JBL 's push

what do you think of JBL "S PUCH

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Well after watching monday night raw and not seeing a thread on JBL 's recent push i just dont understand why he's even in the title picture . To me it seems like he's just a filler in the title picture. But his last to feuds have been to short frm one ppv to another , do you think that this is a one time main event for jbl . I hope so cause to me Jbl is not a main eventer on raw maybe on ecw or sd but on raw jbl is not a legit main eventer . What was mchman thinking i think this oush was not good at this time why not push some one like cm punk or umaga .. His push is a total Joke i thik.
John 'Bradshaw' Layfield is the longest reigning Smackdown Heavyweight Champion since the brand split. (I think) Hes a Wrestling God, and everyone loves him. You need to bite your tongue and watch.. okay seriously, I can't keep going or I'll piss myself.

I don't get it either, but J.B.L. has been a proven Main Eventer on Smackdown, and its not like hes being asked to carry Raw. This is likely a one time thing, and if you recall its no bigger than his involvement in the Elimination Chamber during No Way Out. Hes nothing more than a random extra heel, in a Fatal Four Way match that'll still remain more focused on John Cena, Triple H., & Randy Orton. (in that order)

I'd be more shocked to see J.B.L. walk out of Backlash with the Championship than I was to see Diamond Dallas Page walk out of Spring Stampede's match against Ric Flair, Sting & Hulk Hogan from 1999 as their World Champion.

The only thing I see coming from this, if anything at all is a feud between J.B.L. & Triple H. or John Cena. Whoever likely doesn't win the Championship, if either do. Another strong case is I believe if Big Show remains on Raw, J.B.L. will likely feud with him after this is all said and done, if Big Show isn't infact the next in line for a shot.

Overall, I think J.B.L.'s days as World Champion are behind us. I don't recall how great the ratings were for him during this Smackdown run, but what I do recall is everyone (practically) believing he'd lose every Championship match he ever had.. yet he kept winning. Thats now Orton's position. J.B.L. is only back to push people. (I think, somehow)
Personally, I don't see what the big deal is about JBL. He's good on the mic, I'll give him that, but I think he's horrid in the ring. To me, he's just a sloppy, out of shape, boring in-ring technician. I've never liked him as Justin Hawk Bradshaw, I didn't like him as Blackjack Bradshaw, I wasn't watching wrestling when he was in the APA or when he first got his title reign as JBL but the research I've done about that missing time period didn't impress me whatsoever.

As far as this current push is, I'm as opposed to it as I was his return. I just don't want to see it. I never really even liked him on commentary for Smackdown, either, for that matter. JBL could be used for a few feuds to get over some younger talent (like the next generation folks...Kennedy, Morrison, MVP, Punk, Hardy, etc) but other than that, I don't want to see him in championship contention. Umaga is relegated to squashing Val Venis, but JBL is given a title shot as a reward for his horrible Y2J feud and his sub-standard Finlay feud.

All in all, though, oh well. I'm getting bored with the same people, so I'm looking forward to the draft more than Backlash itself, as I don't want to see Orton/Cena/HHH for the next year straight, but I sure as hell wouldn't want to see JBL/Cena/HHH in place of Orton lol.
I dont think it's either good or bad, but i believe that it could turn out to be a good thing. JBL is a very good heel. Putting him in the title picture isn't a bad idea in my opinion its just filler. He doesn't have a program with anyone right now so why not throw him in the Backlash match. He may not be in the best shape and he may not be a very good wrestler, but he is definitly a great brawler so it is believable. Now do I think it's a waste of a spot for someone like Chris Jericho? Yes I do but thats not the point. Putting JBL in this match just gives a different side to it all and it might not be that bad after all.

