Jeff Hardy uses a taser on Matt and Matts girlfriend

Yep, I am constantly in the WWE section and LDs.

Dragon, OMG can you believes kb comparedz wrestling comments to addictionals?!!??!!?

I think some of you with a small brain are under the impression that I am saying he cannot criticize Hardy for whatever Hardy has done because he used cigarettes. That isn't even close. I am saying that addiction is a tough thing for anyone to overcome and to make light of that fact is troubling.
Nick, how can you make light of someones addiction issues while you are trying to quit smoking?

Who said beating addiction is easy? I didn't say that. However, if Jeff Hardy is on his way back to the pro wrestling scene, I absolutely have the right to bitch about his condition.

Also, I doubt my addiction to nicotine is going to hurt anyone else.

I do not see what all the fuss is about in this video.

Jeff is either high, or hammered drunk. If you don't see that, you're fucking blind.

Some of you are a lot more stupid than you claim the Hardyz are.

Impossible. If they weren't professional wrestlers, what would they be doing? Selling drugs, probably. They're both really, really stupid, and that's not hard to see.

You constantly claim the world would be a better place if they just disappeared yet you comment on every little thing they do.

And will continue to do so until they are no longer on my television.

Here's another shining example of how fucking stupid these men are. Taking the video down because people are being negative? Fuck you, Matt, you pile of shit. Keep feeding your drug addict brother booze, that's sure to make everything work out well. These two idiots have no idea how to take responsibility for anything they do, Jeff especially. Keep blaming teh internetz, you fucking losers.
Who said beating addiction is easy? I didn't say that. However, if Jeff Hardy is on his way back to the pro wrestling scene, I absolutely have the right to bitch about his condition.

You are not bitching about his condition. You are making trite, repetitive and unoriginal jokes about his struggle with addiction.

Jeff is either high, or hammered drunk. If you don't see that, you're fucking blind.

It wouldn't surprise me if he was drinking but how can you truly know from watching a video? Jeff is an eccentric guy anyway. Drinking isn't illegal. Are you quitting drinking while you get off of cigarettes?

Impossible. If they weren't professional wrestlers, what would they be doing? Selling drugs, probably. They're both really, really stupid, and that's not hard to see.

I think this response proves most of my points.

And will continue to do so until they are no longer on my television.

You can't possibly not get the wrestling biz to this extent. You are giving them a constant emotional reaction. Doing so actually makes them more likely to be on your tv.
And you know all of that from a minute and a half video on the internet? I really need to get in on these eye tests. The things people can pick up with them are remarkable.

Actually the wellness violations, his general appearance and the whole ruining a main event of a PPV fiasco. That and paying attention.
You are not bitching about his condition. You are making trite, repetitive and unoriginal jokes about his struggle with addiction.

Actually, I am bitching about his condition. In that video, he's all fucked up. Matt Hardy said they were playing a drinking game. Addicts shouldn't be drinking alcohol, especially when that addict ruins an entire fucking PPV, and is supposedly returning as a babyface. I don't want him back on my television, because I don't trust him. I think he's going to show his ass, once again. I wasn't a Jeff Hardy hater prior to his drug problems. Actually, I liked Jeff a lot. Always hated Matt, but I'm not some blind hater looking for a reason to hate. You're a blind mark looking for a reason to stay loyal to TNA, no matter how insane it makes you look.

It wouldn't surprise me if he was drinking but how can you truly know from watching a video? Jeff is an eccentric guy anyway. Drinking isn't illegal.

1. Matt admitted they were playing a drinking game.
2. No, drinking isn't illegal. But Jeff is an addict, clearly, an addicts shouldn't be using alcohol. If he had no plans to return to my television set, I wouldn't care.

Are you quitting drinking while you get off of cigarettes?

Still struggling to see how my addiction to cigarettes compares with a drug addict who has screwed over his fans, repeatedly. I don't mind you throwing my addiction into this, but, it's a pretty weak fucking argument.

I think this response proves most of my points.

Jeff was busted with a shit ton of drugs, and charged with trafficking. How am I off base here??

You can't possibly not get the wrestling biz to this extent. You are giving them a constant emotional reaction. Doing so actually makes them more likely to be on your tv.

