It's Been Almost a Year...

Nick Black

The Heel God
...since Chris Jericho's last match in the WWE. On the September 27th edition of RAW, he was punted in the head by Randy Orton, and hasn't been seen in the ring since.

When do you think he will return?
How will he return?
Will he get revenge on Orton?
What is his future?

I'm a huge Y2J mark and I keep praying for the day that he returns and saves us from this current WWE programming... :banghead:

This is my first thread, so if this is in the wrong place, I'd appreciate it if the admins moved it. :)
Any jericho thread is a good thread! Here we go...

When do you think he will return?

I honestly dont know and i dont think chris does either. Id say we wont see him till after WrestleMania 28. Maybe a week after, Maybe 6 months after. Who knows? Jericho will return eventually and i dont mind waiting for greatness.

How will he return?

Depends what route they go down. Do they avenge his punt from Randall or do they just throw him in to the main event. I think it will be the latter. Possibly the standard suprise return on Raw leading to a PPV WWE Title match that he is screwed out of. Simple.

What is his future?

Very good question, I honestly cant see much left for jericho to do but he has the talent to do anything he wants. I see 1 more run for him before he calls it a day and i think that it wont be much different from the run he has just came off. Win a few major titles, Put over some new stars and heck after he retires they can hold a jericho appreciation night but it HAS to be called RAW IS JERICHO!
I personally wouldn't mind seeing Jericho return to face Taker at WM. It's a match I always wanted to see and wondered why it never occured. I agree that he's desperately needed now to help improve the shows. I'm interested to see if and when he returns if he'll come up with a new gimmick or persona. Jericho is perhaps the best and most creative wrestler when it comes to reinventing himself.

I definately do think he'll return, it's only a matter of time. Some may see him constantly taking breaks as disloyal to WWE, but Jericho is a very smart man. He has never been injured seriously and never sticks around if he's burned out. Plus, leaving and returning always creates more interest in his character and adds more excitement upon his return. And the way WWE and Jericho builds his returns are always phenominal. WM to me seems like the right timing for him to come back(maybe a month or two ahead of WM to be exact).
I was thinking the same thing the other day, that its been nearly a year since we saw Jericho lol.

I think he should make his return at the Royal Rumble, and win, as its the only thing he hasnt done. And then take on Randy Orton at Wrestlemania 28 for the world title, and also for revenge for putting him on the shelf for over a year.

As for his future, thats quite a difficult question. I'd like to see him have at least one more title run, possibly more, and then start to help get people over such as Ted DiBiase, Drew McIntyre, Jack Swagger, people like that.

Alternatively, I would have him return to begin a feud with CM Punk, that would be a match to watch in my opinion.
I'm just as excited for his return as anybody right now and I'm hoping he comes back as the loudmouth face I fell in love with in 1999. He's great no matter what he does but that's what I'd prefer since he's generally been a heel from 2002-2005 and 2009-2010. When will he come back? Hopefully sooner rather than later. It would be amazing to see Vince come back and try to bring in some 'old reliable talent' to help get his job back like Y2J or someone. I could see him winning the Rumble this year, IMO the only people on the roster today who are even worthy for such a feat are Cena, Orton, Punk, and Sheamus so I think Y2J should just win it and headline another WM like he's used to.
Three possibilities I'd like to see (only one of course, obviously they can't coincide with one another):

1. Rumble win and face Orton at WM
2. WM v Taker
3. CM Punk feud after Punk Austin.

The third one seems most favourable, as it gives Jericho plenty of time to re-invent. I'm adamant he will only come back with a new persona. He won't model the suited douchebag approach again, it's done by too many people now. Y2J is unique.
I want him to return and win the Rumble to face RKO at WM. He won last years EC match, so he could return there.

I would love for him to actually win the RR, but try use his win to trade for a Taker Match. That would be a twist to the Rumble and to the WWE. Jericho could say he has been multitime world champ, but he hasnt beaten Taker at Mania, so he wants that match.
I'd like for him to return at the Royal Rumble. As the WWE like to do things differently each year theme wise I'd like to see them build up the entry numbers a tad differently. As each number gets entered into the Rumble they have an onscreen and on the tron number for each wrestler in whatever theme they end up using. I'd build the theme into Jericho's titantron (at least for his return night).

10.... 9.... 8.... 7..... 6.... 5..... 4...... 3...... 2..... 1... JERICHO!

Each number looks like the graphic that the wrestler has had during the Rumble.

