Jeff Hardy's fatherhood - a change in priorities?

The Scarred One

The Greatest of All Time
If this is the wrong place to post this, I apologize.

In case you haven't heard by now, Jeff Hardy has announced that he and his longtime girlfriend, Beth Britt, will be expecting their first child. The Charismatic Engima released a video regarding it that can be found on YouTube, although he didn't mention either a due date or a gender.

With the news of his impending fatherhood, Hardy has to consider a lot of changes in regards to welcoming a new life he helped create. Before, he only made decisions that affected himself and himself alone. But now, he will have to think twice about certain things.

It seems like ever since he started wrestling, Hardy's career has been riddled with controversy and criticism, whether it involved drugs or his unreliability in and out of the ring. He got released by the WWE back in 2003 over an alleged burnout and alleged refusal to go to rehab for a drug problem. Then when he joined TNA his first time around, he no-showed a couple of events, one of them a major pay-per-view, which probably was the reason why TNA never pushed Hardy as much as they should've. When he came back to WWE in 2006, he got suspended a couple of times, which postponed his push to WWE/World Heavyweight Champion status. Now that he's back in TNA, Hardy is once again held back, mostly due to his trial on drug charges that keeps getting postponed.

But with the news now public of his impending fatherhood, should we expect a new and improved Jeff Hardy? He needs to consider the fact that things are going to be different once he becomes a father. In the past, he's made many foolish choices not only as a professional wrestler but as a person. But soon, he'll have a new life to consider.

So will his becoming a father cause Jeff Hardy to re-evaluate his life and career? Will we see a more responsible and dependable Jeff Hardy as far as his wrestling career goes? Could this be what turns his life around for the better? Will Jeff Hardy walk away from wrestling altogether?
Am I hopping for a new and improved Hardy,
Do I think I'll see one,
I doubt She's going to have a baby,
and Presto change-o,
Father of the year,
Jeff doesn't think he has a problem,
A common case for addicts,
I think it will be a very SMichaels-esque scenario,
Where after a few years he'll realize he really needs to get his sh** together,
& then gets clean,
If that
the sad reality is that becoming a father does not always change people. Scott Hall has kids, and look at him. out of all the people who have been released from WWE over the past 10 years, almost all of them had children as well. i have been very criticized in the past for even speaking on Hardy and his drug issues, because i believe that he was given a chance and threw it away, that is MY personal opinion, and i know others dont agree, but then i ask, how many of them have battled with addiction? unless you know the mindset, you cant say "oh its not all his fault" and shit like that. would i LIKE to see a change in Jeff? abso-fuckin-lutly. but that aint so much of im a jeff hardy fan, rather then i wish death upon no man, and believe that following the path he's on will lead to an early death, and thats something that Sport's entertainment dont need.
As a new father it does change you a lot. Now if he wants to get his ish together he needs to think long term. he knows TNA would be the best solution as he could have easier travel time to hi s home but what TNA pays help out. WWE is the cash cow and he was (is) a big draw and maybe if he gets that type of reaction he could work out a Undertaker like deal. If not then he needs to go on a hitas and take care of his kid
WWE is the cash cow and he was (is) a big draw and maybe if he gets that type of reaction he could work out a Undertaker like deal. If not then he needs to go on a hitas and take care of his kid

I agree, totally. I think he could easily get an Undertaker-style deal, because Vince knows the stock in Jeff Hardy will never fade. I personally see Jeff making his way to WWE if and when he gets out of court(which would mean a TNA WHC Title reign or two). WWE is definitely the place for him to be. MERCH SALES ALONE would be through the roof, just as they were before. Not to mention his salary would be 7, or close-to-7 figures.
Now, maybe we shouldn't be so harsh on Mr. Hardy. Its far too early to say whether its going to make him a changed man, or he's going to be a screw up. There's always room for redemption in life. Jeff is still young enough, in he's 33, or 34 I believe, there are some people who don't realize it until they are well into 50's or older. Granted, he's known for his quirky-ness, and throwing caution to the wind. While most traditionalists may see his current set of circumstances (legal situation, work schedule) as not the best way to enter into fatherhood, we are not ones to judge. There are many people who have been able to rise above. He does have a good amount of people in his life he can turn to for help and advice should the need arise. I don't think he's necessarily a lost cause.

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