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Hardy's Problems - A Work?

I definitely see no point in saying what WWE did vs. what TNA did; Hardy had whatever going on at the time he did, so whatever he had going on in actually going on is to be blamed on him is as much his fault as the company's. Still I find it interesting the court continues to delay the case every time.
I really hope that Jeff Hardy's "problems" at the last PPV is not some sort of a work. If this turns out to be the case, then TNA is truly a lost cause. Professional wrestling has a tendency nowadays to attempt to blur the lines between reality and kayfabe. In the world of facebook, twitter, etc., both TNA and WWE can utilize the naievity and passion of the IWC to further storylines, and for the most part, I don't really have too much of a problem with it.

This is totally different. The man has been charged with a serious criminal offence and if he is convicted for it, he's spending significant time behind bars. This is not something to trivialize in a professional wrestling storyline. Charges aside, making the man look like even more of a druggie than we all know he is would be stupid and irresponsible. Kids may not be their target demographic, but they do watch. Do we really need the TNA World Heavyweight Champion to be portrayed as a drug abuser just to forward a storyline?

Personally I don't think it's a work. I think he's a troubled man who had some control over his life in the structured world of the WWE, but now when left to his own devices, he's out of control. I just hope he can straighten his issues out, before he's the next wrestling tragedy, and we're reading about him on here with a number after his name.
Personally I don't think it's a work. I think he's a troubled man who had some control over his life in the structured world of the WWE, but now when left to his own devices, he's out of control. I just hope he can straighten his issues out, before he's the next wrestling tragedy, and we're reading about him on here with a number after his name.

This is what gets me about the whole thing... Working for WWE (I believe most of it was pre-Wellness), he had some structure, but working for TNA is seen as "left to his own devices". It really kills me that Morgan's name is attached to research on concussions, etc., to the point it's become part of a storyline, but Hardy could be under the influence of who-knows-what, & they'll put/keep their top belt on him.
You know what I do not get? People saying if TNA is working to portray Hardy as more druggie than he is for entertainment purposes then it is simply the most awful, off putting thing ever, yet many of these same people routinely exaggerate Jeff hardy in the present as some total addict of epic proportions for their own entertainment with their claims they have zero real evidence for. Saying Jeff Hardy has had his real problems and talking about those there is evidence for is fine. Saying he is a crystal meth head presently that smokes everything that isn't tied down is worse than anything TNA may or may not be doing IMO.

The amount of these "exclusive" sourceless reports picking up is lending some credence to the work side of things, although it is probably just a testament to the sad world of "news" for websites hits not being held to a reputable standard in the name of business. One story I could see working is Dixie not wanting someone in his position representing the company while Bischoff Hogan pretend it isn't a problem. I also think people might be missing the potential of addressing such things in the long run if it led to a face turn. They didn't hide from concussions. Maybe bringing the wrestling and drugs topic into the forefront at some point could be a great thing if ultimately a positive spin in a redemption storyline was used.

Jeff Hardy definitely KNEW this would happen last year, which is why he left the WWE when he did.

So he KNEW there was going to be a sting operation and instead of not having drugs there when they came he thought I should probably give up my paycheck instead? I wish people wouldn't say stupid shit that makes no sense like this. Did you really say at one point that his kayfabe character was going to have serious bearing on the trial? Don't quit you day job to go into the legal profession is all I can say. Jeff got arrested two weeks after leaving WWE who was still actively trying to keep him signed to some sort of a deal. He didn't start full-time with TNA until 6 months later. But sure TNA is the devil and WWE did nothing wrong.
You know what I do not get? People saying if TNA is working to portray Hardy as more druggie than he is for entertainment purposes then it is simply the most awful, off putting thing ever, yet many of these same people routinely exaggerate Jeff hardy in the present as some total addict of epic proportions for their own entertainment with their claims they have zero real evidence for. Saying Jeff Hardy has had his real problems and talking about those there is evidence for is fine. Saying he is a crystal meth head presently that smokes everything that isn't tied down is worse than anything TNA may or may not be doing IMO.

