IWC has started to appear big time in WWE Universe..

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Tors Hall Rule

Straight Hedge(HOG)
Hey there folks.. First timer here, so don't bash me up..

Well I have been a loyal WWE fan for the past 12 years or so, and with time my fav moments, wrestlers have changed as well as my opinion.. And they have clashed with people, friends, IWC for a long time and there have been occasions where we have agreed..

But never there has been a moment when I have seen so much so of the IWC reflecting upon the WWE Universe in particular.. Now everyone considers us a minority in comparison to the average fans, but if you would notice the chants carefully, you would find that more and more people are thinking along the same lines as us.. Being it cheering the heels more, booing the faces, booing the divas, or straight as hell remaining silent in boring events...

What do you think... IWC expanding.. Or a mere whim of my fickle mind??
I think the IWC is a figment of our imagination.

I'm Serious Here

It seems the term IWC comes from Wrestling fans that go to message boards, get backstage scoops, or are opinionated. In this internet age and communcation I can't see why this would be considered the minority, since checking the internet and making commnets online (via the boards, twitter, or facebook) have become part of our culture and lifestyle.

It's not like our opinions are uniform example people seem to associate the IWC as anti-Cena, then again we get fans here that either like Cena or don't like him.

So is the IWC Expanding? Nope because it doesn't exist but internet users voicing out their opinions have and its not isolated to Wrestling fans. Gamers, movie goers, sports fans, all are more vocal around the internet.
I see where Shooter is coming from but I think reality is simply a mesh of how things are perceived differently by people (i.e. in their minds). Although some people detest the idea of belonging to a "group of sheep", I like being part of this self-dubbed group but we all have our different opinions even within it. Admittedly we can be a bit high-and-mighty compared to those we dub "the Casuals".

But while our opinions are not always the same we do have a few general consensuses (consensa??), pour example:

- Most of the IWC, even the anti-Cena fans, are united on the fact that he is charismatic and over, even if his character seems a bit douchey to some people. Cena-hate in IWC is old news now; the people booing him are more laddish casuals than IWC.
- Generally united love for Christian, Punk, Jericho etc.
- The creative/management issues of TNA.

On the flipside we have significant base-breaker issues like
- Whether Michelle McCool is any good.
- Whether anything to do with the Divas is any good.
- How to solve the creative/management issues of TNA.
- Orton, the new "cool to hate" guy instead of Cena.
- Triple H with regards to nepotism
- Triple H with regards to the other talent
- Triple H in general.

Those are just a few examples, but you get the idea (Paragon said, as if him stating the obvious might be difficult to understand). Anyway, I like being apart of this and it's not as if we didn't have a voice within the "Universe" before. Represent!
People have been doing those chants for over 10 years. It's nothing new.

I remember the cena sucks chants going all the way back to 2005.

I dont remember ever stating that these chants are new.. I just say they are beginning to grow big time... Kindly do read before posting mate..

I see where Shooter is coming from but I think reality is simply a mesh of how things are perceived differently by people (i.e. in their minds). Although some people detest the idea of belonging to a "group of sheep", I like being part of this self-dubbed group but we all have our different opinions even within it. Admittedly we can be a bit high-and-mighty compared to those we dub "the Casuals".

Well I do agree with you mate and might I add a few issues that you have mentioned as well..

- Bashing up Kane, Big Show and other big men apart from Andre..
- Wanting Sting to face The Dead Man at Mania..
- Wanting SCSA to have one more match even though it may end him up..
- The Miz either being the best champion in the world or the first guy to be future endeavored..
I dont remember ever stating that these chants are new.. I just say they are beginning to grow big time... Kindly do read before posting mate..

I did, and back then the chants were incredibly loud. This is nothing new of people making "smart mark" chants. I don't see how they are "growing" since it's been going on for a long time anyway. Plus the PPV attendance usually has "smarter" fans.

The "IWC" audience in attendance hasn't really dwindled is what I mean.
if anyone here genuinaly thinks what we say or do makes a difference to VKM... your VERY delusional.... He's a businessman, he makes money, full stop. Job Done. If he listened to us.... Zack Ryder would be WHC atm.
if anyone here genuinaly thinks what we say or do makes a difference to VKM... your VERY delusional.... He's a businessman, he makes money, full stop. Job Done. If he listened to us.... Zack Ryder would be WHC atm.

Thank God he doesn't.

