Is WWE Hinting at a Jeff Hardy Return?


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I've just read two articles on,regarding CM Punk,one about his Extreme Rules Success & the other about "Punk's Dark Past".

In the Extreme Rules article regarding Punk,they mentioned Hardy's name a lot & they had no problem writing a TNA name like Jeff Hardy on a WWE Article,which was a tiny hint at a Jeff Hardy WWE Return for 2013,because they don't like to include any TNA Full-Timers like Hardy,RVD,& Anderson that left their company,but they did with Hardy

In the "Punk's Dark Past" article,they would be showcasing karma as the point of the article,as if Punk had something coming to him,we would think the karma would be Jericho,but I honestly don't think Jericho will win at Extreme Rules. One of the events in the article,regarding Punk's "karma" is catching up to him,was Punk mocking Jeff Hardy the week after he was "fired" from WWE due to a Steel Cage loss on August 28,2009

I don't think Jericho will take the title from Punk,if anyone will it will be Kane,but if it isn't,than can it be Jeff Hardy? Will Punk have a year-long reign?

According to Matt Hardy's Youtube Channel,Jeff Hardy's contract with TNA expires January 2013,the perfect timing for Vince to pick up an extremely over babyface who made his company alot of money & who is in the best shape he's ever been & clear-headed as he's ever been.

I don't think Austin Vs Punk will take place at Wrestlemania 29,because Brock Vs Rock is going to be the Main-Event & they're not going to have two of those huge hyped up matches on the same card,they'll save Punk Vs Austin for WM 30,so will Punk & Hardy have their long awaited re-match at Wrestlemania 29 in New York?

We all want to see it,Jeff Hardy has been doing phenomenal in TNA,CM Punk has been doing excellent in WWE,so maybe they both feud as faces over the WWE Championship OR the World Heavyweight Championship,depending on what happens at the draft this year,I personally would love to see this,because there is legitimate beef between the two & that would make the feud & match 100 times better. I honestly see Jeff Hardy having one more run in WWE,the way he's been performing now,clear-headed & one of the best in his company.

What's your thoughts on this? Will we see Jeff Hardy come back to WWE to have his long awaited re-match,with CM Punk? If so,will it take place at Wrestlemania 29?
They're probably using elements of Punk's fued with Hardy to incorporate it into his fued with Jericho nothing more, nothing less. Sort of a role reversal of sorts, Punk was being all high and mighty with Jeff, Jericho's being all high and mighty with Punk.

Jeff probably wouldn't want to go back, I'm fairly sure he hates the schedule, plus he's got a wife and kid and he probably doesn't want to be away from them six days a week
I think they was just mentioning his name, they wouldn't tease a name like hardy on an article on, they would work that into actual storylines, and I dont think hardys name has been mentioned in any of punks storylines has it?

where do you get, that wwe don't like mentioning TNA names? those guys are showcased all of the time, in DVDs.

to answer your question, I have no doubt in my mind that hardy will be back next year, the guy didn't get clean (apparently) for nothing.

if you recall last time he got clean it was for a wwe return.

No. The WWE has no use for Hardy right now. He's happy wrestling in TNA where he can be part-time and smoke some pot.
Jeff probably wouldn't want to go back, I'm fairly sure he hates the schedule, plus he's got a wife and kid and he probably doesn't want to be away from them six days a week

Of course, I don't know Jeff Hardy or what he thinks, but was the full schedule really what he had a problem with in WWE? I thought it was that the company was interfering with his personal lifestyle....i.e., having the nerve to forbid him from using drugs. He preferred to take a lower paying job with a lower profile wrestling organization because of it......and TNA wound up getting their heads handed to them because of their laissez faire policies.

Okay, Jeff may have learned his lesson about substance abuse. If he has, perhaps WWE would consider taking him back..... and since they pay more money, Jeff might want to return. If this is so, it's probably a good thing his TNA contract doesn't expire until January; it gives Vince McMahon time to see if Jeff really can stay clean.

Also, if the idea is to have Jeff come back as part of a package deal with Matt, the calendar would provide time to see if big brother is serious about straightening out, too.

On the one hand, this whole Jeff-Matt scenario might be totally unrealistic, and there might be no basis to it. After all, these guys have become so high-risk that it could be WWE wouldn't take them back for all the tea in China. On the other hand, though, can you imagine the fanfare WWE could make for a return of both of them at once?
Evan Bourne couldn't last 2 months without getting busted again for the same stupid thing. How long do you think Hardy would last?

Hardy has a track record of staying off drugs for awhile, only to slip back into old habits. WWE can't afford to have anything happen to him while he is under contract, plus they have enough guys to deal with pushing.

