It it just me, or... ALL of the TNA PPV's feel EXACTLY like iMPACT?

Same set, same ring, same commentators, same storylines, same quality matches and promos, same chants.......

I know TNA can't be exactly like WWE, but TNA should at least TRY to mix it up when we have to pay to watch. Every time I watch a TNA PPV, it feels like Thursday, and I HATE that. So I'm just wondering,

Do you feel the same way towards TNA pay-per-views as I do?

What can TNA do to improve our pay-per-view experience?

And finally, out of curiosity, what was the last pay-per-view to come to your hometown or state? They've only been to my state once, as well as many other states around the country, if they've even been there at all. Which brings me to my biggest improvement idea: LEAVE ORLANDO MORE OFTEN.

i have never bought a tna payperview never felt the need because u know that either a) someone is gonna make return/ bring in someone new b) someone will get screwed over or c) someone will get the crap beat out of them by a group of guys...and all 3 of those is what happens on impact so yes i agaree with u 100%
I think most TNA fans feel the same way, which is why they only got 600 buys for their last ppv. (I don't know if that's even true. I read it somewhere. But it wouldn't suprise me.) I don't remember which one, but I downloaded one of their recent ppv's, and it did feel just like Impact. Unfortunately, I don't think they'd be able to sell out a large arena, so that's out of the question, at least for now. But at the same time, I don't think anyone would watch Impact if they weren't giving out these quality matches. I think they should experiment with only having a ppv every 3 months or so, and try to put on one or two ppv quality matches (by ppv quality, I mean matches that end feuds) on every show. That way, rather than a ppv feeling like Impact, Impact would feel like a mini-ppv every week. I just don't think TNA is big enough right now to be running monthly pay per views. I hardly ever watch Impact, and its free.
The thing with TNA right now is that they have a Lease with Universal that runs until December and people don't pay to get into the Impact Zone meaning TNA doesn't get any money for people attending the shows. That hurts the company financially and until they can get out of the Impact Zone and into a larger market like New York where they can charge for people to get in they may not have the money to tour annually.

That is the same with Pay Per Views, they cant afford to do many on the road because they cant maximize the financial part of the product. Once they maximize the ability to gain money through attendance rather than having a 1000 fan crowd that get in for free then they will be able to do more on the road.

If it makes you feel better I like TNA Pay Per Views, and I like Impact, but the TNA crowd at the Impact Zone really irritates the crap out of me. Getting the product out of there would be the best thing they could do.
Well it doesn't really bother me because I don't order Tna pay-per-views I just watch then for free the next day. But I can understand what your saying about their pay-per-views feeling like impact. Alot of people say Tna's pay-per-views feel like three hours of impact. To your second question the only way well at least in my mind they could change up the feel would be too leave The Impact Zone for pay-per-views but you know all the rumors of Tna not having enough financial stability to leave monthly.
No, its not just you, im a TNA fan but my one complaint ive had with them is the ppv's dont stand out as a special event , hell ill even go out on a limb and say i like impact better than most ppv's, now thats not saying i like WWE's ppv's any better im just saying TNA need to step up their game and make the pay events something special. The one sollution i have is what alot of other people say and move the ppv's to somewhere besides the impact cant hurt to try.
I agree with you a 100% their PPV's would benefit greatly if they were taped somewhere outside of the Impact Zone. It just doesn't have that big show feel and look when it's always being taped in the same place as the weekly TV show.

They would have to make sure to go to arena were they can sell out or come close. Having a half empty arena on PPV would hurt the big show feeling in my opinion as well.
Nope. It's not just you. I think a good bit of the TNA fans feel the same as you do. Whenever I watch a TNA ppv it feels like a special live edition of Impact. That's all it is to me. I think one problem is they have gimmick matches far too often on Impact. Recently they have had 2 ladders matches in the last month or so on the show. 2 weeks ago on Impact we had Brian Kendrick beat Douglas Williams in an I Quit match. It seems like every week there is at least one gimmick match. The list goes on. I don't mind seeing a gimmick match on tv, but spread them out every few months or so. It used to be that most gimmick matches were shown on a ppv, if not a ppv then in the main event slot of the weekly show.

