Isn't the Undertaker's gogoplata move banned?!

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At Cyber Sunday The Undertaker faced off against Big Show in a Last Man Standing Match. The conclusion of the matchup saw Undertaker put Big Show in his gogoplata/Devil's Triangle submission maneuvre to put Show down for the 10 count. What made no sense about this was that 1) Vickie Guerrero banned Undertaker from using that move and stripped him of the World Heavyweight Title on May 2nd this year because of the damage it was supposedly doing to the other superstars...especially her lover at the time, Edge, 2) Vickie herself witnessed Undertaker performing this move firsthand from the stage and then just left. From the time Undertaker put Show in the move, I thought it was a work to get Vickie to screw Undertaker again by reminding everyone that if he used the move again in an official matchup he would forfeit that match, thereby giving Big Show the win. So the fact she just left in defeat made no sense to me, unless the move is no longer banned, which I'm not aware of. Obviously it isn't banned anymore since Taker used it, but it just didn't make sense to me. Anyone care to elaborate on this and shed some light on it?
I think the only reason it was allowed, is because it was a Last Man Standing Match. So there was no rules, and the hold could be applied. I would think that's the only expaination to this question, maybe WWE forgot about the booking they did a few months ago. :|
And wasn't Kane's face suppose to be scarred? And wasn't Kristal & Teddy getting married? The WWE is fake, and just like soap opera's and tv shows things are retcon. History is re-written and certain things are forgotten. I really don't think it's that big of deal. The creative team probably saw no reason for the move to stay banned(since it was only banned as part of the Edge storyline)so they just retconned(changed history)or they just decided who gives a fuck.

Also like Pala! said it was a Last Man Standing match. That's a match where there is no rules and a wrestler can do whatever they want regardless if a move was banned or illegal.
Dear Lord, if you eventually want me to be a nice person, then why are you forever bombarding me with suck topics to trivialize?

Okay, let me try to explain this. Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Undertaker. What do all of these figures have in common? They are all gimmicks. Sure, they each have their own different offering, but in the end it is for whimsy and entertainment purposes only. Now I could sit here and go on and one about the whole imaginary sub-context that each brings to the table of rational thought processes, but I will refrain from such and just humor the topic instead.

When The Big Show faced off against The Undertaker the first time in this specific series of matches, The Big Show used an illegal move in order to secure the win when he drove The Undertaker into the exposed turnbuckle. In the return match, an equally controversial move needed to be employed in order to set the stage for future confrontations. Yes, according to Vicki Guerrero, the move is illegal. But did you also notice foreign objects being used in that match as well without consequence? Did you notice that a number of other moves were performed that are allegedly against the rules or could lead to DQ under normal circumstance?

It was all in theme of the match and the up the ante to set up the third conflict between the two men. This next match will supposedly favor the Undertaker. But I have the feeling that he will not win, thusly leading to a final confrontation at Wrestlemania. It's going to be a long programs, therefore you can expect to see such things as the newly dubbed Devil's Triangle in order to ad a bit of intrigue and unpredictability to the feud. I mean, did someone make this thread? So obviously it worked as planned.
Ok it was a last man standing match. That means no rules. Nothing is illegal so the Undertaker used that to his advantage. If it was a regular wrestling match that would be different but this one is where you do whatever it takes to keep your opponent down for a 10 count. Also like Spawn said WWE doesn't follow through on half the storylines they come up with, but if they did it would be boring. So there are those two reasons that this happened.
If you watched Smackdown last night, you saw Charles Robinson admonishing the Undertaker the second he tried to apply the Devil's Triangle on Koslov. Luckily for both men, Koslov was near the ropes, and the move wasn't applied. It looked like Taker would have been dq'd for using that move in a match. It is the wrestling busienss, and eventually the move will be lifted, but they are at least acting for now that the move is illegal.

Last Man standing matches have no rules. The match only ends when a wrestler can't answer the ten count. That means taht no DQ, no countout, no nothign, just knock your opponent out by any means. Any Means means use anything, and the Devil's Triangle was a way to end the match.