Hardy seems content with TNA...he'll stay there.
as much l love jeff hardy i dont think hes returning t0 wwe any
time soon MAYBE in 2013 because thats what MH said the contact will expire
I think it's Hardy that doesn't want to come back.

The WWE schedule is tougher, they are harder on their employees about drugs (so long as they don't depend on you to draw), and Hardy knows the WWE doesn't need him like TNA does.

The WWE never loved or even liked Jeff Hardy, as a person. They liked how much he drew, they liked that guys, girls, and kids all liked him, but they never really wanted him. He's not going to go back.
I dont think WWE will want anything to do with either of the Hardy brothers. They are just too untrustworthy. In the short term Jeff might create some interest, but there is always that risk of him going off the deep end. Its not worth the trouble. They don't need him or his brother. Also, doesn't CM Punk have legitimate beef with the Hardy's? It would never end well.

On a personnel note, I hope neither brother ever again set foot in the WWE. As a fan, I've washed my hands clean of them. They were once awesome (back in the tlc Hardy Boys days) but now they are just drug abusing jokes. It's a shame and a waste.
Personally, I don't see it happening for either Hardy. They've both become pretty unstable people to work with, and I think Vince is done with both of them. With the drug policy in WWE now more strict than ever (ask Evan Bourne), do you really think Vince will take a chance bringing in either Hardy, especially Jeff and his drug history? Not likely. I believe this is simply WWE using Hardy's past with Punk to further the CM Punk/Jericho angle for Extreme Rules. Nothing more.
WWE made Jeff Hardy so them mentioning him in an article I highly doubt is hinting at a comeback. Punk feuding with Hardy for personal reasons is the karma they showing with him and Jericho fued getting personal. Now if Jeff came back I damn sure wouldnt mind that as long as he is clean
I dont understand how you can say they dont like mentioning tna ship jumpers whenFLAIR WAS ON WWE TV IN THE HOF. And have you ever actually gone deeper in their website all i see are videos amd mentionings and pics of kurt,jeff,bishoff AND hogan so no there is NO return of jeff to wwe they are not idiots who waste money on no goods. hell they even got a big picture of sting on thier front page.
They mention the Ultimate Warrior a lot too but that doesn't lead me to believe a Warrior comeback is right around the corner. Truth is has a little more freedom to name drop. Familiar names draw interest in the website and if a name can be exploited whether they work for WWE or not they will do so.
I really gotta give Jeff Hardy credit he has stayed out of trouble and is clean. I think he will return to the WWE IMO. His contract expires next year so this will give vince enough time to see if jeff can stay clean. Plus Jeff has a new wife and kid and if goes back to the E he can make enough money for them for the rest of their lives.

Sure if he did return he be a mid-carder but not for long. He be quickly put into the main event scene and be quickly forgiven. I think Jeff's head is in a great place TNA has really helped him out and i think he is ready for a return to the WWE. Jeff i do see coming back Matt not so much. I think Matt is done with the business for now
This is a tough call. Vince is a guy that does like to take chances. Up until Hardy left, you can't deny that other than Cena, Hardy had the 2nd biggest following amongst the younger fans. If it weren't for Hardy's legal troubles and suspensions, Hardy would probably still be there. I was never a big fan of Hardy as far as his singles matches go. But I understand the draw he was to the younger crowd. I get it. Vince gets it too because like him or not, Hardy would come out to one of the biggest pops of the night from the live crowd. He wasn't great in the ring. But there was just something that was interesting about him. So if I had to guess if Hardy returns to the WWE... I would say yes he would... if Vince extends the offer based on how clean he stays in TNA. Even though Hardy doesn't love the schedule, a couple more years for that kind of money is tough to turn down.
Never say never. There were always 4 things I really wanted to see but thought they'd never happen in a million years. 1. Road Dogg returns, 2. Bret Returns and makes peace with HBK 3. Brock Lesnar returns and 4. Mr Perfect returns.

So when you look at it like that, there's probably a good chance Jeff Hardy fans will get to see him walk down a WWE ramp again sometime in the next year or so, if the deal is right and if he can stay clean. He's one of the most over guys of the last decade or more so you never know.
I really don't see Jeff Hardy coming back to WWE any time soon. Sure, they are incorporating Punks feud with Hardy into his current feud because its relevant with his current feud but its no more than that I'm sure.

Jeff Hardy got one of the best exits in WWE history. He was pushed to the moon only to quit when he was reaching that uber popular level with the fans, he was almost at a point he could rival John Cena in terms of popularity, then he decided to quit. Then right after he quit he got in major trouble with the law because of drugs.

WWE was apprehensive to hire Hardy back in the first place because of his drug problems and I would be very afraid to hire him back considering his track record. Sure, he's clean now but how long will that last before he falls through the cracks again? I want to believe Jeff has truly cleaned up his act but its gonna be years before I truly believe it. His current run in TNA isn't nearly enough for me to think that lifestyle is behind him, I just don't buy it.

