Is Vickie Guerrero damaging the family name?


The Next One
I actually wanted to post this a couple months ago, but I wanted to discuss the character of Vickie Guerrero, the widow of a great man, and the family name of a great family.

Now I've heard about Vickie cutting ties with the Guerreros but do you guys think this is too much? In character, she has married the heel of all heels, and now sleeps with a giant. She has basically made a fool of herself on national television with her many many spills on TV..Now I know most people are gonna say "its wrestling, deal with it" but I ask myself, Would Eddie be turning in his grave right now? Has Vickie tarnished the Guerrero name? I'm having a hard time expressing my opinion so please bare with me, but does anyone feel the same?
well, Vince did say that vickie wouldnt have to worry about money, but you and everyone knows that that he was going to give her all that cash for free.

is she tarnishing the Guerrero name? no. i dont think she's cut ties with the guerrero family, if so, i dont think chavo would be involved in the storylines. and i'm sure her character is different of who she really is. she's providing for her family now that eddie isnt here to do that.

i dont think eddie would disapprove, she's doing what she has to do in order to give her kids the life they are used to.
No. When Eddie was a heel, he would have wished he was half the heel Vickie is now. Vickie has put even more legacy on the Guerrero name. Eddie was a good tweener and a good face, Vickie is an unbelievable heel. The family name has shown it can embrace all sides of the wrestling industry. The only one damaging the name is that failure of a wrestler who nobody gives a crap about, Chavo.
No. Eddie was always for doing whatever was best for the business. Ever since this angle with Edge started about a year and a half ago, she has gained more heat than almost any heel in the business. She doesn't have to screw her way to victory, yell about how pathetic the fans are, or beat the top faces and legends to death. All she had to do is associate herself with Edge, or any heel that is not Eddy, and the fans were all over her. That's what was best for business, and thats what Eddy would have wanted. He would have been proud of her.
Are you kidding me? Eddie is probably giving his wife a standing ovation in heaven right now. She is one, if not the BIGGEST HEEL IN THE WWE. Think about it this way, if any of the major heels came out and cut a heel that would be insulting to Vickie or came out and attacked her, who it make them look like a villain and her an innocent victim, or would they seem like the hero coming to shut her mouth up? I think the latter applies for almost everyone, except maybe Edge. Anyone who associates themselves with her instantly becomes hated, and nobody can get quite the reaction from the crowd she does by saying two words, "excuse me!". Eddie would be mad proud of her if he saw how great she is at getting heel heat.
No she is not a damaging the Guerrero name . The reason cause its a character she is not spitting on the name or saying anything bad about any gurrero she is just being the awsome women heel better then trish and lita and stephanie to be honest.
I used to think she was. I was always complaining about how she is disrespecting Eddie by going out there and kissing Edge. But then somebody on here made a comment about how people in real life go on and and sometimes re-marry. This really made me change my view on this situation. Vickie is doing what a lot of people do in real life. Are those people seen as "damaging the family name"?. As far as I know, the answer is no. Just because she re-married doesn't mean that she is disrepecting anybody. Eddie would probably be proud at how great of a heel she has become.

The only way I believe Vickie can damage the Guerrero name is by going out and publicly criticizing Eddie, Chavo, and the wrestling business in general.
I may be one of the only who thinks this but I think Eddie would be proud. I mean Eddie of all people would know what it takes to survive in the business. I mean some of the storyline he himself had to be involved in where not the best. Even Chavo got stuck with a bad gimmick or 2 in his time.
I don't believe Vickie Guerrero gets the right kind of 'heat', or is getting the right kind of heel reactions from the crowd, but even so.. I don't think she's tarnishing the Guerrero name. I may not approve personally of being involved in storylines as she has from my own standpoint but its wrestling, its not real, and there doesn't seem to be any backlash from her family or the Guerrero family. If she was being used in a way that was actually referring to Eddie and disgracing him directly then I could see people claiming she's tarnishing his family's name and be against what she's doing, but the storylines she's been involved with haven't even focused on the fact she's Eddie's widow, or been using his name persay, she's just been a character whose doing all of those things that happens to have the Guerrero last name and the focus is always on the storyline aspects themselves.. Vickie/Edge, Vickie/Big Show.
NO NO NO NEVER!!! If anything she is minting the Legacy of the Guerrero name as the weeks go on. When I saw her start to be on TV I wondered how well she would do considering she wasnt really in the industry and didnt know if she had acting skills or not but assumed she probably didnt. Now considering the speed these days in which characters get stale and how hard it is for shitty actors (wrestlers) to get the fans to cheer or boo them, id say she has done the best work of any Guererro out there ever. She doesnt have to insult the city she's in or be anti american for cheap heat. She just has to be a bitch at a loud volume and the rest takes care of itself, and I dont think a character has been booed as loudly as her since Vince McMahon back in the 90's, not Steph, not HHH, not JBL... no one. (Exception- Shawn Micheals Montreal 2005, but that was only one week.) She took what was the back end of her dead husbands contract and has turned it into having a job for as long as she likes for lots and lots of money.
Vickie is playing a character, just as eddie played many differnt characters, face and heel. must i even note chavo and his horse on a stick pepe? when vickie come out, you can barely hear her because everyone in the crowd is boo-ing her. jbl cant even get hate like that. the storyline with vickie over the last year or so has entertained me greatly. just wait till she goes face lol...:fuckoff:
and i guarantee ever since the cruiser weight belt was retired (thanks Hornswoggle) that chavo is damn proud to push her wheelchair around.

