It's time to start pushing Chris Masters

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
So after Hornswoggle and Eve got the win over Chavo and Jillian in a tag match tonight on Raw, Chris Masters came in afterwards to save Hornswoggle from Chavo. There were a couple of things that really surprised me. When Chris Masters got into the ring he got a pretty damn good pop, and even had the crowd chanting for a masterlock, which he delivered. Then he did that weird thing where he plays with his pecs.

Now seeing as Masters got a nice pop, and the crowd was into him, I'm wondering, should Masters receive a push? There are some people out there that would want to see Carlito get pushed, but after his clean pinfall loss to Cena tonight, I don't see that happening.

I'm not saying he should receive a push similar to the one Sheamus is getting now, but maybe some US title shots could be in his future. He has the look, and isn't bad in the ring, so why not push him to the top of the mid-card? Do you think Masters should be pushed? thoughts?
I wouldn't mind seeing Masters get a push, so long as it isn't on the Santino scale as it has been with his manboob jiggling. Masters can actually wrestle (as can Santino) and should be treated as such. As of right now, he still has fan credibility and should be treated as a threat, even if it is for the US Title. If the WWE wants to use him successfully, they need to have him drop the comedy, pick up a manager (Eve would be the logical choice), and go after the Miz. It might even provide us with some interesting matches.
Chris Masters has a lot going in his favour currently. He's young, talented, over with the audience and fits the mold Vince looks for in a main event player. Tonight should be an eye opener to upper management as the crowd ate it up. I've been growing tired of the same wrestlers constantly in the main event or hogging every segment on Raw so it's about time they push the young blood while they still can.
Masters deserves a push, I thought he was going to recieve one when he first returned but usual WWE. But yea give him a push and a fued with The Miz because that would be entertaining instead of Mark Henry trying to beat up someone half the size of him. Chris Masters also has what Vince looks for, someone with a lot of muscles.
his manboob jiggling is what got him noticed. Now he needs to use his skills and work the crowd to his advantage and run with whatever push he can get. The more you try the more you will get noticed.

When I saw him enter the ring I was so worried that after they cheered him and chanted masterlock that it would be some STUPID swerve. Had they done a swerve it would have made the writers look bad as they turn a good situation into a bad by not knowing their audience.

Anyways he definitely should be pushed and I hope he wins the US Title. He was put through a lot of embarassment by DX (very immature on their part to not shoot it down) and deserves a chance.
Do you think Masters should be pushed? thoughts?

Masters should not get pushed. He got his big push in 2006 when he had the Master Lock Challenges that no one but Bobby Lashley and Cena could beat. Then he stopped doing those and no one cared about him anymore. He did nothing when he returned until he came out one night and danced to Ozzy's music using only his chest muscles. Am I the only one who is not disturbed by that? If THAT is the only reason he can get over, then he should NEVER get pushed to do anything but joke around with Santino because nobody can take him seriously anymore.
I think this is a change of pace for Masters. Playing a comedic face roll. He found his niche and now he's got a steady job. Nothing wrong with that. Masters was always overrated and not exactly Harley Race in the ring, but this role suits him. He's a funny guy and now, he gets to show that.

If he can have a few good matches and show the WWE that he's not as bad as he was in 2006, then he may get a chance to take the ball and run all the way to a title match with The Miz. Wouldn't be so bad.
Yeah I dunno, it's gonna take more than a good pop and good crowd reaction to Masters' pec jiggle before I deem the guy worthy of a push. Masters does have a great look and I think something could possibly be done with the guy. But, only time will tell. Tonight may have been just a one time fluke deal. Next week, if he's out doing his thing, he may not get the same reaction he got tonight.
Oh I sooooo disagree with you. Master is a one trick pony, he can make his boobies dance. And while I am all for seeing some bouncing boobs, I tend to enjoy it when those boobs are attached to a woman.

Yeah, Master's pec trick is funny, but it will get old. Santina was funny at one point, but it got old.

He has done nothing to prove he's good on the mic, nothing to prove he's good in the ring, and nothing to prove he can carry the feud. Who is he even going to feud with? There's nobody on the roster who I'd waste putting Masters over. The Miz is above him, Swagger is too valuable, and unless they want to tie Legacy up with Masters, which they won't, he's got no heels that can be bothered with a feud with him. Carlito is the only heel I can think of who isn't in a program right now, but I REALLY don't want to see a Carlito-Masters feud. That has snoozefest written all over it.
Add my vote to the "Give Masters a Push Movement" :) He worked well as a heel before he was let go, and never went where he could have, but now, he's showing even better potential as a face in my opinion. He would fit very well in the mid-card (as would Santino, who needs to lower the comedy & up the wrestling) and aside from the Miz, I'd like to see him work a couple matches with Rhodes and/or DeBiase. Maybe have him tag with Santino against Legacy? Hell, Sheamus should be in the mid-card right now too, and a match between those guys could be a balls out massacre if they book the spots right. Yay or Nay on either of those?