But if he walks out with the title (which I don't think will happen) it will turn into a bad thing. As for now though it could turn out to be very interesting and possibly lead to a fued that i've always been waiting to see in JBL vs. HHH.
You were wating for a HHH VS JBL feud? Thats ridiculous. JBL is over rated all over the boards here.
Good in the ring? Nope. Don't count Wrestlemania because half the people here could put on a decent match if all we had to do is beat the shit out of someone with weapons. He's out of shape, and I dont think he fits very well on the Raw brand. Is he a good heel? Not really. He plays the heel role in his matches, but half the guys in WWE also do that well.
A great heel can make you hate them on the mic, before they step into the ring. JBL is boring and doesnt belong in the title picture. The last time I enjoyed him was in the APA days.
I agree with NoFate. Let him job to some up and commers like Kennedy. Lord knows he could use a push. Theres already a vetran in the title scene now, HHH, and theres no need to hold down the young guys by clogging the top with JBL
You were wating for a HHH VS JBL feud? Thats ridiculous.

Yes I am looking forward to this fued. Both Hunter And JBL are gold on the mic. They could also put on a decent match.

JBL is over rated all over the boards here.
Good in the ring? Nope.

I never said he was a technical masterpiece like Angle or Benoit (Can I say that name???) But he is a great brawler. Trips can work the brawling game pretty well too.

Don't count Wrestlemania because half the people here could put on a decent match if all we had to do is beat the shit out of someone with weapons.

That is true but could we do it without hurting the other person severly?? I think not....at least not without the proper training. So for that i credit him for putting on a good show.

He's out of shape, and I dont think he fits very well on the Raw brand.

I agree completely he is out of shape but that is not all in wrestling. He also worked better on smackdown but he had faced everyone over there so he needed a fresh start coming off of his "Retirement".

Is he a good heel? Not really. He plays the heel role in his matches, but half the guys in WWE also do that well. A great heel can make you hate them on the mic, before they step into the ring.

Yes he is a good heel. To my knowledge he is probably one of the last heels to actually get good heat for what he does and not the X-Pac heat, hell I even heard some Face pops for Umaga On Raw. I love heels and he actually makes me want to see him get his ass handed to him. That alone makes me think he is playing his part well. Plus his mic work is superb.

JBL is boring and doesnt belong in the title picture. The last time I enjoyed him was in the APA days. I agree with NoFate. Let him job to some up and commers like Kennedy. Lord knows he could use a push. Theres already a vetran in the title scene now, HHH, and theres no need to hold down the young guys by clogging the top with JBL

I wouldnt say he doesnt belong there he just shouldnt be winning the title. I've enjoyed him much more now than in his APA days. I agree that they need to make way for the new guys but you first have to make sure they are ready to take the ball and actually run with it. The reason JBL is in this match is because IMO he is over, people want to see him lose. Kennedy wouldnt work in this match simply for the fact that hes not ready at least not yet. JBL is established and a safe bet.
I'm not saying Kennedy would be a better fit in this match at all. I can't wait till he is ready, but for now there are still people better than JBL. Let's throw the Big Show out there. He can get heel heat easily, and he is at the top right now. The last week hes been all over the mainstream media. Why not throw him in the main event and feed off that momentum.
JBL isnt in the same category as HHH on the mic, and sadly, I dont think there are more than a couple left that are. He can pull off his character so effortlessly that it seems completly real. Thats what happens when you cut your teeth with The Rock and Austin.
JBL brings nothing more than a body to the title match at Backlash. If he was truly a great heel, he wouldn't need the title to be involved in a feud. They tried to do a personal angle with Jericho, no title involved, and look what happened. If JBL was as good as advertised, than that feud would have worked. He does not deserve this push.
The Big Show is having a match with the Great Kahli(which in my mind is very intriguing) So thats why he is not being used, plus i think they want to keep him a face for a little while.

JBL may not be in the same catagory as Hunter but he's just a notch below. He can cut excellent promo on Jericho involving his kids. Most recently he carried that fued with Finlay with his promo work, although that match was just sort of thrown together and because of that factor I think JBL did a fantastic job with it.

As for the Jericho fued both JBL Y2J was just coming back so they still had some ring rust to work off as theyre matches werent great. Plus theyre styles of wrestling did not work well at all. Some people dont have chemistry together and JBL and Jericho just didnt have it.
I meant put in Big Show instead of him fuding with Khali. And that JBL promo to Y2J's kids I found boring as hell. I rarely turn the channel when someones on the mic, but I found myself drifting during that one.
Also, that feud with Finlay was definetly thrown together to get the Hornswaggle Mcmahon thing over with. But that match wasn't a "fantastic" one. It was a hardcore match, and came off as special because we never see them anymore. The only really impressive part was Finlays suicide dive through the ropes. How does JBL go from that to the title? If thats how it works, then Bob Holly would be a three time champ.
I didn't say the match itself with Finlay was fantastic, I thought the way JBL carried the fued was fantastic.

