I've had a fair amount of tequila, rum, gin and two beers (contains Holocaust denial)

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
I just realised I left my special Peroni glass that I stole from a pub at my mate's house. Curses. That in mind, here are the following controversial opinions:

  • Christian is the greatest wrestler of all-time, with the possible exceptions of CM Punk and Steve Austin.
  • Rey Mysterio is the greatest wrestler of all-time, with the possible exceptions of Christian, CM Punk and Steve Austin.
  • Randy Orton is quite un-boring when he wants to be.
  • Chris Jericho is on par with Booker T in all-time rankings. I'm also pretty sure he's a closet sexist and homophobe. I respect the aforementioned bag shitter more as a human being.
  • Divas are so effective at killing heat that even I am not that interested in Daniel Bryan anymore.
  • Dogs. Fuck dogs. They're proper shit really, aren't they?
  • Christina Hendricks isn't curvy, she's fat. She'd have to lose ten pounds to be curvy. I'm not into sticks - it's like shagging a biro (I'd imagine) - but I like to be able to get my arms around a woman. Before I hold her down, I mean.
  • Mitt Romney is a dumb name. Why not vote for "Glove Bobby" while you're at it? Sarah Palin might end the world, sure, but it'd at least be a laugh. Moderates! Pah!
  • I don't care for Israel.
  • The fact that I once saw Xfear mention Ron Paul makes me 40% more likely to think of him favourably.
  • I disagree with NorCal a good 3/10 times. Atypical for somebody who I consider a "cool dude." I disagree with Tastycles 1/100 times, for comparison. Brock Lesnar may be boring, but-- ah, I got nothing.
  • IC25 and klunderbunker are in and out of "cool dude" status. They are the white power rangers of people whose writing I appreciate.
  • How comes the green ranger was also the white ranger? That's hardly fair. It's like if Randy Savage could transform into Hulk Hogan.
  • Despite the fact that life is entirely futile, I still have strong moral values. What's the point of that? Well, I suppose I just answered my own question.
  • I don't hate Nick Clegg, but would have strong words with him if I met him in a hallway. He's more politically incompetent than he is immoral.
  • I rarely laugh by myself. If you do, you're weird.
  • You should be embarrassed to watch professional wrestling. "It's fake" is not a valid criticism. The Wire's "fake" but it's still one of the greatest television shows known to man. "It's muscular men jumping around in their underwear without the benefit of even knowing the victor is physically superior" is a valid criticism though.

And, uh, that about concludes that.
A friendly discussion about Israel on Facebook has lead to a full-on race to escape anti-semitist allegations.
Here comes the following opinions:

  • Sam is the best poster ever.
  • Drunken Sam leaves Sober Sam in his dust.
  • If I die tomorrow, my only regret will be not meeting Sam at Tasty's bachelor pad.
Some of that was pretty controversial. Randy Orton...... occasionally un-boring........ you? I always thought Mitt Romney was an eye-catching name also.
Ron Paul was the dude I supported for the 2008 election. Well, until it became clear he couldn't win and didn't get nominated. Then I buckled and voted for Obama because he was the next best thing.

I haven't kept tabs on Paul since. Not sure if I'd still support him for president, but I hear he's gearing up to run again.
I think libertarianism is a shit idea. I agree with Ron Paul on somethings, but not on his political theory as a whole.

As someone who was raised Jewish, I have mixed feelings regarding Israel, but finding someone intelligent and rational to talk about it with is next to impossible. People are either gung-ho about an Israeli state or seem to believe that the Jews came and pulled the magical carpet right out from underneath Palestine's feet. Thus, I continue to remain one very confused Jew.

Randy Orton can be un-boring, but almost never where it counts. Then again, I've yet to see his Over the Limit match, which I heard was spectacular.

KB does not fit my definition of cool, but neither do most people on this forum. Barbosa might, Sam definitely does, but in my opinion, to be cool you have to be absolutely zen 100% of the time, in the zone, aloof and what not.

I love dogs, especially now that I don't own one anymore. I miss my dog, but it's nice not to have to clean up his messes anymore. Or walk him when he decides he needs to go out at 4 in the morning.

And I'll second Dave's motion that Sam is (one of) the best, most well-rounded posters here. He also leaves fun messages in rep.
I just realised I left my special Peroni glass that I stole from a pub at my mate's house. Curses. That in mind, here are the following controversial opinions:

