Is TNA worth getting into?


Whoo.. is this rooodyPOO?
I ask this as someone who's always been a big fan of WWE and WCW from late 97 up to the present. I never really got into TNA, though I remember channel surfing into it in its early days and I remember being impressed by the likes of AJ Styles. Nowadays when I come pass it on TV, I never see anyone wrestling, but always some corny in ring standoff or backstage shaky camera promo.
My question to the Wrestlezone Forum(ers) is... Is TNA worth getting in to if the only interest I have in it comes from you guys' threads and all the Jeff Hardy (who I was never a huge fan of) controversy?
Angle was my favorite in the WWE, but are he, Anderson, and the other ex-WWE superstars even shadows of the greatness they showed in WWE?
Are TNA veterans like AJ Styles, Abyss, and Samoa Joe still entertaining?
If I knew when to watch, I would turn just for Angle, and Mickie James/Tara... Is the Knockout Division the only thing TNA has over WWE?
How does TNA compare to WWE, as objectively as you can be, in terms of action, stories, and booking of talent?
I would describe TNA in a transitional period. The product is still evolving before our eyes and is still a work in progress. Some things have not jelled yet but for the most part I think they're coming together and that their are more positives than negatives. TNA for the past few years have cut down on the wrestling. They use their show for buildup to PPVs, mic work, building characters, etc. But when they decide to focus on wrestling, they do a pretty good job with inring action. I mean you seem to know some info on it already. You seem to know the talent and you don't seem as new or oblivious to it. Why don't you just check it out and be your own judge? There's tons of TNA footage all over the web and all over youtube. All this thread will do is influence you. Be the judge for your own self!
I would describe TNA in a transitional period. The product is still evolving before our eyes and is still a work in progress. Some things have not jelled yet but for the most part I think they're coming together and that their are more positives than negatives. TNA for the past few years have cut down on the wrestling. They use their show for buildup to PPVs, mic work, building characters, etc. But when they decide to focus on wrestling, they do a pretty good job with inring action. I mean you seem to know some info on it already. You seem to know the talent and you don't seem as new or oblivious to it. Why don't you just check it out and be your own judge? There's tons of TNA footage all over the web and all over youtube. All this thread will do is influence you. Be the judge for your own self!

Absolutely. Couldn't have said it better myself. A lot of fans let the internet and other people influence their opinion about TNA. All they hear is "TNA sucks", "Russo Sucks". People who never saw the product will think it's some big pile of shit, while it's not. Hell, I was convinced it blew when I was a WWE fan and I never saw it. Then I did and it was Mark City for me. It has flaws, but it's definitely worth checking out and giving it a chance.

See if you like it, see if you hate it, just ... see it before you draw any conclusions and leave the prejudice (if you have any) at the door. Trust me, you might find an alternative to the WWE.
People who say the knock out division is better than the divas are quite frankly delusional. Sure the divas dont get 15minutes a week, but do they need it? I rather see Nattie and Beth in the ring ANY DAY OF THE WEEK over a 10-15 minute backstage brawl between Mickie and Tara.

TNA is a OK product at best, some of it is fun to watch but when they try to squeeze 3 hours of programming into 2 it becomes messy and blurred. The good workers dont get the top spots and the people the crowd WANT TO SEE dont make the main events. Samoa Joe is lucky to get on impact.
Nowadays when I come pass it on TV, I never see anyone wrestling, but always some corny in ring standoff or backstage shaky camera promo.

Funny, I could say the same thing about the WWE. Only replace "backstage shaky camera promo" with "polished backstage segment featuring bad jokes and/or a lame celebrity cameo."

TNA has plenty of flaws, but right now is a great time to start watching. The last few months have had probably the best run of booking and character/storyline development in a couple years. All the titles changed hands last night so there's sure to be a very wide open and new feel to things come Thursday night. Some of the better talents who've been MIA like Angle and Desmond Wolfe are returning.

