JeriShow are once again Tag Team Champs ... I mean Show-Miz ... same thing

Ambiguous Turd

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Yes, we have new Unified Tag Team Champions with Big Show and Chris Jeri ... damn. I did it again. Big Show and The Miz ... aka Jericho Jr.

Frankly, I think this was a terrible move on WWE's part after Big Show just lost the titles. I think it's too soon for him to win the belt, and personally I think Straight Edge Society would have been a much better choice as Unified Tag Team Champions. That gimmick is hot right now and with increased exposure on Raw, the potential was there to take it to greater heights.

However, instead we are stuck with yet another round of a little big mouth wrestler, and The Big Slow. Frankly, I see very little difference between The Miz and his predecessor in this team- Chris Jericho. And of course, we still have yet another generic, slapped together Tag Team holding the belts.

Not to mention that the Miz is the United States Champion, as well. Can we push this man to the moon anymore? Let's just have him defeat Sheamus while we are at it. Are there no other people on the roster that needs a title to help improve their image and credibility in the eyes of the fans, that The Miz actually needs to hold BOTH titles?

Plus, Miz had a great Singles career going, and now he has been thrown into another Tag Team once again.

Definitely a big mistake in my view, to give the Tag Team titles to another JeriShow clone of a team. Big Show could be much better utilized in Singles action with the lack of Upper Midcarders, and The Miz could be better utilized as a Singles performer, as well.

The only advantage I can see to this is actually on the Smackdown side to see Miz feud with Jericho, and possibly see in time a Jericho face turn ... in addition to the possibility of seeing The Miz feud with his old partner, John Morrison. That could make for some good TV.

I can tolerate this team, but I definitely feel Straight Edge Society would have been a better choice as Champs.

Your comments, please.
Yeah I didn't get this at all. For me, and im sure for most people, it was either DX retaining or Punk/Gallows were gonna win the titles. I think we all counted out Miz/Show because not only is it extremely similar to Jerishow but Show was just Tag champ for half of 2009! Add to the fact that Miz was doing perfectly fine on his own as US champ. Punk/Gallows winning would have been perfect for them. Not only would it open more possibilities in terms of future feuds, but having Punk on both shows would be pretty kickass.

Whatever, im just glad DX is done as tag champs.
I'm glad DX doesn't have the tag titles anymore, but I'm not sold on ShowMiz being the ones to take them. The Straight Edge Society has been built up for many weeks and won a number one contenders match to earn a shot at the belts while ShowMiz was thrown together 2 or 3 weeks ago and was entered into the match with little to no build. I'm sure they will have a nice enough reign, but I'm not sold on this at all.
I agree with everything you said. Especially with this team being slapped together. Where did this come from? I mean, with JeriShow, it seemed to work at least. This is awful. It seems so...just thrown together at the last minute. I'm not sure where they're going with this whole Miz/Big Show tag title reign.

Now with Straight Edge Society, who are actually a legitimate tag team, definately would have clearly been the better choice here. They seem to be going somewhere with that angle. It doesn't just seem randomly thrown together. Putting the tag titles on them would have been a boost, especially winning them from DX. I don't know, I just think the team works well together.

I hope this doesn't drag out as long as the JeriShow angle did. I want to see a legitimate tag team with the titles. Seeing DX with the titles is better than this, at least they are an actual tag team and not just something randomly put together.
Ugh, yeah, why did this happen?

Sidious gave the cons, but maybe there are some more pros...

CM Punk will find a new tag partner for Gallows so Punk can go back to winning titles/jobbing to R-Truth, and Gallows and whomever can fight for the tag team belt?

Um... I guess that's it, really.

