Jericho New IC Champ

How do you think Y2J's return has been?

  • Great - His return couldn't have been better

  • Decent - It still can improve

  • Horrible - he should have went to TNA instead

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I agree with a lot of what has been said so far, especially that Jericho should have been put on Smackdown. Perhaps they'll move him after NWO or wrestlemania, as there is no chance he'll win the elimination chamber for Raw (or should I say, the HHH show).

It just doesn't make sense to me to push his return so strongly and then not carrythrough. He either should have won the title against orton on his return, or been given someone else to feud with first on his return that he would then defeat. This whole thing was done poorly and it's hard to have jericho stand out anymore, he's nothing more than just another wrestler on the show now, not involved in anything memorable.
Are any of you guys ever pleased with ANYTHING?
I mean seriously.
A few months ago everyone on the site was like "OMG Jericho's returning!!!" "SAVE.US_222 is awesome!!" etc, you guys were all licking Chris Jericho's nuts, it was pathetic...
but two weeks after he came back, you guys were all talkin about how he's boring and does the same stuff every week, etc.

And the same can pretty much be said about Randy Orton before his WWE title reign over the summer/early fall, and Mr. Kennedy going to RAW in the draft, and HHH's return over the summer, and Jeff Hardy's recent push, and DX re-uniting in mid-2006, and ECW relauching a couple of years ago, and so on, and so on............
The WWE seems to think that having a match end via DQ can preserve a title reign and save face for the losing wrestler.It can, just not every single defense.I think that SD! would have been best, because the World Heavyweight Title would have been good for him.All that the WWE is doing is cramming returning guys onto Raw whereas on SD! we see Edge vs Batista Edga vs Rey etc....I got nothing against Edge, but the same to guys over and over again isn't all that entertaining.
I agree with you that a lot of these guys seem to be excited with something until they, rather quickly, get tired or bored of someone or something. However, the WWE has certainly dropped the ball with Jericho. His return was hyped up for months. His encrypted videos were played on Raw week after week. His book signings were scheduled on Mondays in areas where Raw was airing. Naturally, we all knew it was coming. Then he came back...and none of us were surprised. Instead of, "Holy Shit! Jericho's back!" it was quite underwhelming since we all knew it was coming. I was more excited reading about his return than actually watching it. It was too expected at that point and that isn't our faults---we didn't leak the thing.

As me and my buddy watched the Rumble, after Cena made his surprise return (which was a total Holy Shit! moment), we both looked at each other and said, "that's how Jericho should've came back." That sort of "out of nowhere" shocking return would've made fans ecstatic to see him, simply because I, who is not really a Cena fan nor a hater, was excited to see Cena so imagine if it was Y2J.

That didn't happen. Instead we got what we got. Fine. I can live with that. He then gets thrown into the title picture. Cool. He loses via JBL's boot. Alright. He's in a feud with an announcer. Not cool. The feud goes nowhere. WTF are they doing. The bottom line is this. Regardless of how fans responded to Jericho, you don't build up a return like that and have it sputter out after one title match. They should've bit the bullet and MADE fans interested. Instead, they took the easy way out and acted like it never happened. Now, Jericho is climbing out of a long, deep well. Slowly, I see him coming out of it. Hopefully he keeps it up.
Y2J must be on smackdown cause if he is not going to SD! after WM24
I think it will be really hard for him to be the main event guy that HHH want
to be after WM and with Cena now returning and being on raw at the moment
I think maybe Y2J wont be the main event guy that we want him to be,
smack down is the best choice and turning heel is even better lets face it
it will create a lot of things in SD!
Y2J is fine everyone. Yes, he had a bad start to his second stint with WWE but people have to realize something, Jericho was never the best wrestler in the WWE. He put on some great matches and had great promos. He was even the first undisputed champion, which he highly deserved and no one in wrestling history can ever claim anything that prestigious. And he beat the two best ever at that time in the same night. That was Y2J's peak.

Now he has to go back to his roots. He needs to turn heel. And bring back the liontamer, not the walls of Jericho. And stop giving a fuck too. He's so much better as a heel. Him and a Jeff Hardy feud will be one of the best, especially a long term. That would really skyrocket both of their careers as superstars. I think more Jericho than Hardy. But I still see Jericho going to the top. He may not win another championship but I do see him beating the hell out of HHH before he leaves WwE. That's one Y2J wants to accomplish.
i think jericho is a poor wrestler he hasnt got hardly any moves and i find him quite boring in his return, since he come back he hasnt done anything, has he won a fight yet cause i dont remember, why did he come back?, he has been awful.
I don't really think this is anybodies fault, it's just unfortunate circumstances. I think since he left in 2005 there has been a massive turnover in the audience so when he returned half the audience didn't seem to know who he was. The WWE was probably expecting him to be getting massive reactions right of the bat which would have made his fued with JBL epic, imagine if the fans loved Y2J and JBL was pulling him around by cord over his neck then vebally attacked his children, the fued wouldn't have been great.