Sorry, but nothing's changed in the IWC. We give our opinion and plead to be "heard out". The crowds that go to WWE shows don't care about story developments, characters and limited movesets. They want to be entertained. However not everyone can be entertained in the same way. That's why there's always discussion popping up. Hogan always had his critics back in the day. it's just that the internet was obscure. Today, it may shout louder, but it still falls on deaf ears most of the time. They run the show. Not us. When they do is in the interest of gaining merchandise sales, PPV's ticket sales, ratings a profit. What we want is our own little creative plan that only applies to us. Not concerning what the company wants or needs most of the time.
if anyone here genuinaly thinks what we say or do makes a difference to VKM... your VERY delusional.... He's a businessman, he makes money, full stop. Job Done. If he listened to us.... Zack Ryder would be WHC atm.

Well correct me if I'm worng mate, but I dont think ANY of the posters here mentioned that what we do makes a difference to us or VKM listens to us.. If that would be the case WWE would be a bigger clusterfuck than TNA or WCW..

And who on IWC wants Zack Ryder to be WHC.. You.. We all think that he is extremley talented, good on mic, decent ring skills, still a young gun and maye be a good superstar in the future.. WHC right now.. You gotta have escaped the asylum mate.. Trust me, at this point of time we would be happy if he even makes it on either SD/RAW weekly... let alone hold a belt.. IC/US is a dream.. WHC.. You are the one who is delusional...
Well correct me if I'm worng mate, but I dont think ANY of the posters here mentioned that what we do makes a difference to us or VKM listens to us.. If that would be the case WWE would be a bigger clusterfuck than TNA or WCW..

And who on IWC wants Zack Ryder to be WHC.. You.. We all think that he is extremley talented, good on mic, decent ring skills, still a young gun and maye be a good superstar in the future.. WHC right now.. You gotta have escaped the asylum mate.. Trust me, at this point of time we would be happy if he even makes it on either SD/RAW weekly... let alone hold a belt.. IC/US is a dream.. WHC.. You are the one who is delusional...

Bit of an over exaggeration. I don't. I think he's funny that's about it.

The IWC as someone else said is a myth. To suggest everyone on here has the same opinion is stupid, see above. No what the internet wrestling community is, is a group of fans who are all roughly the same age meaning they grew up through the same period of wrestling and therefore have roughly similar tastes. That's all. We're more likely to use the internet or at least sites like this because we're more likely to look for them due to our age group. A 10 year old uses the internet for games not for talking about wrestling.
I think something people overlook is that someone who follows wrestling on the internet, when they go to a WWE show they transition over from to figurative worlds, form the IWC to the WWE Universe.

I think WWE has got comfortable using the IWC as an excuse not to have to listen to the fans because it puts a barrier up between the two.

Last night at extreme rules there was a Zack Pack sign and a few rows behind that a group of 6 to 9 people holding up a set of Woo Woo Woo signs.

Maybe all of those people follow wrestling on the internet, maybe they don't. Whether they do or not it doesn't change the fact that signs for Ryder are everywhere now.

I read in another post that if we had things our way Ryder would be WHC. If I had it my way he'd be the US champ, just saying.
I don't think that's what's happening. I think that everyone knows it's fake now, so you don't get everyone to make the same reaction. Cena is a prime example of this. You will NEVER get a muscular all american babyface over with "smart" (by that I only mean they know it's a show and act like it when they're there) fans. So, Cena runs with it, he's extra "all american". Kids, who suspend disbelief but still know it's fake, cheer him.

The IWC isn't stronger, if it was, you'd hear more smarky "this is wrestling" chants which are fuckin stupid. May as well be saying "look at us we know it's staged" like a bunch of jackasses.

The WWE isn't more smarky, their older audience is there to have a good time and boo the characters they don't like, no different than the kids. The kids and adults just boo and cheer different characteristics of these characters. It's really interesting and fun IMO. I would not be at all surprised to see Truth get over as a face with the adults because of this.

Hell Yeah they have, I happen to be one of them. I cheer for the guys from the indies and the good wrestlers. Lately I have been enjoying Cena even more, I hate Randy Orton. I review major ppv and television shows, I'm sort of like a rookie dave meltzer, check out this out.
No you're not, Metlzer likes Cena a lot, so does Alvarez because they understand context. Most indy guys are shit wrestlers who perform tricks and don't tell stories. "Good wrestlers" are simply guys who get over. That's all being a good wrestler is. You're JOB is to get over, not do a million moves. You're not a mini Meltzer, you're a IWC sheep that buys into the bullshit of other non-wrestlers who couldn't get a cricket fart out of an audience. You're the type of fan that makes it hard for others to enjoy at live shows.