I think you're giving them far too much credit. They're posting and pulling down fucking Youtube videos, man. It's not a big deal. When they do something of importance, and fans buy into it, let me know.
You are kind of all over the place in that one and still dodged the only question that I think is truly relevant. I'll take that to mean you plan on continuing drinking even though I have never heard of a smoker that drinking wasn't one of the biggest triggers for. You are judging an addict for having a few drinks after a significant period of sobriety from everything (both of us can use Matt's words). For some reason or another you seem to think rumors about possible return circumstances justifies this. I find that an extremely odd position to say the least. If you feel so strongly that addicts drinking is such a terrible thing (and I am not saying it is a good thing) then I find it odd you are judging someone so harshly for something you are likely to do yourself.
You are kind of all over the place in that one

Nope, I was pretty clear.

and still dodged the only question that I think is truly relevant. I'll take that to mean you plan on continuing drinking even though I have never heard of a smoker that drinking wasn't one of the biggest triggers for.

I don't drink that often, so alcohol isn't an issue for me. And, once again, you continue to ignore the larger point -- how does my smoking have any relevance? I'm not screwing over anyone with my behavior. He is, and has done so several times.

You are judging an addict for having a few drinks after a significant period of sobriety from everything (both of us can use Matt's words).

Significant? First of all, it's supposedly been a few months of sobriety. That isn't nearly long enough to say, "Hey! I'm good now!" That's the dumbest shit I've heard in a good, long while.

Also, since when is it OK to celebrate sobriety by getting drunk? The Hardy's didn't handle this in a sympathetic fashion, either. They didn't warn against how tough beating an addiction can be. This wasn't a fucking PSA. Actually, they went the complete opposite direction with it. They were showing Jeff Hardy, drunk, and thought that was fine. They act like it's cool. They think that's an OK thing to show. Well, it's not. Not when you're Jeff Hardy. That video shows how immature, and childish those guys are. They still take this shit lightly, and that's evident.

For some reason or another you seem to think rumors about possible return circumstances justifies this. I find that an extremely odd position to say the least. If you feel so strongly that addicts drinking is such a terrible thing (and I am not saying it is a good thing) then I find it odd you are judging someone so harshly for something you are likely to do yourself.

I didn't literally take the money of several thousand fans, and wipe my ass with it. That's basically what Jeff Hardy did. Seriously, I cannot believe you don't get this. I knew you were a blind mark, but Jesus, think about what you're saying.
Please disclose the intimate details of Jeff Hardy's life over these past few months kb.

Well there was that time when he made his employer look bad while screwing over a PPV audience that paid to see him.

See, what this boils down to is as follows:

SD: You can't prove anything is wrong with him.

KB: Other than these times.

SD: You don't know for sure and therefore I'm right.

KB: So where's your proof that he's ok? Because I have proof here that he wasn't ok.
I just imagine some people would tire of having the same discussion over and over again. The depths of monotony, this is.
See kb this is what you and many others do not get. Where have I argued he is ok? Often what I argue on any subject is that I can prove what you are saying is wrong or an overstatement or whatever. It is much easier to prove something is incorrect than it is to prove something is true. I tend to rail against people that think everything they say is true when it clearly isn't. The only thing I am claiming to be correct about is that presently you know jack shit about what is going on in Jeff Hardy's life. We all know the past and of course he has to deal with all of that but saying something like he isn't getting any help when you have no fucking idea what he has been doing is pretty asinine IMO. The past doesn't necessarily dictate the present.
Other than the video, and the last time I saw him, and that he hasn't been on TV since, meaning that his bosses don't think he's worthy of being on it right now.
The only thing I am claiming to be correct about is that presently you know jack shit about what is going on in Jeff Hardy's life. We all know the past and of course he has to deal with all of that but saying something like he isn't getting any help when you have no fucking idea what he has been doing is pretty asinine IMO. The past doesn't necessarily dictate the present.

You make an interesting point here. You're right, actually. No one knows, for certain, what's happening in Jeff's life, 24/7. That's a fact. But, I will tell you what I do know.

1. He's in a video, and he's drunk. Playing a "shot drinking" game with his brother. His brother admitted that. Actually, it wasn't really an admission. More like Matt bragging about what had happened.

2. Addicts slip up. I get that. It happens. However, the Hardy boys weren't treating this like some sort of slip up. They were celebrating what had been taped. Matt didn't think there was anything wrong with what was shown on that video. He doesn't think there's anything wrong with a drug addict having a drink. Well, he's wrong, and I hope he isn't the one Jeff is listening to.

3. This isn't a court of law, it's a wrestling forum. Jeff hasn't earned the benefit of the doubt among wrestling fans. He hasn't earned that. You expect the worst from Jeff Hardy, because in recent years, that's usually what you get. That's his fault, not ours.

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