WWE currently hired Lesnar back when he burned them worse than Hardy did true but there was a big difference. Since leaving WWE Lesnar proved how much money he could draw in the UFC. Lets look at the gate and buys of all his UFC fights:

1) Mir vs. Lesnar 1 (UFC 81) - $2,437,890 live gate (not main event) - 600,000 buys
2) Herring vs. Lesnar (UFC 87) - $2,252,000 (not main event) live gate - 625,000 buys
3) Couture vs. Lesnar (UFC 91) - $4,815,675 live gate - 1,010,000 buys
4) Mir vs. Lesnar 2 (UFC 100) - $5,128,490 live gate - 1,600,000 buys
5) Carwin vs. Lesnar (UFC 116) - $2,053,990 live gate - 1,160,000 buys
6) Velasquez vs. Lesnar (UFC 121) - $2,237,000 live gate - 1,050,000 buys
7) Overeem vs. Lesnar (UFC 141) - $3,100,000 live gate - 800,000 buys

So all fights he main evented with the exception of 1 did over a million buys and his second Mir fight had more buys than Wrestlemania 28, the highest grossing Wrestlemania EVER.

Hardy on the other hand hasn't proven he can make that kind of dough for the WWE so him burning the WWE is a lot more severe at this point and not worth it. Also with his drug issues the WWE probably considers him more of a liability as they are very stringent on their wellness policy these days. Until Hardy is clean for a number of years and can be a proven asset to the WWE I don't see them hiring him back. Lesnar is an asset, Hardy is not.
although hardy may make a return to wwe one day i fail how to see mentioning a TNA/former WWE star is indictive of a return. every DVD that comes out mentions someone. they show classic matches with some of em. they are shown all the time for many diff reasons. i think honsetly you are an idiot. im not saying that to be an ass im saying it cuz its a ******ed idea that by mentioning a name means anything. ill be at raw monday in detroit. ill be holding a sign that says my name lol. does that mean ill be the next WWE superstar? these threads are getting more and more stupid all the time.
He will return to the WWE if he stays sober. If somehow he manage to be drug-free, he will come back there and be inducted into the hall of fame. If he dies or quit wrestling because of his bad habits, he will be forgotten by the wwe
I think they are just using these stories to add to the Punk Jericho feud. I think if enough time passed and Jeff stayed sober they may bring him back for a last run. You have to remember Vince pushed Jeff to the moon and then Jeff left. It seems like Vince will bring anyone back these days no matter what they did, but Vince isn't going to take the chance of Jeff starting back on drugs again. I would like to see a clean Jeff have one last run in WWE, but we will have to see what happens.
I honestly don't think that Jeff Hardy will ever return to the WWE and it's not because the WWE would never want him, it's because Jeff doesn't want the WWE. He hated the schedule he had when he worked there and that was before he was married and had a child. Jeff, for all his faults, loves his wife very much and I have no doubt that he is very devoted to his child. He has said that they played a huge part in him making the decision to finally clean up his act and like Shawn Michaels, I think becoming a family man will help Jeff remain sober.

As much as I'd like to see Jeff in a WWE ring again, I can't see him being happy being on the road so much. I actually think having a full time WWE schedule would potentially cause him to relapse. I can see him one day maybe doing some short runs for the company like Jericho, but full time? That's highly unlikely.
I don't know that Jeff Hardy wants to even return to WWE. I mean, he's doing fine now that he's back in TNA and the schedule is very light, and Matt even said on his YouTube, Jeff will probably retire from wrestling because he needs back surgery. If Jeff Hardy were to EVER return. It wouldn't be full time. But, that's my opinion.
Hardy has a track record of staying off drugs for awhile, only to slip back into old habits. WWE can't afford to have anything happen to him while he is under contract, plus they have enough guys to deal with pushing.

thats just not true, he was clean while he was in wwe...TNA's welness policy is non existant so he can fall into a deep end their without any consequences such as a suspension, he was clean during his entire wwe run last time.
Nope. I have heard Hardy likes it better in TNA

But I don't see why Vince would want to bring Hardy back. Why? So he can screw up on the big stage once again?

Jeff Hardy is a lost cause to the WWE
jeff didn't screw up on the big stage, he left before it got that bad, name me one time where he screwed up on the "big stage" jeff and matt ( if hes clean ) is welcome back to the wwe anytime they want to go back. (the hardyboys is a house hold name) and wwe will cash in on that anytime they feel need, especially if there ready for returns.

people seem to think that wwe has bitter feelings towards wrestlers that go to tna, and that is definitely not the case.

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