Jason Garrett

For those of you that don't know who he is, he's the current Interim Head Coach for the Dallas Cowboys... The "Heir Apparent" to the coaching throne. I really don't know what to think of this guy. At times, I think that he has a GREAT future as an NFL head coach, but sometimes I think he's overrated and will no doubt be a flop.

In tonight's game vs. the New Orleans Saints, he made quite a few good moves. He is, undoubtedly, a huge part of why the Dallas Cowboys even stuck around. The calls on the field were solid, he did what was expected of him, but one decision particularly stuck out in my mind: the David Buehler 59 yard field goal attempt. It's calls like that that get me confused about him. Sure, Buehler can definitely nail the ball far enough (he hit a 53 harder earlier) but his accuracy isn't that great, and most NFL greats would even struggle with that kick. I understand that it was fourth and ten, and that they needed three points, but they're dead LAST in that division. They have nothing to lose. Garrett should have tried to do SOMETHING, hell a loss is a loss, so it wouldn't have effected him much to actually go for it, a trick play, anything.

What do you guys think of Garrett? Too soon to tell? Good/bad, not going to be coach come next season? Thoughts?
It's still way too early to tell. Even once this season is over I'm not sure too good of an opinion can be formed on him because taking a team through training camp, the pre season, and an entire regular season is different then just coaching them for 8 games. The win over the Giants was good, the win over the Lions was nothing special but still a win, and now they've lost to the Saints. Let's see how the Cowboys respond to this loss and finish out the rest of the season before we make any real opinion on the guy.

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