Maybe not though, you just come across that way with your "cheer for indy guys and good wrestlers". Why do you hate Randy Orton BTW? Because he works a chinlock? Notice I said "works" a chinlock. On the indies a chinlock is a resthold, in the WWE there are no restholds, there are heat getters, hope spots, comebacks, and falsies.
See that's the problem. I'm seeing this strange word pop up all over this thread. "THINK". Thinking while watching this type of television is bad for your health. Sports Entertainment is meant to entertain. If you want to think,there's a history channel, a discovery channel, a health channel, even a learning channel. You watch wrestling to see guys who can kick your ass get their asses kicked. And the fireworks. And the divas.
^^^^Very nice. When I think while watching WWE, it's more like I wonder why they did that. I'm a business student and Vince is pretty awesome at that. WWE is very sophisticated and I've said a bunch of times, all the IWC guys like to do is analyse matches and shit on people on here for not doing enough cool moves regardless of how over they are (only thing WWE cares about as they should). That's stupid. You are judging them on something that doesn't even matter and the WWE works them into booing Cena and probably have a good time doing it. The IWC is dumb, they think they're sophisticated, but they're dumb as fuck. Most of them are too unathletic to ever even take a bump and don't actually know what makes a good wrestler. WWE works everyone they want to work.

I agree, at the end of the day, it's better not to think about things like that. If you do think, don't say "I fuckin hate this why did they do that", just think "why did they do this" and take yourself out emotionally. You'll figure a hell of a lot more out that way and you actual viewing of the show will be more enjoyable.
^^^^Very nice. When I think while watching WWE, it's more like I wonder why they did that. I'm a business student and Vince is pretty awesome at that. WWE is very sophisticated and I've said a bunch of times, all the IWC guys like to do is analyse matches and shit on people on here for not doing enough cool moves regardless of how over they are (only thing WWE cares about as they should). That's stupid. You are judging them on something that doesn't even matter and the WWE works them into booing Cena and probably have a good time doing it. The IWC is dumb, they think they're sophisticated, but they're dumb as fuck. Most of them are too unathletic to ever even take a bump and don't actually know what makes a good wrestler. WWE works everyone they want to work.

I agree, at the end of the day, it's better not to think about things like that. If you do think, don't say "I fuckin hate this why did they do that", just think "why did they do this" and take yourself out emotionally. You'll figure a hell of a lot more out that way and you actual viewing of the show will be more enjoyable.

Like I said, its not accurate to say this is an IWC to critisize (since it's a non factor). The internet is built around a lot of negativity.

It's not just Wrestling; remember Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back. The part when Ben Affleck was showing Jay and Silent Bob comments from the Internet about a movie it was all people b*****ing about the movie.

Most internet comments about sports and entertainment are usually negative. Why? Because it's easier and better to express anger and disdain online for some reason.

Going back to

all the IWC guys like to do is analyse matches and shit on people on here for not doing enough cool moves regardless of how over they are (only thing WWE cares about as they should). That's stupid.

I see no issues with being critical about a product. Since we use our time and money to watch shows, attend live events, and order PPV's its our right as a customer of the WWE to voice out our comments and opinions, be critical and analyze the product. It's the same reason restaurants have customer reviews, why Amazon allows users to review on a product, or how we explain to a friend why a movie should be recommended or not.

Someone once asked me why am I so critical on movies. The answer I give is that I am assuming if someone is going to listen or read my comments they will be spending their time or/and money watching the movie.
We don't all have the same opinions. If we did this forum would be useless and we wouldn't have anything to argue about. I wouldn't boo the good guys (except The Rock) because I'd feel rude. I dont hold up Zack Ryder signs because then the people behind me can't see. Ryder is interesting but I wouldn't give him a title. I just like comedy.

The stereotype says The IWC loves their technical and spotty wrestling. Well honestly matches don't excite me all that much. I'm in it for the entertainment. Does that mean I'm not part of The IWC? I check wrestlezone daily. I check it to see whats going on with the stories, not to watch random bonus match videos. I couldn't sit through an old PPV I've seen before unless it had the 24/7 title involved. I loved that thing lol. Popular opinion isn't everyones opinion. We can be just as diluted as the 10 year olds someone else was talking about. Speaking of, it's time to go play a video game. Woo Woo Woo or whatever.
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