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Jeff Hardy Expected Back on Television Soon?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
During the last broadcast of TNA iMPACT! in the UK, several fans sent in word that TNA aired a promo video during the show running down the Hardy situation between Sting, Hogan and Hardy that was made available on YouTube shortly thereafter, but removed not long after that.

F4WOnline is reporting that Hardy is expected to return to TNA "at some point", though there's no indication of how soon that point is.

Thoughts on this?
Its far too soon if we are talking next week or 2, i cant imagine any of the main event picture guys would be happy to see him back so soon ,regardless of what they say. the guy needs help and time to sort his shit out, i like jeff hardy and like his in ring style and he has giving us some of the most memorable moments in wrestling, be it a swanton of a 15ft ladder through a table or taking a spear hanging from the belts just as 2 examples

get his shit together so we can remember him like that, not the burnt out druggy like we see recently
If Jeff Hardy is scheduled to return to TNA, then this is a bad move. He should be fired. How many times has he shown up at a PPV, or any event for that matter, physically unable to perform? How many more times is he going to do it? How many chances is this guy going to get? I hate to say this, but this is Scott Hall Chapter 2. Hardy is essentially going down the same road that Scott Hall is and time and hope are running out for Scott. Jeff is a great talent, no doubt. Now if we can just get his mind right and his demons behind him, he'll be fine. However, TNA just letting this slide is not going to do him, the locker room, or the company any favors.
If done correctly, a Hardy TV return in the near term future could be a really good thing. No, I don't mean by immediately thrusting him into the "title picture" amongst Sting, RVD, and Anderson. I don't even mean have him return to active competition... yet.

What I'm getting at is that Hardy should have the opportunity to explain himself to the fans, if he so desires. Talk about Turning Point... what happened and (hopefully) why it was wrong. What personal responsibility he holds, what steps he's going to take to remedy the situation, and what the future holds for Jeff Hardy in TNA.

What would be ideal is if Hardy takes the high road (figuratively, not literally) and this segues into a recurring segment on iMPACT with Jeff going to treatment (for real, of course) and taking the steps to clean himself up. Showing what he's doing differently now as opposed to what he did before the whole mess happened. TNA is looking for "shoots" and I think this could be the biggest one of them all. Jeff Hardy... on top of the world as TNA champion and top star in Immortal hits rock bottom, loses it all, and has to rebuild himself.

Quite honestly, Jeff getting the help he needs is critical, but it would make for an incredible story to tell while it's in process. It could also keep Jeff accountable for his progress in that if he relapses, he's gone from TNA for good.
Jeff Hardy is apparently fine, he went to the Charlie Sheen school of rehab and is currently winning.:lmao:

Seriously though, I don't think TNA should take him back until his court case is settled (which was postponed because rehab was being discussed). If he goes back before that time, it could further damage his credibility with the court, not to mention being back in the same environment that got him hooked on drugs in the first place. If they do let him come back now it show the complete irresponsibility of TNA management and lack of care/respect for their employees.
I have nothing against Hardy. He's got a problem and he should take care of his problem and himself before he even considers going back to work.
Then again according to Hogans tweets on Edge, his TNA guys work hurt so Hardy could be back soon............Brother.:hogan:
I agree, far too soon. The problem is that he is far too valuable to TNA as a commodity so they won't give him the necessary time to get himself together.

Give him a year out, maybe two without pay. Jeff has always given the impression that he takes his career and the business for granted so let's see how he copes when his lifeline is cut and he has to try and work things out for himself - he will get a nasty shock when he discovers that Vince McMahon is not returning his calls and it may be the wake up call he needs to get himself together.

The sad thing is that this won't happen. Wrestling is a BUSINESS first and foremost - TNA say they care but they need him back in the ring so they won't give him the time and help he clearly needs.
I think if Jeff returns he owes a HUGE apology to...well everyone. And he should do this on TV.

He needs to be real and take responsibility for his short comings. He needs to step out of character (his recent heel persona) and show sincerity.

Jeff is a hell of a talent. He can still go on to make many, many more memorable moments in wrestling. He just needs to get this out of the way. Then he can go ahead and try to regain the respect of his peers and employer.

