Is Triple H on legendary status?

Is Triple H on legendary status?

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  • No

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CM Steel

A REAL American
Triple H: One of "The all-time greats" in the words of WWE chairman Vince McMahon, and Triple H's father-in-law. The guy has been in this industry for over 25 years. When Hunter entered the then-WWF in 1995 most people really didn't see nothing special about Triple H. But Hunter became a member of the infamous backstage group the kliq. Where he had friends who had some pull backstage and had his back through thick & thin. Over the years Triple H worked his way through the mid-card scene to the main event scene to becoming the WWF/E champion in '99.

But real-life played a big part in Hunter's wrestling career when he started dating Stephanie McMahon, Vince McMahon's daugther. They eventully got married and have three daugther's of their own. Triple H is a 13 time WWF/E world champion. 11 of those times was when Triple H was in a relationship or married to Stephanie McMahon. Triple H done everything a wrestler could do in a career! Marrying the bosses daugther was just a bonus. A big bonus, but a bonus none to less. And is now in a position with his wife Stephanie to become future owners of the McMahon family company: World Wrestling Entertainment.

No Triple H didn't bring in the big time money like how Hogan, Austin, Rock, and Goldberg did. But is Triple H on legendary status?
Hogan, Rock and Austin are the biggest names this industry has ever seen. You can probably add John Cena to this as well now. These are the money men and far beyond anyone else.

Triple H probably falls in a tier below that. His name does not really look out of place next to Undertaker, Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart. Triple H has had some great fueds, some amazing matches and has done alot for the industry. People will still be talking about him and remember him fondly in another 25 years.
If your talking one of the best careers in wrestling. I believe HHH has had one of the best if not the best.

King if the ring
Royal rumble winner
Leading 2 of the biggest stables in wwe(dx and evolution) and also been a part of the corporation which is another experience.
Tag champion
Multiple time world and wwe champion

Been the top heel in the company for many years. When under the McMahon Helmsley and when at evolution.

Reuniting dx with shawn michaels.

Becoming a powerful wwe board member.

For me he is a legend in the wrestling business. His career is one of a kind and there's not much he hasn't achieved.
Of course he is. HHH whether you like him or not he has had one of the greatest wrestling careers in the History of the business. He was the best heel for almost and entire decade, has like 6 WM main event matches, a ridiculous amount of title reigns, is on his way to running the whole company, had a legendary feud with Mick Foley imo, and also was the leader of TWO great stables.

This thread actually bothers me and im going to tell you why. Ive seen similar threads for guys like CM Punk, where everybody was saying he was a legend. Punk has only been in the main event for like 2 years and only had one REAL title reign, so after everything the game has done compared to Punk, why the hell do we even have to ask this about HHH. Nobodies career, except Cena, in the last 15 years even comes close to The Game's. HHH became a legend around the time of the Evolution angle IMO.

If HHH isnt a legend than neither is Randy Savage, Bret Hart, Kane, CM Punk, Jericho and many others. When labeling someone a legend or not, you also have to think about how this label will affect others labels. Because there is no way in hell that you can sit here and call a guy like CM Punk a legend than turn around and say HHH isnt a legend.
You can still b a legend without being as big of a legend as Hogan or Austin or whoever. When you look at Triple H's accomplishments, the feuds & matches he's had, moments that he's been part of and the general contributions he's made, it's ludicrous to think he isn't a legend. Triple H is a 13 time WWE & World Heavyweight Champion, 5 time Intercontinental Champion, 2 time European Champion, 3 time Tag Team Champion, 1997 King of the Ring, 2002 Royal Rumble winner, one of the founders of D-Generation X, was a major player during the Attitude Era and has been part of some of the most memorable matches, feuds and moments in WWE.