It would be great to see TNA leave the Impact zone to film monthly ppv's. I just don't see that happening anytime soon. The problem with ppv's filmed in Orlando they feel too much like Impact. There is really no difference between Impact and a ppv besides the name and price of the show. Not many people are going to pay $35 to watch an episode of Impact that is being called Victory Road or any other name. I enjoy most watching most TNA ppv's, So I think it would be great if they could get out of Orlando and more on the road to spread the word of their product.

And Im not sure of the last time TNA came to my state. I live about two hours outside of Philly. If they come to Philly it isn't worth my drive. If they came closer, I'd be there.
Yeah, i definitely feel the exact same way. i've never paid to see one live on PPV, just the dvds or download night of.

TNA is my favorite company, but one thing that makes them look bad in comparison (to me at least), is the production values. If they want to compete, then step up their game. With the money they spend on wrestlers why can't they afford to build a new set just for ppvs? Even quality pyro and other things can't cost that much.
Stacker 2 or any other sponsor could easily pay them enough for advertising that they could get anything new.

Another thing is the crowd is pretty much the exact same every show. People may not care about that, but if you're doing the same spots and matches to the exact same crowd over and over, then how will they bring in anyone new not from word of mouth or by watching the show?
i work at a small sports arena (where they filmed the first live Smackdown) and a lot of employees and others get free tickets to shows and concerts whether or not the tickets have sold well. People see bands whether they know them or not, just because it's free. And just from getting the tickets, a lot of those people become fans because they like what they see.

But the PPV's feel the exact same way. Maybe more blading or spots, but it's still the Impact Zone. With the same scenery, no real surprises or anything else that isn't expected.

i have no idea if TNA has ever come to Salt Lake City or even Utah. But i know a lot of people here want them to. TNA has some of the greatest talent in the world but only the same people who watch on tv, at small house shows or in the Impact Zone ever sees it.
It couldn't possibly be so difficult to find a similar sized arena somewhere else (even in Florida) where they could put on an amazing show. Die hard fans in the Impact Zone would travel a few hours to see a PPV. i would if they were ever close.

Random complaint; Zach Wylde performing the National Anthem at Bound For Glory sounded extremely weird. If they're going to bring him in, at least have him play something that will get people excited about the show.
If they did tour for the PPV's. Why not look into getting a celebrity from around that area and invite them to the show. That would create some buzz. Even b-listers.
For the most part I have to agree with you... but TNA did come up with the Lockdown ppv where every match was in a cage. It was an idea novel enough that WWE switched format on it's ppvs to give them themes. I wish the avg TNA ppv was different enough to be worth buying, but I think a big part of the problem is the way the industry has evolved in general. Nowadays you get so many big matches on regular TV it's hard to see anything on PPV worthwhile unless its got a gimmick
I bet they'd even get a better looking ppv using the Hammerstien Ballroom. You might know this as the Manhattan Center from the first RAW shows.
I think TNA could easily fill it and have a rowdy crowd that looks great on camera. Shit, it worked well enough for One Night Stand.
I absolutely agree. With the exception of their more high profile PPV's, like Bound For Glory and Lockdown, every PPV they have is shot in the Impact Zone, which can only add more to the fact they always feel like Impact. I wouldn't be surprised if during one of their multiple taping days, they did the PPV same day as well.

Personally I don't mind having Impact shot in the Impact Zone, I really don't, but when it comes to making somebody pay for a PPV, you gotta make the effort to make it seem like it's different from free TV. Leaving the Impact Zone is the only option you have.