The amount of these "exclusive" sourceless reports picking up is lending some credence to the work side of things, although it is probably just a testament to the sad world of "news" for websites hits not being held to a reputable standard in the name of business. One story I could see working is Dixie not wanting someone in his position representing the company while Bischoff Hogan pretend it isn't a problem. I also think people might be missing the potential of addressing such things in the long run if it led to a face turn. They didn't hide from concussions. Maybe bringing the wrestling and drugs topic into the forefront at some point could be a great thing if ultimately a positive spin in a redemption storyline was used.

So he KNEW there was going to be a sting operation and instead of not having drugs there when they came he thought I should probably give up my paycheck instead? I wish people wouldn't say stupid shit that makes no sense like this. Did you really say at one point that his kayfabe character was going to have serious bearing on the trial? Don't quit you day job to go into the legal profession is all I can say. Jeff got arrested two weeks after leaving WWE who was still actively trying to keep him signed to some sort of a deal. He didn't start full-time with TNA until 6 months later. But sure TNA is the devil and WWE did nothing wrong.

Well, since you're not a lawyer and since you're a lame TNA mark, let me school you on something: any evidence against him is BAD. You think it means nothing to flaunt drug use when you're on trial for drugs? He has two strikes against him in the WWE's Wellness Policy for drugs, he was looking at a third which not only kills his paycheck but is a real black mark on his record, and I think that's why he left. Why else would he leave when he was on top of Smackdown? Why would Jeff downgrade to TNA (yeah, I said it, downgrade!) after only a day after being World Heavyweight Champion? The law can pull records, savvy prosecutors can call character witnesses, and even saying his character is based on his real life can affect his case to a jury. You don't know the law but it's transparent what's going on. Why do you think it keeps getting delayed? His defense team, knowing the charges are overwhelming against him, are getting continuances to try to help in either plea bargaining to get him out of jail time or lobbying for a suspended sentence and a large fine with probation.

As for TNA being the devil, it's not their fault for his problems, and if anything they're saving him by giving him another place to work without consequence, but they're the ones putting him at the top of their card with their top title. To do that is unexpected, unpredictable and unintelligent. To put the World title a guy with even the slightest chance of being arrested and imprisoned is just dumb. To make is part of a storyline is even worse.
So he KNEW there was going to be a sting operation and instead of not having drugs there when they came he thought I should probably give up my paycheck instead? I wish people wouldn't say stupid shit that makes no sense like this. Did you really say at one point that his kayfabe character was going to have serious bearing on the trial? Don't quit you day job to go into the legal profession is all I can say. Jeff got arrested two weeks after leaving WWE who was still actively trying to keep him signed to some sort of a deal. He didn't start full-time with TNA until 6 months later. But sure TNA is the devil and WWE did nothing wrong.

If you want to go that route then it's quite likely Hardy left WWE because he knew he'd fail the next drug test and, as he's done in the past, he didn't and wouldn't want to go to rehab and deal with his issue. Instead, he'd choose to leave WWE on his own terms, go elsewhere, and continue to feed his addictions. It's not like WWE didn't try to get him to go to rehab in the past and he refused to go.

And what does give TNA a negative light in this is the fact that, as you said, Hardy got busted after he left WWE and BEFORE he went to TNA. So, he was busted for all of those things, was knowingly going to try for them, and clearly has drug problems he hasn't dealt with and TNA still went ahead and hired him, and still went ahead and made him the top star of their company. That doesn't exactly make them look too good in my opinion. It certainly isn't doing Jeff Hardy any favors to deter from or help him with his problems.

But no, I don't believe for a minute that any of it was a work.
Why isn't it possible that he left WWE because he felt his life slipping out of control? As best I remember his contract had expired a while before he actually left and WWE kept begging him to stay on a little longer because of their obvious issues with main event talent depth. Hardy had been saying he was really banged up and burnt out and that was why he needed a break. That WWE schedule is no joke and Hardy is far from the first or last to have some drug issues probably related to it. If anyone thinks Hardy wasn't on drugs of some kind for a significant portion of the end of his WWE career then they are in denial. There is zero evidence that he left just to avoid a drugtest and keep doing drugs. Keep spouting it like a fact if you want to be a moron. There is just as much proof for that as any other bs I want to makeup, like say WWE set up Hardy with the feds because they wanted to discredit him once he turned them down.

