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Jeff Hardy, Triple H's Protégé

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
That looks like where there going with this. Really please. HHH & Jeff Hardy together would suck. I despise HHH but he could give somebody the rub if he so wished. Turns out he's going to give it to one of the biggest fuck ups in wrestling. Jeff Hardy is a loser. If he was ever going to be world champ, or wanted to be, he would by now. He was getting pushed hard in 2002/beginning of 2003. And he couldn't have cared less. WWE should push somebody who isn't a waste of space, somebody who will appreciate the push. My suggestion is the other Hardy brother.
That looks like where there going with this. Really please. HHH & Jeff Hardy together would suck. I despise HHH but he could give somebody the rub if he so wished. Turns out he's going to give it to one of the biggest fuck ups in wrestling. Jeff Hardy is a loser. If he was ever going to be world champ, or wanted to be, he would by now. He was getting pushed hard in 2002/beginning of 2003. And he couldn't have cared less. WWE should push somebody who isn't a waste of space, somebody who will appreciate the push. My suggestion is the other Hardy brother.

On the one hand I do agree with you, Jeff doesn't need the rub from HHH. In all honesty he's fine without it.
As for being a waste of space... Are you watching the same Hardy brother as I am? You know the one who can actually get the fans going with his in ring work? The one who isn't boring and monotonous? You know, the one who was always the better half of the Hardy Boyz and actually puts his all into his matches instead of being lazy constantly??? Yup that would be Jeff!!
As for being a waste of space... Are you watching the same Hardy brother as I am? You know the one who can actually get the fans going with his in ring work? The one who isn't boring and monotonous? You know, the one who was always the better half of the Hardy Boyz and actually puts his all into his matches instead of being lazy constantly??? Yup that would be Jeff!!

Jeff only gets the crowd going cayse he is a glorified spot monkey. He has no in ring skill what so ever and he is FAR from being the better Hardy. Matt is ten times the wrestler Jeff is. Matt can actually work a match and not rely on high spots. Matt can chain wrestle and still keep a good pace to a match. Jeff can hit high flying moves and a few high spots, thats about it. Oh and god forbid Jeff on a mic, he has the same skills as Lashley.
I don't think it's going to be as much of a long-term storyline as you think. Then again, who knows. Jeff had a great match with Umaga tonight. I think, at the least, he deserves a shot. He's certainly paid his dues. Jeff doesn't chain wrestle because that's not his style...who are you to say he can't? Have you seen him attempt to do so? Obviously, his "glorified spots" have gotten him over.
Ummm yeah, when they first tried to push Jeff as a singles wrestler he attempted to chain wrestle and did a horrible job at it. You are right it's not his style. But being a glorified spot monkey will never get him pass the IC title. He doesn't and will never deserve a push into the World title scene. I respect him as a high flyer, he does it extremely well, but he is no where's near being as good as Matt.

Now if Jeff can learn to actually wrestle and work a stick I'll change my opinion on how he should be pushed. But I truely doubt Jeff will ever be more then a spot monkey and worthless on the stick.

If either of the Hardy's should ever be pushed into the World title scene, it should deffinitly be Matt. Ok, so his charisma on the stick is on par with Orton's, but the man can work a match. He is one of those guys that can make anyone look good. If it wasn't for all the Edge/Lita bullshit, I am more then positive Matt would of been in the World title hunt a lot soon. And who knows, if Edge gets the WHC after Wrestlemania there is a chance that someone who deserves to be in the hunt; like Matt, to actually finally get his chance at the big dance.
thats why the hardyz were a killer team in the beginning, cuz matt could wrestle and jeff could fly. but matt is definently the one who should get a title shot if anyhting.

as for jeff and hunter, they are too different both in ring and from what i can see in there personalities. i dont think it would work. i can see matt learning somethings from hhh though (mic work)!
I'm surprisingly interested in wehre this is going, they started doing this is 2003 with HBK, he came out and challenged Jeff to do better and it worked well, then Jeff left out of the blue. It sucked cos he'd just had the match of his life, "storyline wise" with Taker in a ladder match, which was awesome. I think he deserves a good run at the title, dont think he'll win it, but he deserves another chance to prove what he's got. But then I wanted to see Alpha Male win the ECW title!