The last PPV that Seattle had was No Way Out in 2009 and although I wasn't there. Seattle also used to be a place where you'd have to wait up to about 5 years (maybe more) until you were able to have WWE come to your door. But when they came we always showed our appreciation by cheering loud for faces, booing the crap out of heels, and showing praise and adoration for Chris Jericho. We always brought the hot crowds, and now WWE comes to Seattle a lot more often; we've hosted WrestleMania and it seems more like it's at least once a year they come here now.
Damn it, this guy just describe almost every WWE pay per view over the last 10 years. My god people, why do you all repeat yourselves every day...TNA bashing. Are all you guys disciples of Mark Madden. TNA doesn't have 3 shows, with different announce teams to choose from. TNA does not have 60 years of programming. TNA owners did not inherit a company in which already had a long time fan base and tv contract with USA. Guys it has only been 8 years.

How far has anyone else gotten in an 8 year span. Why was WCW (I miss Nitro) so successful? Hello...they had millions of Ted Turner's dollars. They were on a network that everyone watches, Sorry Spike, and they traveled all over the world. TNA is starting to travel more.

The only problem that TNA has right now, is the fact that they need to get the HELL out of Orlando every week.
The only problem with TNA right now isn't being in Orlando, even through it would be fun to see them do they're PPV outside of Orlando, it's that they don'T have a identity of their own. It's been 8 years already and the only identity is where former WWE star goes when they don'T have anywhere left to go and the nostalgia factor.

When they started with the weekly PPV, TNA was all about the x-division and wrestling toss in with a a couple of silly gimmick. But the heart and soul of TNA was wrestling. You had guys like A.J. Styles, Christopher Daniels, America's most Wanted, Low ki, jerry lynn. The list goes on and on of guys who would put out good wrestling matches each and every week and get simple storylines going. Since Dixie got brought in, TNA is more about the big name guys, who quite frankly, don't attract as many people as they use to.

Going to the subject of PPV, look at the buyrate and the illegal stream number for every PPV for the last 2 years. The highest numbers are the one where the PPV's that weren't film in the IMPACT zone. The big problem with having a PPV in Orlando every month is that you get the same peoples that you have at every tapings of IMPACT and they will react differently to the TNA product then a crowd consisting of fans that don'T go and see TNA every 2 weeks.

That why most TNA PPV's feel like a 40$ episode of IMPACT, because it'S the same venue as IMPACT, and it'S the same fans that by now will pretty cheer anything that Dixie and the rest of TNA management and performers want them to cheer.

So i say why pay 40$ for a a TNA PPV when you can get it a couple of months latter for 15$ on DVD. That's what i do with TNA PPV'S. I wait for a day or 2 to watch it on the internet and if i really like it, i wait for the DVD to come out. 2 months ago, i was able to get the 3 PPV's combo pack with 2 of the best PPV of 2009 and Against all odds 2010 for 15$. So why waste my money on something i can have half off a couple of months latter.
Damn it, this guy just describe almost every WWE pay per view over the last 10 years. My god people, why do you all repeat yourselves every day...TNA bashing. Are all you guys disciples of Mark Madden. TNA doesn't have 3 shows, with different announce teams to choose from. TNA does not have 60 years of programming. TNA owners did not inherit a company in which already had a long time fan base and tv contract with USA. Guys it has only been 8 years.

How far has anyone else gotten in an 8 year span. Why was WCW (I miss Nitro) so successful? Hello...they had millions of Ted Turner's dollars. They were on a network that everyone watches, Sorry Spike, and they traveled all over the world. TNA is starting to travel more.

The only problem that TNA has right now, is the fact that they need to get the HELL out of Orlando every week.

The only problem with TNA right now isn't being in Orlando, even through it would be fun to see them do they're PPV outside of Orlando, it's that they don'T have a identity of their own. It's been 8 years already and the only identity is where former WWE star goes when they don'T have anywhere left to go and the nostalgia factor.

