Is WWE holding Shane and Stephanie back?

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Just call on me brother
Are we under a mistaken assumption that Stephanie and Shane want to take over WWE? Dwayne Johnson and Linda McMahon took their careers beyond WWE. One of them is Hollywood's biggest actor, the other is a presidential cabinet member. Could Shane and Stephanie have bigger aspirations than wrestling? The sale of WWE would free up Shane and Stephanie for public service, philanthropy, and new business ventures. Do you think Stephanie and Shane want that?
I would say no.

Shane already left the WWE in 2009 and was quite the success with his CEO position of You On Demand, the first of it's kind in China. Then he came back last year. He's proved he can make it on his own. As for Stephanie, she doesn't seem like the type to give up her position in the WWE. She's got her hands all over everything business related and she's too much like her father to just leave and try something else. Neither one are being held back. WWE is a massive entity and seeing as how the company is worth 1.4 billion dollars, I would say they're happy where they are in life.
I very much doubt it.

Shane already stepped away from WWE and was gone for the better part of a decade, due in no small part to the fact that it looked like Stephanie and Triple H were edging him out of the business. As for Stephanie, I think she enjoys being one of the top big wigs to leave WWE; when her father steps down or passes away, her influence within the company will be even more than it already is and I simply don't see her moving away from that.

When it comes to the creative elements of the business, AKA the actual wrestling, storylines, etc. then I think Shane has more to offer than Stephanie. Stephanie's been head of WWE's creative team, though I say "head" as a misnomer since Vince is the only true head of...well anything and everything when you get right down to it, and people said for years that she's as much of a pain in the ass to work with as her father. Shane is someone who's said to have a genuinely different attitude, more along the lines of Triple H in that he's someone who actually listens to the wrestlers and puts a LOT of stock in what they say and their thoughts on something. Stephanie is someone who fits more on the corporate side of things like getting out there and hyping the WWE brand, working with the company's various corporate partnerships like Make A Wish & Susan G. Konnen. Shane, while I'm certain he can do that himself considering the position he held prior to coming back to WWE, strikes me as someone that's more comfortable with the wrestling element of the product, the actual driving force that makes everything else WWE does possible.
Seems like they're both happy where they're at now.

I'm not a fan of Stephanie's on-screen character, but she does seem to legitimately enjoy what she does outside the ring. I've read stories about people meeting her and her being very nice.

As for Shane, I don't think he would have came back if he wasn't happy being in WWE.
No i don't think so. Stephanie i think always wanted to follow in her dad's footstep and really want to continue running the company after Vince pass on and Shane he's just happy being a performer on smackdown while doing his own thing outside of it so i don't think that WWE is holding either of them back.
No they both seem to be happy where they are. As others have mentioned, Shane has left before to pursue his own ventures so he has no problem making it outside. But even if Vince sells, I doubt the McMahon don't still play a part in the business.
They're exactly where they would have hoped to be in life at their respective ages, bearing in mind their father is still alive and active. Neither was ever "getting the company" once they went public, as the shareholders will always have a say and Vince isn't gving up control until he is dead...

Shane admitted that he was frustrated and went off on his own, but also had a need to prove himself - which he did. he took the money he had from his first WWE run/cashing out and made it more... then came back on his terms. He is only talent right now, but it's crazy to assume that Trips and Steph wouldn't want him just as involved as they are once Vince goes... for one thing, Shane has the fans... he is the one McMahon who is universally respected... the boys like him cos he does what they do and puts on great matches, he cares about the product. He is respected within the WWE itself for pioneering a lot of what they do today online when he had the website and Byte This etc... The fans like him because he is not outwardly in it for power or gain, he came back cos he loves it...he wrestles cos he loves it and the fans love him for that.

Shane is respected outside the WWE because he built a business in difficult circumstances, getting into China wasn't easy, much less being a success there enough to come home "better off".

To Wall Street he is a lesser version of Vince and the guy they would want "at the helm" once he goes, both Hunter and Steph have the problem of being too closely linked with heel characters and being "bad bosses". Perception is everyhing and it's always VERY jarring the way Steph almost has to go out of her way to say "it's a character I play" whenever she is interviewed outside WWE.

Most importantly, I think Shane now has Vince's total respect... his contacts brought a very big opportunity to WWE with China and it's inconceivable that those people would do business with anyone else but Shane. He also came back and "stepped up" for Vince in the ring when Mania was looking a little lacklustre, is instinct that Shane could draw against Taker was proven right. Also remember Vince himself had to "go rogue" on his father somewhat, buying the company from him, not missing payments but not telling him of his true plans. Shane didn't buy the WWE, but he bought another company and now WWE is stronger for it... Vince hasn't bought many successful companies outside of wrestling, but Shane has.

As for Steph, she is EXACTLY where she wants to be, she has power, is able to be an influential businesswoman and a mom at the same time. She has what appears to be a solid marriage based on respect and over time has grown from "hot but annoying harpy" to at times pretty compelling performer.

When the time comes, it'll break down that Shane will be the President/CEO and Steph will take Linda's role. Shane probably won't run TV to the same level Vince does as that will be Hunter's domain, but the top level discussions and for Wall Street purposes, the siblings will be a team. However, I can still see Vince throwing a spanner in there somehow, perhaps naming Kevin Dunn or someone to the board to "keep his view in the mix".

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