Why did this happen again?
I'm soooo happy that the pg shell of DX lost the titles!!! I do think that Miz and Jericho are way too similar in being the loud mouth heel and having them both have the tag titles w/ Show seems like they're setting up a big Jericho Miz feud over the friendship of The Big Show lol. Off topic I'm kinda hoping that the WWE combines the belts like they did w/ the Undisputed Championship.
I would have loved to have seen Punk walk with the titles, but I dont think he has a good enough partner in Gallows to hold the "Unified Tag Titles" with. As the OP said, however, there were far more stoylines to having them win the gold then "ShowMiz." Punk has been gold on the mic since turning heel, and with more members coming soon to his stable(Joey Mercury), they could have done alot more with the belts. However, the belts became insignificant to the back story of Michaels, and the reletive unimportance of the "tag belts". Whats new in WWE? I dont see a Miz/Jericho feud, or a Jericho face turn, as I think Jericho/Edge are a lock for Mania. Heres hoping Punk and a new stable mate winning the belts relatively soon, and bringing signifiance back to them.
Ok I think the straight edge societty should've won because it's been not just a good not faction, but team and it's been around for a while. Now just wait a second, don't count out MizShow or ShowMiz, whatever the team name is, just because it was slapped together and Miz had a title. People say the team is a lot like Jerishow. We have to wait and see before we just say it's going to be a remake or just not a good idea for a team. Jerishow was slapped together and to me it was a pretty good team. Both have tag team experience so don't count them out just yet.

Umm... so The Miz rarely even defends the US Title, but he is now Tag Champ after a few weeks of teaming w/Show? Come on now, at least there is some tenure and gel with SES.

It was just about inevitable for DX to lose, but what is Miz doing so well to have 3 titles? Wrestling...? He's OK in the ring; nothing spectacular. Mic work? Decent, but he tries too hard to get legit heat. Sooo... I still don't get it.

And why would you have him still be US champ, when he could have lost it at the Rumble? The only reason for this would be if this was decided after the Rumble, which would prove my (and many others) point in the first place that this is just being thrown together, which takes away the prestige of the Tag Titles.

His four previous contenders (from most to least recent) were MVP, Mark Henry, Swagger, and Kofi. Out of those four ppl, one appeared on TV for less than 5 mins, and the other 3 were nowhere to be found... that explains the status of the US title right now (or it shows the lack of interest by the bookers).

And the Tag Titles is going to help this problem? Neh. :confused:
That was a good move to get Miz over the crowd. This team is same as Jerishow. I mean in Jerishow, jericho did all the talks and show did the damage in the ring. Same thing will happen here. The only good thing in this that show gets something to do and Miz has more to boast and will get more promos(which is good for him). Now i am a big fan of Miz but i didn't want him to win the tittles. Punk and Gallows needed it more than show and Miz. It would have been better if they win the tittles.
Sid, I agree with you again. Big Show says that Miz is "his friend", but Miz will ultimately, if not already, turning out to be a Jericho 2.0 and wants Big Show only so he (Miz) can seem dominant with doing half the work and be "AAAAAWWWWEEEESOOOOOMMMEEEE". He rarely defends the U.S. title, and now he has the fucking tag titles to defend? Really? Will he hold onto all three titles for a whole year with little-to-no defenses? Straight-Edge Society is a hot gimmick/tag team right now and were originally the only ones to go against DX. But WWE tries to go for a swerve and slap them onto a couple guys who just teamed up with no story at all behind it? What the fuck! And Big Show just lost the titles a couple months ago!

Christ WWE, you're letting me down.
ok ok everyone calm down.

first of punk is in the elimination chamber so what would happen with either tag match at the ppv. guess is the first opponent to come is that this mvp and miz feud isnt over. so now were gonna get mvp/mark henry vs showmiz looks like punk/gallows will eventually go for the tag titles again....and who better for cm punk to try and convert to the society and pick at than mvp, the former prison inmate

then miz can get back to the us title picture
As I said in my original post that got sent somewhere because I allowed my emotions to get the best of me, this is a horrible idea. All I see these two doing is taking over from Jerishow and becoming the guys who mess with the guest hosts and bore me to death again. Nothing new will come of this and the Society have a purpose and a goal to set and fullfill unlike Faux-Hawk and Jolly Green. Hopefully they lose them to a team like Cryme Tyme so they in turn can lose them to The Society or The Dynasty.
ShowMiz is not the same as Jerishow. In Jerishow it was all about Jericho, and this time they have taken a different route, Miz is making it more of a team effort not just all about him, notice the name is ShowMiz and not MizShow....The Society is well enough on there own, they dont need the tag titles right now, Miz and Show need them more. if Show dosent have the tag titles what good is he to the roster? And Miz needed this win to get himself over, the WWE needs new stars and Miz is finally getting the push to really make him seem like a threat on Raw. Hell he pinned Shawn Michaels...They could have had CM Punk get that pin over Micheals but they didnt, they had Miz do it cause Miz needed it more, Punk has already established himself a main eventer with wins over Jeff Hardy, Edge, and technically even The Undertaker. So stop bitching about what is going to turn out to be a good move by the E.
Ah, again we are on different sides of the fence Mr. Schitzo. This was done for 2 reasons:

1) You guys - the internet marks have been clamoring for The Straight Edge Society to win and go to all brands to recruit. While I agree that it would work very very well, it became blatantly obvious and thus, this swerve was thrown in. Unfortunately, the way it was done via elimination took some of the sting out of it, because it would have been more interesting to see 2 disappointed teams at the same moment, but none the less, it fooled a lot of people and got you to talk, which is ultimately good tv.