When they started with the weekly PPV, TNA was all about the x-division and wrestling toss in with a a couple of silly gimmick. But the heart and soul of TNA was wrestling. You had guys like A.J. Styles, Christopher Daniels, America's most Wanted, Low ki, jerry lynn. The list goes on and on of guys who would put out good wrestling matches each and every week and get simple storylines going. Since Dixie got brought in, TNA is more about the big name guys, who quite frankly, don't attract as many people as they use to.

Going to the subject of PPV, look at the buyrate and the illegal stream number for every PPV for the last 2 years. The highest numbers are the one where the PPV's that weren't film in the IMPACT zone. The big problem with having a PPV in Orlando every month is that you get the same peoples that you have at every tapings of IMPACT and they will react differently to the TNA product then a crowd consisting of fans that don'T go and see TNA every 2 weeks.

That why most TNA PPV's feel like a 40$ episode of IMPACT, because it'S the same venue as IMPACT, and it'S the same fans that by now will pretty cheer anything that Dixie and the rest of TNA management and performers want them to cheer.

So i say why pay 40$ for a a TNA PPV when you can get it a couple of months latter for 15$ on DVD. That's what i do with TNA PPV'S. I wait for a day or 2 to watch it on the internet and if i really like it, i wait for the DVD to come out. 2 months ago, i was able to get the 3 PPV's combo pack with 2 of the best PPV of 2009 and Against all odds 2010 for 15$. So why waste my money on something i can have half off a couple of months latter.

This guy is off base. "It's already been 8 years...Really...Really. How about it's only been 8 years. They've only been on TV for 4. They've only been on tv outside of Orlando once. Come on dude. If they were having live shows in other cities, ratings would be higher. I am a WCW mark. I live in Dallas now, but when TNA did a house show in Monroe, Louisiana a couple of years ago, that Civic Center was packed and loud. WCW use to sell that thing out all the time. TNA works in the South. All that have to do is throw us a branch.

By the way, who cares where the pay per views are held right now. You build an audience through your weekly show, so take that on the road. The PPV buyrate is low because you have to sell the show to more people first. Come on TNA bring Impact to Dallas, or Monroe
I am right here with mos of you on this topic, the PPV's from Impact Zone are lacking big event feel because the building is so small and they dont even change the scenery for the PPV's. Many mentioned they cant afford to rent out huge arena like WWE and that is true, at the same time they dont need to get 20,000 plus seat arena. They got them in all sizes and even if its only a 5,000 seat arena its way bigger then what they are in now. Plus when they hold PPV's outside the Impact Zone they do make money in ticket sales for those shows so if they carefully select location to make sure they sell out it would be a profitable venture. But all in all i agree, the PPV's are not worth the $30 they charge because the event is just another show. Not to say WWE's PPV's dont suck but atleast they fill the big arena's and got the PPV buys to back it.
This guy is off base. "It's already been 8 years...Really...Really. How about it's only been 8 years. They've only been on TV for 4. They've only been on tv outside of Orlando once. Come on dude. If they were having live shows in other cities, ratings would be higher. I am a WCW mark. I live in Dallas now, but when TNA did a house show in Monroe, Louisiana a couple of years ago, that Civic Center was packed and loud. WCW use to sell that thing out all the time. TNA works in the South. All that have to do is throw us a branch.

By the way, who cares where the pay per views are held right now. You build an audience through your weekly show, so take that on the road. The PPV buyrate is low because you have to sell the show to more people first. Come on TNA bring Impact to Dallas, or Monroe

First of all, you are wrong about TNA being on T.V for 4 years because it been 5 years already.

Secondly i not saying that TNA should be moving IMPACT out of Orlando but at less move the PPV's out of Orlando to make it seem different from IMPACT.

It's been 8 years already, they've been on T.V. for 5 years and since being on Spike, they've never were able to get new fan to stay.

