Jericho a face again?


Occasional Pre-Show
OK is it just me, or did Edge spearing Randy Orton on Raw make him seem more of a heel than anything? I mean look at it, Randy is getting a huge ovation due to him basically being a face, so wouldnt that make Edge a heel? and in turn could that make Jericho a face, having Edge v. Jericho v. Orton in a triple threat to find a number one contender, i mean it only makes sense, to make Jericho a good guy if Edge is a bad guy, isnt a rubber match between Jericho and Edge going to happen, unless im mistaken (which i probably am) but didnt Jericho beat Edge at Mania, then a double count out on SmackDown, then Edge and Jericho lost to Swagger, and then Edge beat Jericho at Extreme Rules, tying the feud at 1-1? Either way, can anyone else see what im talking about? give me your thoughts on this folks.
If I recall correctly Jericho doesn't want to play a face again and said he'd fight it every step of the way. But I wouldn't mind seeing it. I can never decide whether I like Y2J or the current Jericho more.

Edge suits a heel, he was a terrible face in my opinion. Only reason people cheered him was because he was feuding with Jericho. Just about anybody fighting Jericho atm would get cheered.
Jericho isn't a face again, and I don't think he will be for the time being. Edge spearing Randy Orton and a possible heel turn from him is unrelated to Jericho as I now believe their feud is over.

With Jericho's current character, it'd be near impossible for him to become a face again, the fans have hated him for so long, and he does everything so well. I don't think Jericho can ever go back to the old Y2J persona. I would love for them to have a rubber match, but I don't think it will happen. I think now that the Extreme Rules and the draft have happened, all the storylines from Mania are done with, except for maybe Sheamus/HHH.
OK, so Randy Orton DDT'd Stephanie McMahon while HHH watched, and was as evil as you would ever see. He's a face now. If that can happen, so can it to to Y2J. Sometimes the biggest face can be a heel (Hogan)...heels to face and back (Undertaker) this is wrestling guys! Now, I hope they don't turn him good, Jericho is a heel on the show, and a face in person. It's the way of things.

Now, if they would just turn Cena heel and give Kane his mask back...
call me crazy but with the wwe title picture being a lil crowded..i see some sort of alliance with jericho and the Miz..they were both dumped by the big show and they both have similarly annoying personalities..i have a feeling this is the route wwe will take jericho
god i hope not JERICHO is WAY to good of a heel his promo are alot better when hes a heel now dont get me wrong i loved the Y2J persona but i think JERICHO will stay heel and fight for the U.S. title when THE MIZ loses it which i think will be soon to call me crazy but i think GOLDUST hes in the best shape of his career even JERICHO said that and we all know JERICHO is that transitional wrestler who goes from ME to mid-card whenever so JERICHO as a face lets hope not
call me crazy but with the wwe title picture being a lil crowded..i see some sort of alliance with jericho and the Miz..they were both dumped by the big show and they both have similarly annoying personalities..i have a feeling this is the route wwe will take jericho

I didnt think of that but I completely agree. Have Jericho mentor the Miz. I think the Miz is really good at the stage he's at on the mic, but Jericho would add additional heat to the Miz. I think you almost have to keep Jericho heel. There is nothing he is doing that generates any pops from the crowd. I personally LOVE Jericho's style and his interviews, but I still boo him like crazy when seeing him live. Keep Jericho heel for sure
I see a LOT of potential backstabbing and face/heel swaps in the near future. I mean Big Show is being reported to become Smackdowns top face (and thats not a spoiler thank u very much its simply a "report" done on here so if we can't talk about it. DON'T POST IT FOR US TO READ :) )there could be intense character shifts up and down the rosters.

As far as Jericho goes... Either way he's one of the best damn people WWE has going for themselves. He can hang with the best and he can elevate the worst. Jericho is a rare man. I have to say. Jericho may be one of the BEST wrestlers right now. Not saying MONEY wise, draw wise or nothing but name the last time Jericho went out with a MAJOR injury (talking 3-4months and above). Name 1 other high talent that has been serious injury free since Jericho returned to the WWE. Yeah that's what I thought. Can't do it.

Turning Jericho face would be slightly useless right now though because he's such an incredible heel. Let Jericho maintain his major heel status as long as it works. Once the fans start to love him again regardless of what he does. Then turn him Tweener until they cheer him when he goes up against a major face. Until Then... JERICHO FOR HEEL!!!
god hope not!!! well if Edge isnt becoming a heel again hes like Randy,hes def a tweener. in the case of Jericho like he said himself he wasnt saw for many years as the SUPERstar that he is........until hes heel turn in 2008! I mean if he is a face I think he will be done he can go back to the Y2J persona, I personally cant take him seriously as Y2J after this "Im an honest man, the best in the World at what I do" gimmick. hes just too great. and I dont think that he will be like the mentor of Miz but I think they can start an AAAWESOOOMMME feud!
I think Jericho is a great heel. Him becoming face like the others said would just be able to come across seriously as i heel he can be one of the strongest characters on and that would be the best and wisest way to use him. I don't think it would work in a pairing with the Miz i think the Miz has to much comic heel value to him.
Well you see, Edge turned heel AFTER those matches with Jericho. Right now they are on different brands and it is truly irrelevant. I personally think Jericho will stay heel as that's where he fits perfectly.
uMMM There on the same brand! Raw...both where drafted to Monday nights.....and Jericho is the best heel of them all! I cant help but cheer for him, as hes so awesome....and hes the best at what he does! Just like he says!! : )
OK, so Randy Orton DDT'd Stephanie McMahon while HHH watched, and was as evil as you would ever see. He's a face now. If that can happen, so can it to to Y2J. Sometimes the biggest face can be a heel (Hogan)...heels to face and back (Undertaker) this is wrestling guys! Now, I hope they don't turn him good, Jericho is a heel on the show, and a face in person. It's the way of things.

Now, if they would just turn Cena heel and give Kane his mask back...

Negative, Orton is a Tweener.

Anyway, onto the subject, I wouldn't mind seeing Jericho as a face again although I've always thought he makes a better heel and.. I'm pretty sure he prefers being a heel/doesn't want to go back to being a face so yeah. :p
I think it's obvious that they're getting him to the Y2J gimmick once again, little subtle things every week with the most recent being him returning to his normal voice from his monotone voice. We also saw the return of the highlight reel, something that he had previously promised not to go back to.

I'm 80% expecting him to give us a "Welcome to Raw is Jericho" on Monday and an eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever. Not a face turn, just a change from serious heel Jericho into Y2J the fun loving heel.
well you say all from mania, but what about Rey and Punk, again Sheamus and Triple H, i dont think it is over with, i mean I can see WWE making Jericho a face, it would be a great turn for him, bringing back the Y2J persona probably wouldnt work, but possibly a neutral type of character, like Orton is right sure it would work, plus who doesnt like Jericho?
uhmm you realize Jericho and Edge are both on Raw right? which makes it perfectly relevant to what im saying, if they were on different brands then yeah i wouldnt have said anything, but seeing as it is, Edge is heel, this would make it all the better for Jericho to be face...
lol yeah i see exactly what you are talking about, the attitude Y2J, not the IM BETTER THAN YOU...i think Punk does enough of that for everyone lol, but yeah like i was saying, more of a Neutral character rather than a complete love to see the old Y2J back, but for some reason, i dont think it will go that far...

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