If you're a huge WWE fan, then you probably won't like TNA. Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't imagine anyone liking the WWE product and then also enjoying TNA's style. They're different in very fundamental ways. But if you're like me and would rather wrestling that's a little more like what you loved 10-15 years ago, then TNA is your spot.
I ask this as someone who's always been a big fan of WWE and WCW from late 97 up to the present. I never really got into TNA, though I remember channel surfing into it in its early days and I remember being impressed by the likes of AJ Styles. Nowadays when I come pass it on TV, I never see anyone wrestling, but always some corny in ring standoff or backstage shaky camera promo.
My question to the Wrestlezone Forum(ers) is... Is TNA worth getting in to if the only interest I have in it comes from you guys' threads and all the Jeff Hardy (who I was never a huge fan of) controversy?
Angle was my favorite in the WWE, but are he, Anderson, and the other ex-WWE superstars even shadows of the greatness they showed in WWE?
Are TNA veterans like AJ Styles, Abyss, and Samoa Joe still entertaining?
If I knew when to watch, I would turn just for Angle, and Mickie James/Tara... Is the Knockout Division the only thing TNA has over WWE?
How does TNA compare to WWE, as objectively as you can be, in terms of action, stories, and booking of talent?
I watched TNA from the moment it started coming on Spike TV. Didn't miss an episode. And it was head and shoulders above WWE then. Then Bound For Glory happened this year and Immortal was created. That's when I stopped watching. I'd tune in every so often, but honestly, all the camera time that Bischoff, Jarrett, and Hardy were taking up made me sick.

WWE is AMAZING right now. They have entertaining storylines, entertaining matches, and are very youth focused. Great stuff. TNA is a mess. That said, Anderson winning the title may have been enough for me to start watching again.

To answer your questions: Kurt Angle might be even better now than he was in WWE. His past matches in TNA certainly have. Mr. Anderson is well worth watching. He's amazing in everything he does.

The knockouts division is not the only thing better than WWE. The other thing TNA is better with than the WWE is the tag team division. No tag team the WWE can present is better than the Motor City Machine Guns, Beer Money, or Generation Me. They don't even come close.

As for Styles, Abyss, and Joe...Styles and Joe can certainly be far better than most WWE wrestlers. However, with the storylines they've been given lately, that really doesn't seem to matter.

As for me, I'm going to give Impact another shot this week only because Anderson won the title. I am not expecting to be won over. I'm expecting to be disappointed because that's what TNA does best. I'd do the same if I were you.
Funny, I could say the same thing about the WWE. Only replace "backstage shaky camera promo" with "polished backstage segment featuring bad jokes and/or a lame celebrity cameo."

TNA has plenty of flaws, but right now is a great time to start watching. The last few months have had probably the best run of booking and character/storyline development in a couple years. All the titles changed hands last night so there's sure to be a very wide open and new feel to things come Thursday night. Some of the better talents who've been MIA like Angle and Desmond Wolfe are returning.

If you're a huge WWE fan, then you probably won't like TNA. Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't imagine anyone liking the WWE product and then also enjoying TNA's style. They're different in very fundamental ways. But if you're like me and would rather wrestling that's a little more like what you loved 10-15 years ago, then TNA is your spot.

Exactly. TNA is the closest to what was going on in pro wrestling's hey-day than any company out there. Now, the company has flaws, a lot. Like someone said - it's a work in progress. It's basically a whole new company since January 4th.

TNA gives you a bit of everything in their programming, WWE doesn't.

What you'll love.

Comedy - OJ and Eric Young. Say what you want about Eric Young, but this guy is ten times funnier than the cookie-cutter, 5 years old humor that Santino and Kozlov deliver.

Wrestling - AJ styles, Kazarian, Beer Money, Motor City Machine Guns, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Jay Lethal(sometimes), Generation Me. There are guys to look forward to in the ring and you can expect a great match from them 99% of the time.

Entertaining promos - Mr.Anderson and Ric Flair own that department. Personally, I like what Bischoff's doing on the mic when he's not hogging it for ten hours. Bischoff's good at tiny portions.

Hardcore matches - Not a lot of that these days, but Abyss has some pretty disgusting matches and if Flair wrestles - expect a river of blood.

What you'll hate.

Bully Ray and DeVon - I gotta admit, their match at "Genesis" was better than i thought, they're both veterans and they showed it with the nice story they told in the match, and they're not bad in the ring. The thing is ... they're old now, they're WAY too late. If they were two young guys right now it'd be great. But they're not. I suppose you won't like this one, don't think anyone does.

