I've been thinking about something.....

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Well ya know brother, I've been thinking about something and it seems to me that Tha Hulkster, The Big Brother, and TNA are moving as one in a "whole" storyline and we just aren't getting it brother.....

Hang on,

Now this is better, let's take a look shall we?

Angle vs. Anderson (personal)

Bischoff vs. Jarrett/Foley (personal)

Hogan/Abyss vs. Flair/Styles (personal)

Eric Young vs. The Wolf Pac (personal)

Team Hogan vs. Team Flair/Sting (personal)

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker (person......wait, my bad wrong company)

Anyways what I am getting at here is that every story line going on in TNA right now is PERSONAL to someone. So last night Hogan has an epiphany and realized that Easy E is right.........they need to get back on track and stop doing personal feuds. So what I am suggesting is that maybe just maybe this is kinda Hogan/Bischoff/Dixie's way of taking a cheap shot at themselves, show they are not the same from wCw, and get some people tuned into the show. Now I am sure a lot of yous is gonna say that yous don't watch the TNA but rather watch the E.......and I am not gonna call you a buncha fucking ****** ass bitches like I normally would, Nope I am going to say that is your opinion an your right to do what you like........well for now anyways seeing as how we're about to start living in the United States of Communism.

But that's not here nor there, I know that all my friends in my town and I have tuned off WWE and started just recording and watching TNA. Maybe TNA is smarter than we all give them credit for, god I really hope so, they have all the makings to move into the upper echelon of the wrestling business. Let's just hope they do not blow it like wCw did.

Anyways what's your thoughts on the whole company storyline of not being personal anymore.
Why would you call wwe fans ****** ass bitches? Just because they grew up watching wwe and enjoy the superior wrestling company. But anyways The Pope vs A.j Styles isn't personal. But anyways what do you expect with fueds everybody is supposed to like each other. I don't get this thread.
I'm so confused......

The best storylines in wrestling ARE personal. They have to evoke a deep emotional reaction in the audience. It's that very feeling which grips people and will get them to come back to your product.

Having storylines based on respect or title contendership will only get so far. Emotional investment is crucial in all wrestling storylines and is what makes the business so unique.

I really am struggling to get your point.
So wait if peopel like EY and the Wolfpac have only known each other for 2 months and then tthe Wolfpac turns on EY then that is a personal feud? Well then Legacy is turning on Orton right now so that makes it a personal feud. Just because Anderson hurts Angle with that chain he has makes it a personal feud? I agree that personal storylines are better but it seems like every single feud that goes on the announcers say that it is personal.
Well ya know brother, I've been thinking about something and it seems to me that Tha Hulkster, The Big Brother, and TNA are moving as one in a "whole" storyline and we just aren't getting it brother.....

Hang on,

Now this is better, let's take a look shall we?

Angle vs. Anderson (personal)

Bischoff vs. Jarrett/Foley (personal)

Hogan/Abyss vs. Flair/Styles (personal)

Eric Young vs. The Wolf Pac (personal)

Team Hogan vs. Team Flair/Sting (personal)

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker (person......wait, my bad wrong company)

Anyways what I am getting at here is that every story line going on in TNA right now is PERSONAL to someone. So last night Hogan has an epiphany and realized that Easy E is right.........they need to get back on track and stop doing personal feuds. So what I am suggesting is that maybe just maybe this is kinda Hogan/Bischoff/Dixie's way of taking a cheap shot at themselves, show they are not the same from wCw, and get some people tuned into the show. Now I am sure a lot of yous is gonna say that yous don't watch the TNA but rather watch the E.......and I am not gonna call you a buncha fucking ****** ass bitches like I normally would, Nope I am going to say that is your opinion an your right to do what you like........well for now anyways seeing as how we're about to start living in the United States of Communism.

But that's not here nor there, I know that all my friends in my town and I have tuned off WWE and started just recording and watching TNA. Maybe TNA is smarter than we all give them credit for, god I really hope so, they have all the makings to move into the upper echelon of the wrestling business. Let's just hope they do not blow it like wCw did.

Anyways what's your thoughts on the whole company storyline of not being personal anymore.