Plus his return seems to have conencided with Jeff Hardy suddenly getting massively over and they've been protecting him the way they probably would have been protecting Jericho.

What needs to happen is that he either turns heel or he moves down the card for a bit and has less than serious fueds where he can be a funny entertaining guy and get over again.
It was Cena's "early" return that screwed Jericho over. Raw is just too loaded now. Since Jeff Hardy is probably gonna win the MITB match, he's out of luck there, too. My gues is either give him the IC title and fued him with Santino/Calito, of after the Wrestlamnia draft, put him on smackdown, were he can be a top heel with Edge.
He should have been heel, and also not thrown into the mix for the title so quickly.

They hyped and hyped his return, and it turned out to me mediocre.

Now, he's not even in the title run anymore! Cena will most likely win the title, :icon_cry::icon_cry: and Jerico will be mid-carded.

I remember when he was one of the most brutal heels of all time, like when he hit Chyna with a hammer. LOL!:D He's great on the mic, and I don't think his act is really old. He keeps it fresh by saying different shit all the time.

But, his return was very anticlimactic. I guess the money is good, but he's going to be a curtain jerker in another year. WWE seems to screw up everything.
did anyone else think jericho came back and was extremely camp?? the sparkly waistcoat...the camp voice, the camp pose? may have been a hangover from the entertainment business! but it seems to be going but i know think he is getting a bit better every week and his promo after JBL verbally attacked his kids was ace. showed u dont need to scream and shout to get ur point across! his ring rust is going and i thought he looked good in the chamber. could definately do with a trade to smackdown, or even to ecw for a short period to help some of the other younger stars. could take the title and build up a rep again! ECW could do with a major star or 2 to really help out and freshen things up, who better than a star whos comeback didnt go to plan? also with the talent exchange he could appear on smackdown and feud with some of the guys there.
yep, he definitely should have gone straight to Smackdown on his return as a heel, since that is what he does best. even though there are mainly heels on Smackdown, im sure they couldve thought of something. he has no place on Raw, especially someone of his star quality.
he could have had great feuds on Smackdown with JBL if he went as a face too, and he could have gone for that title for a while. Raw is too packed out.
Then he could have gone to feud with the Undertaker and so on. He wouldve been great.
Right now, hes a waste on Raw, he has had mediocre feuds with JBL and Orton, but he is getting better. Time will tell as to what they will do with him next.
Just a thought.
Well, his comeback was definitely a disappointment, but I think he's on the right track now. I've seen more eye rakes again lately and he even tried to frustrate a babyface, HBK (slapping his head and screaming "Come on, HBK! Come on!").

So maybe he just needed a little warmup and is going to be more entertaining again soon. Who knows.
The only reason why they put him in is because to get the fans going. He should not have gotten a title so soon, and i wish he will get more of a chance. I guess only time will tell.
Y2J not being on Raw this past week got me thinking. As a face, is there anything Y2J can do right now. I suppose the MITB match, but other than that, there really is nothing for Y2J to do unless he's going to feud with Umaga or someone like that. Honestly I think that he needs a heel turn, and fast. Y2J as a heel would give him many more oppertunities, Hell even feuding Hardy would be good. If Y2J is going to be stuck in the middle card area, might as well make him a heel and have him feud with the top of the mid card, Jeff Hardy for the IC title.
When it was announce that Y2J was going to return, most of the wrestling fans thought that it was going to be grand, fresh, and entertaining. However, I believe that Jericho's return has been the exact opposite. On the night of his return, I thought that his reaction was a reaction someone would get from a return from injury, not a return from a two year absence. Then, the following week he had his return match, which was unannounced, and against Santino Marella. Now, don't get me wrong, Santino is a great performer, but having him look equally as good as Jericho in the ring was a definite mistake, especially since now they have him losing to mid-carders with relative ease. Not only was his return match unannounced, but he also got a horrible crowd reaction. Ever since then, whenever Jericho has come out, it is almost as though his crowd reaction is equal to Snitsky's. The thing I don't understand is why Jericho is getting this reaction when most wrestling fans were begging for his return.

