Jeff Hardy uses a taser on Matt and Matts girlfriend

I am rooting for him, you dope. HE isn't rooting for himself. I joke around, but no, I do not actually want Jeff Hardy to die, or anything of the sort. I want the guy to get well, and start jumping from shit again.

The one night of drinking isn't the real issue. The issue is the attitude the Hardy men carry. They don't believe there's an issue, and that's evident by both videos. They didn't think there was anything wrong with Jeff being drunk on camera, and Matt blamed the people who didn't like. He took no responsibility, and didn't say Jeff should either. YOU are not getting the point. He's never going to get better if he (and those around) do not think there is a problem.

And so it goes with addicts. They are always the last to see the problem, and are always blaming others for their lot in life. Let me just say that I've been around addicts. I've seen what it looks like. Jeff IS IN FACT and addict. This latest video only confirms what I've known about him for a very long time now.

Now I'm sure he'll later come out claiming he's not, he's clean and sober, and that the video was just another shot across the bow of the haters. Another excuse! He was high in that video. Trust me!!! Lucid people don't taze others because they think it's funny. People who are high do things like that. Someone who is clean and sober and is facing multiple drug charges and jail time doesn't do something like this.

Matt is an even worse example as he continues to not only encourage this behavior, but enables it by even participating in something like this.

Look guys, I was right about the issue with Foley when he tweeted what he did about TNA house show attendance. Bang Bang...he's gone.

I'm right about Hardy. He's a drug addict. He's not clean. Hopefully TNA never allows him back in a wrestling ring.

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