I hope that TNA doesn't put any part of this into an angle, or just ignore it completely. Address it and try to move on. Then try to salvage the "The Antichrist of Pro Wrestling", Jeff Hardy...they were definitely on to something with this.
If he's clean, i say bring him back and make him seem as unapologetic as possible and saying if anyone owes anyone an apology, its the fans for turning their back on him in his time of need. Add another layer to the anti-christ character by making him look as heroin sheik as possible without actually acknowledging his drug use. Make his skin really pale and make him have really dark circles under his eyes. i think this is the way to REALLY get him over as a legit heel.
I think if Jeff returns he owes a HUGE apology to...well everyone. And he should do this on TV.

It will happen. But will it be a sincere apology, or will it be the usual garbage a celebrity says to the fans when he wants to get past his latest screw-up? I get sick of hearing these people spouting the "damage control" lines their attorneys and public relations people write for them. For once, I'd love to hear one of them say what they really mean.

What Jeff might say: "I made a mistake. Everybody makes mistakes."
What Jeff really means: "I thought I could get away with gettin' shit-faced before a PPV against that AARP surfer dude."

What Jeff might say: "I have a drug problem."
What Jeff really means: "I don't have a drug problem."

What Jeff might say: "I've been at home sorting things out."
What Jeff really means: "I was chillin' at home, gettin' my shit together."

What Jeff might say: "I feel I can handle my problem with the help and support of my family."
What Jeff really means: "I ain't going to no fuckin' rehab."

What Jeff might say
: "I will maintain the high standards that my employer requires of me."
What Jeff really means: "If TNA drug tests me again, I fuckin' quit."

What Jeff might say: "I apologize for letting down my fans, family and friends."
What Jeff really means: "One Swanton Bomb and you Internet assholes will forget about the whole thing."

What Jeff might say: "I look to the future."
What Jeff really means: "Lie down and spread your legs for me, Dixie."
Personally, I think Jeff Hardy needs to stay away from TNA and wrestling in general until he's got all his duck lined up. He's still got his legal issues hanging over his head that are no closer to being resolved now than they were 6 months ago. His attorney came out and practically confirmed that Jeff Hardy is a drug addict in open court as he's trying to get Hardy into a rehab facility rather than jail.

So, in a nutshell, Hardy is still dogged by the primary issues he's had since he first arrived in TNA. If Hardy is serious when it comes to getting things back into order, I think the best thing he can do is to just stay away from TNA until his head is straight and he knows for sure that he's not gonna be pulling some state time.
Well, i guess this explains why they (TNA) were talking about Jeff Hardy last week. If he is coming back, this means his court case might earn him no jail time ( remember he is a first time offender) and rehab so he could come back clean by september or something. By the way i don't want to defend jeff hardy, but we have yet to have credible proof that he was drunk/stoned at the Victory Road PPV. What i mean, is that judging from what i have seen compared to what was said about scott hall's last appearence, he seemed sober. I don't know all the effects of drugs and alcohol on the body but still he seemed to look fine compared to what was said about hall.
Well, i guess this explains why they (TNA) were talking about Jeff Hardy last week. If he is coming back, this means his court case might earn him no jail time ( remember he is a first time offender) and rehab so he could come back clean by september or something. By the way i don't want to defend jeff hardy, but we have yet to have credible proof that he was drunk/stoned at the Victory Road PPV. What i mean, is that judging from what i have seen compared to what was said about scott hall's last appearence, he seemed sober. I don't know all the effects of drugs and alcohol on the body but still he seemed to look fine compared to what was said about hall.
I, on the other hand, have plenty of experience with the effects of drugs and alcohol on the body. Jeff was tweaked. The unscientific "what kind of fucked up does that remind me of" survey suggests to me that he was eating klonopins. If you're still looking for 'credible proof', you already know that you're not going to find any. In this great country of America, you can't just grab your contracted employees and say "you're walking funny, come take a drug test." (Unless they've agreed to that. How's TNA's testing program, anyhow? ;) )

If TNA brings Jeff Hardy back soon, it shows that they have learned absolutely fucking nothing from Victory Road, and they deserve everything they get as a result. Never trust a junkie. That should be printed on a banner and mounted in the TNA HR office. Save this "if he's recovered" crap, because people don't "recover" from addictions in two months; maybe Skittles addictions, sure, but not the kind of addictions that cause you to be so irresponsible you show up in front of a live PPV audience and ruin their show. Fortunately it was a TNA PPV, so only a couple of thousand people saw it.

