAW and can only improve.
I was laughing when I heard Cole say that, sucks it wasen't the SES because its ashame to see Show stuck in tag team hell. And why put the Miz there? You push him then stall him because he is getting to over:banghead: Of course the answer to that is put him in a tag, much like TNA did with Supermex and Matt Morgan. I definetly knew DX was gonna lose on Raw, like I said I was hoping for the SES. I kinda chuckled when Show was insisting on his name being first this time but seriously "Jerishow", "Bigcho", "Showcho" "ShowBiz", "Mizshow"....doesn't matter what the name is its ridiculous either way, WWE really needs to stop slowing the Miz down because he is getting over.

But NOOOOOOOO cant have someone more over than Cena, HHH, or Hornswoggle:disappointed:
I love it. The Miz is getting a real push, he can parade around RAW, Smackdown and ECW/NXT with 3 titles and cut awesome promos about how he is better than everybody else. I cannot wait. I don't like the Big Show as a singles wrestler because of his size, so generally his matches are slow and boring, but in a tag team he is money as the big enforcer, his knockout blow looks sick.

Aslong as DX lost the titles I didn't mind, Punk and Gallows don't need the titles, but where does Big Show go if he and Miz had lost? Miz could have a US title programme, but I can't see much for Show, so it was the right call IMO.
SES and DX didn't win because HHH and CM Punk are in their brand's respective elimination chamber. And seeing as it would be IMPOSSIBLE to think they could defend their tag titles before or after their chamber match, WWE needed to put the belts on a second team.

And it's not the first time WWE's done this. Remember, Eddie Guerrero was US and Tag champion when he team with Chavo on Smackdown. Who knows, maybe The Miz is the next Eddie Guerrero. He certainly has the charisma.
SES and DX didn't win because HHH and CM Punk are in their brand's respective elimination chamber. And seeing as it would be IMPOSSIBLE to think they could defend their tag titles before or after their chamber match, WWE needed to put the belts on a second team.

And it's not the first time WWE's done this. Remember, Eddie Guerrero was US and Tag champion when he team with Chavo on Smackdown. Who knows, maybe The Miz is the next Eddie Guerrero. He certainly has the charisma.

Can it be a guarantee that the titles will be defended at the Elimination Chamber as they certainly weren't at the Royal Rumble? They have a short amount of time to find challengers and with the lack of face teams, it looks like it might be MVP and Henry that would be the challengers. I guess their win is a way to try to keep Big Show relevant instead of putting him in a halfway decent program.
I'm both happy and disappointed at the same time. DX are freed up for their Wrestlemania feuds.... Punk will have other pushes.... Miz gets to go on both shows now, while Big Show gets another tag title reign and that's his true calling these days. The main reason I'm disappointed is that Big Show JUST recently had the titles, as a part of JeriShow. Nothing against the Miz, he has been improving tremendously, but he is nowhere near Jericho's level. ShowMiz will not be as good as JeriShow (although I might be proven wrong, we will see). It will probably be exactly the same as JeriShow, only Miz isn't as good as Jericho.

I think that the Straightedge Society should have won, as then we could be getting Punk's great heel promos on both shows. I think Miz will lose the US title soon, there's little reason to have him hold both a singles title and tag titles at the same time. Miz going on both shows could be interesting, although I wouldn't want to see a feud with Morrison just yet. The two need to be kept separate for a while until they are both main eventing, THEN an extremely epic feud could take place for Wrestlemania of that year.

I'm not expecting anything beyond a less impressive version of JeriShow because that's all ShowMiz is at the moment, but I will give this angle a shot and they might prove me wrong.
Everyone feels this is a mistake, as do I, i posted a topic after last weeks RAW saying i figured that the SES was a shoe-in for the Tag belts, but to give them to Mizshow, or ShowMiz, or whatever the hell you want to call them, is just another major blunder by Vince. It makes me wonder if Vince is reading these forums and gave it to showmiz just to prove us wrong.

just another bad decision on WWE's part if you ask me, and they are guilty of many bad business decisions as of late
There are three reasons why Showmiz won the tag titles, though two of them are contradictory, so pick whichever is your favourite.