How could you say that it wasnt an excellent promo? How would you feel if someone beat the hell out of you and then asked your kids how they felt about it, saying that they're daddy was a shell of a man because of it. I would be pissed off as all hell. He cut right down to the core with that promo and really toyed with emotion, all of which a great heel would do.

As for the question about ho does JBL go from Finlay to the title. Well he won the match against a man who is an Upper-Mid carder and semi main eventer on Smackdown. Plus he is also an established star. That quote about Holly is just asinine. Although i dont think that Holly gets the respect he deserves.
The idea of the promo was great, and a great mic worker would of held my attention. JBL just talks slow and emotionless; not a good thing. And I'm sure if someone tried to hang my dad on television I would be a little shook up after seeing it. If a good worker, maybe Kennedy had done that promo, it might have been better.
Also, Finlay is not upper mid card. He's a total gimmick now that he wrestles with his midget son. The only real main event I've seen him in was the EC at NWO. But Big Daddy V was in there too.
The problem with JBL is that Raw is the big leauges for WWE. JBL's out of his prime and doesn't belong.
He talked slow to get the emotion and point across. You must've been watchng something else that night because it was a great promo. As of right now Kennedy wouldve come out and said "Jericho Did you like what i did to you last week expect more of the same from MISSSTTTAAAHHH KENNEDDY..........KENNEDY."

I agree with you somewhat on Finlay being a gimmick hopefully they git rid of Hornswoggle soon. Like I said before i think JBL is better suited for Smackdown but he fueded with everyone over there that he could have.

As for JBL being out of his prime maybe your right. So was Ric Flair but he was still cutting better promos and wrestling better matches than half the guys on the roster. Now I dont want to compare JBL to Flair but JBL is cutting better promos and putting on better matches than most nowadays too.

EDIT: Yay to me for my 100th post:icon_mrgreen:
First of all, thats EXACTLY why I suggested Kennedy. Thats a joke by the way. I did watch the exact same promo as you, we will have to disagree on that point.

The Flair comments funny though. I hope that anyone who spends 30+ years in wrestling could learn to do something on the mic

JBL may look good compared to 90% of the roster, but what is that saying? The WWE has too many guys trying to find themselves, character-wise. It feels like we are just starting a new era. JBL is a 5, and you're comparing him to 3's. But he still isn't a 10. He's good in comparison to others, but he does not hit the potential his "great" character should have.
Didn't I read a while ago that JBL has some real heavy influence with the suits in WWE? Because to me, that would make way more sense as to why he's been put in this title picture. I agree with Monkey that his promo's are good, and since he's paraded as such a good businessman I guess he has to know how to talk to people, I just don't think he warrants even challenging for the title.

I remember watching his run on Smackdown and I couldn't even believe he was holding the title for so long, not as in amazing, as in TRULY unbelievable. His matches don't captivate me in the slightest and he comes across as really lethargic (IMO). As one of you said, I hope he is just a filler because I'll eat my hat if he's the person chosen to take the title off Orton.
Theres a point to ware jbl is getting boring and old and wwe. And he hit that about 2 years ago. I'm really glad I did'nt get the cw while he was smackdown announcer because I hate the dudes mic skills. There good but there so damn repititive its not funny. O I won this and I can crush you with my money stockmarkes viagra and blah blah blah. The dude needs to get back with ron simmons and re form the apa for more than one night, people loved them ... at least i did.