No doubt he made some bad decisions and clearly was in a bad place coming out of WWE. However, since then he had a serious legal situation followed by Beth getting pregnant and the birth of their child. Angle was able to clean up his act in TNA without any of those external motivations. Why does everyone assume the worst about Jeff based on bullshit rumors that never have a tangible source? Hate TNA, his talent, his past or whatever but condemning his present with no real evidence of any wrongdoing this year is suspect at best IMO. You do not know him and you certainly do not know what goes on in his personal life.
You know what I do not get? People saying if TNA is working to portray Hardy as more druggie than he is for entertainment purposes then it is simply the most awful, off putting thing ever, yet many of these same people routinely exaggerate Jeff hardy in the present as some total addict of epic proportions for their own entertainment with their claims they have zero real evidence for. Saying Jeff Hardy has had his real problems and talking about those there is evidence for is fine. Saying he is a crystal meth head presently that smokes everything that isn't tied down is worse than anything TNA may or may not be doing IMO.

The amount of these "exclusive" sourceless reports picking up is lending some credence to the work side of things, although it is probably just a testament to the sad world of "news" for websites hits not being held to a reputable standard in the name of business. One story I could see working is Dixie not wanting someone in his position representing the company while Bischoff Hogan pretend it isn't a problem. I also think people might be missing the potential of addressing such things in the long run if it led to a face turn. They didn't hide from concussions. Maybe bringing the wrestling and drugs topic into the forefront at some point could be a great thing if ultimately a positive spin in a redemption storyline was used.

So he KNEW there was going to be a sting operation and instead of not having drugs there when they came he thought I should probably give up my paycheck instead? I wish people wouldn't say stupid shit that makes no sense like this. Did you really say at one point that his kayfabe character was going to have serious bearing on the trial? Don't quit you day job to go into the legal profession is all I can say. Jeff got arrested two weeks after leaving WWE who was still actively trying to keep him signed to some sort of a deal. He didn't start full-time with TNA until 6 months later. But sure TNA is the devil and WWE did nothing wrong.

Why isn't it possible that he left WWE because he felt his life slipping out of control? As best I remember his contract had expired a while before he actually left and WWE kept begging him to stay on a little longer because of their obvious issues with main event talent depth. Hardy had been saying he was really banged up and burnt out and that was why he needed a break. That WWE schedule is no joke and Hardy is far from the first or last to have some drug issues probably related to it. If anyone thinks Hardy wasn't on drugs of some kind for a significant portion of the end of his WWE career then they are in denial. There is zero evidence that he left just to avoid a drugtest and keep doing drugs. Keep spouting it like a fact if you want to be a moron. There is just as much proof for that as any other bs I want to makeup, like say WWE set up Hardy with the feds because they wanted to discredit him once he turned them down.

No doubt he made some bad decisions and clearly was in a bad place coming out of WWE. However, since then he had a serious legal situation followed by Beth getting pregnant and the birth of their child. Angle was able to clean up his act in TNA without any of those external motivations. Why does everyone assume the worst about Jeff based on bullshit rumors that never have a tangible source? Hate TNA, his talent, his past or whatever but condemning his present with no real evidence of any wrongdoing this year is suspect at best IMO. You do not know him and you certainly do not know what goes on in his personal life.

No evidence of any wrongdoing? Are you high?! Did you dip in Jeff Hardy's stash? Oh, THIS YEAR Jeff wasn't busted with piles of drugs in his home. THIS YEAR Jeff was a perfect angel during his drug trial. I think Jeff would be the stupidest man on the planet if he got caught WHILE he's on trial for several drug charges!

And I'm not basing Jeff's possible storyline on rumors. I'm basing it on two strikes of the Wellness Policy, which the WWE takes seriously, and the fact that he looks coked out on-screen. I'm basing on the fact that he practically staggered out during his match with Raven a few months ago. And I'm basing it on Jeff being on trial for several counts of drug possession.

