Jake's Right, Hornswoggle IS A Rapist. And All Of You Are Sick For Thinking Otherwise

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Anyone else see it? No? I did. When he decided to be a sexual predator. If I spyed on somebody in the shower what would happen to me? I'd get arrested and put on a sex offenders register.

If I chased after a girl in just a towel, do you not think a bystander would stop me? And if I ripped off her towel would I not get arrested? And yet WWE fans cheer this shit. They cheer a would be rapist. Is it acceptable to rape if your a midget?
I think this needs to be in the "Is W.W.E. racist" thread. Because clearly they're allowing Hornswoggle to get by with selective acts that any normal man could not.

If you think about it, this is not his first sexual offense. He's done multiple run-unders of female's dresses. Seriously, even OUT of character, do you not think the man gets off on it?!

I suppose he truly is a McMahon lol

By the way, Jake, have you actually tried any of these acts to see if you'd get slapped with an arrest warrent, or put on a sexual offenders list? lol
you are joking, right? if you are, cool, if not....

jesus christ. if you handcuffed a guy and kicked the shit out of his father you'd be in trouble with the police too, if you catch my drift...
you are joking, right? if you are, cool, if not....

jesus christ. if you handcuffed a guy and kicked the shit out of his father you'd be in trouble with the police too, if you catch my drift...

Actually, thats apart of Professional Wrestling.. but going around & potentially being a rapist, isn't. Hornswoggle should be jailed for his crimes. Midgets shouldn't get free passes to the promise land without paying a price for their actions.
wow... just wow. If you wen for a drink with Melina, and if you thought you could get away with it, would you not spy on women while they shower? It's a kind of perverse fantasy that the fans are cheering because, let's face it, Melina is hot. As for running under women's skirts and dresses, well, he's short, it's kind of funny, because he's short and so are the skirts/dresses. Plus, the end of it when he saves Cena's title pretty much counteracted any ill you could've seen developing. Hornswoggle is just a guy, he like hot women.
This would never happen if Melina didn't give the 'ok' to it all. Hornswoggle is simply put in this storyline to give the fans something to laugh about, because vince knows that all three brands are not cutting out promos like they have been in the past, and he's trying to spice em up. And I enjoy it, I enjoyed Noble's/Hornswoggle's promos, and I loved this one. WWE isn't meant to be thought of this deep, seeing as people have been run over by cars, vandalism to Vince's property, and stealing and selling the wrestlers things to fans. Why would thsi be different? If you remember, the dudleys(when in WWE) stole Jericho's and Christians clothes and threw the bags to the fans, Spike came out, and stole there towels, revealing everything. I'd say that is far worse morally than this, but did you have a problem with it then? Not likely.
Anyone else see it? No? I did. When he decided to be a sexual predator. If I spyed on somebody in the shower what would happen to me? I'd get arrested and put on a sex offenders register.

If I chased after a girl in just a towel, do you not think a bystander would stop me? And if I ripped off her towel would I not get arrested? And yet WWE fans cheer this shit. They cheer a would be rapist. Is it acceptable to rape if your a midget?

>>insert laughter here<<

funny how you can post dumbshit that really has no point and its ok but others get banned for making their comments....

ok, i'll play your silly little game....

yes jake...i saw the heel turn last night....that was crazy....wow....didnt see it coming....
>>insert laughter here<<

funny how you can post dumbshit that really has no point and its ok but others get banned for making their comments....

The point, which is obviously lost on you is this: How come fan's cheer storyines that in real life are actually pretty sick? And why does WWE promote these as comedy?

The Hornswoggle incidednt was just a way of starting the thread. I could go on about Bra And Panties matches if you would like. Where the object of the match is to rip the clother of a female performer.
so, you were a big 'Right to Censor" fan, eh?

Sex sells, controversy sells, and controversial sex sells more than both put together. I agree it's morally shady, and probbably verges on deplorable, but then, doesn't a trained WWE superstar beating up an untrained person also cross that line. Oh, wait, that's just part of the business, right, fake fighting is ok, but not anything else that might make WWe some money.

Were you this out spoke about Vis as the worlds largest love machine? How about Val Venis when me made fun of the size Big Show's dong? I mean, yeah, fine, call it morally bankrupt and you're right, but come on. They know it'll sell and until that changes... well, I guess you get to live with Hornswoggle, Venis, and Vince being pervs. It's life.
so, you were a big 'Right to Censor" fan, eh?

Sex sells, controversy sells, and controversial sex sells more than both put together. I agree it's morally shady, and probbably verges on deplorable, but then, doesn't a trained WWE superstar beating up an untrained person also cross that line. Oh, wait, that's just part of the business, right, fake fighting is ok, but not anything else that might make WWe some money.