I hope they're just testing the waters to see if fan reaction would brutalize Jeff Hardy on his way back. Bringing him back now would venture beyond foolish into the area of dedicated stupidity.
Rayne, You might be on to something. Like i said, i didn't want to defend Jeff Hardy because it ruined a PPV. The thing i said is that he seemed fine for me when i saw the PPV. Anyways, it seems to be some sort of a testing of waters like you said ,so maybe he will be back maybe not.:shrug:
The question is.... This time, will he even be able to make it to the ring? One of the worst careers in history... controversial is the word. TNA is so pathetic for shit like this. He needs fucking rehab not TV time just to get more ratings. Dixie should fuck outta here!
Really pathetic. They don't need him, he's made no improvement to ratings (which is we know, is what it's all about!) and TNA can save some money by not paying him. He's a liability, and they can have a much better show without devoting any TV time to him.
Shows how desparate TNA is. Hardy's going to come back as a face, and like one poster pointed out, Jeff's going to say all sorts of things to appease the crowd (fans), yet he's not going to be sincere about any of it. TNA, for their part, will have Hardy oppose the heel with the most heat in an effort to remove heat from Hardy. Such a tactic will work, unfortunately. The reason that it'll work is because many fans aren't as savy as those of us who post in these forums, and unfortunately those fans are the majority. Call them naive, or whatever. I've had the "pleasure" of having friends like Hardy. Jeff will worm his way back into the favor of the TNA official, win over his fans, get what Jeff wants, and then he'll piss on everyone all over again. I hope Punk does go to TNA, if not for one night. Hopefully, while Punk's there, he'll perform some that Mua Tia (spelled wrong, may be) on Hardy's bitch ass.
Rayne hit this right on the head here. TNA should not bring Jeff Hardy back to television or wrestling in general. There is absolutely no way Jeff Hardy is ready to be back yet, and there's absolutely no reason he should be allowed back on TV if he's not serious about his health and his well-being. Having a man who's high step between the ropes is reckless and puts your other employees at risk. And there is no way Jeff Hardy has recovered from whatever he is suffering from in only 2 months.

I'm not saying this to be judgmental of the man. I'm being more judgmental of TNA's management. If there's any truth to Daffney's lawsuit, along with the Jeff Hardy issues and allowing a performer who was obviously under the influence of something to even approach a wrestling ring, it sounds like the management of TNA is about as qualified to run a business as I am to perform a heart transplant.

If Jeff doesn't want to help himself, there's nothing nobody can do. Jeff needs to want to get better for himself. It's a shame that so many wrestlers get consumed with drugs...truly is a shame...

And Mustang Sally did a great job with the "What Jeff says/What Jeff means" post. While funny, it's truly tragic at the same time. Unfortunately, TNA is just going to keep enabling Jeff Hardy...what else do you call giving the man a championship run with a pending drug court case (besides piss poor management)?
I don't know when exactly "at some point" is but if it's anytime within the forseeable future (say within the next few weeks or month or two), then I think it still might be too soon. I don't want to see Jeff Hardy back in TNA until he can get his head on straight and make sure that he can get his issues fixed and whatnot. As mentioned earlier, he still has the legal issues that have been stuck on him since September 2009 (sheesh, how long do they plan on pushing his court date?) and until he can get those issues resolved, he is still a liability to TNA. I hope for the best for Jeff, I really do. For his good and the good of TNA, I think he should stay away from the company until he knows he will be able to stay clean and not end up in jail.

I do wonder though what Hardy's position in the company will be if/when he does return though. Will he still be a world title contender or will he be pushed to the midcard? I like to think about these things.
I'll be honest, I am damn tired of Jeff Hardy and his drug problem BS. Quit giving hi special treatment because he's talented, tell him that if he wants to wrestle he has to cut the crap, get clean and beg every single fan for forgiveness. He is without a doubt talented and he deserves to be at the highest level of competition but ONLY if he gives the company and the fans the respect they deserve. Then I will be happy to have him back.
If there's any truth to Daffney's lawsuit, along with the Jeff Hardy issues and allowing a performer who was obviously under the influence of something to even approach a wrestling ring, it sounds like the management of TNA is about as qualified to run a business as I am to perform a heart transplant.