I watch TNA now only because it's head to head with Raw and for the fun of the MNWII, I watched at the start with The Firing Shot on Jan 4th

And I watch on two TVs, but I dont like TNA, just the Wolfpac, Sting, Angle, Hogan, Flair, Bischoff, Foley and the hot Knockouts that's it. And a few of their original matches are fun

I'd say personal feuds are great and all but dont overdo them. As for TNA being smarter than they get credit for well we'll have to see about that as I'm not bought on that yet. I say let Abyss & AJ be original rather than build Abyss as a Hogan rip off, why the hell was he Abyssing up on PPV?
Why is no-personality AJ wearing Flair's robe?

Anyway I will agree with that last statement, but not just the USA, the world man, and it's coming soon and it aint the WCW faction
ok so ive been watchin the E for over 25 years and ive been hoping that tna would come through and steal my attenion when hardy and rvd showed up i thought wow capatalize on a recent world heavyweight champ and push hardy and rvd to the title picture, now there feuding with beer money??? i just think the wwe still is just better i love the pope,hardy,rvd,matt morgan, super mex these guys are the next me to me and they all just seem jumbled and miss used. i will watch tna loyaly when they straighten out there huge cluster f**k and clear it all up if not then another one bites the dust.
They need to hire Joel Guertner for one day, to scream (supposedly in the background) doing his obnoxious VKM impersonation, "This is PERSONAL! How is he FEELING?" Every time Taz starts to do a commentary.
Why would you call wwe fans fagget ass bitches? Just because they grew up watching wwe and enjoy the superior wrestling company. But anyways The Pope vs A.j Styles isn't personal. But anyways what do you expect with fueds everybody is supposed to like each other. I don't get this thread.

1st off I said I WOULDN'T CALL THEM THAT, secondly i grew up watching real professional wrestling from the late 80's on, I wasn't some kid that just woke up one morning and turned on WWE, I was going to live shows and watching classic wrestling before Hulkamania started being something more than a gleam in Vince's eye.

thirdly superior? so you're telling me to my post none the less that Batista vs. Cena is superior? okay i'm going to give you that one.

and Pope vs. AJ hmm have you seen anything about the feud they have going on? Besides Pope having to save Hogan an Abyss nope can not say I have.....so you're right it's not personal but it's not a feud either.

Wow trying to throw some comedy into your post........only works when it's funny.......wait a second......guess you're right about throwing that comedy in there, you did after all call wwe the superior wrestling company.......
[QUOTE= the hot Knockouts

really they got 4 hot knockouts and thats the BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE AND ANGELINA LOVE thts it u want to see HOT watch the WWE all of them except EVE but the HOTTEST IS KELLY KELLY
90% of all feuds are personal. There's only so many titles and thus only so many people that can challenge for them. And generally speaking once a wrestler has tried for the belt once and lost it becomes personal during the course of the feud.

In wrestling outside of ROH there is NEVER just a title match between two main event wrestlers. They spend a month or more trying to convince you why you need to see this title match, why this feud is better than any you've ever seen. They make it become personal.

It's never just Wrestler A earns a title shot at Wrestler B, they respectfully wait for said title shot, have the match, and then leave it at that.

Wrestler A earns title shot at Wrestler B, Wrestler B begins trying to take out Wrestler A before they get to their match, Wrestler A begins to desire to get the better of Wrestler B for reasons beyond purely winning Wrestler B's title. Wrestler A and B begin to trade personal shots and undermine each other en route to their anticipated title match. There are underhanded tactics from one of them, some cheap shots, hatred mounts, suddenly it's more than just a title match.

That's the formula for modern wrestling, or at least mainstream wrestling. Audiences are more interested in being told a story than asked to care about a randomly assigned fake fight between two respectful and honourable competitors.

Now, I kind of like how in Ring of Honor the champion defends against most of the roster, with everyone getting their turn at trying to unseat the champ, just because I like seeing different styles of wrestler that might not normally get to face off.

But that's my personal predilection, not the desire of the majority of wrestling fans. That's why WWE has made billions, TNA has made millions and ROH is in a distant third place. They've begun to shift more towards storyline-driven feuds as well to 'get with the times'.