I don't think people give Vickie enough credit. People forget that she is just playing a character. She is in no way damaging the family name. Eddie loved the business and he would have done anything to entertain the fans. That's exactly what Vickie is doing. You can't deny that Edge and Vickie has been the only thing keeping Smackdown alive during the past year or so. Plus, just think how much confidence it takes to go out and stand in front of a crowd that is booing the hell out of you, most of which is legitimate heat. What about all the embarrassing storylines she is in? Making out with Edge and Big Show, constant fat jokes, and the "nude" pictures. She is just doing this to entertain us. She still has to provide for her and Eddie's children and what better than doing it in the business that Eddie loved?
I agree Eddie is heaven loving everything Vicki is doing and so are the rest of his family
Shes one of the most charismatic on screen females in WWE history. I believe Eddie would be proud of his wife for what she has accomplished. She entered the WWE as a green talent and has evolved into a WWE star.
Honestly the only wrestling wives that end up damaging the family name, are the ones that go out and criticize and try to tarnish the business that put food on their table and a roof over there head. Their husbands go out and put their hearts into it and yes tragic things happen but how does it make the family look when one second they were all for the business but now hate it. I honestly think Vickie is the one wrestling widow that actually thanks the business and still works for it instead of trashing it. I think that makes Eddie proud that she isnt trying to drag his name through mud to sue the WWE like other Wrestling wives have done in the past (and no im not just talking about martha hart)
what Vicky is doing is great well some parts are gay like saying Edge is the love of my life... making Eddie her? but the rest is good her work for wwe is very good she is trully the most hated heel in wwe.

+ like zeedeevel said she is a wife who isnt blaiming wwe for the death of her husband, but infect using what Eddie did to provide for her family
I fall in line with just about everybody on the thread so far. Eddie Guerrrero, as you can maybe tell by the pic on the left side of my name, is probably my favorite wrestler ever (maybe still second to Ultimo Dragon, not sure). At first, i was wondering what the aitch she was doing on tv after Eddie's death, but what is going on right now is perfect, and I'm sure Eddie is getting the thrill of a lifetime watching his wife get booed out of buildings across America. The funny thing is, she doesn't even have to say anything (besides "excuse me") to draw heat.

The Edge association just makes it even better because, well, we all remember the Matt Hardy-Lita shit, and now Edge is with Eddie's wife? He's like the worst person in the world!! Honestly, though, I have a hard time seeing either Edge or Vickie ever being able to do a face turn at this point, but with heels like that, who needs faces?
you've gotta remember, the guerreros were huge heels. so i don't think she's tarnishing his name. She's getting just as many boos as he was back in the summer of '05 (best storyline to this day!) Plus she's providing for their 3 kids.
Vickie Guerrero isnt a so called "great heel." She just gets heat because everyone loved her husband and they think she's trashing his legacy. I was okay with Vickie at first, but now she's just ****ing out the Guerrero family name. You can say she's a great heel all you want. But I gurantee that she wouldnt be shit if she wasnt married to Eddie.
Tarnishing the family name!!??!! Are you serious? Vickie Guerrero is the biggest heel in the business right now! She gives a whole new meaning to the slogan "lie, cheat, steal". Her character is so good is almost sickening. I have only a few times in my 25 years as wrestling fan seen a single character get such a constant negative reaction from the crowd. She manages to create a tremendous amount of heat in every city she performs in. Vickie Guerrero is wrestling gold right now.
If her name was Vickie Smith would she be a huge heel?

The only reason she's getting insane heat is because she's Eddie's wife. Now she's making out with Edge and fucking Bigshow on national televison. She didnt want Eddie's work with Chyna included on his dvd because it would hurt his legacy. But then she turns right around and takes part in some of the most trashy storylines ever. That's called being a hypocrite. I really dont think that since Eddie was a christian man he'd approve of Vickie and Edge in bed together pressumably having sex. So yeah, Vickie is basically using her late husbands popularity to make a career. I dont really think it hurts Eddie's legacy but it makes Vickie look like trash.

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