RendarSelin what you said there is true but there is one thing. What about Desmond Wolfe, from what i have read he isn't cleared to wrestle for TNA or anywhere else for that matter since at least January because he is suppose to suffer from consussion syndrome or something. If TNA were that irresponsable, we would have seen him in the ring by now and yet he isn't so.... Anyways, Jeff Hardy could come back next year or in 3years we don't know.
Rayne hit this right on the head here. TNA should not bring Jeff Hardy back to television or wrestling in general. There is absolutely no way Jeff Hardy is ready to be back yet, and there's absolutely no reason he should be allowed back on TV if he's not serious about his health and his well-being. Having a man who's high step between the ropes is reckless and puts your other employees at risk. And there is no way Jeff Hardy has recovered from whatever he is suffering from in only 2 months.

I'm not saying this to be judgmental of the man. I'm being more judgmental of TNA's management. If there's any truth to Daffney's lawsuit, along with the Jeff Hardy issues and allowing a performer who was obviously under the influence of something to even approach a wrestling ring, it sounds like the management of TNA is about as qualified to run a business as I am to perform a heart transplant.

If Jeff doesn't want to help himself, there's nothing nobody can do. Jeff needs to want to get better for himself. It's a shame that so many wrestlers get consumed with drugs...truly is a shame...

And Mustang Sally did a great job with the "What Jeff says/What Jeff means" post. While funny, it's truly tragic at the same time. Unfortunately, TNA is just going to keep enabling Jeff Hardy...what else do you call giving the man a championship run with a pending drug court case (besides piss poor management)?

I think you hit the nail on the head when you said you were being judgmental about TNA's Managment which I have always questioned. For them to bring back Jeff Hardy now with his legal issues still going is a little bit silly. Knowing TNA if/when they do bring him back im sure they will make a Storyline out of it with him trying to be the sympathy figure and him winning the Title again.

Just tells me too they need him to pop a Rating or two for Impact at least for a couple weeks anyway.
I think you hit the nail on the head when you said you were being judgmental about TNA's Managment which I have always questioned. For them to bring back Jeff Hardy now with his legal issues still going is a little bit silly. Knowing TNA if/when they do bring him back im sure they will make a Storyline out of it with him trying to be the sympathy figure and him winning the Title again.

Just tells me too they need him to pop a Rating or two for Impact at least for a couple weeks anyway.

You might be right my friend. The things is that we don't know when Jeff Hardy is coming back. Yes he still has his court issues wich by the way are taking way too long to be resolved. Anyways, if and thats a big if Jeff can be clean (yeah i know its a stretch) he could be a valuable asset to TNA when he comes back.
I don't think that it's a good idea for him to come back so soon. (If it is within the next 2 months or so, plus it would be beneficial for him to show some sincerity by going to rehab of his own accord) He's just started tweeting again, so I feel that he's inching back sooner rather than later. :shrug:
I don't care if Hardy does drugs. It's his life and his choice.
I do care that he gets TV time, a paycheck and the potential to kill himself or his "opponent" in the ring while he's doing them. Those things aren't his choice, and they shouldn't be.
If TNA doesn't step up to the plate about having a safe working environment, then Spike TV and whatever carriers TNA is on should revoke their contract.
I doubt Spike TV allows their workers to come to work under any influence. And the same standard should apply to any property they put on the air.
I don't care if Hardy does drugs. It's his life and his choice.
I do care that he gets TV time, a paycheck and the potential to kill himself or his "opponent" in the ring while he's doing them. Those things aren't his choice, and they shouldn't be.
If TNA doesn't step up to the plate about having a safe working environment, then Spike TV and whatever carriers TNA is on should revoke their contract.
I doubt Spike TV allows their workers to come to work under any influence. And the same standard should apply to any property they put on the air.

Agreed, except we don't know if/when he is coming back to TNA. My bet is that his court issues will result in him getting no jail time (he is a first time offender) and rehab. How long will he be in rehab if thats the case? Who knows a year maybe?:shrug: So by then if he is clean ( a bit of a stretch i know) he could come back and be an asset for TNA.

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