With all Jeff has done in WWE over the years (plus his short stint in TNA where he did some insane stunts with Abyss) he more than deserves a run for and eventual WWE title reign. If anything his recent rivalries with Umaga and Mr. Kennedy, which have been a highlight of Raw for me, show just how well he can deliver in the ring and though his mic skills leave alot to be desired, they are in no way 'bad'.

Though I agree that Matt is technically the better wrestler that doesn't nesscecerily make him the more worthy as this is 'Sports entertainment' not 'real' wrestling. Having said this I personally want them both to hold their respective brands top gold (perhaps at the same PPV, reminiscent of when Benoit and Eddie both won the gold at Wrestlemania). With Edge back in the title race (thank God) and after Wrestlemania with Edge eventually as champ again I bet you'll see Matt challenge him (unless WWE do the ******ed move and bing RoidTista back for another shot)

As for Jeff and HHH I can't see this going much further. In my opinion I see this as HHH helping out a younger superstar by giving him the respect of 'The Game' (which even if you hate HHH you have to admit automatically puts a superstar over as a serious competitor). I see it as a way of switching Jeff & HHH's rivals over for the lead-up to the rumoured HHH-Kennedy Wrestlemania.

Not only is HHH giving Jeff the respect he deserves, HBK in a recent interview (just b4 SS) said alongside his 1st OVW class, a man he wanted to have a programme with would be Jeff Hardy and when both DX members give you respect and wish to work programmes with you, managements gotta pay attention.
Triple H gets critisized for burying, Triple H gets critisized for putting Jeff Hardy over, Triple H gets critisized for his DX works, Triple H must turn back into the cerebral assasin, but then Triple H will get critisized for being the best.
Well I seriously must be the only person who has these two as my favourite wrestlers, yes they are both faces, yes they both have their bad points, but as far as it goes, Triple H has been my favourite since around 1996, and I have always liked Jeff. People always criticize both of these guys, but I don't fully understand it. Triple H has always been good, whether face, heel, snotty bastard, in DX, with Ric Flair and i am guessing he will work well with Jeff Hardy. And i would find it hard to believe if people said they didn't enjoy the Umaga/Jeff match on raw.
Personally I am glad they are working together, as they are my favourites, although i must say neither of them need the other at this moment in time.
But i can see this building up to be something much bigger, does anyone else see a elimination chamber match coming up?
A HHH and Jeff Hardy team would be something like the Carlito/Flair and Rhodes/Holly team, but IMO, better. For one thing, they have opposite styles, which would put two halves to a whole. HHH does the grappling and Hardy does the acrobatics.

Jeff Hardy deserves a World Title. Some of you guys go on about how he fucked up in 2003, but the difference between that Jeff's attitude and this Jeff's attitude is huge. This one is enthusiastic and full of passion for the business. Not to mention he sells a lot of merchandise. If someone can sell lots of merchandise, shouldn't you push him and put him over?

As much as I agree with you, his attitude has changed a lot, he is working well, messing less moves up, putting on good matches, and he does derserve the belt. You also got to remember, the title picture at the moment is so packed full of guys worthy of the belt its stupid, I think people like Hardy, and Kennedy, and even Umaga who will one day move up into the belt challenge, should stay as high mid carders, there would be a huge gap if they just pushed everyone up into the top card, and had no mid carders. They need good storylines throughout the whole show, not just at the end. and for some reason now, seeing as Triple H is working with Hardy, Umaga and the rubbish Snitsky, and HBK seems to be working with Kennedy, it could mean even Triple H and HBK have moved slowly out of the ever so busy title picture.
This is eventually going to lead to the Trips of old IMO. Developing a bond with Hardy then BAM! Sledgehammer...A feud with good ol' Trips would gain alot for Hardy if they want to jump him into the WWE Title picture. You also have to remember Trips is all for putting over talent....:rolleyes:...As we seen with Batista, Orton and Eh...O Yeah..Cena...I doubt the storyline will be anything long, just short and straight to Trips bashing him with the hammer somewhere down the line or it may not be anything at all but if they continue the tag matches and rescue run in's, in the end it may lead to Triple H turning on him. He sucks as a face anyways, and Hardy is over enough for a main event type feud since there's nothing left for him or Trips to bury in the mid-card but I guess we'll see where they go with this.
This is eventually going to lead to the Trips of old IMO. Developing a bond with Hardy then BAM! Sledgehammer..