At least 20 minutes of segments in the beginning of every iMPACT - Personally, I can enjoy this if the promos are good. They are, most of the time. Really subjective, a lot of people don't like them and would much rather have the show start with a match. I think it's a nice idea, but it's not executed well. Start the show with a segment to warm up the crowd for what will go down on that episode, that's nice, might keep fans watching. But don't drag it out.

The Commentary - I hate Taz and I hate Tenay. They're so erratic and so.. ugh. They kill it for me most of the time.

The iMPACT Zone crowd - Biggest idiots on the planet.
Personally, I like TNA, but, every time I really start following it, someone goes from Heel to Face, or Face to Hell, and screws everything up for me.

As far as the Knockouts, I see them as close to equal as WWE. I mean, they have the same people going for the belt, except in WWE, where they have Natalya feuding with Melina right now.

The one big thing TNA has over WWE is tag team wrestling, although, I am getting sick of seeing MCMG taking on either Beer Money, or Generation Me all the time, both leagues could obviously use some tag teams.

But, like I said before, I like TNA, its just hard as hell to follow sometimes.
Anyone remember the New Generation Era? When guys like Yokozuna and Lex Luger were on top in the WWF, while Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels and others like them were climbing up the ladder? The era between Hulkamania and Attitude? In other words, the transitional era?

I agree with LetEmKnow in that right now, TNA is a developing product. It's not the glory years of 2002-2006, nor the slump of 07-09. Since Hogan and co. have entered, we're seeing change, both subtle and not. Right now, TNA is developing and trying to find its own identity and thus, there's going to be mistakes, issues, things that won't please the fans or come across as well-executed as they do so.

But I say stick it out. Wait out the move into a finished product, and see what we get. The current champions are good people to be carrying the gold (with the exception of Abyss, in my partisan opinion), and the feuds built so far have been decent, if inconsistent at times.
TNA is good if you enjoy Tag Team Wrestling with likes of MCMG, Beer Money, Generation Me and Ink Ink, they have an exciting Division of talented wrestlers and high flyers.

Also with the likes of Angle, AJ, Williams and hopefully Wolfe you have some Grade A talent but it is often let down by bad storylines and bad creative decisions.

Lastly you've got the HH and EB focus which I just flat out dislike.
IMO, TNA is boring. The storylines are just unrealistic. The wrestling is decent but it's usually the story the gets people into watching a certain promotion. But I could see people picking TNA over WWE nowadays. Just have a look at four episodes and see what it's like for you.
NO WAY!!!! If you wanna see the most terribly put together wrestling show ever then you can tune into TNA. I used to actually watch it occasionally and it wasn't too bad but lately it has gone completely to shit. This Immortal and Fortune storyline are the worst I have seen in a long, long time. The announcers are also terrible. Mike Tenay needs to be re-assigned.

TNA does actually have a few good wrestlers but its the whole look of the show and the crappy stories that will give you a headache. I say stick to other shows on Spike like 1,000 Ways to die because TNA is god-awful.
Obviously, we can't tell you whether or not you're going to get into TNA if you start watching. I personally enjoy watching Impact, I've been watching every week since 2007. I enjoy having an alternative to the WWE, and the biggest plus-factor for me is the way TNA's promos are conducted.

It seems that the guys in TNA are basically given "bullet-points" to hit during their promos, as opposed to the way promos are given in the WWE (scripted word-for-word). It gives a bit more depth to the characters, and allows them to sound different from each the WWE, it seems to me that all the characters basically say the same things and sound very cookie-cutter. The TNA characters seem more organic to me.

I see a lot of hate for TNA on these forums, and I honestly think that the hate is unwarranted. TNA's product is about on par with WWE as far as I'm concerned (at least Raw, as I don't often watch Smackdown, Superstars, or NXT). Immortal does dominate a lot of the show, but I still feel that Impact is just as entertaining as anything WWE puts on TV. In fact, I find myself anticipating Thursday nights (to watch TNA) more so than I do to watch Raw.

The worst thing about TNA right now is that it's taped on a sound-stage, and they don't travel. Not being a live show, it's less predictable than Raw is. It's sad that Raw is the only live wrestling show on TV right now, it really is. Also -- since Impact is always held in Orlando on that tiny soundstage (and since the tickets are free), it's hard to gauge the fan reaction. If you're into the storylines and/or wrestling, it won't matter a whole hell of a lot though.