The countdown to Jericho at the Rumble.
A Jericho/Punk feud would be a dream. I think they'd work together better than Punk/Austin feud. I don't think Jericho will come back unless it's a one off or for special events like Taker. He seems to be happy away from wrestling. Never say never but I get the feeling there's a 15% chance he will return.
hey guys, this is my first post.

i personally would not like to see jericho return at the rumble since it has been done already with the likes of edge and cena. i wouldnt mind seeing him being a mystery opponent in the EC. i think it could also be a good return if he were to cut punk off in the middle of an interview (yes i know this is how he made his first debut) saying how punk is just ripping off jericho. either way i seem to watch wrestling a good bit more when jericho is involved. thanks for reading.
Although he did say he wanted to do something new, if they are planning on unifying the belts, he should be in that match. A mystery contender or something. The first, again, unified champion.
When will he return ? I definitely think that jericho will return before wrestlemania 27,especially if he comes back to face orton on smackdown because smackdown needs star power today.

How will he return ? different options : royal rumble, surprise return on raw, mystery opponent... I think he will return at the royal rumble to win it. But since I strongly want to see a y2j vs taker match I would love to see a 2007 type of return for jericho with "break the code" changing in "break the streak" ! That would be awsome.

Will he get revenge on orton ? That's an easy way to book him for the wwe and settle a big match for wrestlemania 28. there's a good chance to see this feud on our screens, especially if chris wins the rumble on his return (considering that orton will held the whc in this period) but i also see two possible great opponents : punk and taker.

What is his future ? The sad thing is that we would love to see jericho returning as a face but if he has to face orton it will be as a heel, and also for an undertaker match... Now i see him in the future as a "legend" wrestler like hhh or taker (or hbk before). He doesn't need to win championships but he can put young talent over.

Sorry for the orthography but i'm french ...
For months I've heard fans screaming and proclaiming the eminent return of Chris
Jericho. It's gotten worse as of late with the "Undisputed WWE championship" and
CM Punk claiming to be the "best in the world". In Jericho's DVD he states he
doesn't want a face sendoff, he wants to leave kicking and screaming (describing
what happened in 05). He said himself he isnt returning soon (within the next 5
months). He's enjoying his life as a rockstar and a father, and frankly doesn't
need money. And as of late, the WWE doesn't need Jericho right now. I mean, sure
they could use him but they don't need him. I guess what I'm getting at is, who
said Jericho is coming back?
[QUOTE="The Instant Classic";3426192]For months I've heard fans screaming and proclaiming the eminent return of Chris
Jericho. It's gotten worse as of late with the "Undisputed WWE championship" and
CM Punk claiming to be the "best in the world". In Jericho's DVD he states he
doesn't want a face sendoff, he wants to leave kicking and screaming (describing
what happened in 05). He said himself he isnt returning soon (within the next 5
months). He's enjoying his life as a rockstar and a father, and frankly doesn't
need money. And as of late, the WWE doesn't need Jericho right now. I mean, sure
they could use him but they don't need him. I guess what I'm getting at is, who
said Jericho is coming back?[/QUOTE]

I think the point here is for most seeing Jericho return is a matter of what they wanna see. Nobody really ever said it's confirmed he's coming back or anything along those lines. Fans always want to see a big name return, and these days that means Jericho or Batista....
Why wouldn't anybody wanna see Chris Jericho return?... Of course people would want to see him return, its CHRIS JERICHO

It would be great to see him return at the Royal Rumble and win it..

And how fitting would it be seeing him and Punk go at it? like having a match for the Title at Wrestlemania 28?... Punk is claiming to be the best in the world at what he does... and gee that's funny because... Jericho has said that same sentiment before he left, that he was the best in the world at what he does. Why not see who really is the best in the world by having them two clash?

Punk and Jericho would be epic, the battle of words those two would have would be legendary forever.

My opinion and as far as what i want: He needs to come back and clash with CM Punk all the way until Wrestlemania
I doubt Jericho is coming back anytime soon. It's already been a year? Time flies. I don't see him returning for quite a while. A Wrestlemania angle against Taker could be awesome. If he comes back at all at this point, then I think it will be as a surprise entrant in the Rumble, or in time for Wrestlemania. I don't think that he will be out for revenge against Orton, although another world title feud between them could be something cool to see because Orton has come a long way since their last world title match together back in 2007. Most fans have forgotten about that punt long ago. He will probably return as a face since we have not seen his sarcastic face self in a long time and he was heel for most of his last run. I'd predict that he comes back in time to help Taker go 20-0 then win a few world titles and put over the stars of tomorrow before retiring for good. Jericho had a great career so even if he never comes back, he's achieved legend status in my opinion.
When do you think he will return?
There have been alot of reports of Jericho possibly facing Undertaker at Wrestlemania and I think that would be an exellent idea, but i'm hoping he returns sometime around Survivor Series or The Royal Rumble. My reason is because when HHH returned right before Wrestlemania it didn't leave much time for a good build up and for this potential match the build up would be the best part with Jericho's mic skills boosting this match to the stratosphere.

