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It's Time for a Heel GM and Commentator

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Yup. I haven't caught TNA in a few weeks know (and am becoming increasingly engrossed in WWE again, but that's another story) and so I don't know if Jim Cornette and Don West have up and left, or had a heel turn.

I doubt either have happened, so this is a valid thread. I want a heel GM (or whatever, I dunno) and commentator in TNA. Wherever things go wrong, Cornette is often there to hand out sweet facey justice. Enough is enough and it's time for a change. I want a GM that's going to screw over the faces week in and week out and help install a tyrannical world champion.

It's also getting tiring having to listen to DW and Tenay yelling "Oh, this is just wrong!" in unison. I want a commentator that goes, "Oh, this beatdown is so right I just came!". The heel/face commentator dynamic is scientifically proven to be the best.
I agree.

Foley or Jarrett could turn heel in the current Frontline vs MEM storyline, one authority figure on each side would balance things out for sure and in all honestly I'd love to see this happen.

As for the commentator, I dont care whether they're heel or face as long as Don West gets the boot, he really is aweful.

A commentator who did what Jerry Lawler did for WWF/E back in the days would help TNA about quite a bit, I reckon.
Couldn't agree more... The best duo in the history of broadcasting was Bobby Heenan & Gorilla Monsoon. They played the heel & face so well off each other, it was awesome. Tenay & Don West really make me sick. Thats whats missing even in the wwe. The last heel & face was when JBL was w/ Michael Cole, which was alright..But if JBL used that "he's been burned by fire cause he's been through hell" phrase one more time, i was going to throw up:rasta:
Ok, SO, what you are saying Sam, is that you want TNA to have absolutely NO deliniation from the WWE - in fact, really all three WWE programs?

It seems as though WWE cannot get a show through 5 months without a heel GM - it's become expected, and the entire storyline basis is so watered down, it seems like ancient history when Vince McMahon was "The Boss" and Steve Austin came to the ring in a suit and then hit him with the stunner.

So you want TNA, a promotion bent on being innovators and giving fans a professional wrestling alternative to the WWE, to follow suit and totally whitewash the entire industry? I can't agree with you.

Storylines occur. I am cool with a tweener GM who lets the wrestlers do their own thing and earn their title shots. I don't want more "evil champion being chased by the faces and getting screwed by the boss" stuff. I can't turn from Raw to SD without getting that exact same transition.
Ok, SO, what you are saying Sam, is that you want TNA to have absolutely NO deliniation from the WWE - in fact, really all three WWE programs?

Deliniation? Does that mean difference? I'm going to assume so, judging by the context. Obviously I'm not saying that TNA should have no "delination" from WWE.

It seems as though WWE cannot get a show through 5 months without a heel GM - it's become expected, and the entire storyline basis is so watered down, it seems like ancient history when Vince McMahon was "The Boss" and Steve Austin came to the ring in a suit and then hit him with the stunner.

Predictable as a heel GM may be, there's nothing more vanilla than a face GM. I'll give Cornette credit for not being as vanilla as T'Lo or, arguably, Stephanie McMahon. His unique brand of screaming until he's, uh, red in the face can be somewhat entertaining but it's worn thin. The big boss man running about and righting wrongs just seems sort of dull, particularly when the wrongs never get righted, or if they get wronged right back - like TNA likes to do.

So you want TNA, a promotion bent on being innovators and giving fans a professional wrestling alternative to the WWE, to follow suit and totally whitewash the entire industry? I can't agree with you.

I think that the TNA that was built on innovation is gone by now. Construction has finished and the workmen are taking a well-deserved break. In a company leeching off the WWE, having characters of the same alignments as their counterparts in the E is the least of the notable copycatting going round.

Storylines occur. I am cool with a tweener GM who lets the wrestlers do their own thing and earn their title shots. I don't want more "evil champion being chased by the faces and getting screwed by the boss" stuff. I can't turn from Raw to SD without getting that exact same transition.

I want a TNA that's different to what it's been doing since most of its fans have started watching. Whereas everything else has changed with the times, the commentary team and Cornette have stuck fast (Cornette for considerably less time, I'll give you that). With things as they are and the faces ruling the world, TNA management just has the image of a bunch of squeaky clean bumbling do-gooders.

