Occasional Pre-Show
It's it's VADER TIME! Vader sorta returned last night in anticipation of the 1000th RAW. My question is was this a one time thing until the 1000th RAW or will Vader be regularly appearing for awhile. It's been known that Vader wants his son to get into the business for awhile now, so maybe this is how they'll be introducing him? Or maybe, and this could be big, maybe Vader could become Ryback's first big win? I honestly think Ryback destroying Vader would shut the IWC up about him not facing anyone big. But who knows at this point. Many different things could happen from now until the 1000th RAW. But I guarantee something big will be happening very soon. Thoughts? (FYI Slater is still far from getting released, suck it all the haters, you don't give any old jobber mic time or let the man they call Vader destroy you unless you have a good future ahead of you, even if it is just jobbing right now)
As said on RAW last night, WWE are going to be bringing in a "old star of the past" each week to build up to the big 1000th RAW, its nothing more then this, WWE trying to build more hype with these big returns before the event to make people curious, which larger stars would be at the 1000th RAW event!
There are bad/boring returns (see Hack Saw and St. Slaughter as of late) and there are good returns (Piper on a mic/Steamboat at WM)
I would classify this as a good return.
Vader didn't yap it up and make it feel painful to watch... he did what he did best and looked efficient doing it.

This is how retro returns should be booked.
Make it a surprise, give it meaning, and have fun doing it.
I have to say vader looked good not great but good alot better then is last small stint with coach

Feeding Vader to Ryback could work but could also put heat on ryback and im pretty sure they are trying to make him face.

Best thing for Ryback to get pops and make him look strong is have people like Miz, Swagger & Vicky, Slater come out do the normal heel promo and Ryback comes out destroys them and walks out

Also wasnt you all surprised withe the Pop vader got and the Vader & You still got it chants
A nice welcome surprise. Never been a huge Vader fan but seeing him return last night was entertaining enough. Interesting they will be bringing back a star from the past every week for the next 6 shows. As long as it isnt Piper, Slaughter, Dusty, Hacksaw...zzzzzzzzzz

Do Lo Brown
Road Dogg
Val Venis

Would all be welcome appearences and a nice 'attitude' nod.
I don't care what anyone says I want Vader back in WWE on a limited part time schedule wrestling contract (TV & PPV).

People can dislike this all they want but i simply don't care about 95 percent of WWE's young talent roster including Ziggler, Rhodes, Sheamus etc. I constantly harp on about WWE needing more star power.

I understand Vader's limitations & age which is why i would only have him compete in Tag Team matches. I would have him team with his son who is in FCW. At the very least it would give the Tag Team Divison some purpose.

I pray to god Pyscho Sid is on RAW next week!
Yes it was only a one off but tbh that makes it better and it was different I didn't tune into raw thinking Vader would show up and even if they hinted at a surprise return I never would have expected Vader. I'd like to see more returns like this.
The question I have is why didn't they start this at episode 990 instead of 994.

It was a good return how about next week they have Cryme Time errr Prime Time Playaz vs The Outlaws that'll blow the roof off. I don't think they'll bring back the Godfather being that it's PG and he's a pimp. I wouldn't be surprised to see Edge come back for one more spear. The key to this is Jobbers. Slater was perfect for VADER but the returns cannot be against guys with something going on say next week it's Too Cool with Rikishi taking out Recks and Hawkins that's how it should be done.
It was great to see Vader back and make ammends for his blunder last time we saw him. Once that music hit I was pumped. He looked good considering and the Vader Bomb came off good. Would have lover to have seen a powerbomb in their too though.

Getting Sid between now and the 1000th show and then getting him at the 1000th show would be so sweet. Here's to hoping.

On the 1000th show, they will announce the next "old star of the past" when all of a sudden there will be a pause and then "WOOOOOO!!!". Flair comes out, cuts a psycho rant promo about having been stuck in "no man's land/TNA" and is back home. Of course, WWE won't let him wrestle but some heel superstar (Christian?) will interrupt, attack Flair and Dolph Ziggler will make the save or vice versa.
To be honest, when I read reports about Vader being in the same town as Raw, I didn't think much of it. I figured he'd be backstage hanging with friends and watching the show.

Found it kinda funny that Slater was ripping off Vader's catchphrase.

Vader looked awesome. Glad to see he's cut some weight, I'm sure it was for health purposes as it was for wrestling as well.

I know he had to get emotional when the fans started screaming "You still got it!"