2) Also in the realm of good tv is basically any time the Miz is on it lately. This guy is hotter than anyone in professional wrestling, and for good reason. He has truly owned the mic and his aggressive, heel style in the ring has made his "chip on the shoulder" character work extremely well. Putting the tag belts on him and Show allows Miz to interact with more superstars and cut more promos. This is good in so many ways because he's the kind of guy that can own the mic twice a week and still keep you guessing. Big Show is the larger than life partner that has found a home in the tag division, and the only thing of interest with him is his inevitable interaction with his former partner along with his current partner. That encounter should be good tv. However, it's still all about the Miz, and this proves that management is very much behind him (Janetty who?). He is well on his way to even bigger things, but this just helps his push even more. I know it will take emphasis off the U.S. belt for a little while, but it makes him look more dominant to have both.

To be completely clear, I'm not against Punk's group winning the belts, but I'm also not totally disappointed that ShowMiz won them either. I liked being surprised and the intrigue behind HOW it happened and the future of DX is also good TV for the future. I think the Straight Edge Society will be just fine without the tag belts for now and will find a way to work and move on. This definitely helps Miz more than it could ever help Punk.
1) You guys - the internet marks have been clamoring for The Straight Edge Society to win and go to all brands to recruit. While I agree that it would work very very well, it became blatantly obvious and thus, this swerve was thrown in. Unfortunately, the way it was done via elimination took some of the sting out of it, because it would have been more interesting to see 2 disappointed teams at the same moment, but none the less, it fooled a lot of people and got you to talk, which is ultimately good tv.
I dont have an issue with The Society not winning, as they will in time. But It's the fact that that team got the win. I'm tired of seeing Show with another partner with another belt. It's just become so bored and (anyone who knows ROH history will get this reference) he has become the Matt Sydal of the WWE. If it was Miz and someone else it wouldn't annoy me so much but it just shows that the WWE thinks they are smart to do a swerve (although most of us knew and called it a week ago Show-Miz would win) it just shows that they rely on the same gimmick all the same times, especially in the tag division.

2) Also in the realm of good tv is basically any time the Miz is on it lately. This guy is hotter than anyone in professional wrestling, and for good reason. He has truly owned the mic and his aggressive, heel style in the ring has made his "chip on the shoulder" character work extremely well. Putting the tag belts on him and Show allows Miz to interact with more superstars and cut more promos. This is good in so many ways because he's the kind of guy that can own the mic twice a week and still keep you guessing. Big Show is the larger than life partner that has found a home in the tag division, and the only thing of interest with him is his inevitable interaction with his former partner along with his current partner. That encounter should be good tv. However, it's still all about the Miz, and this proves that management is very much behind him (Janetty who?). He is well on his way to even bigger things, but this just helps his push even more. I know it will take emphasis off the U.S. belt for a little while, but it makes him look more dominant to have both.
Can anyone really tell me they are going to defend the Belts equally on BOTH RAW & SmackDown? Hopefully they prove me wrong but all Miz has done beside play with MVP has been get in the faces of the guest hosts and that's where he will stay for a while until that damn idea is thrown out. I can't honestly say I believe that they will be on SmackDown as often as RAW as Jerishow was. And that just sucks because most of the teams that are actual damn teams are on SmackDown...Cryme Tyme, Dynasty, hell im expecting Beretta & Croft to go there too in two weeks. Taking two guys and puttin gthem together all the time is not going to make tag team wrestling fun. It will be like watching a fatal four way with tags.
I agree with everyone else-this move really doesn't make sense. I would've rather SES win the match. But I think that once again, WWE painted themselves into a corner. We all knew DX would drop the belts, and we all assumed SES would win. So to make sure they didn't do what we all expected, they had to give the belts to the team no one expected to win. It's much like Sheamus beating Cena for the WWE Title-no one expected it, so they had to do it.