Were you this out spoke about Vis as the worlds largest love machine? How about Val Venis when me made fun of the size Big Show's dong? I mean, yeah, fine, call it morally bankrupt and you're right, but come on. They know it'll sell and until that changes... well, I guess you get to live with Hornswoggle, Venis, and Vince being pervs. It's life.

Looks like my port of call to step in here

That skit was the lowest the WWE has got that doesn't involve dead people or Mae Young. It was disgraceful the shower scene, yeah you've mentioned them making jokes, heck DX lived off cock jokes but this wasn't Hornswoggle making a joke about melinas tits, it was him chasing her and ripping the towel off her and if he wasnt so small the actions leading up to it could be seen as attempted rape! I for one was apalled at this and noticed the crowd wern't as loud for this segment...

sex sells? You think people will watch raw next week because of this skit? Nope it'll be because of some 30 second video that aired.
Actually, I'll watch raw either way- confusing video or not, and actually, WWE has done this before. I'm not saying its my favorite situation. In fact, morally, it was perverse, but I'm sure Vince thought it was funny. That said, will he do it again? Of course, somewhere down the line, someone else will "wander" where he shouldn't be. Is that any worse than the SvR06 video game storyline with Torrie Wilson in the shower? Again, you're absolutely right, this probbably shouldn't be on tv that children watch, but going back to the initial push, this was certianly not a heel turn. Not unless Vince suddenly turns face.
Guys seriously! Him chasing her does not mean he was going to rape her! To say this was a particularly noteworthy/standout skit from WWE is a bit far! I'd argue DX saying Vince loves cocks, or Vince saying always use protection is more controversial than a midget chasing a hot chick in a towel!
Half the stuff in the WWE is made up of people commiting crimes that are usally illeagal, biut since it's all a show, it's ok. Hornswoggle being a sex offender, orton kicking a bunch of guys in the head, one being a FAN (Mr Cena WAS a fan at the time), Chrids Masters applying the Masterlock on fans, All the DX vandalizm, theres all kinds of TV shows. They're all actors. You wouldn't arrest every single actor that killed someone on a show like CSI, would you? No, cause they were acting.

EDIT: I forgot to mention Cryme Tyme, and just about EVERYTHING they did.
Have any of you ever seen Bad Santa?

Hornswoggle is immune to the rape laws of the common land, because he is, that is to say, a "little person." Some common derogatory names include "midget" or "dwarf" or "Nelwyn."

In Bad Santa, the black little person and Billy Bob Thornton explained to John Ritter what would happen if the little guy got fired. "Thousand of them lil muthafuckas protesting yo ass, holdin up little picket signs." A sexual predator registry? That's for old white guys and wrestling fans with names like "SlyFox."

Affirmative Action - Hornswoggle can't get in trouble. Plus, he's a McMahon, and his father once made Trish bark like a dog.

Haven't we all...
Anyone else see it? No? I did. When he decided to be a sexual predator. If I spyed on somebody in the shower what would happen to me? I'd get arrested and put on a sex offenders register.

If I chased after a girl in just a towel, do you not think a bystander would stop me? And if I ripped off her towel would I not get arrested? And yet WWE fans cheer this shit. They cheer a would be rapist. Is it acceptable to rape if your a midget?

so because i called your little post dumb your gonna ban me?....lol, might as well ban this name too....lol...and i'm the prick......get TNA's nuts off your chin there Jake and quit slaming WWE fans for cheering what the want to cheer.....last post dont worry....i just figured id take the time to tell you that you guys run a shitty forum and you are a moron. thants all...im done posting.
The point, which is obviously lost on you is this: How come fan's cheer storyines that in real life are actually pretty sick? And why does WWE promote these as comedy?

The Hornswoggle incidednt was just a way of starting the thread. I could go on about Bra And Panties matches if you would like. Where the object of the match is to rip the clother of a female performer.

Gee, maybe because they know it's scripted? When you can post some type of proof that Melina didn't know what was going to happen in advance, hell when you can post some type of proof that Melina was actually naked under the towel (hint: she wasn't), and when you can post some type of proof that Hornswaggle had intentions of breaking character and sexually assaulting Melina...you'll have a semi legitimate point. But I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you can't prove any of this.

Why did the fans laugh? Melina was a heel. As we saw earlier, she only accepted the date because she was promised a women's title match. If he had done that to say, Mickie James, that might be considered a heel turn. But as it is, obviously you're not very familiar with wrestling today if you think that was a heel turn.

Why did the fans laugh when DX vandalized the McMahon's limo and the WWE headquarters? Why did the fans laugh when Stone Cold destroyed a car that costs god knows how many hundreds of thousands of dollars by pouring concrete in it, and a few more by running them over with a monster truck? It goes on and on. When they know it's fake, fans feel it's OK to cheer the misfortunes of people who they don't like. And because it's fake, it IS ok for them to cheer the misfortunes of people who they don't like.