1) This one is the universal one. I believe the original intention until DX wet to Smackdown was to have Punk and Gallows win. However, they didn't, obviously. I think this is probably because it would hurt Punk a lot. Miz is on the up, and Big Show is established. Punk is pretty stagnant, but Gallows is a long way down the card. Putting them together makes champions look equal, and that is a good thing for Miz, but a bad thing for Punk.

2) This is my initial supposition, but I don't really think it anymore. In short, DX are never going to lose the titles to nobodies. Showmiz might. By putting them on Showmiz for a short amount of time, they are opening up possibilities for the long term champion.

3) That idea though has been superceded by this one. With WrestleMania around the corner, it has always been a company policy to get just about everyone on the card in some way, shape or form. By putting Showmiz on the card, they have got two people who need to be on the card on it. They could then face Hardy/Khali, Henry/MVP and someone else at Mania, getting them all on the card. Punk is too hot not to have in a singles match, and Gallows is not the first name on the Mania card, so he doesn't need to make it.

As an aside, people talking about this result being a swerve to trick the IWC are deluding themselves. Nobody ever gets added to a match for no reason unless they are going to win, and the outcome of this match has been quite likely all week. You can even look for my posts where I say that if you want.
Lol have Miz beat Sheamus, that made me chuckle. But anyway on topic I believe that this was a bad mistake and the straightedge society would be a much better move. People actually think they are worth watching whereas big show and Miz makes no sense whatsoever. We could all be wrong and this could be "awesome" (no pun intended). However I am glad DX are no longer champs
Well as you all know, this past Monday on RAW, "ShowMiz" captured the Unified Tag Team titles. On one side i'm glad DX are not the champions anymore, but I just have this feeling that the wrong team walked out of that match as the champions.

I could of swore the S.E.S were on their way to winning the tag titles, but they were the first team eliminated. Then Big Show and Miz won the match and the titles. The main reason I don't like this move is because The Miz was doing perfectly fine as singles competitor with his U.S. title reign.

Now I believe this tag team Miz has going for him, will just end up slowing his momentum as a singles competitor down. Since the focus will be on him and Show as tag team champions, instead of his current United States title reign, which I could of swore there was feud with MVP going on over it.

So does any one else not like this factor? Do you also think WWE picked the wrong team to win the titles? And finally how long do you see "ShowMiz" as the Unified Tag Team champions for?
I have mixed feelings on this. I like the fact that The Miz has two (three?) titles to hold, thus giving him more reason to brag about how awesome he is. It also gives The Big Show something to do.

However, I'm afraid he'll go down the path of MVP. Sure, The Miz is better than MVP but their careers seem to be going the same way: US Title, Tag Team Title, MVP loses them, turns face, stuck in the midcard. I don't want this to happen to The Miz. Heck, I didn't want this to happen to MVP. However, I can only hope for the best and pray that the WWE capitalizes on The Miz's momentum instead of making him languish in the midcard. Perhaps he and Show could destroy any tag team they face before willingly giving up the belts. Or, The Miz could go on and win more gold, and brag more.

The bad is as you said, The Straight Edge Society. They had a TON of momentum after the Rumble, what with Punk's mid-Rumble promo and winning the number one contender's match. Now it seems as though they're just going to hang around on Smackdown while other teams (Like YoshiDust) get the shot.

Miz has momentum, the SES can regain some of theirs. It's simultaneously good and bad. We'll just see how things go.
The man has two titles. Sure they may not mean much, but they're two titles. Not to mention he is gong to be on both shows and get twice the screen time he would have without the belt. That's some good exposure. Would you rather have him on Raw, defending his title against Kofi and MVP every other week? Im sure that's what he'd be doing. Getting only a brief period of screen time every monday, half the time on commentary only. Instead he'll get to work twice the programs.

I do see the problem of tying up the US Championship. Think about who he would defend against though. Kofi has been fueding with one of the top heels in the business, it would seem like a move down the ladder if he went back to fighting for the title he lost a couple months ago. Swagger hasn't been booked very strongly as of late, not to mention they aren't too keen on heel vs heel matches, let alone whole fueds. Bourne has been jobbing for what seems like an eternity now, i doubt they'll suddenly throw him into that title picture. So he wouldn't be accomplishing much by hanging around and competing in go nowhere fueds.