My advice would be to check out Impact this Thursday, and judge for yourself. If you're not busy at 9pm, you don't have anything to lose -- besides two hours of watching television. If you like it, you'll watch again next week. If not, you can come on the forums and talk about what you didn't like about it, and you never have to watch it again.

Like Rasha already mentioned; this week is a perfect time to start watching, since Genesis happened last night and all of the belts have changed hands. New storylines will pop up, and this week's Impact will hopefully set the tone for the rest of TNA's 2011. I hope you check it out on Thursday, and let us know your opinions.
The problem for TNA is that it's a rehab center for WWE rejects who worked past their prime or had personal issues that WWE didn't need to deal with. Case in point is the now former "World" Champion, Jeff Hardy. WWE gave him multiple opportunities to clean up his act and he refused. For goodness sakes the guy is a drug user and pusher and TNA had HIM as THEIR world champion. What does that say about the leadership (ahem) of the company? Not much!

Now you have HH, who is FAR beyond his best years, (though he's on the sidelines right now), hobbling out to the ring and trying to work angles that his body can't work anymore. Ric Flair, what is he now 63, embarrassing himself and his legacy by doing a squash to Jay Lethal, getting his clothes ripped off of him. Meanwhile, the fans think his going "woooooo" means anything today. It doesn't! He should have retired and if he wanted to stay in the business, should have accepted the offer to be an ambassador for WWE.

Eric Bischoff. Need I say more? Yes, I need. Same old schtick. NWO in new packaging. Now all but the world title is in the heel faction stable. Big shocker there! Yeah, they didn't give that away at all prior to the ppv. (rolls eyes)

Storylines: JJ doing a program against a world class athlete like Kurt Angle in a submission match? Yeah....that's believable! again, rolling eyes. Thank GOD they got JJ out of that. Oh yeah, and back to the night of the big swerve where JJ, after months of whining about how "he" built the company only to roll over and join the very faction who was trying to take over 'his' baby. Yep, again, believable right?

What of Sting? Perhaps one of the most popular names and faces in all of wrestling and I thought the angle with he, Nash, and JJ worked right up until the day AFTER the PPV. Then to have Nash and Sting walk away? For good? No explanation as to why? Now the WWE wants Sting for WM27 and their HOF? Why would Borden want anything to do with either organization? Yeah, let's go back to work for an organization that promotes bloody matches, has a drug pusher for their world champion, and apparently has no wellness program to take care of, or to keep up with what their workers are 'using.'

TNA is a poorly run company that will never be bigger than it is today. They don't have the funding, the talent, or the creativity to be any bigger.
Thanks for all the feedback. I will tune in Thursday to see what the deal is. I would like to catch up on Anderson and check out this Jeff Hardy "anti-Christ" angle everyone's buzzing about. Personally I'm looking forward to seeing Ezekiel Jackson debut on Smackdown. Just thought I'd throw that out there. I think they should put him in the US Title or tag team champ picture to see how he fairs with being the focus of a storyline. Wrong thread? Right... In any case, I can accuse TNA of being crap after I've witnessed a couple weeks worth of bad TV. On the other hand, if I like it I got something else to talk about. Either way I would like a better grasp of the good and bad of TNA, the only national cable TV alternative to the Evil Empire, the WWE. Like I read one TNA wrestler allegedly tweet, "its good to work for a company that gives holiday bonuses instead of working papers." If I quoted correctly. Thanks again guys? (Rep point?)
If you are a wrestling fan then yes. The PWI top rated wrestler AJ Styles works there. The Two best tag teams work there MCMG and Beer Money. The best women's wrestlers work there. TNA being successful is only good for the overall business. Keep the WWE on there toes. Also support ROH, and all forms of wrestling.
If you are a wrestling fan then yes. The PWI top rated wrestler AJ Styles works there.