Exactly. It's only a matter of time before they have Trips turn on Jeff and bash him in the skull. My guess is it will come around the Rumble. But yeah, for now I'll enjoy the ride they're giving us.

I don't like Jeff Hardy much but I don't hate him. I think he's enjoyable enough to watch. And Trips I can take in moderation. He's a helluva performer, but I can only go so long with him as "good guy friendly Triple H" before I sort of want to get rid of him for a while.

My guess is that this will set Trips up to turn heel and eventually face Jericho at WM once Jericho inevitably takes the belt off of Orton.
Jeff isn't exactly in the Title scence yet , he's working his way on the top and you got to admit he working his ass off to it. I see a MAJOR improvment from the Hardy I see now and the Hardy and I saw before the release. I give 5-7 more months and Trust me the guy will be the big name and have big one. Every person deserves another chance he took it and mking the best out of it.
That looks like where there going with this. Really please. HHH & Jeff Hardy together would suck. I despise HHH but he could give somebody the rub if he so wished. Turns out he's going to give it to one of the biggest fuck ups in wrestling. Jeff Hardy is a loser. If he was ever going to be world champ, or wanted to be, he would by now. He was getting pushed hard in 2002/beginning of 2003. And he couldn't have cared less. WWE should push somebody who isn't a waste of space, somebody who will appreciate the push. My suggestion is the other Hardy brother.

I agree with you on one thing but i disagree with you on so much more.

Jeff my not need the help from triple H to get him over as such but why not use Trip and jeff? Its not like there going after tag team gold, and he will not be getting a world title shot this year, they have Y2J,HBK, Triple H, i hate to say it but lashley when he gets back to and Mr. Kennedy to go after orton.
And as for jeff being a loser, what makes him such a loser?
The drugs? The stunts?
Because if it is that, i would love to know what that makes orton for taking drugs, taking a dump in a divas bag and the rest of the stuff that SOB has done.
If anything jeff should be getting a bigger push. He has taken his body to hell and back for WWE falling off 20 foot ladder and being in some great matches, like the ladder match with The Undertaker on Raw, any of the TLC's and the list goes on.
I think your dislike for Jeff Hardy clouds what could turn into a good story line.

And i also agree with you that Matt should have a world title match sooner or later but thats neither hear nor there on this subject.
Alright, everyone has made great points. HHH makes a better heel, Jeff needs more time. Also, if they want him to be a bigger name, they need to take the IC Championship off him. I agree about HHH and Jericho at WM, all though i don't think it will actually happen, at least not for the championship. But i DO think Wrestlemania should be the jump start for Hardy by having him win the Money in the Bank Ladder Match.
I kind of think everyone's looking too much into this friendship. Maybe Triple H saving Hardy on last night's RAW was just because he respects him, and that's that.. I mean, the only other major face on RAW is HBK, and he's tied up with Orton. Unless you count Cody Rhodes. So maybe Trip's was just saving Hardy for the one time. He figured Hardy pulled his weight at SS, big brother Matt was injured, and he knew how it felt to be attacked like that too. Just speculation.
i really dont understand what most of you guys are trying to say really. jeff hardy is probley 1 of the number 1 guys who gets the crowd going on raw as soon his music hits and he hits the ring theres no stoppin the crowd from gettin on his side and that goes same with triple h. if these two really get together and form a kind of a dx and team extreme team like a mixture of both..that would be great
Whether or not you like Hardy (I personally would put him in my top five at the moment, along with Kennedy, Edge, Undertaker, and HBK) you have to admit that he's been a shining star on Raw for a while...partially because without Cena, they had more time to showcase other stars. The way Jeff's been performing lately along with his reactions from the crowds, he's definitely worthy of at least a shot at the title. Now, I'm not saying he should have the title for 2 years straight, but at the very least, he should have a match against Orton at a ppv, if not be the champ for a month or so. Jeff's at the prime age now when he can be one of the top non-vet men in the company along with Cena, Edge, and the up-and-comers of MVP, Morrison, Kennedy, and CM Punk.