How will he return? Will he get revenge on Orton?
Being a major Jerichoholic I would love to see him notch up a Royal Rumble win, but i'm not sure about that because he is a perfectionist when it comes to returns and he will want to surprise the hell out of us, and since whenever a superstar is gone for a long time when the royal rumble comes around they say that person will return and win. I want to say that Randy Orton has the WHC title back around November, they have him in a match with someone and they get injured, Teddy Long replaces this person with Jericho and he comes out and beats Orton for the title. Then when Taker returns Jericho would go on a rant about how he beat him at Elimination Chamber in 2010 and he could do it at Mania.

What is his future?
I see Jericho returning and having atleast 2 more world title reigns, possibly an Elimination Chamber win and a historic match at Wrestlemania with the Undertaker. I always wanted to see him win a MITB match since he created the match but I just don't see it happening at this point in his career. If he returned in the next few months i'd give him about 3 more really good years and then i'd see him finish with wrestling and devote himself to his music full time. As much as the idea of him retiring in the next few years hurts I would rather see him go out in great shape than see him try to cling onto his wrestling career when he's washed up(which he won't be). He said himself he wants to go out at the top, kicking and screaming as they carry him out of the stadium, I just pray to god i'm there live to see it.
Yes he will be back. I think he is already setting up his return, he has been tweeting lately that everybody is stealing his style. :lmao: Their are two really good potential feuds waiting for him (Orton and Punk)
With Jericho, it's only a matter of time before he returns. He leaves for periods of time, but he's always a fan of wrestling. So, I'd say there's a good chance he'll be back by WM if I were a betting man.
Chris Jericho will not return to the WWE-any time soon.

From what I've read he is very content with life rigt now. His band, Fozzy, is doing very well right now and it seems he is enjoying time off from th WWE. I think the only way I see him coming back is if his band splits up and he needs money. And if this does happen I could see him being sent to Smackdown in order to help add to that roster. I think if he does come back I see one WHC title reign and maybe a midcard title reign, However truthfully I think he may be done.
He'll be back and with big impact I suppose, in the way of getting revenge on Orton. He probably will but move on quickly due to the fact that he might have bigger story lines ahead of him.
I'd like for him to return at the Royal Rumble. As the WWE like to do things differently each year theme wise I'd like to see them build up the entry numbers a tad differently. As each number gets entered into the Rumble they have an onscreen and on the tron number for each wrestler in whatever theme they end up using. I'd build the theme into Jericho's titantron (at least for his return night).

10.... 9.... 8.... 7..... 6.... 5..... 4...... 3...... 2..... 1... JERICHO!

Each number looks like the graphic that the wrestler has had during the Rumble.

The countdown to Jericho at the Rumble.

So you've basically said what I've been saying for the past year. I dont even see how this thread is a discussion as it's the only way to bring him back. Jericho does things in very special ways and he's running out of ways to come back to the WWE. There's one final perfect way, run and thing he hasnt done (win the Rumble)

As for me having stated this in several threads and yeah it doesnt hurt to discuss anything I guess, but this return pretty much throws itself in your face. He debuted with a unique build, returned with a unique build, the next return has to be different which means NO build and a unique spontaneous return which only makes sense to have his intro as his Rumble countdown maybe with a special new titantron etc

People just steal things and run with it, just like Jericho, my ideas are being ripped off
Time went by very fast ever since Chris Jericho left the WWE. Here are my answers to the questions:
When do you think he will return?
I don't know when. I would love to see Y2J return, but it's really up to him to decide. I believe right now, he's content with life right now as he's currently working with his band Fozzy and spending time with his family. Also, Jericho said in an interview that if he would return to the WWE, he wouldn't wear the suit.
How will he return?
I would probably say a surprise appearance likely at the Royal Rumble.
Will he get revenge on Orton?
If he comes back, they should definitely resolve that storyline. The storyline of Jericho being punted by Orton ended in cliffhanger and didn't have a proper ending.
What is his future?
I honestly don't know

Overall, it's really up to him to decide if he wants to return or not. If so many people miss him, he's on Twitter where you can follow him @IAmJericho. That way, you can know what Jericho is doing nowadays.
Since Jericho has a good chance of returning to WWE before Wrestlemania,
I thought I'd jump start this conversation again.

I completely agree that the only viable way that he will return is by way of the Royal Rumble. But since the article states that it would only be part time, do you think he'd pull a Rock and return but limit himself to smaller, less frequent appearances?

What do you think?

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