Congrats to Vader for his surprise return and his weight loss. It's probably 10 times harder to lose weigh when you're older.

Maybe WWE will be smart and recognize the fan's ovation for him and sign him for something. General Manger of Raw? Manger for new talent or hell, send him to FCW to work with his son and work off anymore ring rust, if any.
I cant see Sid coming back, talk about a lazy, uncommited performer (how many times did he bag wrestling to play in his softball league) - even worse in some ways than Ultimate Warrior, Sid is one of the great examples of making money and contributing ZERO to the show. Other than feuding with Undertaker what did he ever do that was memorable and good ?

Join The Horsemen - he sucked, clearly overshadowed and outworked by everyone else in group

Feud with HBK - Michaels clearly carried him, almost like he was wrestling a mannequin. Funny, all the big moments in HBK's career, IC Title win, Ladder Match, Iron Man Match, WM bouts vs Austin, Flair, & Taker, DX, feuds with Angle, Jericho,& HHH - his feud with Sid never gets attention

Hogan's Retirement Match - worst show closing bout in WM history and dont blame it on Hogan who overcame his ring limitations to have very good WM matches vs Savage, Warrior, Rock, etc.

Joining Team Madness - I'll blame part of this on booking but really, this wasnt very good, plus like with The H-men he had legit star power to carry him, he only had to be a good compliment. He wasnt

Add in his rep for being hard to deal with, Id be very disappointed if Vince and WWE ever trot out that guy ever again.
Vaders VaderBomb was unbelievable. For a guy that size to get better elevation and shape than the young and tallented Swagger Bomb..... was down right fantastic.

When hacksaw jim Duggen came back for a few months as a member of the roster it was a bit of a joke....WWE should not make the same mistake again even with Vader.
The occasional appearance monthly or less frequent would be ok....but no not as a member of the roster.
Yeah seeing Vader return last night was pretty awesome

"i simply don't care about 95 percent of WWE's young talent roster including Ziggler, Rhodes, Sheamus etc."

why not? some of those guys (Ziggler, Rhodes) are pretty talented and solid in the ring
Yeah gotta admit i was surprised about last night and even though he was still over weight give him credit for busting his ass to lose what he did. Gotta say he did look great in the ring for his age, do i see him as a roster member?? no not really but what he did last night was a good way to go out on top. he had fans yelling that he still had it and you know he has star power still yet he was in the glory days of wrestling. overall was pleased with this return just leave it as a one night thing and it will be a perfect thing
I cant see Sid coming back, talk about a lazy, uncommited performer (how many times did he bag wrestling to play in his softball league) - even worse in some ways than Ultimate Warrior, Sid is one of the great examples of making money and contributing ZERO to the show. Other than feuding with Undertaker what did he ever do that was memorable and good ?

Join The Horsemen - he sucked, clearly overshadowed and outworked by everyone else in group

Feud with HBK - Michaels clearly carried him, almost like he was wrestling a mannequin. Funny, all the big moments in HBK's career, IC Title win, Ladder Match, Iron Man Match, WM bouts vs Austin, Flair, & Taker, DX, feuds with Angle, Jericho,& HHH - his feud with Sid never gets attention

Hogan's Retirement Match - worst show closing bout in WM history and dont blame it on Hogan who overcame his ring limitations to have very good WM matches vs Savage, Warrior, Rock, etc.

Joining Team Madness - I'll blame part of this on booking but really, this wasnt very good, plus like with The H-men he had legit star power to carry him, he only had to be a good compliment. He wasnt

Add in his rep for being hard to deal with, Id be very disappointed if Vince and WWE ever trot out that guy ever again.

Well he cut a few memorable promos. I can't say they were GOOD promos, but they sure were memorable.

As far as i know, Sid has been contacted about it. I don't think it's a good idea. He is unreliable and has no showed indie shows before, not to mention he was never a great wrestler even in his prime (whereas Vader was incredible).

Get some classic Attitude Era guys instead.
I am a HUGE fan of Vaders. Always have been ever since his WCW debut with Harley Race. I think he's the best big man in wrestling history. With that said I wouldn't want to see him back in WWE full time. He's never been good on the Mic so a GM role is out of the question. Plus he did start to look a bit winded after only a 3 minute match with Heath Slater and I already have Brodus Clay doing 3 minute matches, I don't need another 3 minute match.