So to sum up I think it's a bit of an irrelevant comment and you're reading too much into the words of a guy that is notoriously bad at expressing himself. Here in 2010 all feuds are personal. Sure, we get the occasional random match-up between challengers and champions on free TV, and some lesser titles will see a title-only feud on PPV, but it is the feuds of the main event and upper-mid carders on PPV that make the money and drive the companies, and these feuds are personal because they give an audience a reason to care.
Okay, here is what I don't get. People complain that the WWE randomly puts people in the matches where you know they are going to get squashed or not win the title. But then people complain that the good, legitimate feuds are too personal? You can't have it both ways. How about we just watch it for what it is and enjoy what is given to us? You may not like the WWE, but let's face it, they've been the kings of the wrestling world for quite some time. I'm not a huge fan of TNA, but I agree that they need to be around if for nothing more than to give WWE some competition. And for everyone saying that WWE is watered down and for kids, let me ask you geniuses this? How many of you "adults" are going to KNOWINGLY walk around with your wrestling shirts, hats, wristbands, and toys? Now how many kids do you think are going to do the same? Having said that, don't you think it's a smart idea to market to that demographic. And those same people that believe the WWE is too family friendly, are the same people who said that Vince was going too far with his storylines and that the WWE didn't care about their wrestlers. Just enjoy the fact that we have two wrestling promotions that are recognizable and entertaining.
Hogan is in Tna for Hogan so the company will die soon like Hogan killed WCW. As for the storylines, they are all carbon copies of each other, the only feud I've had any interest in is Anderson vs Angle.
I've tried to get into TNA since the lame attempt of another Monday Night War, but I've given up already. TNA haven't got shit on WWE and that doesn't look like changing anytime soon. I occasionally look at TNA to see whats going on,but thats only because I'm a fan of RVD, Jeff Hardy, The Pope and Mr Anderson.
They have talent but the actual product is terrible. I wonder how many people watch TNA because they like TNA, or if they watch it because they don't like WWE.
Why would you call wwe fans fagget ass bitches? Just because they grew up watching wwe and enjoy the superior wrestling company. But anyways The Pope vs A.j Styles isn't personal. But anyways what do you expect with fueds everybody is supposed to like each other. I don't get this thread.

I just think that fans who have grown up watching PG John Cena should do some research and take on a wider variety of wrestling. They need to find out not all wrestling is bad actors.
the hot Knockouts really they got 4 hot knockouts and thats the BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE AND ANGELINA LOVE thts it u want to see HOT watch the WWE all of them except EVE but the HOTTEST IS KELLY KELLY[/QUOTE said:
wow, Eve is one of the hottest divas they have.. probably the least attractive they have is Alicia Fox, Jillian, and Vickie (if she's considered a diva).. the hottest being Layla, Natalya and Katie Lea :)

for Knockouts.. they have more than 4.. Beautiful People, of course Velvet is number one in TNA.. Daffney, SoCal Val, Christy Hemme, Tara.. heck even Hamada and ODB (yes I like the white trash gals) are attractive :)
Hogan is in Tna for Hogan so the company will die soon like Hogan killed WCW. As for the storylines, they are all carbon copies of each other, the only feud I've had any interest in is Anderson vs Angle.
I've tried to get into TNA since the lame attempt of another Monday Night War, but I've given up already. TNA haven't got shit on WWE and that doesn't look like changing anytime soon. I occasionally look at TNA to see whats going on,but thats only because I'm a fan of RVD, Jeff Hardy, The Pope and Mr Anderson.
They have talent but the actual product is terrible. I wonder how many people watch TNA because they like TNA, or if they watch it because they don't like WWE.
you are a complete moron were you born this stupid or did it grow on you? hogan has made tna great and he also made wcw great remember he is the main reason wcw almost put wwe out of biss. being the leader of nwo he beast them 85 weeks in a row, and if everybody watched tna cause they hate wwe than as horrible as watered down pg wwe is nobody would watch anything but tna cause they are alot of wwe haters
enuffffff with the i grew up watchin wwe we all did what it comes down to is vine dont give a shit if u watch anymore its for kids tna is for the older fans stop watchin pg bs and grow a sack wwe attitude era is gone and wont b back

tna is numero uno

yeah, TNA is for older fans to watch the older wrestlers limp to the ring, i'll give you that.