Now, I know that Triple H has die hard haters who only want to claim that he's accomplished what he has because he's been banging the boss' daughter, whom he's been married to legitimately for over 10 years, for the better part of he past 15 years. You also have people saying that John Cena can't wrestle despite all the mountains of evidence that clearly prove otherwise. It's a justification that they use for bashing guys they don't like who've made it to heights that maybe someone they liked much better wasn't able to make it to that level. It's easier than thinking that MAYBE their preferred guy just wasn't as good as they thought or couldn't draw a dime. Not saying that those fans weren't right sometimes, just not every time.
If Triple H is not a legend, then all the hate surrounding him seems pointless. I mean, isn't the reason for all of the outrage concerning Triple H vs the IWC being the fact that he always has to be involved and come out on top? If he didn't already have a storied career, multiple title reigns, and multiple successes, then there would be no reason for the hate. You don't have to be a pop culture icon to be a legend in professional wrestling. All you need is to be is an extremely famous or notorious person in a particular field. (according to a dictionary definition of the word "legend"). He's not extremely famous but he is famous and just look around here and you'll see that there's definitely a culture that believes he (as a businessman) has an unrespectable reputation. That would certainly warrant merit behind considering him to be a notorious man in the pro wrestling field. Also it's worth noting that his character was the most recurring main event heel prominently featured in the Attitude Era, Ruthless Aggression, and PG Era. So a bit of notoriety on two separate accounts.

Whether you like him or not, the fact that most people seem to have a strong opinion of him either way, is pretty much an indication that he is a legend.
HHH is a legend, period. If he retired tomorrow, he'd be in the Hall of Fame come WM time. It'd be ignorant to say otherwise. Hell, I admittedly am not a fan of his yet I can admit that. He's not Rock or Austin by any means, but his legend is made.
Hogan, Rock and Austin are the biggest names this industry has ever seen. You can probably add John Cena to this as well now. These are the money men and far beyond anyone else.

Triple H probably falls in a tier below that. His name does not really look out of place next to Undertaker, Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart. Triple H has had some great fueds, some amazing matches and has done alot for the industry. People will still be talking about him and remember him fondly in another 25 years.

your damn right im going to add Cena to the list, the list of being shoved down our throats every godamn week and them trying to convince good he has talent. cena is not even CLOSE to hogan austin or rock. he cant even get himself over as a face while the other three guys were getting cheered as heels.cena is the ultimite golden shovel he hasnt put ANYONe over clean for the last 7 years. he always has a excuse for when he does lose once in a while. Cena:you beat me fair daniel bryan (but look at my tricep everyone i have to have surgery i basically fought with one arm).i know everyone has opinions but the cena scenerio is more of wwe shoving him down everyones throats and when the commentaters start repeating a thousand times cenas the best and when cena is always in the main event scene even while not being champion (who closed out shows even when punk was champ,hint:not punk) then some sheep are going to follow.
Hogan, Rock and Austin are the biggest names this industry has ever seen. You can probably add John Cena to this as well now. These are the money men and far beyond anyone else.

Triple H probably falls in a tier below that. His name does not really look out of place next to Undertaker, Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart. Triple H has had some great fueds, some amazing matches and has done alot for the industry. People will still be talking about him and remember him fondly in another 25 years.

I would say I agree with this post. This "second" tier is by no means an insult, either. There are legitimate "all-time" greats in this tier.

I've never been HHH's biggest fan, but it's hard to deny his place (even if he was booking his own multiple championships) in history.

He likes to say he ruled the Attitude Era with an iron fist, but HHH didn't "rule" until Austin and Rock were gone. I thought Jericho's tweet about HHH never being the real face of the company either was pretty accurate.

BUT I will say this. All of his involvement with those top Attitude Era feuds was top notch and he added great elements into the storylines with DX, Rock, Austin, Angle, etc.