However, that is in the past and now I would like to know how you think Jericho's return has been and if you hated it, how would you turn it around. Personally, I would have him work a program with Jeff Hardy where Jericho turns heel. I would have him lose the final match up between these two then have him transfered over to SD to get a fresh start.
he has just came back with the same old gimmick that grew stale when he left. He is a great wrestler, up there with shawn michaels as the best technical wrestler RAW has got, he has great mic skills and can put on a good show. Chris Jericho simply dosent work as a face though. With his return he should have come back and done things that no one would have expected, hijacking the commentry, interrupting boring matches and maybe even breaking kayfabe and saying things he wasent meant to sayy, this way people would have tuned in to see what the hell he would of done next, it probably would have got him over with the fans similar to how Austin went over in the attitude era, im not saying he would have had the same impact but it definitly would have been a better way to return:

In conclusion great wrestler, mediocre return, potential to get better but needs too...quickly.
It hasnt been that bad, but definately could be better. I think the problem was he was immediately thrown into the main event, and he doenst even win the title. That to me just killed all of his momentum. Not to mention putting him with Orton, who to me is just so boring. Great heel, but boring as hell. Jericho needs someone who he can bounce off of, while orton is very slow and methodical. Overall I'm glad to have him back though, but I'm looking forward to his heel turn.
As a long time Jericho fan I was really excited about his return, and have been pretty disappointed since then. I don't want to see him as just a jobber to the likes of Cena, Jeff Hardy, HHH, etc. That said, I thought Y2J had a pretty good showing in the Elimination Chamber and his MITB qualifying match against Jeff Hardy a few weeks ago was one of the better matches I've seen in a while. Hopefullly that's a sign of better things to come.

I agree with those that have said a move to SD! would probably be best for him.
slow builds work better. yeah he's back, but have him build a feud toward number one contender. jbl as 1st feud would have been better to work off ring rust and then have #1 contender match with him before post WM feud. chris is good on the ring and gold on the mic...let the fans see that before have him lose to orton
I have to admit that Y2J's return has not been all that great so far, but he is not to blame. He had a mini-fued with Orton, then was put in a fued with JBL, I would like to see any wrestler make a good match with him, then the Elimination Chamber which he had no chance to win. It was nice to see him pin Hardy just so he can gain some respect back. He wont win MITB, but i expect a good performance from him and I do think that he will eventually with one of the two world titles.
y2j just won the belt! im so excited because usually id be at work at this time. what a great back and forth match. lots of near falls. right up until the end i really didnt think y2j was going to pull it off. what a great surprise!!
None of the above.

It's been pretty wretched and fucked since before his physical return, but there was no reason for him to go to TNA. He had a shit-ton of leverage when it came to his contract. Raw was down a couple Main Eventers, and he had other options. Essentially, WWE needed Jericho more than he needed them, so he comes out of this with a nice payday....just the booking has been terrible all the way through. The return promos? Made too obvious. His first appearance coming with knocking out Orton's torch runner....then the actual return? Shit. Jericho getting a title shot immediately? Makes no sense. JBL feud? Horrible blowoff, went nowhere, did nothing for anybody. Now he's essentially the guy he was before the Cena feud in 2005.

In summary: It's been horrible, but the money, the fact that WWE hasn't exactly been bad to him, and the fact that he's not a huge mark for himself that thinks going to TNA and winning a World Title there > Making more for a company he'd rather work for and wrestling all over the world with them.
after that classic match against Hardy, I think he is officially back now, the Problem could be that Raw have a lot of talent and a lot of storylines to try and use for a two hour show

when Y2J gets his little air time he always performs well, I would love a fued with Santino though I think that would be awesome, I think the Money in the Bank match will steal the show at Wrestlemania as well

but that match againt Y2J vs Hardy was a pure classic, even the crowd was going back and forth that was the 2nd very good match they had together I hope they continue to fued, also I actually like Y2J as a heel better, even in WCW his best moments was when he was a heel and was making fun of everybody so I would love to see him turn heel again eventually

even though I was going crazy for him after he won the IC Belts I was shocked to see a title change during Raw but I sure was happy

hopefully this IC Champ run is not a short one, Jeff did have the belt for a while and I would like to see Jeff win the Money In the Bank and get the belt eventually, I would rather see Jeff get a run before seeing Cena or even HHH have yet another run as champion
Why have they put the title on Jericho again? What exactly did his last 7(?) title reigns achieve? I know Hardy wasn't defending it, so it was pretty pointless on him. But why not give it to somebody like Kennedy? He'd benefit more than Jericho.

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