Isis the Amazon Getting a Tryout

I don't know about her as a regularly performing Knockout (I've never seen her, but I assume she's terrible), but with her size, she could make a good bodyguard for someone like, say, Madison Rayne.

For the record... I would.
I believe Isis is somthing that Tna could use if used right, shes fucking huge. Put her on explosion or whatever the b show is called now and have her work out kinks. Thats what they need to do with new wrestlers first. They need to shove them on the b show and set away some time for a good storyline for them and take care of their in ring problems if they even have any.

I to have seen this "amazon" wrestle, and lets be honest the tna division has some really great workers in it right now. But other than kong what if any of them have worked with a person this big? She could legit hurt someone with her size, shes huge and clumsy in the ring. Size does not make the wrestler, training does. That is something Isis deffinatly dosen't have right now, proper training for someone her size.

Also jaredjammer, your not alone... I would to. is reporting that Isis has already gotten some backstage heat. James Caldwell reports that, according to sources, a lot of people were turned off as to how she carried herself as though she was already a big star.

He also reports that the Knockouts made it collectively known that they wouldn't want to work with her if TNA does end up signing her. According to Caldwell's source, "I've never seen a guy or a girl rub the locker room this much the wrong way."

Everything I've managed to find online about Isis inside the ring over the course of this week says that she's absolutely awful inside the ring. I haven't seen her work or anything but her being shit in the ring is just the overall first impression that I get.
I read the same thing about Isis having poor ring skills. I had no idea she had an attitude problem too. If this is the case then I don't see her signing with TNA. She will probably be gone faster than Rosie Lottalove. The last thing TNA needs right now is a big headed large female wrestler that can't even wrestle. We will have to wait and see. She basically sounds like a white version of Awesome Kong with the wrestling skills of Lacey. That is pretty bad. Maybe WWE did the right thing releasing her after all.
I would bet that they wouldn't have to try so hard if they had chosen awesome kong over bubba the love sponge.

Kong is a great worker and a pleasure to be around.

Bubba admit ignorance on this subject.

But as far as Isis is concerned, hopefully she's not coming to be taylor's new bodyguard in place of Tara turned face. That would not be interesting to me.
The first thing I thought when the WWE hired was, NO. Im still the same with TNA, what can you do with her? Come in, dominante, win title, then...? You just cant do that much with her as she is just too big.
It seems to me they are looking for the next Awesome Kong. I've never seen Isis wrestle at all, she was on WWE TV for 5 minutes before being fired because some photos resurfaced or whatever, but when it comes right down to it, it depends on if she can wrestle. Though with the reports I heard, a lot of girls don't want to work with her because she's wreckless and has an attitude. But we'll see what happens.
Last night on Impact!, Madison stated that she has steam-rolled through the Knockout Division and she went to TNA management and offered an open challenge to any woman in the world.

I'm guessing that Isis is going to accept this challenge and become Knockout Champion. We've seen this idea before (kinda). Awesome Kong had her challenge that Taylor Wilde eventually cashed in on and won the Knockout Title. Santino won the Intercontinental Title in the same fashion from Umaga. The only difference here is that if Isis were to accept the challenge, the champion would be a great underdog. is reporting that Isis has already gotten some backstage heat. James Caldwell reports that, according to sources, a lot of people were turned off as to how she carried herself as though she was already a big star.

He also reports that the Knockouts made it collectively known that they wouldn't want to work with her if TNA does end up signing her. According to Caldwell's source, "I've never seen a guy or a girl rub the locker room this much the wrong way."

Everything I've managed to find online about Isis inside the ring over the course of this week says that she's absolutely awful inside the ring. I haven't seen her work or anything but her being shit in the ring is just the overall first impression that I get.

If that is the case (about her attitude) and it is in fact true, then fuck that. You can teach in-ring skills, but you can't teach humility and humbleness. Let her drop back to the indies or wherever she's working.
I was there to see here match and let me tell you it was sub par at best. She still is very very green, but as usual TNA has already signed. Get ready to see her debut in the next month are so.

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