I would say HHH is a legend, for sure.
your damn right im going to add Cena to the list, the list of being shoved down our throats every godamn week and them trying to convince good he has talent. cena is not even CLOSE to hogan austin or rock. he cant even get himself over as a face while the other three guys were getting cheered as heels.cena is the ultimite golden shovel he hasnt put ANYONe over clean for the last 7 years. he always has a excuse for when he does lose once in a while. Cena:you beat me fair daniel bryan (but look at my tricep everyone i have to have surgery i basically fought with one arm).i know everyone has opinions but the cena scenerio is more of wwe shoving him down everyones throats and when the commentaters start repeating a thousand times cenas the best and when cena is always in the main event scene even while not being champion (who closed out shows even when punk was champ,hint:not punk) then some sheep are going to follow.

You do know that Hogan, Austin, and Rock all have main evented PPV's without holding the title, which is one of your points you used to bash Cena.
Cena is as close to Hogan, Rock, and Austin as you can get. Also Cena just put over both Orton and DB clean.

Can you even name someone that Austin put over when he was on top? Because I cant, I didnt do any research but as far as I can remember the only times Austin would lose is if like the entire corperation interfered and even then sometimes he would still win.

What about the Rock, can you name someone he put over? Im talking about before the whole leaving for Hollywood thing happened. Yes he put over Brock but at that point he was done with wrestling. Rock would never lose clean either.

The point I am trying to make is that the reasons you are bashing Cena are the typical ways a "face of the company" is booked.
Hmmm seeing as how my name is Pedigree_1 and with trips as my avatar hell yes he is a legend. A former King of the ring winner,IC title holder,European champion,13 time world champion,tag team champion,royal rumble winner. First to be awarded the WHC in 2002,and is extremely athletic in the ring. His style reminds me of a more aggressive Harley Race,and was trained by Killer Kowalski. Triple H regardless of what the haters say,would still be in the position he is in right now.

Hogan,Rock,SCSA,are indeed the biggest names in history. But Triple H is just a hair beneath them not bad as far as your place in history goes. He has led not one but two legendary groups ever in history DX,and evolution. HE always does what is best for business,is a future three time HOF,one as a performer,and the other two as the leader of the two other groups. When vinnie Mac retires,Trips will continue to make sure the business thrives leaps and bounds,beneath of what vinnie mac ever thought possible. That is how much i believe in him
Pedigree1 - You said that (and I quote - bad Michael Cole reference, sorry): "Hogan, Rock, SCSA are indeed the biggest names in history. But Triple H is just a hair beneath them not bad as far as your place in history goes." From the standpoint of in-ring psychology, in my opinion, HHH is a legend (thanks to the training of Killer Kowalski). But other than that, I do not feel he is on the same "legendary" level as the names you mentioned above. I especially think of WrestleMania moments, and other than his matches with Taker (who could make anyone in a WM match), I found many of HHH's matches to be boring (although I am a big fan of the indian deathlock). But given who he has buddied/snuggled up with through the years, I'm sure we will continue to get our fill of HHH. Like you, I do hope that he helps the business thrive.
People will bash me for the response. "NO" One word kills that status. Chyna!!!!! Every time HHH is in the ring he reminds me of that martial arts instructor in Napoleon Dynamite. I cannot take him serious. He has done alot, but will never have legendary status with me.
Just being honest here, I've never gotten his appeal. He's had moments where you couldn't help but mark out, for me those moments had nothing to do with his having a higher level of potential as an entertainer. When HHH came back from his quad tear, that was fucking amazing and the man deserved the pop he got. When HHH actually has to sell himself as a cleverly amusing person, as he so desperately wants to be recognized as, he fucks up every time from my perspective. To me he was Shawn Michaels' hype-man, not his creative equal.

Now that I got all that off my chest, I think that HHH should eventually be recognized as a WWE legend. For better or worse, he's been a prolific part of the show every time he's been on the show. You don't have to be the most entertaining person during the majority of your time, you just have to be memorable. You can hardly call yourself a fan of the WWE if you don't know who HHH is.