Now with the casket match coming up, it's real simple no rules again. Put the wrestler in a casket, and end the match, which means the Triangle will be used once again.
Well, a Last Man Standing match means anything goes, so it wouldn't matter whether it's illegal or not, it was legal in the Last Man Standing match. But remember, the WWE can change history. So it doesn't matter whether its banned or not, the WWE might've "forgotten" about the ban and so allowed the move to be used. Expect it to be used in the Casket match though. Why bother giving the move a name unless its going to be used again?
What a stupid name for a submission.

We'll blatently see this move in any no DQ match Taker's involved in now. Like Tim says, why give it a name now, after it being banned some 4 months ago, if they aren't gonna have him win with it in the future? Expect this casket match to either end that way or Taker gets KO'd and just dumped in
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I thought they was going to call the Gogoplata, "the reaper hold".

Yeah, Last man standing match means nothing is illegal, Undertaker could have pulled out an Uzi shot Big show in the face an could win. The undertaker and Big show work very well with each other due to their wrestling style's, So it wouldnt bother me if this story line was the lenth of the Y2J and HBK one.
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Yeah, I think it is supposed to be banned otherwise the Undertaker is "released or fired" from the WWE. But the Undertaker was already "fired" when Edge defeated him at One Night Stand 2008. So the move will most likely wont have any more "consequences" from Vickie Guerrero. I think it still is banned, but he used it in a Last Man Standing match which has no rules including no countouts and no disqualifications. The aim of the match is to use all means necessary to knock your opponent out for a ten count.

Plus I mean, its wrestling. The storylines are fake. Do you think if it was real that Jericho would be allowed back in the WWE since he lost a 'Loser gets Fired match' on 2005. The move shouldn't be 'banned' anyway as it's relatively fresh and actually looks like it would legitimately hurt. The only reason it was banned in the first place was to put Vickie more over as a heel as the fans obviously wanted Taker to use the move on his opponents.

The Gogoplata is a terrible name for a finisher as I thought something like "The Death Valley Choke" or even the Triangle Choke sounds much better. It was allowed at Cyber Sunday simply because the match was a Last Man Standing match, and that even if Vickie did fire him, she wouldn't get her 'apology' that she wants so bad.
Yes. It's banned. But, Vickie must have forgetten about that.

I love how the WWE just thinks we'll forget about things if they don't mention them for a while. They do that sort of stuff all the time.

Maybe he only got away with it because it was a match with no rules.. Idk. Does it really matter?
Let's explain this in WWE storyline terms.

Vickie bans move and later Undertaker is gone. FF a few weeks/months Taker is back. As has happened Every. Single. Time some one leaves and comes back anything that limited any actions on their part are gone. The second they were 'fired' or 'retired' any actions that were taking place due to their storyline at the time are removed. Same happens with an injury. Someone gets hurt, any plans for them are canceled and when they come back, it's a whole new game.
So it actually makes sense that with Taker coming back from being 'banished', that he is no longer limited in using the Devil's Triangle.

Now, some one, not important enough to bother myself in remember their handle, said that 'Devil's Triangle' was a stupid name for the move. I would ask him given the Undertaker from Death Valley gimmick, what the hell kind of name would be good for a move? It's better then it not having a name, and certainly better than 'gogoplatta' that apparently the originator of this thread calls it. As far as I could tell watching the first time he used it against Big Daddy V, Taker was trying to go for the normal Triangle choke that he had started using, and simply could not get it in the normal way, so suddenly what was a mistake, or adaptation, is a huge deal.
Devil's Triangle is a perfect name as it relates it to the origins of the Triangle Choke hold, and to the Undertaker's gimmick. It also plays with the famous "Bermuda Triangle" as in: Once your IN, you don't get OUT.

Master Sergeant Rusty mentions that he wants it as "Death Valley Triangle/Choke'" but I challenge him to explain how that sounds more menacing then Devil's Triangle? Just check out Taker's tights. Is that or is it not an image of the DEVIL on Taker's tights? By calling it Devil's Triangle, it could be said that It's not Taker maker it so devastating, but The Devil that is using Taker's legs to choke his enemies.

Count Shockula, Robinson was trying to stop Taker from putting it on while near the ropes, not necessarily because it was banned, but because it was a submission move and they were for all intent and purposes under the ropes when he started applying the move.
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