Speaking of AJ Styles, when TNA debuted and I seen and heard of this guy being spectacular, I would think it's only a matter of time before he goes to WWE, similar to the way RVD was brought in having been the top guy in the other company to be the rising star in WWE. Guess I was wrong. Doesn't look like he's going anywhere.
QUOTE=MizterColemine;2736692]I ask this as someone who's always been a big fan of WWE and WCW from late 97 up to the present. I never really got into TNA, though I remember channel surfing into it in its early days and I remember being impressed by the likes of AJ Styles. Nowadays when I come pass it on TV, I never see anyone wrestling, but always some corny in ring standoff or backstage shaky camera promo.
My question to the Wrestlezone Forum(ers) is... Is TNA worth getting in to if the only interest I have in it comes from you guys' threads and all the Jeff Hardy (who I was never a huge fan of) controversy?
Angle was my favorite in the WWE, but are he, Anderson, and the other ex-WWE superstars even shadows of the greatness they showed in WWE?
Are TNA veterans like AJ Styles, Abyss, and Samoa Joe still entertaining?
If I knew when to watch, I would turn just for Angle, and Mickie James/Tara... Is the Knockout Division the only thing TNA has over WWE?
How does TNA compare to WWE, as objectively as you can be, in terms of action, stories, and booking of talent?[/QUOTE]

TNA is definitely worth getting in to, but if you are only going to watch to see what Jeff is up to, then don't waste your time. TNA has much more to offer than just Jeff Hardy.

Anderson seems to be better in TNA so far than he ever was in WWE. Kurt Angle is still at the top of his game and has provided many memorable moments---he still has a lot in the tank.

Really, the Knockout division isn't that great. For me, it was at the top when we saw competitors like Awesome Kong, Alyssa Flash, Hamada, Taylor Wilde, and Roxxy. I think Madison is doing a good job right now. But I am becoming a little bored with Angelina, Velvet, and Mickie.

You really can't compare TNA to WWE right now. They aren't on the same level at this point. But TNA offers some entertaining programming and future stars like Chris Sabin, Alex Shelly, Robert Roode, AJ Styles, Doug Williams, and Desmond Wolfe.

If you watch TNA, you will most likely become a fan... but that means you will be more aware of their misuse of talent, poor writing, often wasted potential. TNA has come a long way and it still has a long way to go before being able to seriously compete with the WWE.
I say TNA is worth getting into because their Tag division is much better than WWEs non-existant one. I mean you have mcmg beer money magnus/williams (until wolfe comes back) and gen me (hardyz 2.0) and to a lesser extent jordan/young.
Also if u want good cruiserweight action these days the X division is your ticket with guys like kaz, sabin , shelly, lethal kendrick you cant go wrong. Trust me TNA is the way to go
The problem for TNA is that it's a rehab center for WWE rejects who worked past their prime or had personal issues that WWE didn't need to deal with. Case in point is the now former "World" Champion, Jeff Hardy. WWE gave him multiple opportunities to clean up his act and he refused. For goodness sakes the guy is a drug user and pusher and TNA had HIM as THEIR world champion. What does that say about the leadership (ahem) of the company? Not much!

Now you have HH, who is FAR beyond his best years, (though he's on the sidelines right now), hobbling out to the ring and trying to work angles that his body can't work anymore. Ric Flair, what is he now 63, embarrassing himself and his legacy by doing a squash to Jay Lethal, getting his clothes ripped off of him. Meanwhile, the fans think his going "woooooo" means anything today. It doesn't! He should have retired and if he wanted to stay in the business, should have accepted the offer to be an ambassador for WWE.

Eric Bischoff. Need I say more? Yes, I need. Same old schtick. NWO in new packaging. Now all but the world title is in the heel faction stable. Big shocker there! Yeah, they didn't give that away at all prior to the ppv. (rolls eyes)

Storylines: JJ doing a program against a world class athlete like Kurt Angle in a submission match? Yeah....that's believable! again, rolling eyes. Thank GOD they got JJ out of that. Oh yeah, and back to the night of the big swerve where JJ, after months of whining about how "he" built the company only to roll over and join the very faction who was trying to take over 'his' baby. Yep, again, believable right?

What of Sting? Perhaps one of the most popular names and faces in all of wrestling and I thought the angle with he, Nash, and JJ worked right up until the day AFTER the PPV. Then to have Nash and Sting walk away? For good? No explanation as to why? Now the WWE wants Sting for WM27 and their HOF? Why would Borden want anything to do with either organization? Yeah, let's go back to work for an organization that promotes bloody matches, has a drug pusher for their world champion, and apparently has no wellness program to take care of, or to keep up with what their workers are 'using.'