So where it stands right now, I think teaming him with Show will elevate him and give him something to do for awhile, possibly leading to his first singles match at Mania this year. Definitely the best way to push him right now, which seems to be what people want the most right now. I would have been happy with SES getting the belts, but I think they have different plans for them right now which will give them belts once they grow as a legitmate stable.
If he hadn't previously spent the better part of 2 years in a tag team then I'd have no problem with it. If Big Show hadn't spent a year in a team with a smaller, arrogant guy who looks just like Miz then I wouldn't have a problem with it. But it seems that for Show we're getting a worse rehashing of what we've seen already, and for Miz it seems one step forward two steps back.

Miz was initially horrible but throughout his tenure in the team with Morrison he was quietly improving without people really noticing. Then they did the logical thing and split them and everyone was suddenly like "Oh my god, Miz is awesome!". He somehow survived being buried by Cena and ended up with the U.S. Title and is now cutting awesome promos, getting a lot of face time and a decent feud with MVP.

To put him BACK in a tag team just seems silly to me. But perhaps the fact he still has the U.S. title means he'll still appear solo... or more likely Show will accompany him and knock the opponent out while Miz has the ref distracted to keep the title on him. Also, are MVP and Miz just cool with their feud being over what went down at the Rumble? Yes? Oh... weird.
There reliable, it's as simple as that. In all likelihood, the WWE wants to do something with the Tag Titles this year at Mania, and DX simply wasn't going to get the job done as they are looking to have a match with each other on the card.

As far as the Miz and Show with the belts, credibility. The Miz is a cocky arrogant SOB to begin with, now the guy is going to have 3 belts on him at one time. Hell, picture Miz with all five belts on him when Show has a singles match. Images of Brian Pillman spring to mind when he would carry all of the gold for the Hart Foundation, which made his ego that much more.

It's a good move at this point, as the Society still needs to grow a bit on Smackdown.
I am wondering if the writers are giving "Miz-show" the storyline that was going to play out with Y2J and Big Show. They could of had a story plotted out for Wrestlemania in case Edge was unable to make his return. Instead of just scraping the angle the just threw Miz in Y2J's place.
I think this is a good move for The Miz he gets more gold and more tv time. Big Show will probably benefit from this too, as I don't see him being on the card at Wrestlemania if hes not in a match with the tag belts.
The SES I feel will be fine. I think Punk should have a singles title since he is the leader. I don't think many cult leaders share their spotlight (for lack of a better word) with their followers, so Punk being in a tag team just don't seem right to me.

Back to the topic question, Yes I like Miz being in a tag team.
i dont like that they won the belts bc im sure they will hold them up to mania which means one of the titles with tag or US wont be defended and wrestlemania should be one spot where all the titles should be on the line...unless miz fights in 2 matchs which i dont see that happening or hell feeling miz may be in the MITB match and neither of those titles will be on the line...bad move in my opinion...Can anyone tell me where the hart dynasty has been thru out this tag title hunt! what happen to them getting huge pushes when bret came back....why arent they helping bret instead of cena...wwe messing up in my opinion!
No. I, in fact, am not not liking this. Which means I'm kind going for it. At best. At the very least, I'm indifferent. Is indifferent less than going for? Hmm. I'll leave that for the social scientists to decide. Anyway, next paragraph.

It gives Miz something else to brag about and keeps Show from fading off into the background. Nothing worth complaining about there. There may have been other partners who could have used the rub from Show more (seeing as they're likely not done with Miz at the singles level), but we all know Swagger isn't getting a push any time soon. I like this most of all because it keeps Miz's time in the ring divided between him and Show, which helps prevent him from being further exposed as simple, boring, and shit.