I wish the WWE would give the tag titles to one of the younger teams and let them run with it. Hart Dynasty, Legacy, even Crime Time. But they should go to a full time team, and they should be built up to mean something. And what heppens to the US Title now? Is it forgotten too? I mean, Miz will likely focus on defending the tag titles. I'm assuming Jericho will find a partner and feud with ShowMiz, considering the comments made by Show after the match. But once again, I'm scratching my head at a WWE creative decision.
I think this was primarily done for one reason:

To get The Miz over even more,This might sound weird..BUT I can see Miz losing the US title soon,but then could he be this year's MITB winner??

Giving him all this airtime/gold could be laying the groundwork for that!
All I want to know is why do the establish main event guys always have to pin Punk. It makes him look weak. I don't mind the SES not getting the win but Gallows should have been the one to take the fall. Or DX should have got eliminated first and SES second. Show Miz picking up the win is not a bad thing. I do think that they needed it more then the SES. I find it awesome that Punk dose not need any titles to elevate him. That in its self is rare in a wrestler.

Maybe there is a silver lining in all this for the SES/Punk. Could this mean Punk might walk out of the chamber with the WHC. Or Face the Undertaker at Wrestlemania? I know more then likely it will not happen, but Punk is on fire right now. They need to give him something credible to do on the grandest stage of them all. I would love for him to face the Undertaker to beat the streak.
I'm alright with the Miz being one half of the tag champs. He is the only reason why I watch RAW. Now that he'll be showing up on all the shows (well, probably not NXT) I wouldn't have to watch RAW because he'd have already shown up on SmackDown. I don't like that he has two belts (or in this case 5), but the point is The Miz is awesome and he should be on every show proclaiming how awesome he is.

I don't like the fact that Big Show is champ again. I am all for him having something to do, but for him to get the tag titles this quickly is not something I want to see.

The guys who should've got it was the Straight Edge Society. It would've been awesome to see them on all the shows every week and CM Punk seems like the guy who would actually give NXT a visit. I can understand why they didn't do it. Punk's in the Elimination Chamber and so it seems unfair for Punk to recieve the Tag Title then two weeks later try for the World Title.

I'm hoping The Reality Show is only temporary. Any other part of the year, and I probably would've been okay with it.
I'm not sure if anyone noticed but after the 1st commerical break from the tag match, didn't anyone hear Michael Cole go "Who's going to become the NEW unified tag team champions?"

It could have been a blooper or a slight mistake, but I had a feeling since they are going to draw up HHH and HBK at WrestleMania, they had to lose the belts in some fashion.

...but to ShowMiz?

Punk and Gallows, again, could have been a better choice being they could continue to come on Raw and parade around and do their "pledge" of living a sober life.

This gives Miz double the work. Which, I am interested in seeing whats going on here, but I am also very concerned in the sense that it might be too over-bearing for The Miz.

I think theres a little bit more with the Miz vs. MVP feud.

It was a good choice, but not the best choice.
I'm not sure if anyone noticed but after the 1st commerical break from the tag match, didn't anyone hear Michael Cole go "Who's going to become the NEW unified tag team champions?"

I heard that as well, at that point i figured SES had it in the bag and was surprised they were eliminated first. I truly MTFO when Miz got the pinfall though. IDC that the big show was champion 2 months ago so what? DX weren't even using the titles, they didn't even care enough to bring them to the ring unless they were defending them. At least ShowMiz will do something with them. The Miz's awesome levels just increase week by now. He is The Miz and he is awesome :worship:
I'll point out a couple of key factors here...

First off, the entire match was a work to drop DX's title run AND basically break up DX as we saw shortly thereafter. Dropping it to ShowMiz gives them the opportunity to work Miz and Show against Straight Edge Society, The Hart Dynasty, and even Legacy (depending how the Elimination Chamber goes).

I could honestly care less so long as the DX gimmick gets put away again, I was a DX mark when DX was DX...not D-PG. However Miz is being slowly pushed, bit by bit, and by...I'd say Summerslam, he'll be main eventing.

Straight Edge Society needs more time to be worked as a tag team, each time we've seen them we see Gallows basically manhandle someone, interrupt the match, or lose to some unlikely pairing. I'd rather see them get built up and, hell, they might challenge for the belts at Elimination Chamber, seeing as the belts arent even set to be contested yet.
The IWC hates a decision made by the WWE. Wow...what a shocker.

