Isis the Amazon Getting a Tryout

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
According to a number of reports, ex-WWE (can we really even call her ex-WWE?) NXT "star" Isis the Amazon, who was released before ever really being a part of the program due to a number of "scandalous" images of her being released online, is scheduled to wrestle in a tryout match at tonight's iMPACT! tapings in Orlando.

For those of you who have no idea who the hell I'm talking about, Isis is 6'9, and female — not exactly a common occurrence, at least not in wrestling (models be damned).



Yes, these shots are real...

Her official twitter read:

Isis the Amazon Twitter said:
Heading to Orlando tomorrow.. & no, not to visit family this time ;)


Thoughts on this?
I think TNA is completely insane for considering her. This is the girl who considered herself "rushed to TV" before learning how to bump properly.

If TNA sign her they've got a 6 ft 9 Sable on their hands who's a lot harder to work round due to being completely fucking massive.
She is a massive woman to say the least. I think she could make an "impact" wherever she is at, as long as she gets a chance. I have watched a few of her matches on Youtube. She is "green" for sure.

If some of that could be worked off, I don't see how she wouldn't end up getting over. Her size and ability to do "non-knockout" or Diva type moves is a huge selling point. I think she would be using Chokeslams and Powerbomb type of maneuvers and that would probably get her over relatively quick.
Maybe bring her on as valet/bodyguard and use her in ring sparingly or in a very limited role she might work. Otherwise I am not sure she will work
Look at her matches on youtube. She isn't the best wrestler ever, but she can bump properly. That was definitely not the reasons she was released from WWE. Luckily for TNA, WWE didn't make her a star. They did absolutely nothing with her. She was there for like a month, and was shown in a 30 second promo on a show that didn't get very good ratings. TNA can actually make her their own, and claim this one.

I think this would be awsome for the KO division. She would be a MONSTER heel, like nothing we've ever seen before in women's wrestling.

She really doesn't have to be THAT good in the ring. I mean were/is Big Show, Great Khali, Giant Baba, Andre the Giant, Giant Gonzalez, ect. that good in the ring? Some of them were better then others, but none of them are/were great technical wrestlers. She just needs to be able to work like those guys did. She is a box office attraction a la Andre the Giant.

She is also being optioned for a reality show on MTV to follow her life. Apparently MTV has expressed intrest. They have already shot a mini pilot.

Also for those who don't know, she is TNA star Crimson's girlfriend.
Two months in the lead Knockout storyline they're running at the time, four months on Xplosion, followed by her release. I say two months because I think she'll get a good push (as far as the Knockouts go), the intrigue of a woman wrestler that large will wear off, and after about half a year everything they hired her for will be used up.
I agree w/MachoMadness. For the huge guys to not have to be that good in the ring, but expect the female of the same size to somehow jump around like a lucha libre is ridiculous.

I think WWE dropped the ball big time w/her. I mean, they snagged up Awesome Kong and she's definitely not a small woman, or even close to Diva standards. They could have had a nice balance w/two big women on the roster, kind of like Show and Khali.

I don't know what reasoning Vince had for dropping her, but I will have to say he must not have been firing on all cylinders that day. If it was her "greenery", that's pretty lame because they've introduced a lot of green talent to more spotlight recently. If it was her "risque" photo shoot like some speculated (and I've seen it. Nothing even remotely close to a lot of Diva's shoots) then that was just a lame reason because Vince simply didn't like something about her.

Or maybe enough Divas felt threatened by her to go collectively to Vince. Who knows really? What I do know is that sometimes Vince can make a completely ******ed move. Could you imagine the pics that woman could take that would invoke a fantasy into damn near any guy w/normal hormones? Yowzah.

Good to see she's getting a shot, though. Unfortunately it's with TNA, so who knows if she'll end up a pawn in a perverse, twisted Russo storyline. Although the knockouts division is sorta decent. So, again, we'll have to wait and see if she's utilized properly. She is new talent, after all. Look at what Crimson is doing after his initial buzz....
From my understanding she used to offer wrestling sessions with fans. That and other issues made the WWE think she may get labled as an "escort." Thats not good when a major company player is involved in a political campaign.

She has limited experience. Doesn't mean she is bad but it does mean that she can't come on the stage and be the biggest female player in the company. They let Madison Rayne come along and get experience and she is now the top KO. Maybe have her be hired by Bischoff as "KO law." That only relies on her to talk and mostly in pre-tapes.