Vince doesn't care about us, you're right. do you think Hogan/Bischoff/Dixie care about the fans? no they don't. they care if you watch, they don't have leverage over us like Vince does, they NEED to give the people what they want. but care about them? don't get your hopes up.

what fans like you don't understand is Vince doesn't need to change his product while he's on top, why would he? he's beating TNA, he's making huge money. if he goes Attitude, what if his ratings go down? no need to change his philosophy unless his hand is forced. if TNA beats him in the ratings, the roles will be reversed. Vince will give us what we want while TNA keeps up the same ol' stuff (kinda like what WCW did after they beat WWE in the ratings, then WWE gave us Attitude, then WCW stayed the same).

yeah same deal
you are a complete moron were you born this stupid or did it grow on you? hogan has made tna great and he also made wcw great remember he is the main reason wcw almost put wwe out of biss. being the leader of nwo he beast them 85 weeks in a row, and if everybody watched tna cause they hate wwe than as horrible as watered down pg wwe is nobody would watch anything but tna cause they are alot of wwe haters

If you can get your tongue out of Hogan's ass for a second, ask yourself this - Who had creative control of WCW when they went out of business?

And Hogan "is the main reason wcw almost put wwe out of biss."?! Please, Bischoff was the man behind all of that, Hogan was just the face of the product at the time. Just like Hulkamania in WWF. (That's gonna piss you off ain't it!)

And if you are actually enjoying TNA's product at the moment, you're the moron. Three guys falling down a hole in the middle of the ring? FFS, I had to check if I was watching wrestling or funniest home videos.
Well ya know brother, I've been thinking about something and it seems to me that Tha Hulkster, The Big Brother, and TNA are moving as one in a "whole" storyline and we just aren't getting it brother.....

as in the entire roster is going to be in a storyline with eachother at the same time?

Hang on,

Now this is better, let's take a look shall we?

Angle vs. Anderson (personal)

Bischoff vs. Jarrett/Foley (personal)

Hogan/Abyss vs. Flair/Styles (personal)

Eric Young vs. The Wolf Pac (personal)

Team Hogan vs. Team Flair/Sting (personal)

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker (person......wait, my bad wrong company)

I agree those are feuds going on which have personal elements (especially the last one lol)

Anyways what I am getting at here is that every story line going on in TNA right now is PERSONAL to someone.


So last night Hogan has an epiphany and realized that Easy E is right.........they need to get back on track and stop doing personal feuds.

I think it was just meant for Hogan to realize he should not get involved personally.

So what I am suggesting is that maybe just maybe this is kinda Hogan/Bischoff/Dixie's way of taking a cheap shot at themselves, show they are not the same from wCw, and get some people tuned into the show.

Can you flesh this out more? What does TNA possibly want to do to show they are not the same as WCW?

Now I am sure a lot of yous is gonna say that yous don't watch the TNA but rather watch the E.......and I am not gonna call you a buncha fucking ****** ass bitches like I normally would, Nope I am going to say that is your opinion an your right to do what you like........well for now anyways seeing as how we're about to start living in the United States of Communism.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion, do I sense an Obama joke at the end?

But that's not here nor there, I know that all my friends in my town and I have tuned off WWE and started just recording and watching TNA. Maybe TNA is smarter than we all give them credit for, god I really hope so, they have all the makings to move into the upper echelon of the wrestling business. Let's just hope they do not blow it like wCw did.

I'm watching both right now, although I was very impressed with the way TNA started on monday. I was flipping back and forth and I saw Bichoff playing guitar in the ring. It was different enough to keep me watching the opening segment of TNA, kudos.

Anyways what's your thoughts on the whole company storyline of not being personal anymore.

I think they just may try to take Hogan out of the spotlight, but from what I have heard about Hogan that may be tough...... I think the company would benefit from him getting in the ring VERY rarely and being more of an authority figure only. As far as having NO personal storylines, I think that would kill the company. The best matches have the best build ups to them and are personal.

Example: Cena v. Batista at mania.

Would I normally want to see this match? Not really, I'm sure it won't be bad but it won't be the best. The build up has been pretty good though. Batista "selling out" for the easy shot at the title, and going after Cena out of jealousy because Batista thinks HE should be the face of the company, not Cena. Though all the screwjobs and beat downs on Cena, it kinda makes me want to see him whoop Batista. I'm not really a big fan of the superhuman qualities of Cena, but to have him get beat down and be the underdog for a while, THEN it will be great to see him "Cena-up" and go crazy on Batista. Without the personal story behind it I wouldn't give a damn about the match.
I heard that tna beat wwe in ratings in the united kingdom.beating raw and smackdown do people over seas know more than us americans