For about 20 seconds, I was upset that Punk and Gallows was eliminated for the match because I didn't think that the Miz and Big Show has been together long enough to be a serious threat or legit contenders. However, my disapproval disappeared almost entirely as it went along because something unexpected was about to happen. Over the past few months or so, the Straight Edge Society has gotten a lot of attention and, given their #1 contender status and DX's downward spiral, we all figured that the SES was going to wind up taking the titles.

Now, while I'd have loved to see that happen, I can't complain all that much really because, yet again, the WWE has done something that most of us didn't expect to happen. I've heard all the "WWE is stale" and "WWE is predictable" blah blah blah garbage for months because no matter what happens, the WWE is going to get hate from the IWC.

That doesn't mean that I'm completely sold on ShowMiz just yet, but nobody was entirely sold on JeriShow either and, in my opinion, JeriShow was really the only interesting aspect of tag team wrestling on television in either WWE or TNA in the second half of 2009. I'm enjoy the Miz, he typically has pretty good matches and cuts some great promos. Now he's packing the tag titles and the U.S. title and he scored a pinfall victory over Shawn Michaels. DX lost the titles, DX has pretty much imploded, the storyline involving HBK's downward spiral is progressing very nicely and young talent got himself a very nice rub on live television.

Now, ShowMiz could be a fun and interesting team to watch just as JeriShow was, plus this isn't the end of the SES's involvement in the tag team scene. ShowMiz is a potentially strong team and maybe some of the momentum the tag team scene lost during DX's run could be restored. Like a lot of things, I'm going to give it a shot and see what happens before I actually condemn or praise it.
Ah, again we are on different sides of the fence Mr. Schitzo. This was done for 2 reasons:

1) You guys - the internet marks have been clamoring for The Straight Edge Society to win and go to all brands to recruit. While I agree that it would work very very well, it became blatantly obvious and thus, this swerve was thrown in. Unfortunately, the way it was done via elimination took some of the sting out of it, because it would have been more interesting to see 2 disappointed teams at the same moment, but none the less, it fooled a lot of people and got you to talk, which is ultimately good tv.

I seriously doubt Vince McMahon and creative were in a meeting discussing how they could fool everyone on wrestlezone. Clearly the IWC is a minority when compared to the general wrestling fan population and i certainly dont think anything is written to please or to fool u.

I do agree with Sideous on the point that it's just a rehash of JeriShow, just sightly less interesting. The Miz was doing fine on his own and has been pretty hot lately. Keeping him defending his title in meaningful fueds would have done wonders for not just him, but the Raw midcard as it would have someone who is pretty over holding and defending the midcard title. I would have liked to see where a fued with Swagger would have gone, but alas it wasn't meant to be.

With Big Show, there aren't nearly as many options for him. Personally i don't think people want to see him fighting for a world title, and we've saw enough of him and Cena last year. A fued with Orton doesn't seem like it would mesh and Jerishow fueded with DX for months so he doesn't need to continue that. He's kind of a floater right now, and i see a face change coming within the next couple months, either before or a little after Mania.

I think what they're trying to accomplish is a couple things at once. They are trying to establish ShowMiz as a team only for them to break up in time to have a match a Mania, most likely for the US Championship. I wouldn't totally be against this, as it puts the spotlight on Miz in his first singles Mania match, and keeps Show out of a world title triple threat or something like it. They could always keep it though and defend at Mania against a couple other teams, if they just want to fit more wrestlers onto the card. But that just doesn't fit their style, so I think they're leaning towards a singles match between the two.

Them winning the titles is always going to work as the catalyst for the breakup of DX. We already saw tension tonight, which just added to what we saw previously last week. then Trips and Michaels can have their one on one match and let creative do something else with the tag titles.

The only part that is sort of perplexing is what about SES now? Punk finally seems interesting and his group is getting massive heat over on Smackdown. This could have gotten them double the exposure while at the same time helping Punk stay relevant. If he doesn't stay relevant, all the work they did with Hardy last summer was for nothing. The only reason i can think of to not give SES the tag titles is it played out better for their plans with ShowMiz and DX better, and they have different plans for SES. This could involve a tag match at Mania for the titles, or perhaps they want to build Punk's group so he has tons of momentum going into a singles Mania match.

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