I've been thinking


Pre-Show Stalwart
Monday night when Kennedy made his return he told Orton "you thought this was over but it isnt" but what does he mean by that? Orton and Kennedy have never had a feud so i just dont get it. But i started thinking about when Vince was told he had a bastard son and Mr Kennedy was suppose to be the one who ended up being the son but he got himself suspended and hornswoggle got the part :/ but anyways everyone might think this theory is crazy but what if they reopen that storyline and Mr Mcmahon comes out one week and says that Mr Kennedy is infact his son and that what Mr Kennedy meant by you thought this was over was that Randy thought that it was over with the mcmahons?

Imo i think it would be great and it would be finally someone new feuding with Orton instead of Batista HHH or Cena

What do others think?
As far as I'm aware, he was talking about the promo.
Orton was about to leave after beating on Flair, and Kennedy came out.
That's all there is to it.
Monday night when Kennedy made his return he told Orton "you thought this was over but it isnt" but what does he mean by that? Orton and Kennedy have never had a feud so i just dont get it. But i started thinking about when Vince was told he had a bastard son and Mr Kennedy was suppose to be the one who ended up being the son but he got himself suspended and hornswoggle got the part :/ but anyways everyone might think this theory is crazy but what if they reopen that storyline and Mr Mcmahon comes out one week and says that Mr Kennedy is infact his son and that what Mr Kennedy meant by you thought this was over was that Randy thought that it was over with the mcmahons?

Imo i think it would be great and it would be finally someone new feuding with Orton instead of Batista HHH or Cena

What do others think?

To be honest, I wondered if there Kennedy meant something by that statement as well. Then I decided that I was reading too much into it. However, your thoughts on this topic are very interesting. It would make sense, but I just don't see the WWE picking up that particular storyline since it's been dead for quite some time now. Not to mention it was a bust from the beginning as a result of the Kennedy suspension. In order to keep the current Orton vs. McMahon storyline going, the WWE would have to move very quickly on incorporating Kennedy or it would get stale pretty fast. In addition, I'm not sure that Kennedy is going to jump right into a fued with RAW's leading guy right out of the gate. Kennedy's been gone a while and is always prone to injury.
Like Blade said it was probably about the promo between Ric Flair and Orton. Since Orton was walking away, maybe that was his way of telling him to not go anywhere because he still has something more to say. Therefore this isn't over because he was going to say something. Therefore the whole promo would be over when Kennedy finished talking, not when Orton walked away.

I'm not going to look into this too much as I just think that was his way of telling Orton to not go anywhere, except he just said it with different words.
i think thats a great idea and actually have kennedy win the tittle at some point from orton. then thats when legacy could go crazy and destroy everyone and run raw. i also think its time for some new blood to hold the whc maybe even someone u wouldnt think of that would be a surprise. like give henry a push, maybe morrison, or even koslav, he could be like the new iron sheik. shoot maybe even finlay, let for the ic or us tittle.
Oh Blade. Crushing peoples spirits yet again. I do gotta say this is a little out there tho. A lot of the fans nowadays probably wouldn't get the reference. Lets face it, people have extremely short attention spans. I do believe they will work him into the title picture some way tho.
Yeah I agree. I think you are reading just a little bit too much into it. I for one though would like to see Orton vs kennedy. By all accounts kennedy needs to get a couple of good feuds under his belt and have a good few matches to prove his worth to the company, so why not just throw him in the at the deep end? It is no secret that he is valued quite highly by the WWE and if this is true will probably end up in the main event picture at some point. This could be a good test for him and give us a fair estimation of where he is going in the future.
That is a very good speculation , It's the WWE and anything can happen, I wouldn't be surpised if they do that, I am tired of HHH Cena Batista , It;s time to see newer talent making history/// MVP
Monday night when Kennedy made his return he told Orton "you thought this was over but it isnt" but what does he mean by that? Orton and Kennedy have never had a feud so i just dont get it. But i started thinking about when Vince was told he had a bastard son and Mr Kennedy was suppose to be the one who ended up being the son but he got himself suspended and hornswoggle got the part :/ but anyways everyone might think this theory is crazy but what if they reopen that storyline and Mr Mcmahon comes out one week and says that Mr Kennedy is infact his son and that what Mr Kennedy meant by you thought this was over was that Randy thought that it was over with the mcmahons?

fun fact about this, when Mr Kennedy first debuted on wwe, he use to call himself Mr Anderson(his name is Kenneth Anderson) but changed to Mr Kennedy for two reasons

reason 1: not to get confused with the famous Anderson family(as well as former Cincinnati Bengals quarterback Ken Anderson)

reason 2: the name Ken Kennnedy or Mr Kennedy was initially suggested by Paul Heyman and was chosen as his name because it is the middle name of WWE Chairman Vince McMahon.

so yes, they might actually pull this one and hopefully make it better than hornswaggle

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