He's the definition of ring general. Few work as hard as he has trough the years. And IWC be damned to claim he doesn't deserve his spot. To claim otherwise makes one sound foolish.

And like I said the other day I'll take Race, Flair, & Taker word over somebody who doesn't work in WWE & believes everything they read on the internet any day.
A resounding YES.
HHH has been lMO,the BEST heel in the WWE in all my years of watching. The guy that people just love to hate. The fact that he has risen to such a status as a heel that he manages to get cheers when his Entrance song is played is testament to his greatness.
Personally, I have never been HHH's fan, and that my fellow forum members is testament to how good he has been as a heel character for so many years, whether it be as a Singles heel, a member of Evolution or as a member of the Authority.
triple h is definitely a legend. he is one of the best of all time. he gets alot of shit because hes married to stephanie mcmahan. he is a great entertainer and a decent wrestler. one of the best characters of all time. heel or babyface he gets it done. hes been in so many memorable storylines. totally a legend. i may be wrong on this but nah never mind im absolutely right. total legend
Triple H definitely is a legend, no doubt about it.

Sure he booked himself as champion, (who else was there?) his motives have been questionable at times, he has made a few shit movies and people give him ALOT of undeserved hate because he married Stephanie.

Look at his accomplishments,

8x WWE Champion
5x World Heavyweight Champion (1st ever)
5x Intercontinental Champion
2x Tag Team Champion - With Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels
2x European Champion
1997 King of the Ring
2002 Royal Rumble winner
Founding member of D-X and Evolution.
Headlined countless WrestleMania's
Show stealing performances with Matches against Shawn Michaels, Batista, The Undertaker, Steve Austin, Chris Benoit, The Rock and countless other.

He is by far one of the best ever. Hall of Famer no doubt, possibly even a double Hall of Famer, solo and with DX. Hell knowing WWE, they will make him the first ever Triple (H)all of Famer by adding Evolution.
Triple H isn't on the same level as "icons" like Hulk Hogan, The Rock or Stone Cold Steve Austin, but he is definitely just below them- probably on the same level as someone like Bret Hart and John Cena. I don't see how anyone could disagree that Hunter is a true legend of the business.

Triple H has been a constant on WWE TV for close to 20 years now and is one of the most decorated talents in the history of professional wrestling. He has done it all, and done it all well! Winning Royal Rumbles, KOTR, a vast array of title wins and leading 2 of the most dominant factions in WWE history in D-Generation X and Evolution. I understand that some people are negative towards Triple H because of his marrying into the McMahon family, but they forgot he had made it to the top and was Champion before he and Stephanie got together.

He has had great matches and rivalries with guys such as Mick Foley, The Rock, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold, Kurt Angle, Batista...the list is almost endless and he has put numerous guys over at WM, the grandest stage of them all. Matches like the HIAC and Street Fight with Foley will still be talked about years from now, they are all-time classics.

Triple H is one of the greatest heels I have ever seen in the WWE, I despised the McMahon-Helmsley regime when they controlled WWE around the turn of the century, but he is also capable of playing a great face character also- the sign of a top level talent. He has the physique, the look, the mic skills, the in-ring skills and the intensity. In my opinion, Triple H is a definite legend
Triple H is tarnishing his possible legendary legacy by on-screen not doing the right thing. I mean, how on earth can anybody suspend belief to think a part time pro wrestler could possibly beat a fully fit former legitimate UFC Heavyweight Champion?
Why does Triple H have to still be the face of the company and be involved in all of the top storyline arcs? For Triple H to be claased as a "legend", he needs to be viewed as putting the company first in my eyes, not going into business for himself when he has a live mic burying superstars, not acting like a teenager, not having to go over guys for his egos sake. This is just my opinion and dont really expect anybody to agree, but this is why its a forum, all people have varying views. Triple H is not a legend, nothing compared to Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, The Rock, Andre The Giant, Ric Flair.
Triple H is a legend. There's no doubt. Whether he had help or not is anybody's guess, but again, if he wasn't a marketable guy, he wouldn't be on top for so long. He has done and achieved almost everything a WWE star could only hope for. 13 time world champion, King of the Ring, former IC champion, tag team champion, leader of two of the most successful stables (DX and Evolution).