TNA is a poorly run company that will never be bigger than it is today. They don't have the funding, the talent, or the creativity to be any bigger.

Somebody is mad Jeff Hardy is no longer part of their fictional little universe where the word wrestling is banned, the women are smart sexy and powerful, where god awful reality show has beens like the Miz can be the champion of Sports Entertainment.

Back to reality.. unless you bought drugs from Hardy, used drugs with hardy,refused drugs from hardy or he's convicted of a crime you sound real dumb calling him a drug dealing addict.

HH is there for brand awareness and not to entertain. Certainly got your attention so I guess it worked.

Flair- you wish you could be in half the shape Flair is in at 63. The man is a legend, he'll retire when he wants to, not when Vince writes him off his imaginary fairy tale.

EB - You are so are really dumb..for real. If he didnt do what he does he wouldn't be Bischoff would he? Also, Yes we expected Fortune to rack up, no you did not expect Hardy to wrestle last night and lose his title. Guess what though.. aside from the TV title the titles needed to switch hands to start new feuds, guns had em long enough and Lethal sux as a champ.

JJ - The double J double M A tournament was entertaining and it gave Jarrett plenty of good heat. If he took a bigger role in Immortal and was the center piece instead of Hardy you'd be bitching that he's main eventing and nobody wants to see him main eventing anymore. If he ran it instead of Hogan nobody would care. Its also very believeable that Jarrett is happy with anyone but Dixie running the company since he founded it, cant afford to buy it back and it was stolen from her..

Sting - Who fk'in cares. He should just retire, he hasn't done anything in 2 years worth remembering and has nothing long term to contribute to TNA with their current roster. He is a marqui name but he's done all he can in TNA for now.
Somebody is mad Jeff Hardy is no longer part of their fictional little universe where the word wrestling is banned, the women are smart sexy and powerful, where god awful reality show has beens like the Miz can be the champion of Sports Entertainment.

Back to reality.. unless you bought drugs from Hardy, used drugs with hardy,refused drugs from hardy or he's convicted of a crime you sound real dumb calling him a drug dealing addict.

HH is there for brand awareness and not to entertain. Certainly got your attention so I guess it worked.

Flair- you wish you could be in half the shape Flair is in at 63. The man is a legend, he'll retire when he wants to, not when Vince writes him off his imaginary fairy tale.

EB - You are so are really dumb..for real. If he didnt do what he does he wouldn't be Bischoff would he? Also, Yes we expected Fortune to rack up, no you did not expect Hardy to wrestle last night and lose his title. Guess what though.. aside from the TV title the titles needed to switch hands to start new feuds, guns had em long enough and Lethal sux as a champ.

JJ - The double J double M A tournament was entertaining and it gave Jarrett plenty of good heat. If he took a bigger role in Immortal and was the center piece instead of Hardy you'd be bitching that he's main eventing and nobody wants to see him main eventing anymore. If he ran it instead of Hogan nobody would care. Its also very believeable that Jarrett is happy with anyone but Dixie running the company since he founded it, cant afford to buy it back and it was stolen from her..

Sting - Who fk'in cares. He should just retire, he hasn't done anything in 2 years worth remembering and has nothing long term to contribute to TNA with their current roster. He is a marqui name but he's done all he can in TNA for now.

Actually I'm jealous of nothing. As it relates directly to Hardy. Are you aware of all the evidence they found IN HIS HOUSE???!!! Geez! The dude is an addict and anyone in denial of that FACT needs a wakeup call. He'll be lucky to see 40 at the pace he's doping!

Flair in shape? What kind of shape? Plum? Pear? The man is a train wreck! He spends more time fighting in traffic in Charlotte than he does actually WRESTLING. You know, that thing you seem so fond of!

As for WWE, who said I liked WWE any more than I do TNA? I think BOTH products are poorly produced these days. Vince was desperate to get his Wife elected to political office so he pandered and produced to gain popularity with the independents. It didn't work! Now what? He's billled it as reaching out to a new generation. What generation would that be? The one with a 2 minute attention span who'd rather watch The NFL and play Madden 2011 than to watch his show(s)?