In a company where they pick up ex-WWE talent on a regular basis, where WCW and WWE storylines are recycled and Jay Lethal is running around dressed as Randy Savage while Shark Boy does a Stone Cold Steve Austin impression in the background, I'd be amazed if introducing a little but of heel here and there was the event that marked TNA losing its originality.

Although... I did forget that Foley & Jarrett are in charge currently. So let's see where that goes. Foley was a great commissioner back in the day - the only face "management" that I can remember that didn't seem completely dull. I think that also means TNA's copying WWE though...
Personally, I think TNA is already too heel based. The Main Event Mafia basically rules the show. They always get the upper hand, always look dominant and take up a lot of air time. Heel General Managers usually only work well with a face World Champion. Since Sting is a heel, I think it's better if we have a face GM in Mick Foley and Jeff Jarrett. I've always believed that the General Manager should never be the focus of the entire show anyway. They should only be used for making matches and in some cases, interesting storylines and "screwjobs".

As Irish pointed out, the whole 'General Manager giving the champion a hard time' ideal, is just so stale right now. It happens all the time in the WWE. That's why I love Jim Cornette as the TNA GM. He is usually fair and blasts both the heels and the faces. He is fairly entertaining, and isn't the focus of the show which is exactly how a General Manager should be booked. Look at all of the current champions in TNA right now, they are all heels. The Mafia consists of dominant heels. I mean, a heel won the World Title at TNA's biggest pay per view, Bound For Glory. How much more heel based can TNA possibly be? Having too many heels is sometimes a negative thing.

So while I think we should keep the current General Managers, I think Don West needs to go. Bring in a heel commentator to argue with Mike Tenay. West is just horrible to listen to and is the reason why some people don't even watch TNA. So I agree with Sam in saying that TNA needs a heel announcer to replace Don West, but I don't believe TNA should have a heel GM right now.
If you need a heel non-wrestler look no further then Kevin Nash, he very rarely has an awesome match that makes me feel satisfied he's becoming Ric Flair except he has more power. So Kevin Nash would make a great heel announcer/GM.

I think Cornette as Gm is a great choice he goes on his I'm angry so I'm going to make up a brutal stip A.K.A. Steel asylum.

Don West on the other hand is the worst announcer in the history of pro wrestling
This why Vince may or may not be on the headset telling J.R., Lawler, Cole and Tazz.

my final verdict is Get rid of Don West and replace him with big Sexy
I love the idea of a heel commentator, but not so much the idea of a heel GM. The heels are in control right now, so why should they need a heel boss? Granted two or three face bosses is too much, so I'd axe Jarrett and keep him in the ring, and let Cornette just come out and talk about things which is far more entertaining than almost any match in any company. A heel announcer would be great though. I've never been a fan of Tenay, but at least he's ok. West is just aggrivating. Get Shane Douglas in there again if nothing else. His stuff as an announcer from WWE is very good and he would make a fine commentator. Sorry to Target, but he's better suited in the wrestling business.
TNA is just fine without needing a heel GM but they should have a heel commentator.....I would make Tenay heel because to me he has a heelish feel about him....Granted he can't be what Jerry Lawler was especially five or six years ago but he can be a decent one.....I love West's enthusiasm but it's gotten tiring...I would replace him with Borash because he's a good interviewer and he knows TNA inside and out.
Now that two faces (Foley and Jarrett) fill the authoritive figures of the show, why not move Cornette to the commentator's booth? Send Don West to the back to interview the heels (who would degrade him for comic's sake) while Jeremy Borash would interview the faces, and the blonde would interview the Knockouts. As to who would be face and who would be heel in a Cornette/Tenay duo, I think it can go either way. Tenay is annoying enough that he can play the heel, whereas Cornette is talented enough to play either role.
my final verdict is Get rid of Don West and replace him with big Sexy

I think you could replace Don West with the puking baby from the E-Trade commercials and it would improve the broadcast tremendously.

Don West should be doing nothing except selling wacky waving inflatable advertising tube men on the side of the road. I sincerely think the rating would be higher if not for him, as he is annoying enough to drive away the masses. This is the obvious of Jesus, therefore, Don West is, in fact, the anti-Christ.