To the person above me, he never really retired from the ring. Your argument would've had more meat if HHH would've been completely out of place inside the ring, which is definitely not the case. He gets a lot of unwarranted hate for who he married. May be some of it is justified but I doubt anyone can reach the top without a bit of help. He might not be a Rock or SCSA but he is damn good at what he does and for that, he deserves the legend status.
your damn right im going to add Cena to the list, the list of being shoved down our throats every godamn week and them trying to convince good he has talent. cena is not even CLOSE to hogan austin or rock. he cant even get himself over as a face while the other three guys were getting cheered as heels.cena is the ultimite golden shovel he hasnt put ANYONe over clean for the last 7 years. he always has a excuse for when he does lose once in a while. Cena:you beat me fair daniel bryan (but look at my tricep everyone i have to have surgery i basically fought with one arm).i know everyone has opinions but the cena scenerio is more of wwe shoving him down everyones throats and when the commentaters start repeating a thousand times cenas the best and when cena is always in the main event scene even while not being champion (who closed out shows even when punk was champ,hint:not punk) then some sheep are going to follow.

You do realize it was Cena's heel character that got him over in the first place right?

On topic.
I think when it's all said and done Hunter is going to be remembered as being a key figure of his era.
I know a lot of us aren't fans of him but a lot of people are.
Is he going to be remembered in the same vein as The Rock or Stone Cold? Probably not.
He'll definitely be remembered on a level as a guy like Shawn Michaels though.
Barring something happening he has a lot of time left in the company where he'll be able to run things and that is really going to help solidify him even more. He's no doubt a Hall of Fame guy.

Legend is kind of a hard word to define. Not so much in a dictionary definition but more so in what we as fans consider to be a legend.
Some are a given like Hogan and Austin. I'd like to think the majority of us would consider them legends.

Then there's guys like Ric Flair who even though he never gained the same level of popularity as Hogan or Austin he is still a legend in the world of wrestling.

I think future generations will be able to look back on Hunter and see that he made a big impact. Even as a non fan of the guy I can't deny that he has been a fixture of the WWE during his tenure. I don't care that he married Stephanie. I really don't think that was a deciding factor in the casual viewer's mind of if they were going to cheer him or not. He still had to go out there and work.

So all in all on a certain scale yeah he'll probably be considered a legend one day. Maybe not right now but he's on his way to being considered a legend of the business. Just on a different level than some of the other guys to come out of his era.
Yeah, he is a legend. I just wonder why he couldn't become a mega star. He had the size and talent. I know he's appeared on popular TV shows like Jimmy Kimmel but why didn't Hollywood take a chance on him. I believe Batista is older than him and he's in one of the biggest movies coming out next year.
In my opinion Triple H is certainly a legend. The term legend is pretty difficult to define. Some think only Hogan is on legendary status but there are plenty of names I consider legendary and Triple H is definitely one of them. Austin, Rocky, Cena, HBK, Flair. Triple H is perhaps just below those names but there is no doubting in my mind.

In the ring: he could definitely perform. His matches with the likes of Austin, The Rock, Foley, Taker and HBK (with Benoit) stick out in my as some of the classics in the last 15 years. He could go in a classic wrestling match with guys like Shawn and Benoit but could be equally good in a match with Foley or Taker.

On the mic he was fantastic. His comedy stuff was great in DX and some of his work as a heel in Evolution was very good. He, at certain times, carried the company when some of the big names left and he that is overlooked.

Overall, HHH is a top class superstar. He might not have drawn the money like Hogan or The Rock but he definitely had the talent.

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