I dont think jbl diserves a titleshot tho. Lets see he beat down y2j, Dosent seem to hard anymore when your ic champ and your still jobbing to the bigshow. You beat up hornswoggle, Who cares? The dude was out of the ring for 2 years before that. I just think he needs to bring more to the table before you can call him back to the main event status.
Well, most have agreed that JBL pretty much sucks and doesn't deserve the push he is getting. I believe this to be true as well. I agree that JBL cannot get it done in the ring, except when he can brawl and use weapons, and that is not saying much because most wrestlers can do that. Khali can do that. However, despite how boring or sucky he might be, he can get it done on the mic. Not as good as he used to when JBL first came to be, but he still makes you hate him. But solely being good on the mic does not warrant a push, a combination of good and or hopefully great ring skills and mic skills warrant pushes. I believe the only reason WWE is pushing JBL is because of his coming back from retirment to Raw and are just trying to capitalize and utilize him to shake things up a bit. However, if this was their plan, it wasn't carried out that well. One can only hope that after Backlash, JBL either helps put up-and-comers over or actually retires because God knows that he sucked at announcing.

On a related sidenote, Steamboat Ricky does an amazing job of JBL's announcing. It is pretty dead on if you ask me.
Cant yall see?WWE is so predictable!!He is a filler so HHH can look strong!JBL said and I qoute "Iam the longest reigning WWE Champ in Smackdown history",yall gonna be mad HHH vs JBL next fued!I will bet all who disagrees wit me!JBL cant wrestle but sure ass hell drop good heated promos!I loved him on Smackdown as a announcer!I repeat he in the match to make HHH look stronger n to start a fued!
Ok first off I'll give the guy credit where it's due..he has had a semi-good career in sports entertainment but why oh why is he back in the mainevent all of a sudden?! I just can't take the guy as a serious threat to the WWE Title despite him being Champ in the past. His best days are behind him..I think I'd accept him in the mainevent for a couple of shows back on Smackdown..but on Raw?? It's ridiculous. To me it's obvious that in WWE land it's not what you know it's who you know..or in wrestling terms it's not how talented you are - it's how friendly you are with the boss..and in JBL's case - it is common kowledge that McMahon loves him..Yes, Triple H falls into the same catergory as he is McMahons son in law but at least Triple H is still in shape, is over with the fans and can still pull off a good match..JBL is way out of shape and relies on getting cheap heat from exploiting the stereotypes of the city/country he is wrestling in - and he's good at it..but that doesn't give him the right to be in the mainevent in my opinion..Mr Kennedy is a far better speaker and yet to hit his prime in the ring, he should be in JBL's spot!
It could work out well, and at least it mixes things up a bit.

One thing WWE screwed up is the Orton/JBL fued. It would have been interesting to see two guys wrestle for the title for the first time, and two heels! But, of course, we have to have HHH and Cena in the mix, again! Big, big mistake. It should have been one on one. :(

JBL was pushed huge on Smackdown, and I genuinely like his character. Kind of like Vince McMahon with the volume turned down a little. Everyone hates the rich, stuckup heel asshole, and he still gets pretty good heat when he comes out.

I could also see this. Let HHH win the belt and keep it for a bit. Then, a feud with JUST HIM AND JBL, no Cena. NO CENA! GET HIM OUT OF THE DAMED TITLE PICTURE.

Sorry for that rant. Even put the title on JBL for awhile.

Again, this could work IF WWE does it right, which it won't, so poor JBL.
JBL is just being used in this match as a filler. If not, JBL has quite a bit of power in he company, and he may be using it here. He is most likely being a jobber character in this match, although I can see somethings coming out of him.

JBL is pretty good on the mic., which is good. Although his in ring skills leave alot to be desired and with a clothesline as a finisher, it seems random enough to not knowing when the match finishes.

Although I wish I knew he ratings for when he was champ, he is a pretty good heel. But then again, the only reason he was probably champ was because any tickets he didn't sell, he could buy with his own money. :p
This may just be a filler in the title picture, but JBL deserves this push he is getting, I mean didn't you know, he is a "Wrestling God". Okay, now seriously I do support his push, he is probably the best mic worker in the WWE, especially as a heel, he pumps some life into the title picture. Will he win, probably not, if he does that would be sweet. But he is a good addition to the title picture, with the amount of time on Raw it will take up, at least now we get to here one of the best mic workers in the WWE, istead of listening to boring HHH babble on about why he should be champion or why he is going to become champion. JBL's push is a good thing.

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