  • Christian is the greatest wrestler of all-time, with the possible exceptions of CM Punk and Steve Austin.
  • Rey Mysterio is the greatest wrestler of all-time, with the possible exceptions of Christian, CM Punk and Steve Austin.
  • Randy Orton is quite un-boring when he wants to be.
  • Chris Jericho is on par with Booker T in all-time rankings. I'm also pretty sure he's a closet sexist and homophobe. I respect the aforementioned bag shitter more as a human being.
  • Divas are so effective at killing heat that even I am not that interested in Daniel Bryan anymore.
  • Dogs. Fuck dogs. They're proper shit really, aren't they?
  • Christina Hendricks isn't curvy, she's fat. She'd have to lose ten pounds to be curvy. I'm not into sticks - it's like shagging a biro (I'd imagine) - but I like to be able to get my arms around a woman. Before I hold her down, I mean.
  • Mitt Romney is a dumb name. Why not vote for "Glove Bobby" while you're at it? Sarah Palin might end the world, sure, but it'd at least be a laugh. Moderates! Pah!
  • I don't care for Israel.
  • The fact that I once saw Xfear mention Ron Paul makes me 40% more likely to think of him favourably.
  • I disagree with NorCal a good 3/10 times. Atypical for somebody who I consider a "cool dude." I disagree with Tastycles 1/100 times, for comparison. Brock Lesnar may be boring, but-- ah, I got nothing.
  • IC25 and klunderbunker are in and out of "cool dude" status. They are the white power rangers of people whose writing I appreciate.
  • How comes the green ranger was also the white ranger? That's hardly fair. It's like if Randy Savage could transform into Hulk Hogan.
  • Despite the fact that life is entirely futile, I still have strong moral values. What's the point of that? Well, I suppose I just answered my own question.
  • I don't hate Nick Clegg, but would have strong words with him if I met him in a hallway. He's more politically incompetent than he is immoral.
  • I rarely laugh by myself. If you do, you're weird.
  • You should be embarrassed to watch professional wrestling. "It's fake" is not a valid criticism. The Wire's "fake" but it's still one of the greatest television shows known to man. "It's muscular men jumping around in their underwear without the benefit of even knowing the victor is physically superior" is a valid criticism though.

And, uh, that about concludes that.

Sooooo tempting to do a D-Man piss take here....
I think libertarianism is a shit idea. I agree with Ron Paul on somethings, but not on his political theory as a whole.

As someone who was raised Jewish, I have mixed feelings regarding Israel, but finding someone intelligent and rational to talk about it with is next to impossible. People are either gung-ho about an Israeli state or seem to believe that the Jews came and pulled the magical carpet right out from underneath Palestine's feet. Thus, I continue to remain one very confused Jew.

Randy Orton can be un-boring, but almost never where it counts. Then again, I've yet to see his Over the Limit match, which I heard was spectacular.

KB does not fit my definition of cool, but neither do most people on this forum. Barbosa might, Sam definitely does, but in my opinion, to be cool you have to be absolutely zen 100% of the time, in the zone, aloof and what not.

I love dogs, especially now that I don't own one anymore. I miss my dog, but it's nice not to have to clean up his messes anymore. Or walk him when he decides he needs to go out at 4 in the morning.

And I'll second Dave's motion that Sam is (one of) the best, most well-rounded posters here. He also leaves fun messages in rep.

Has to make me the least cool person you have ever met, by miles
Has to make me the least cool person you have ever met, by miles

I was thinking of dropping your name of people I think are awesome, but not cool. Jeff Winger is cool, Jack Donaghy is cool, and Jim Halpert is cool. On the other hand, Abed, Tracy Jordan, and Dr. Cox are awesome, but they are nooooot cool. I don't know why I used NBC sitcom characters for comparison.

I try to be cool, but it's not really in my nature. I'm a very excitable person, so being cool betrays my nature. In fact, I'd say my struggle to fit into my self-defined version of "cool" very much depicts my struggle to figure out the type of person I really am.

Or maybe I'm just full of shit. I'm really tired.
I have little idea what WWE has been doing recently but if it makes people not care about DBD and obsessed with Zach Ryder I am glad I missed it.
DBD is starting a (possibly) awesome fucking feud with Cody Rhodes, and Rhodes is one of the best things going on SmackDown, so I might start watching SD again

But seriously fuck Orton, I want to see wrestling that isn't super playbook
Cody Rhodes' legs are terrific. Just terrific. You know, I just realised there's the possibility of a Cody Rhodes/Christian feud within the next few years. My word, that would be tremendous, wouldn't it?
KB does not fit my definition of cool, but neither do most people on this forum. Barbosa might, Sam definitely does, but in my opinion, to be cool you have to be absolutely zen 100% of the time, in the zone, aloof and what not.

I almost got annoyed about something on this forum once.



Also, I certainly am not cool by anyone's definition. Even yours, Classy Jedi Glassy
I was thinking of dropping your name of people I think are awesome, but not cool. Jeff Winger is cool, Jack Donaghy is cool, and Jim Halpert is cool. On the other hand, Abed, Tracy Jordan, and Dr. Cox are awesome, but they are nooooot cool. I don't know why I used NBC sitcom characters for comparison.

I try to be cool, but it's not really in my nature. I'm a very excitable person, so being cool betrays my nature. In fact, I'd say my struggle to fit into my self-defined version of "cool" very much depicts my struggle to figure out the type of person I really am.

Or maybe I'm just full of shit. I'm really tired.
You and I might be blood relatives.

Christina Hendricks isn't curvy, she's fat. She'd have to lose ten pounds to be curvy. I'm not into sticks - it's like shagging a biro (I'd imagine) - but I like to be able to get my arms around a woman. Before I hold her down, I mean.
Respect was almost lost here.
Hey, I'm not saying fat can't be sexy but let's not split hairs. I'm not sure who's splitting hairs - me or you - but it should stop.
I have no idea who she is, but all the pictures on google only go down to the cleavage level, which would suggest fashion editors think she's fat.
Not enough mention of tasty in this thread.

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