Well, whatever winds up happening, I hope they actually utilize him this time, for more than just comedy (which he does well) instead of stopping him before he even gets started. I think he's got what it takes to be a pretty solid player on the roster.
Master should be push but not right. He needs time. I think he would play a hell of a face role. I say if can take this comedy, combine it with being a serious contender. Then we might see him in the top. He can wrestle, he can talk on the mic. Masters would be great against the miz, swagger and etc. Swagger isn't that valuable anymore. Although i can see them 2 putting on a good match. But Masters would need more time. I hope he or the wwe does not blow it.
Ok, is it me, or was Eve the girl Master's was trying to impress? For like two weeks now, the WWE has given up on Jack Swagger which is a ridiculous move to begin with. The fact they dont know how to use him astounds me when he was the ECW champion. Since Master's is coming on to Eve now, I see them pulling some stupid weekly rivarly between Master's and Swagger until they figure how to 'use' him correctly. They would feud over Eve to add a rather interest storyline. I mean it could be worth merit pushing Master's as a face.
I was always a fan of Masters. Maybe it was that big grand entrance he used to have with the robe and the sparks and whatnot that I thought was pretty sweet. I think he needs a different finisher seeing as the Masterlock isn't exactly that impressive anymore. I think if you brought in Chris Masters 15-20 years ago, he would have been huge. As Lariat said, it's a good change of pace for Masters. He gets TV time now and a chance to be seen. Look what the face turn did for Mark Henry. Nothing as far as titles go yet, but the fans really respond to him. You don't need titles to be a successful superstar. Just ask Piper, Mr. Perfect, Tito Santana, etc... Get a couple undercard title runs with the tag belts and mid-card belts, and you'll be remembered just as much. You'll be successful too. I'm not putting Masters on the level of Piper, Mr. Perfect, or Tito, but they are just solid proof you don't need to main event to be a star. Hopefully this is the start of something good for Masters because I won't lie, I marked the eff out when he made his surprise return a few months back on Raw. I like a good surprise. It's a welcome change for Masters and one I hope that transforms into a couple IC or US title reigns. The fans love comedy and somebody needs to give it to them.
i would love to see him and carlito team up again. in 2005 they were both geting the biggest push of there carrers and once they split in 2006 they both went no where. i say put them back together and beat jeri-show and prove that they are a dominate team and deserve a better push
Masters can wrestle and the pop he got was nice. I'm not saying team him back up with Carlito, but both could be used to chase the United States Champion, The Miz. What happened to several guys chasing a title. I want to see that again, and Masters would be a good choice to enter the fray now.

He got a nice pop in his save of Hornswoggle and his pec thing, while funny and all, is kinda lame, but if it gets him over, stay with it for the kids. This would be a great opportunity for Vince to cash in on him, and this could very well be the best perhaps only time to push Masters as that whole brand is loaded with mid card talent just waiting to be brought up. Chris Masters could be a nice upper mid carder to help put over the younger guys while getting elevated himself. He has the look and can put on a good match, so give him a shot!
If Chris Masters were to get pushed, I would want it to be in the US Title range, but, with Carlito also. Miz vs Masters vs Carlito, now that would be a match i would want to see at a ppv. Then when hes out of the picture get him a tag team partner, maybe if he turns face carlito, primo, evan bourne (more like a batista-rey mysterio team) and have them get a push and maybe WWE keeps developing there tag teams.
If they give Masters Swagger's push, I'm going to be pissed. Swagger can work circles around Masters both wrestling wise and on the microphone, and Masters has that STUPID finisher that I haven't bought ever since he joined the WWE. Seeing the gutwrench powerbomb live from Swagger is definitely a believable sight, as I've seen it both at the Royal Rumble this past year when he fought Christian, and at a Raw this past year.

Masters has nothing really credible in the ring aside from when he and Carlito got into that Elimination Chamber, and is pretty much a one-trick-pony that will fizzle out once the crowd gets tired of the common body-builder being shoved down our throats. Again. We've already got a huge man in Sheamus that's being done to, who right now to me has shown that he's far better than Masters with a solid intensity, very stiff looking, brutal ring work, and the backstage reputation that even has Triple H plugging for him in interviews.
For some reason, I've always been a little bit of a Masters mark. I just like the guy. I really can't explain it.

So it's nice to see he may be in line for a little push. I'd love to see him go against Miz for the title, maybe even winning it one day and hopefully letting Miz move up. Masters should have some matches, hopefully a proper feud. I've heard he's a funny guy, so maybe he could show that in his promos.

