It may not be a popular thought...

Dowdsy McDowds

Sally was here
...but does anyone else miss Morrison at the moment?

No, I wouldn't want him to return and go after either the WWE or WHC belt.

Yes, his promo skills were pretty painful.

Yes, he is a spot monkey, but a pretty glorious one.

Everytime I see an image of 3MB I keep mistaking Drew for Morrison, and my heart yearns to hear that weird honk sound at the start of his entrance music. What say you?
I'd love to see John Morrison return to the WWE. Not in contention for any of the major belts (yet), but definitely in the upper mid card.
I was really starting to get over the fact I was starting to enjoy Morrison right around the time he left. I'd be open to his return, and I think he'd be perfect for ending Antonio Cesaro's US Title Reign.
Yeah, he was good. His moves had a unique flow to them, he was certanly his own wrestler. And he looks great. Not the greatest talent ever, but certainly a worthwhile mid-carder and i'm sure with the acting he's been doing he's improved somewhat on the mic!
I could use some Morrison back on Raw. He wasn't my favorite guy but he definitely had his moments and when it came to spots few could do it better than Morrison.
Everyone's lunches are going missing. There's another management crisis, nobody trusts the higher-ups to protect their food during the early afternoon. All the roster are surrounding the ring while Vickie Guerrero is going apeshit, demanding to know who's been stealing all the lunches. NOW LISTEN! THIS AIN'T NO MAKE BELIEVE! A five hundred pound John Morrison waddles to the ring to a monster pop.
I could use some Morrison back on Raw. He wasn't my favorite guy but he definitely had his moments and when it came to spots few could do it better than Morrison.

More importantly, where did you get that pic? Are those the guys from the old NES Pro Wrestling? What was the name of the alien guy? Did they really make action figures for the game? Did you ever win the game? I don't think I could ever win the final match then I just got too tired blowing in to the games to get them to work.

This is far more important than John Morrison.
Honestly think he'd be better suited to TNA for the X-Division, he and Joey Ryan could fued over sleaze.
Everyone's lunches are going missing. There's another management crisis, nobody trusts the higher-ups to protect their food during the early afternoon. All the roster are surrounding the ring while Vickie Guerrero is going apeshit, demanding to know who's been stealing all the lunches. NOW LISTEN! THIS AIN'T NO MAKE BELIEVE! A five hundred pound John Morrison waddles to the ring to a monster pop.

Or Matt Hardy.
You can say he is a spotmonkey or whatever but the matches he was in were always great. His average match in terms of quality was way up there. He was in way better matches than Ziggler or Punk lately.
I miss Morrison, he definitely wasn't a megastar but he was funny and did some pretty great spots.

Now this is where I post the video of him with Roy Nelson and a statue of Black Dynamite, but it seems to have been deleted from the internet.
John Morrison was unique. He wasn't conventionally charismatic but he certainly had his own style, he was a big of a spot-monkey flippy-flippy guy but he's been in a lot of great, fun, easy-to-watch matches, he's not going to set the world alight, but he was one of my favourites. So, a resounding yep.
NOW LISTEN! THIS AIN'T NO MAKE BELIEVE! A five hundred pound John Morrison waddles to the ring to a monster pop.

If that were the case, the production team wouldn't need to add that slow-mo effect to him lifting his arm.

I seem to remember this match being a bit of alright.
My favourite promo of his. Not that there's a lot of choice :shrug:
Totally forgot he manages to cut his eyebrow with the sword too. Oh John, come back.
You can say he is a spotmonkey or whatever but the matches he was in were always great. His average match in terms of quality was way up there. He was in way better matches than Ziggler or Punk lately.

Can't stand Ziggler, but he's much better than Morrison. The Punk part is a fucking joke.
In the immortal words of William Wallace, git tae fuck. Morrison's last year had about half a dozen matches better than Ziggler's best. And Punk's match with Ryback was proper shite. Dunno about his triple threat.
In the immortal words of William Wallace, git tae fuck. Morrison's last year had about half a dozen matches better than Ziggler's best. And Punk's match with Ryback was proper shite. Dunno about his triple threat.

I'll have to take your word for it. I quit caring about Morrison long before he left. I've never seen him have a single match that wasn't just a spotfest, I've seen Ziggler at least get carried to a good match a few times.

Why are we only judging Punk's match with Ryback? The best match I've ever seen from Morrison was his match with Punk on ECW. I've seen Punk have much, MUCH better matches since.

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