What's funny is that you keep trying to make this about bashing TNA. The company is irrelevant. If Jeff Hardy wrestled for ROH, CZW, New Japan, All Japan, or stayed in the WWE, we'd still question making him top champion going through a major trial, especially when the guy apparently can't handle it. TNA happens to be the company that employed him, and now he happens to be in trouble.

You talk about Jeff dealing with the trial, a new baby girl, and losing his home. Well, you know what? If he needs drugs to get through it he's not ready to be top champion then. You can deal with issues, wrestle matches and not be the company's figurehead. He should get over his problems or deal with them better than popping pills. I have no sympathy for him because other champions and other people have bigger problems.

And one more thing for the marks: TNA would be bullshit IF it is a work, because they'd be doing what WCW did with Scott Hall: exploiting his offstage problems onstage shamelessly. And Scott Hall had multiple issues that were rumors as well that eventually were proven correct. Let's see you TNA marks actually support that.
Oh, THIS YEAR Jeff wasn't busted with piles of drugs in his home.

No that was in 2009, it was also more than a year ago.

I think Jeff would be the stupidest man on the planet if he got caught WHILE he's on trial for several drug charges!

Yet, you routinely say he is actively being the stupidest person on the planet? Especially when you are presenting a strong case for owning that moniker.

My latest post isn't about anything except how do you know Jeff is on drugs right now. Your only "evidence" is he did them in the past (hardly proves the present) and this bs

and the fact that he looks coked out on-screen.

I'm basing on the fact that he practically staggered out during his match with Raven a few months ago. And I'm basing it on Jeff being on trial for several counts of drug possession.

Like I said. You have no real evidence. Just perceptions of the present that you basically admit are heavily influenced by the past, so there is a psychological bias at work. If you are going to run someone down you should probably have something better than he looks like it on tv. What do you know about what it looks like anyway? Cena is on steroids he looks like it on tv ...

What's funny is that you keep trying to make this about bashing TNA. The company is irrelevant.

Then why do others including yourself keep bringing it up? The TNA factor is leading to the bias. TNA isn't an opium den. Kurt Angle was completely screwed up from WWE when they got rid of him. He came to TNA and it certainly appears was able to make himself healthier.

You talk about Jeff dealing with the trial, a new baby girl, and losing his home. Well, you know what? If he needs drugs to get through it he's not ready to be top champion then. You can deal with issues, wrestle matches and not be the company's figurehead. He should get over his problems or deal with them better than popping pills. I have no sympathy for him because other champions and other people have bigger problems.

New baby is a problem? I knew you were weird but ... damn. Anyway my point is that both the baby and the trial are obvious reasons to try and get off drugs. The baby can be a life changing thing and the trial as we talked about above gives him externally enforced motivation to keep clean. Yet you run him down based on what you think he looked like on tv once or twice, saying he is constantly doing drugs with no way to really know. Why is it impossible he took the more obvious route and isn't presently making meth in his basement?

Even more asinine everyone acts like being addicted to drugs is a personal choice. What a bunch of pretentious fucks. Being addicted to hard drugs is a serious thing that is hard to overcome. Mocking someone if they are in such a situation is a real dick move. HAha you are a drug addict you piece of shit. People do realize the addict part means it isn't as simple as a choice, right? I do not think Jeff is presently an addict but it is borderline obvious he was in the past. That is something he has to live with the rest of his life. But I guess such behavior is cool on the internet.
So the possibility of the dirt sheets being the one's working us is totally ignored? The report was quick to show up as the PPV was about to come on air, only for another article about how the situation was blown out of proportions to show a little later. "Well gee, TNA sure was fast in noticing this news spreading". I don't know. Something here doesn't click in my book. And it ain't Russo and Hogan's shooting ideas. This just smells like dirt sheets smelling blood but not finding it. If it were real or a shoot, by now we'd have more in the story like we did with MVP and Matt Hardy. But we haven't. So as far as I'm concerned, until I see something actually unravel, I'm dismissing this as dirt sheet bullshit.

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