WWE made a huge mistake releasing her just because of some picsa she did when she was 18.I think Isis could be great for TNA ever since Kong left they have lacked that "Thing" (no pun) that puts the KO division on the map. Shes huge(and off subject kinda hot) but great move for TNA they need to sign her,she is realy good in the ring so yea
great move TNA. first off she looks amazing. she can have squash matches. she's going to make me watch now because i am intrigued by her looks and ability. and most of all she is really hot.

but its TNA so who really cares.
If you think about how WWE and Playboy are joined at the hip, and have been for quite some time, to say somebody's risque pictures bothered WWE management is just hilariously laughable. Remember Ashley Massaro? She posed for Playboy before WWE hired her. At the same time, it's not so much someone's look that makes their mark for them. There are oodles of good-looking men and women on both WWE and TNA. Some of the people who made it big were not necessarily the ones with a "cute" face (Hogan, Warrior, Savage, etc.) but they had "presence" and that "something-you-can't-put-your-finger-on" in the air around them. If WWe thought Isis had enough potential to bring her on TV at all, then 1 month was hardly enough time for her, or anyone, to really learn anything.
To be honest, TNA is pretty much the only "major" company who might actually be able to do something good with Isis. I've said it before and will say it again, the only reason the WWE hired on Isis in the first place was as an attention-getting promotional tool for an all Diva NXT show. Once the interest was there, they yanked her. Bait and switch.

Still, TNA would do wonders for her if they give her a chance. They did great with The Awesome Kong, still one of the only females I know of that has actually main evented a PPV. Now we have Isis, who can not only dominate the Knockout division, but could probably mix it up with the boys if Spike TV allows it to happen (not likely these days, but still.)

I hope they take her on and that this situation isn't like the fiasco with Rosie Lottalove where they show her for one match and then we never see her again.
I really can't see an upside to this. Yes, Isis is a very large woman, and she can be looked at as a freak of nature, but what could she do in the Knockouts division? Would everyone really want to see a bunch of David Vs Goliath style matches where every other female on TNA's roster struggles to take down this giant? That can become really tiresome after a while. Or Isis will destroy every other Knockout on TNA's roster, and seeing the giant tear through an entire roster can also become tiresome as time goes on. Sure, Isis would probably get a bunch of jaw dropping reactions from the crowd and fans at home, because seeing a large woman throw other females around with ease could be something to be amazed by at first, but Isis's wow factor would ware off after a while, because I'm sure a lot of people would grow tired of seeing the same thing over and over again.

Maybe Isis could be used as a bodyguard/enforcer for one of TNA's heel Knockouts. She definitely has the size, and I'm sure she could intimidate anybody. Still, Isis's allure and mystique would probably fizzle out pretty quickly. The allure of a female giant wouldn't last that long, because being a one woman wrecking crew isn't the best attraction for women's wrestling.
imo this gal should not be handles the way kong was, king just looked like a freakin savage. now I have no idea how this woman wrestles or whatever but from the looks of her...I think she should be handled the way chyna was back in the day....pre attititude era
I think this is a good move, she is completely unique and if used properly could be a bit hit in the KO division. With the size of her, she wont even need to take too many bumps, and if she is capable of delivering moves like a powerbomb or gorilla press then it will be spectacular to see

I think its good that she is getting an opportunity with TNA as WWE didnt treat her very fairly at all, so its nice that the other company is looking at her. Good luck to her, I am interested to see what she can do.
I dunno really, this could be interesting or it could be mind numbingly bad.

Aside from being exceptionally large, does she really bring anything to the table? The Knockout Division isn't a fraction of what it used to be in terms of just overall talent and relevance and there really aren't enough quality ladies on the roster that might be able to have passable matches. TNA already has one freakish member of the roster that's where he is based on looks alone and that's Rob Terry. Take away Terry's impressively freakish build and you're not left with a whole helluva lot of anything else.

To be fair, however, I haven't seen her do anything. I have no clue if she actually has any talent in the ring or not. On the surface, just going by first impressions and hunches, she comes across like a female version of The Great Khali. Khali is so big, slow & clumsy that he's actually a hindurance to himself and to just about anyone he wrestles against. Picturing Isis in the ring with the other Knockouts in the company, I see a woman that's probably about a foot taller and at least 100 pounds heavier than the largest woman currently on the TNA roster. As I said, just going by first impressions, I don't think much of anything good would come out of it if she was signed.
ugh, what a waste. the Knockouts don't need another freak, they already got rid of one of those. do guys really want to see some freak show? #thatsahugebitch

if this is the woman who wrestled in the dark match at last nights tapings, don't expect her to be hired. the spoilers listed Madison vs unknown. from what I read this girl was not good at all. I read things like.. falling down, tripping and going face first into the bottom turnbuckle, having trouble keeping her pants up and her top half became undone, tried to hit the backflip move like Tara and it did not go right, fans were laughing at her throughout the match.