As for the moral part of it and the children watching thing, it's rated TV 14 for a reason. They have AM Raw on Saturdays and Sundays for a reason...I could be wrong, but I have a feeling that scene isn't going to be on there. Instead of slamming the WWE for doing things when children might be watching, maybe take a closer look at the parents who let their children watch this. This isn't the first time the WWE has done something like that and it sure won't be the last.

Gee, maybe because they know it's scripted?

Wrestling is scripted? WTF? So it wasn't Hornswoggle who has rape on his mind but a WWE writer. This makes it worse. To a degree it was ok that Hornsoggle was going to do it. #1 He has a better view. #2 Midgets dont go to prison. #3 He's like a child. And children would never do anything like that.

I know that hitting somebody with a chair is questionable. I know that attacking fans is questionable.

BUT. How many fans do you have? Not many, so how do you attack a fan?

How many folded up steel chairs do you see? And do you hit people when you see the oppertunity.

But what would you do if you saw your mother in a towel. From the looks of this thread I think the majority of you would have sodomy on your mind.

The End.
Oh geez! I think you guys are overthinking this, big time! They only have him doing it, because it's supposed to be FUNNY!!!! You're not supposed to take anything Hornswoggle does seriously.. If you took anything on WWE Serious, you would know that the wrestling matches themselves constitute assault, they even poke fun at themselves by having the announcers say something like "If this were an ordinary man outside, he'd be thrown in jail for assault". JR has done that numerous times. the way WWE gets away with it is because it's ENTERTAINMENT.. Not real-life, like MMA or boxing. I think you should stop over-analyzing it, and accept it for what it is, ENTERTAINMENT!!

oh yeah, Hornswoggle Rulez!!!
Jake, I think I figured out why you create threads like these. It creates nice discussion, but more importantly.. it brings out the people who don't belong here on the forums.

Apparently they can't understand or catch on to your point of view & sense of humor.

Oh, & for the record.. when I see several folded chairs (at Wal*Mart) & I'm around friends, yes.. I do tend to take one down & wack said fellow friend in the back. I've taken exactly ONE chair shot to the head, not exactly full force.. but good enough, & I'm (weirdly enough) smarter in knowing not to do it again.. lol
Well said, Will, my fellow Canadian superstar. Anytime a poster on this board has to resort to "you know it's fake, right" or "because it's scripted," straight up bothers me.

I think we need to create a sub-forum in the Prison called "The Firing Squad" where the gross idiocy of such people can be convened before they get shot.

Jake, good satire here.
So its not scripted anymore and the stars just run around doing as they please with the camera just happening to be in the right spot? I'm sorry but anytime you compare a WWE angle or instance to something in real life that can get you arrested is funny to me. You know you can't go around and chokeslam someone without getting arrested to right? You're talking about taste and opinion rather than law or fact. Its good for discussion but since we all should have an IQ of at least 100 before being able to post on here i believe this thread is null and void.
So its not scripted anymore and the stars just run around doing as they please with the camera just happening to be in the right spot? I'm sorry but anytime you compare a WWE angle or instance to something in real life that can get you arrested is funny to me. You know you can't go around and chokeslam someone without getting arrested to right? You're talking about taste and opinion rather than law or fact. Its good for discussion but since we all should have an IQ of at least 100 before being able to post on here i believe this thread is null and void.

I must agree this is no worse then what they have done in the past such as when some of the male wrestlers beat up on a female etc. If you were just going for a joke postit wasnt very good sorry to point it out but keep trying to be funny and if you were serious then your just a plain idiot sorry being honest.
We all know that it's not real, but as far as the joke goes. I think it's pretty funny. Someone earlier mentioned that sex sells. Well it does, but its not going to right now... 30 second matrix videos are what's hot on the market right now not a leprachaun spyin on nude women, which is just commical in itself
i didn't see where was the heel turn but that was pretty sick how can someone chase a girl just to rip her off a towel that was a low point to the wwe indeed this was the sickest skit since the Katie Vick necrophilia angle
well to the topic, no it wasnt a heel turn cuz melina was a heel, and at the end of raw when they showed that it was hornswoggle that made that cena vs coach match it was pretty obvious he was still suppose to be face... hes never gonna be a heel, fans dont want to boo midgets.... oh and u know what else is dumb, why does vince treat him like a kid when hes actually just short? its obvious hes pretty old... thats another morally incorrect thing...

man i just think every1 needs to relax, WWE has always done this type of
stuff, how come only now hornswoggle is getting heat for it??? WWE has so many issues in promos and doing wrong things but only now ppl complain? i guess its just fun to bash WWE and wrestling nowadays huh...... no1 thought it was wrong when kane burned ppl, or stone cold did all his crap, but no hornswoggle tried to take a womens towel off! OMG!, dude if u, or any1 else for that matter, think this is so morally incorrect, then u must agree that pretty much everything in WWE is morally incorrect

if u/any1 else feels so strongley about this, stop watching WWE... or try and sue them, good luck =D

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