You look at the PPV's that weren't in Orlando, the crowd had a different reaction then the orlando Crowd. It was a real reaction compare to a fabricated reaction that the orlando crowd have right now.

So they can't bring new fans in if the fan reaction is not real and is fabricated.
Do you feel the same way towards TNA pay-per-views as I do?
The thing is, for the past months, iMPACT has actually been more worth watching than their PPV's...The ppv's have been just plain boring...

What can TNA do to improve our pay-per-view experience?
Yes, there is something they can do...The give away great matches on free tv, e.g. Joe vs. Hardy, that was ppv quality...they need to stop doing this...I think they do it go get more viewers, but they would be making more money if it were on ppv...

Also they should have a different set, for the entrance, even though they still at the Zone, they should spice it up somehow, so it doesn't feel like we're at the Zone...
Do you feel the same way towards TNA pay-per-views as I do?
The thing is, for the past months, iMPACT has actually been more worth watching than their PPV's...The ppv's have been just plain boring...

What can TNA do to improve our pay-per-view experience?
Yes, there is something they can do...The give away great matches on free tv, e.g. Joe vs. Hardy, that was ppv quality...they need to stop doing this...I think they do it go get more viewers, but they would be making more money if it were on ppv...

Also they should have a different set, for the entrance, even though they still at the Zone, they should spice it up somehow, so it doesn't feel like we're at the Zone...

Here is the problem though. How do news fans tot he product watch TNA if you aren't putting on incredible matches? If your watching TV and flip to Spike and see Suicide vs Jessie Neal are you really going to stay and watch?
I only buy one PPV a year, after I was dissapointed by Genesis '07. I buy Lockdown, purely for the steel cage. Otherwise, you are 100% correct. Watching highlights of EVERY TNA PPV, they're all just like iMPACT, and it's going to definately hurt them. I feel as if, missing an 8 match PPV is missing 1 good match, on a good PPV. It's all the same wasted effort every time. They hype it big, you watch, you're dissapointed when you realize you just paid to watch Brian Kendrick face Doug Williams, which you'd see 4 days later anyways...
Here is the problem though. How do news fans tot he product watch TNA if you aren't putting on incredible matches? If your watching TV and flip to Spike and see Suicide vs Jessie Neal are you really going to stay and watch?

You bring up a good point, dude. I remember watching the King of the Mountain match on Impact last year, I believe, and my friends were all calling me up marking like crazy like, "Oh my god, Robby, go to Spike TV right now! You're gonna love this!" I never even knew those guys were pro wrestling fans.

That's the only way you're gonna gain more fans. You need to put on exciting gimmick matches on free TV. For example, I mentioned the KotM match on Impact, then they brought the Steel Asylum to the screen, and now, the Best 3 out of 5 series between MCMG and Beer Money. I didn't stumble across TNA while flipping through and finding a very exciting contest, but I know a lot of people that did, and that's pretty much the only way to bring in new fans now.

Unless you sign Stone Cold or something. But let's not get into that, it's not gonna happen.
TNA needs to add some excitement to their PPVs. Everything exciting or noteworthy usual happens on Impact instead of a PPV. TNA promises so many "surprises" that you actually think you are in store for one at the PPV. Then you watch it and may see some good matches, but you are totally letdown by the lack of surprise there.

TNA gives away too many PPV caliber matches on free television. We get to see Jeff Hardy vs. Sting or Abyss on television but not PPV? What about Samoa Joe vs. Wolfe? that could of been a good match to look forward to. The only matches we usually get to see on PPV are the ones we have seen before over and over again so its not a special.

As far as the last PPV that came to my home town? There really hasn't been a PPV to come to my hometown but there has been a PPV that came to Rupp Arean in Lexington KY. I would have to guess and say the 2006 WWE Backlash PPV at Rupp Arena where Vince McMahon and Shane faced Shawn Michaels and "God" in the main event. I never got a chance to see the show but from what I've heard, I didn't miss much.

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