However I would GLADLY travel and pay to go see him perform at some indy event and get my picture taken with him. That's honestly where he needs to be. A short 3 minute match so fans can see him do a few moves and be sent home happy
Vader is one of my all-time favorites, so it was great to see him back. Given his age, he looked sharp in the ring, though he obviously was significantly slower (did anyone else notice how he had to work his way back to his feet after going down to the mat?). Surely guys like Vader are much more interesting to see than guys like Duggan and Slaughter who, while legends in the business, have been brought back too many times to remain interesting.
Vader is one of my all-time favorites, so it was great to see him back. Given his age, he looked sharp in the ring, though he obviously was significantly slower (did anyone else notice how he had to work his way back to his feet after going down to the mat?). Surely guys like Vader are much more interesting to see than guys like Duggan and Slaughter who, while legends in the business, have been brought back too many times to remain interesting.

I too noticed him having trouble getting back to his feet. It made me cringe I felt bad for the guy. He looks like a turtle while on the map trying to turn over from his shell. While I am impressed with his match there is no way I would want to see him in a full time role. Let the legends be legends don't tarnish their reputation. Its not like flair who can cut amazing promos. It was nice to see him on a pretty good RAW event but keep it at that
Fortunately for me I wasn't able to see the dirt sheets yesterday and was legitimately surprised (and totally marked out) when I heard the music when I was watching it after class last night. I can't see him coming back at this time, he looked good for easily being in his mid 50s, but, short of a few tag spots, or the Royal Rumble, he just isn't able to take a main roster spot. Don't get me wrong, I watched that match more than a few times, the powerbomb would've been good to see, but the vadersault... As for this notion of getting Sid, I say if they go for it, they should double book him and another legend for when he doesn't show...
Fortunately for me I wasn't able to see the dirt sheets yesterday and was legitimately surprised (and totally marked out) when I heard the music when I was watching it after class last night. I can't see him coming back at this time, he looked good for easily being in his mid 50s, but, short of a few tag spots, or the Royal Rumble, he just isn't able to take a main roster spot. Don't get me wrong, I watched that match more than a few times, the powerbomb would've been good to see, but the vadersault... As for this notion of getting Sid, I say if they go for it, they should double book him and another legend for when he doesn't show...
I wasn't as surprised but that comes from paying attention to the crowd signs which usually give stuff away. This time it was a sign with Darth Vader on it that said # 1 Heel or something the fact that a Darth Vader sign at a wrestling event totally gave it away. This is when they need to take signs like that Away from fans
I am always happy to see him wrestling, one of my favorites. But for those saying he was slow and breathing hard the man is in his late 50's. You cant expect him to be the fastest and most athletic. But in my opinion he is still in pretty good shape for his age. He said he lost 60lbs. And if we get to see him a few more times wrestling in the WWE I will be happy. But this return was way much better then his last WWE return.
I was excited to see Vader come back. I've been a huge Vader since i can remember. I hope they show more awesome legends that you didnt see in a long time like Sid, The New Age Outlaws or something like that. I dont want to see the same legends like we see everytime when the WWE does special. I dont want to see Roddy, Dusty, Hacksaw, or DiBiase.
not sure why everyone is so hyped about Vader's one time return.

Was it great to see Vader, yes. How ever, Vader looked blown up midway through the match, and you cou see Slater try to move himself in position, this includes Vader's botched Vader bomb in which he nearly landed on Slater's head.

For the sake of Vader's legacy, he needs to retire. He looked out of shape last night, that his mere appearance made me think of the Bob & Tom song "Manboobs."
A nice welcome surprise. Never been a huge Vader fan but seeing him return last night was entertaining enough. Interesting they will be bringing back a star from the past every week for the next 6 shows. As long as it isnt Piper, Slaughter, Dusty, Hacksaw...zzzzzzzzzz

Do Lo Brown
Road Dogg
Val Venis

Would all be welcome appearences and a nice 'attitude' nod.

D'Lo Brown would be a no. He works for TNA. The others I would love to see. I'm a huge fan of X-Pac. Was to see him in TNA and if he made some sort of return to WWE, I'd be happy as well. :)

Vader returning was cool. I always liked Vader. I still didn't quite understand the "you still got it" chants. I mean, Vader was just a big fat guy throwing punches. He really didn't do all that much. And it's a shame my boy Slater lost to him. :(

I would love to see Psycho Sid make a return, it'd be something different than the usual, Piper, Slaughter, Dusty, Duggan stuff. Even though I am a big fan of Piper and Slaughter and love it every time they show up.

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