As far as a tag team, I don't see it happening. Most likely, this angle is going to just exist to help push Jeff to the main event, since we all know HHH is permanently cemented in that scene.
I don't think this will last long, probably only a few weeks. It is a good way to get Jeff recognized more and help him reach main event status, but that is something I do not want to see. Now all you Triple H haters should be satisfied since he is taking the time to push Jeff which might lead to a friendly feud between the two(unless this is HHH's ticket to becoming heel or vice versa). After this it looks like one of the two will be feuding with Snitsky since Umaga will be going to SmackDown very soon and Mark Henry will take his place and feud with the other one.
The fact is that Jeff Hardy knows how to entertain. That is why he is getting pushed. He can draw people, meaning he draws money, meaning he is a very valuable asset. As far as him deserving a WWE Title shot, I say GO FOR IT! I think the WWE could bring him into the title picture slowly, like after Y2J has had his run, (or during?) and then have Jeff win the title somehow, maybe the MITB Ladder Match briefcase.
Anyway, Jeff could cash that in, win the title, and then you have the Randy Orton/Triple H storyline, where Triple H says 'I did this for you, and you took my title!' This would be a very good feud, in my opinion. The sledgehammer-swinging Triple H versus the Daredevil, Ladder-Jumping Jeff Hardy! BRING IT ON! That would bring in ratings/PPV buys!
Jeff Hardy sucks. He looks like an idiot in the ring. He has a gay haircut. He sucks wrestling, just jumps around once in awhile to get a pop. I dont mind him getting a push, but send him to smackdown. Raw is where the big boys play, Hardy just dont fit in. Its a joke. WWE sucks like always. Kennedy!
Jeff Hardy is shit, and Triple H is worse. I despise Jeff Hardy, but at least he is getting over on his own accord. Triple H is just a fucking leach, that's all you can say. He sees whoever is becoming hot and attaches himself to that person. Look at Cena a few years ago, look at DX last year with Michaels simply giving a crotch chop, then Triple H jumps all over it during the main event.

Triple H is a clown, and this is simply a way for him to "make" someone else and hold that over someones head. Hardy is a clown that has been in the WWE for more then a decade, yet has accomplished nothing.

Jericho deserves the push, not the Kool-Aid man. Hell, Jeff Hardy isn't even the best wrestler in the WWE with the last name of Hardy. Both Triple H and Jeff Hardy are ass clowns.
Jeff Hardy is shit, and Triple H is worse. I despise Jeff Hardy, but at least he is getting over on his own accord. Triple H is just a fucking leach, that's all you can say. He sees whoever is becoming hot and attaches himself to that person. Look at Cena a few years ago, look at DX last year with Michaels simply giving a crotch chop, then Triple H jumps all over it during the main event.

Triple H is a clown, and this is simply a way for him to "make" someone else and hold that over someones head. Hardy is a clown that has been in the WWE for more then a decade, yet has accomplished nothing.

Jericho deserves the push, not the Kool-Aid man. Hell, Jeff Hardy isn't even the best wrestler in the WWE with the last name of Hardy. Both Triple H and Jeff Hardy are ass clowns.

Nicely said, especially the part that is bolded.

Jeff Hardy is one of the most overrated wrestlers in the WWE (along with Kennedy). All he is, is a spot monkey who jumps around to get pops from the crowd. He's a completely average wrestler, with poor mic skills, and has shown no reason why he deserves to be in the main event.

Can anyone name me a great Jeff Hardy match that didn't involve a ladder?
Well the match he had with Umaga on Monday was pretty good. So were the matches he had with nitro last year, the couple matches he's had with orton were good, not to mention the ones recently with kennedy and finlay.

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