if that was her, I'd say she's done.
if this is the woman who wrestled in the dark match at last nights tapings, don't expect her to be hired. the spoilers listed Madison vs unknown. from what I read this girl was not good at all. I read things like.. falling down, tripping and going face first into the bottom turnbuckle, having trouble keeping her pants up and her top half became undone, tried to hit the backflip move like Tara and it did not go right, fans were laughing at her throughout the match.

if that was her, I'd say she's done.

No, the woman who tired out last night wasn't Isis. She was a normal sized woman. Isis the Amazon's tryout match is at tonight's impact taping.

I wonder who they will put her with for her tryout match? I would personally put her up against probably Sarita.
Shell be like rosie lotta love have a few matches where she looks powerful but the fans wont really react so theyll pull her back a little eventually putting her on reaction, then shell be released, i just cant see a woman that massive with relatively not much skill in the ring becoming something, maybe in a few yrs after more training she will be ready, but right now i just dont see it, although, shes just getting a tryout that doesnt really mean that shell even be hired
ugh, what a waste. the Knockouts don't need another freak, they already got rid of one of those. do guys really want to see some freak show? #thatsahugebitch

Like SpecialFNK, I don't want to see her in TNA. Women wrestlers should first and foremost be atractive IMO. Personality, wrestling ability, and mic skills all become secondary for me. (for women wrestlers only).

But thats just two fans opinions. For all I know Isis could be a huge attraction to general viewers. I mean if someone wasn't a wrestling fan, and was flicking through the channels, and came across a six foot nine woman. Well they would probably stop in their tracks before changing again.

So personally, I don't want to see her in TNA, but she could attract some viewers. And it's not like I'm going to stop watching TNA if she signs.
Not a fan of having her in TNA for a long time. Sign her, use her for a few matches like Rosey Lottalove and then scrap her. At least she's all .. tall and shit.
imo this gal should not be handles the way kong was, king just looked like a freakin savage. now I have no idea how this woman wrestles or whatever but from the looks of her...I think she should be handled the way chyna was back in the day....pre attititude era

You know i was just thinking the same thing. TNA could use her as a bodyguard type like Chyna was used in WWE with HHH/ Degeneration-X. They could introduce her in Immortal as a bodyguard (i know its a far fetch idea) but why not have a female member in the group to have the Knockouts title. Remember Bischoff said "Titles = Power", so i guess this could work:shrug:
I think she could be paired with kendrick, for his eventual heel turn. He can win match after match, thinking he is doing it on his own, but she is cheating for him. He refuses to believe it. "my transcendent angel is pure!" he'll say to those who seek to educate him.

Eventually, he realizes that she is cheating for him, they lead us to think he's dumping her, but it is a swerve. He likes winning, and she has shown him the way...

I also like the idea of a mixed tag where she just swings him around like a weapon.

This stuff would write itself. Which means that neither Russo nor bischoff will have to. That cannot be a bad thing.
I think she could be paired with kendrick, for his eventual heel turn. He can win match after match, thinking he is doing it on his own, but she is cheating for him. He refuses to believe it. "my transcendent angel is pure!" he'll say to those who seek to educate him.

Eventually, he realizes that she is cheating for him, they lead us to think he's dumping her, but it is a swerve. He likes winning, and she has shown him the way...

I also like the idea of a mixed tag where she just swings him around like a weapon.

This stuff would write itself. Which means that neither Russo nor bischoff will have to. That cannot be a bad thing.

Haha I would definitely like to see this girl using Kendrick as a weapon, that would certainly be an image to remember.

I quite like the idea of introducing her as a female bodyguard, either in Immortal or for a smaller heel wrestler like Kendrick. We havent really had a female bodyguard since Chyna, or Asya in WCW so it would be something fresh, and no female bodyguard has been this size of this woman before.

Even though she is green, TNA have a good opportunity to do something unique with this girl, she is something totally new in wrestling and I am interested to see where they go with her, if they indeed sign her.
At least she will get a chance to prove herself here. I don't know how awkward it will be to see her in the ring or if she has any skills, but it will be interesting to see how she is used. I don't know how any of the knockouts can stand up to her though. At least it will be more interesting to see then the usual Mickie James and Beautiful People match.

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