Mick Foley should be in the booth. He is entertaining. He knows the business. He would be great without Vince yelling in his ear. He doesn't need to pay heel, and neither does Tenay. What TNA does is give the heels so much airtime, that the guys in the booth need to be faces, or at least neutral, to counterbalance the show.
my final verdict is Get rid of Don West and replace him with big Sexy

Tremendous idea! Nash is a great mic worker, calm and cool, and would likely excel in this role. He doesn't even need to be a "heel" commentator - just someone a little more knowledgable about the business who can rip on Mike Tenay and give the heels a slight voice. When two face commentators are talking about what a terrible person a heel wrestler is, the heel almost becomes like the underdog, which almost makes him a face...
I could see Nash as commentator. He could be like Lawler and wrestle on occasion, but more frequently than the King. I don't get people that say he's awful in the ring. At best he was a somewhat above average big man. With him it's all about his finishing move, and that's all it's ever been about. His in ring game hasn't gone through the floor. It never was that high in the first place. he's perfect for a commentator's role, as he's been in the main event most of his career, and he actually knows wrestling, what a shocking idea that is. Two face commentators takes a couple of masters to get right, and Tenay and West aren't masters.
I have to say that while I'm not so big on the heel GM thing, I would love to see a heel commentator. The team of West and Tennay aren't exactly favorites of the TNA fans, dare I say, so a change in that line up (or a change in personality for West) would be fresh and welcomed.

I don't watch ECW or SD, so I can't speak for those shows, but it's been over a decade since Lawler was a heel on RAW. I think TNA could pull that off without being a mirror image of the WWE. And it's a dimension that TNA has never had, which would give it a kick in the ass. TNA needs it.
听说过这样的官司吗:北京东城区胡女士去餐厅消费,餐厅在征得她同意后,没有给她北京?l票,而是赠送她一瓶1.25升的雪碧。胡女士因此起诉,称对方侵犯自己监督国家税收的权利,索赔精神损失1万元。看来现在的人真是想钱想疯了,居然打这样的官司,真有意思。   想起两年前,我和两位朋友吃饭时,谈到企业税负加重,我说:“这一定会导致一些饭店不愿给顾客开发票,而用赠品代替。”正说着,服务员走过来说:“先生,你们能不要发票吗?我们可以赠送一瓶饮料。”我们不由大笑。年关将至,随着“年收入12万元以上者须自行进行纳税申报”的新规出台,一些小老板为了瞒利偷税也在四处找发票欲虚报开支。因此,除了一些在街头散发名片暗卖发票的人外,网上吆喝“代开大面额发票”的广州代开?l票公司也如雨后春笋般冒了出来。随便上网一查,就可得到50多个“专业代理”真发票的广州代开?l票公司名录。一个阳光之外的地下灰色产业,必然要有很强的隐蔽性才能长期存在。代开?l票者开出来的真发票,真就真在发票都是税务部门出来的正规发票,而且是计入税控系统的机打发票,从机打票号到信息码再到验证密码都可以通过税务部门的查询系统,也能最终通过税务审计部门的审核。而且几乎能够开出商企发票、服务发票、广告发票、运输发票、道路交通发票、租赁发票、建筑发票、餐饮发票、医疗发票、机动车销售发票等所有种类的发票。

What in the blue fuck?

Anyway, I don't think that a heel commentator would make much of a difference. A commentator doesn't do a whole lot to further a storyline. Therefore, I don't think one is needed. However, I would like to see a heel GM. A heel GM will build to a storyline and make the show more entertaining. Ever wonder why Raw did better in the past than when Adamle was GM? Because heel GMs are much better than faces.
Ok, i got sick of hearing Tenay and West have sex over the mocrophone every week on TNA so i stopped watching like 2 years ago. Apparently these two baboons asses are still at large providing the homosexual TNA audience with horrendous commentary still. Get rid of both of these clown fuckers and create a new announce team, Tenay and West are even worse than TNA's booking and thats saying something. The new announcers should be Jeremy Borash as the face play by play guy and kevin nash as the heel color commentator, make him like the Main Event mafia's representative on the commentary team and just let him be Kevin nash and say whatever he wants to say. thats entertainment.
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