It Should have been Ryback...

FlexAmerican Dynamite

Who became the Authority's pick as "face of WWE". I've been thinking about it and more likely than not would have been better than the three boring Orton/Bryan matches we got for three months.

All leading back to Byran running the gauntlet and his final match with Ryback ending in DQ. Ryback wasn't even booked on Summerslam so it would have been even more of a shock when he came out after Bryan's victory instead of Orton. They could do with they did in 2010 when McMahon gave Batista a shot at Cena's belt immediately for no reason.

HHH pedigrees Bryan, Shellshock, win. Don't care what you do about Orton's MITB, have him cash in and fail, nobody would care.

Would have had better matches, more of a reason to root for Bryan against a guy who had been handed opportunity after opportunity yet failed but was still liked because of size, something Bryan doesn't have.
I like it. I'm sure it's a bad idea though, as someone with more intelligence and less apathy will now explain.
They would have hated him in a X-Pac heat style way as opposed to true heel hate. You never want your main event guy to be that guy. That guy doesn't make anybody any money.

People use the term X-Pac heat so much now a days that it becomes very infrequent in what actually counts "true heel hate". Never mind that it's ridiculous to try to analyze what's so different about them but we're in a company that about 99% of the time couldn't care less about who you do and do not want to see on screen. I'm not a huge fan of Ryback either but a reaction is a reaction.
People use the term X-Pac heat so much now a days that it becomes very infrequent in what actually counts "true heel hate". Never mind that it's ridiculous to try to analyze what's so different about them but we're in a company that about 99% of the time couldn't care less about who you do and do not want to see on screen. I'm not a huge fan of Ryback either but a reaction is a reaction.

A reaction is all well and good, but it means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. It's all about how much money a guy can generate. If people desipse Ryback in a way that makes them change the channel, then it's not good for business.
A reaction is all well and good, but it means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. It's all about how much money a guy can generate. If people desipse Ryback in a way that makes them change the channel, then it's not good for business.

Your opinion of Ryback however isn't the majority of everyone who watches WWE. The whole go away heat argument is silly because you're not every viewer and I doubt you're in constant communication with them. Various things can be blamed on why WWE ratings are low in that time of year. They always will be, it would be no more harmful than Sheamus's first title reign or Miz's.
Your opinion of Ryback however isn't the majority of everyone who watches WWE. The whole go away heat argument is silly because you're not every viewer and I doubt you're in constant communication with them. Various things can be blamed on why WWE ratings are low in that time of year. They always will be, it would be no more harmful than Sheamus's first title reign or Miz's.

It also would have been a huge reach to build Ryback as legitimate after he had been squished down to nothing. It would have worked when Ryback was still hot and a top guy, but he wasn't even on TV some weeks when Cena/Bryan/Orton was going down.

Bryan is insanely popular with live crowds, and that's all that really matters. It doesn't really matter who he's feuding with or if he has the belt or not, he's going to be over these days. These schemes that people cooking up to make him "more" over are silly and uneccessary.
It also would have been a huge reach to build Ryback as legitimate after he had been squished down to nothing. It would have worked when Ryback was still hot and a top guy, but he wasn't even on TV some weeks when Cena/Bryan/Orton was going down.

Bryan is insanely popular with live crowds, and that's all that really matters. It doesn't really matter who he's feuding with or if he has the belt or not, he's going to be over these days. These schemes that people cooking up to make him "more" over are silly and uneccessary.

Wins and losses mean nothing, plenty of people gets squashed down and are soon expected to be viable threats, that's how the company works.

I'm not trying to make Bryan more over, even with Ryback in Orton's place I'm confident he would still be in the position he is. It just would have been much more entertaining to watch Bryan/Ryback than an unmotivated Orton go through the motions until January.
Ryback would be fine in the role of corporate sponsored heel champion but not when you are using the term "face of the company" repeatedly. Have you seen that man's face?
I think that would have definitely worked out better if Ryback hadn't lost every pay per view match for the previous 8 months and had a reason to win the belt. I tolerated Orton in the Authority story because at least it made sense. HHH brought him in to be the face of the company and even though they had their differences they were able to put them aside for what they thought was best for the company. While I hate Randy Orton and think he's one of the main reasons the story didn't pan out that well, his involvement was really easy to explain and he was at least getting somewhat of a pop at the sound of his entrance music so the turn seemed relatively important compared to HHH. If Ryback was there it would have been like WTF is going on.
Wins and losses mean nothing
If it had been the plan from the early goings of this angle, he could've been built up in time. The problem is the mic. While I don't think Ryback is as bad as some people around here say he is on the mic (he's a monster. He's not supposed to be articulate), he still doesn't have the skill to cut the proper promos. Unless they changed the angle to have HHH and Stephanie out there representing him more often than they are for Orton, it just wouldn't work as well.

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