As for a WHC/WWEC push...I'm not sure. I don't see why not. Maybe he could be a contender, filling in the role I would have liked Mark Henry to fill. I wouldn't be averse to a small run with the title, but for the most part I predict he'll just eventually be in the picture as a powerhouse, never winning.
Well i do believe it is time for the wwe to start pushing chris masters because he has been a hard dedicated wreslter. Sure he had his run in's with drugs but so has jeff hardy. If WWE uses chris masters the right way then I do believe we could see him as a wwe champion. They should use him like Lex Luger Strong and Powerful..
Yeah let's give him a shot, the worst the guy can do is fall on his face. Now is the time to start pushing the younger guys more into the spotlight. Lets face it HHH, Michaels, Undertaker, wont be around much longer and if you don't start seeing what the younger guys can do then it wont be much of a future for wrestling in general.
I think Masters should get a push for one reason and one reason only... everyone deserves at least one push as a face and one push as a heel... period.

When Masters initially came into the WWE, he was a Lex Luger ripoff. He used the same Naricissist gimmick that Luger used back in 1993. His physique was impressive and proved that steroids do wonders. His masterlock challenge was well done for a while until the WWE decided to euthanise Masters by having Bobby Lashley break the masterlock. Shortly after, Cena broke it and Masters failed the wellness tests.

Obviously, he retuned to the WWE with a much smaller physique and could no longer stand by his narcissist gimmick. However, he was used as a heel again and was never given the chance to shine as a babyface. Once he got the chance to make the audience laugh in front of the Osbournes the WWE got a chance to take advantage of the opportunity, and rightfully so. The guy has really gone through a lot and put up with a lot. He deserves to get at least one push as a babyface.

I think he's a more naturally fit as a babyface. Whenever he would make the "angry face" as a heel I just didn't believe it. Let's see how this pans out.

Really? I'll ask the same question I asked about Carlito; What has he done? I haven't seen a quality match from him since before his angle against Lashley, and even then, they weren't classics. His mic skills are bland, and that's why he appears week after week with the dancing pecs.

I'm waiting to see the threads on Chavo, Eve, and the Bellas, since all of the comedy people seem to deserve pushes :glare:

Really? I'll ask the same question I asked about Carlito; What has he done? I haven't seen a quality match from him since before his angle against Lashley, and even then, they weren't classics.

Well, let's define "push" for a minute... I see it as giving a superstar an ample amount of focal-point television time to allow their character to shine. Carlito was given this time both as a heel and a babyface. When he was first brought into the WWE, he got the same treatment as Masters. He got promos, buildups, and and a highly advertised debut on a reputable television show. Once his heel character faded into obscurity, he was repackaged as a babyface. Then he got his title runs and another chance to shine, but he failed.

I agree with you in your comparison between Masters and Carlito. But the diffeence is this... Carlito was given a chance to shine as both a heel and a face. He failed at both. Masters has only been given a heel push. Even though his gimmick of "pec dancing" may seem bland to you, his seed has been planted. Where he goes from here is up to him, but why wouldn't he deserve the chance?

I'm waiting to see the threads on Chavo, Eve, and the Bellas, since all of the comedy people seem to deserve pushes :glare:

If you mean to tell me that Chavo has not gotten chances to shine as both babyfaces and heels then you disappoint me, NSL. He was in one of the most popular tag teams in the past decade as a babyface and was the ECW champion as a heel. What more could he need? He's dead in the water.

As for Eve and the Bellas, I say give them pushes. Why not? Everyone deserves a chance to shine. You never know, a specific persona may bring out the best in them. Hell, it worked for Morrison. They turned him into a wannabe dead rockstar and he ran with it.
With all the talk of pushing new talent into the Main Event scene Chris Masters name never seems to be brought up. Granted although Masters is hardly new talent he has "the look" to him that if pushed correctly, he could become a future champion. Right now I would continue to push him slowly and put him in a couple of feuds before giving him a US title shot and slowly build him up and go from there. The guy can wrestle I don't understand, why in his 1st WWE run what happened, although HHH buried him and that basically killed his character and was eventually let go. Maybe Masters should be HHH's new workout buddy huh, but now in his 2nd WWE run hopefully Masters gets the push he hasn't been able to capitalize on.
Sigh, it seems like Masters has officially been handed Swagger's push. Just a few weeks ago, Swagger was flirting with Eve and I was excited to see where it was going. Now Masters comes shaking his tits in her face and she's eating it up just like the fans were during the Osbourne skit. I have no problem with Masters but Swagger is just so much more talented though. I actually think he would've been given the Kurt Angle push if it weren't for his lisp. I understand this move only because Miz needs more credible faces to defend his championship against. Hopefully Masters and Swagger has a decent feud before they jump straight to Miz/Masters feud

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