I'm from UK and in case you're not aware TNA is on a freeview channel (Bravo) whereas WWE is on a subscription channel (Sky Sports). I think that explains the figures. WWE probably still makes considerably more money in the UK.
i agree with RICHUNCLESCROOGE ,ithink this whole not being personal thing was a way to take some of the spotlight off of hogan, he is obviously not in condition to wrestle any more, no personal storylines at all wouldnt work ,we would just have a bunch of guys randomly fighting each other for no reason, if they have a rematch it the becomes at least somewhat personal if for no other reason than to have one wrestler avenge a loss.
Nobody on here, only watches one show. Nobody on here only watches TNA, or WWE. Thats a fact, not an opinion. Ya know why nobody on here watches only one show? Becuz deep down inside, despite all the bitchin about storylines, and matches, and fueds and wrestlers, we are all...... FANS OF PRO WRESTLING. If they had WWE, and TNA on tv, as well as ROH, OVW and NWA still, we would all watch, and all say our piece about each of em. We cant always get the fueds that we want, and the matches and wrestlers we wanna see, but ya know what we do get? Each and every week, we get pro wrestling. And thats the bottom line. Pun intended. thank ya
Your thread makes little sense and is near enough impossible to follow.

Your type of guy that thinks he is a true wrestling fan yes? And everyone else is wrong because they are not like you and like what you like and think like you?

I am going to bet the answer to those question is yes. And that is because you are a cynical, narrow-minded, fucktard who needs to learn that because others dont follow your ******ed views doesnt make them non-wrestling fans or wrong.

You think that WWE fans are in the wrong and you are in the right? There are way more, and I mean wayyyy more WWE fans than TNA fans, so you are in the minority. Why do you think you try and insult WWE fans and it is mostly TNA fans trying to insult the WWE and its fans and WWE fans hardly retaliate or WWE dont try and put TNA down?

It is because TNA is doing nothing absaloutley nothing to WWE. It has not affected it what so ever. I quite like TNA but it has tried to take over WWE and it has failed and it will continue to do so.

WWE is and will always be a MUCH MUCH MUCH bigger company than TNA.

Try and understand that if you can. Which you probably cant because you wouldnt have posted this ridiculous thread showing people what a complete ******** you are.
LOL I think everyone is kind of missing the point of FOUR's post. I think(and please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) that he is trying to see how people feel about TNA seperating themselves from personal story lines. And to answer that question I think it both is great and sucks. I believe it's great because it does offer something different to what WWE is doing at this moment, it does kind of pop a shot at both themselves and WWE, and it kind of makes you look forward to what they are wanting to go with as far as storylines go. I believe it sucks as well because it seems to be that they are trying to be the exact oposite as what WWE is and it makes them kind of closed off to what they could be if they would just stop taking shots at WWE and be themselves.

Now as far as WWE fans being a bunch of ******s I disagree there. I am a fan of both products. More so towards WWE because it feels to me that they are looking towards the future and not trying to keep what was in the past. Look everyone says they hate WWE because they are PG and saying to hell with the fans but you have to remember they have to look towards the future. One day we will not be around and it needs to ensure that it's future will live on. one day the PG era will go away but for now I actually understand and agree with the PG. other than that the WWE actually changes storylines when they know they are getting old and keeps it's most popular wrestlers on tv. THE WAY THEY SHOULD!

and kudos for the last statement at least there are a few people left in the world that realize that we're about to make some huge mistakes and things need to change.
I'm from UK and in case you're not aware TNA is on a freeview channel (Bravo) whereas WWE is on a subscription channel (Sky Sports). I think that explains the figures. WWE probably still makes considerably more money in the UK.

Just to clear this up, it is somewhat incorrect.

Bravo is not a freeview channel, it does not appear on the freeview system however should you have Virgin, BT, Sky Bravo is part of the package and is 'free' in that way. Whereas Sky Sports is a standalone package and costs extra. Therefore more people have access to TNA over the WWE in the UK. Yet if you do the figures based on percentage of viewers, the WWE kicks TNA's ass. Not bad when you considered Raw is shown at 2am in the morning, then repeated against the football. Smackdown is shown on Friday Night against the soaps and big viewing drama's and then repeated against Soccer Saturday. Also that those ratings do not take into account anyone who Sky+'s them, meaning the majority of the 2am Raw show is wiped off automatically.

However I like how TNA is pulling the spin on it, but it makes them look like idiots when you look at the facts behind it all.
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