No Doc, being a double champion doesn't mean he's going the way of MVP. Not unless he has the same backstage problems MVP ran into. Being a double champion is a good thing for most people. The last two before MVP? Jeff Hardy and Chris Benoit. Not slouches. No, sir.
I gonna guess that MVP will win the US title before WM26. Thus being the reason why Miz won the Unified Tag Titles with the Big Show.

WWE may do a tag team turmoil match at WM26 with Miz and Big Show dropping the tag titles to hopefully Crime Tyme or the Hart Dynasty. As far as Jericho is concerned he is about to main event WM26, so I doubt in kayfabe that Jericho will even address the situation.
The only good I see out of this is that the Miz is now carrying THREE belts around. That will for sure play into his ego as I'm almost positive he will mention something on RAW about how he is the only superstar with three gold belts. Other than that I have no idea what WWE Is thinking. I definitley thought Miz was past his tag team days. If anything I wanted to see him drop his u.s. Championship and join the ME scene but even I think it's too early for that. Hopefully we will see showmiz lose the tag team belts soon so miz and show can have a program together that will send the miz to the ME level.
I think it's a good thing for Miz. If you thought he was cocky with ONE belt, just wait until he gets back in front of the cameras now. It's going to be an incredible series of promos and smack talk. EVERYONE is going to know who the MIZ is.

Plus it gives Big Show something to do and continue his emerging fued with Jerico. I like it.
Simply put, I do not like the fact that The Miz is once again in a tag team. It's one thing to have a mid-card champion as a tag team champion also. It's a complete other thing to have a mid-card champion as one-half of the unified tag champion. A mid-card champion should remain on their brand, dealing with other MID-CARDS. It doesn't do a lot for the United States Championship if it's being overlooked by the Unified Tag Team Championships and the fact that they can appear on any brand.

The Miz was doing great as the United States Champion, his first singles championship. To have another Tag Team Championship reign added with it could have been good had it been another wrestler, but for The Miz? I'm not sure. However, I could be wrong. It should be WWE's job to be able to balance the U.S. Championship and the Tag Team Championships, finding a way to get The Miz to treat the titles as equals, and give them equal "defense time".

If Show Miz's tag title reign doesn't last very long. Or The Miz's U.S. Title reign doesn't last much longer. Then I think I will have less to worry about. However, having The Miz as the United States Championship and one-half of the Unified Tag Team Champions could most likely hurt one or both of the titles for the time being, more than help them. Let's hope I'm wrong.
ShowMIz might last until WM and maybe Show will turn face and face Miz for the US title in wrestlemania.I really wanted SES to win.But Oh well i really dont know what vince is thinking.pairing these dudes up really sucked the should might as well put jerishow back.To me it looks like the same stupid lame team big show and jericho had.
There is a good side as well as a bad side to this. The good news is that we will now be able to see Miz's promos on both Raw and Smackdown. The bad news is that it might slow down his singles push. ShowMiz will probably just be a less impressive version of JeriShow. I'd rather Miz remain in singles action and focus more on having a good US title reign before getting moved up the card instead of doing another tag team. Big Show has found his calling, so I have no problem with him in this scenario. Straightedge Society should have won the titles instead because Punk is better at feeding off of his heel heat to improve his promos and seeing that on Raw as well as Smackdown would have been awesome. ShowMiz will probably not remain Unified Tag Team Champions for long.... I agree with those who said it might lead to a Miz VS Show match for the US title, which I think Miz would win. Then again, this team might last for months. Did anyone else honestly think JeriShow would last an entire semester? I know I didn't. Maybe those of us who don't want to see Miz in another tag team will be proven wrong and something AWESOME (lol) might happen.
I personally am disappointed that SES didn't get the tag belts. Yes, I know its a bit early for them to win a belt. Remember Gail Kim won the women's belt on her first nite at RAW (when she 1st debuted years ago.) But I mean, Big Show just had the tag belts not that long ago in the first place, and Miz having EVEN MORE gold around his waist? :banghead: Hopefully this means he'll be dropping his US Title pretty darn quick. I would've LOVED to see SES get the tag belts and maybe have E&C team up on SD and face SES, the chemistry would be 'AWESOME' as Miz would say..:laugh: But I think I'm in the boat with those who are having mixed feelings on this.

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