As for Sting, who said I care? I said he's been one of the most popular names and faces in the business. That's a fact, like it or not! If he weren't, TNA wouldn't still have his name and face on their site even though he's allegedly no longer under contract with them. WWE wouldn't want him for WM27 and their HOF if he weren't. Think about that. The man has never wrestled on WWE programming, yet they STILL want him!!!

As for Jeff Jarrett. I think HE should retire. He should be working behind the scenes, training young wrestlers, as he has a wealth of knowledge he could share if he weren't so busy trying to keep himself relevant.

Hogan: Yes, brand and name recognition. Shows you just how desperate TNA was and is to this day. That they'd use a broken down, divorced, former steriod user who has a really WEIRD relationship with his daughter, and also a former reality show loser (like Miz), to be the face of their brand. Yep, way to hitch your wagon to that one Dixie! Nice move. Look, it got them their 15 minutes of fame, but that has passed. Time to move on. Write him off tv, let him work with Flair, Bischoff, and Jarrett backstage to produce a show with new stars, young stars. i.e. the next generation of superstar wrestlers. If they claim there aren't any, then how bad IS the wrestling business if all it has left is to rely on 20-25 year veterans who can't physically produce on tv anymore?

TNA is a bad product. Poorly produced, it LOOKS LIKE a small operation if you understand my meaning. The fact they've built their foundation on the people they have shows you how desperate they were to try to compete and why now, even Bischoff has commented that they'll NEVER get the ratings that WWE does. Even he gets it!
Somebody is mad Jeff Hardy is no longer part of their fictional little universe where the word wrestling is banned, the women are smart sexy and powerful, where god awful reality show has beens like the Miz can be the champion of Sports Entertainment.
Back to reality.. unless you bought drugs from Hardy, used drugs with hardy,refused drugs from hardy or he's convicted of a crime you sound real dumb calling him a drug dealing addict.
Or, you could just follow the court case, which there wouldn't be one if he wasn't, find out his lawyer got him a deal no other person in his situation would have been able to even think about getting, realize that he's still going to get charged but stay away from jail (which is probably a good thing, somebody'd made him their bitch for sure), and use utter common sense to know that he is exactly what people brand him for.
So you razz the guy for being a WWE mark while you suck Hardy's nuts? Doesn't make a good argument, no matter how well you are at ball sucking. And quit being so blind and/or stupid. Quit living in denial. You're probably the type of person to still deny pro wrestlers have used/still use steroids. Get your head back into the sunlight.

HH is there for brand awareness and not to entertain. Certainly got your attention so I guess it worked.
Technically, it would be both, since he's still in the middle of storylines (the top one, I may add) and has come to the ring brandishing a chair, punching people, etc. etc. If it was just for brand awareness he'd be at the announce booth or sitting in the crowd w/Dixie and maybe doing a speech here or there.
Sounding more and more like a TNA mark calling out a WWE mark. Now what's that definition of irony again....??

Flair- you wish you could be in half the shape Flair is in at 63. The man is a legend, he'll retire when he wants to, not when Vince writes him off his imaginary fairy tale.
Actually agree on this one. He's more mobile than Terry Funk was at this point in the game, that's for sure. He's in good shape and doing what he loves, and as long as he doesn't go overboard it's fine w/me. But instead of giving a rebuttal, you had to do the nice little jab at the end. Cute.

EB - You are so are really dumb..for real. If he didnt do what he does he wouldn't be Bischoff would he? Also, Yes we expected Fortune to rack up, no you did not expect Hardy to wrestle last night and lose his title. Guess what though.. aside from the TV title the titles needed to switch hands to start new feuds, guns had em long enough and Lethal sux as a champ.
Now here's when the mark comes right out of you and shows itself for what it is. Defending Bischoff? Really? REALLY?? (Hah. Had to do a Miz there...) To deny TNA has the feel of WCW in the latter years is really hard to do unless your name is Stevie Wonder. Good Lord, man, the guy along w/his two pals (you know who they are) are turning TNA into WCW V2.0 and you just continue to drink the kool-aid. Yes, I watch TNA, and still do (even though I continuously do more and more other things to pass the time even when it's on the tv...) And I do like some of the talent that is there, which is why I still tune in. But to think not getting rid of the terrible trio and going a totally fresh way creatively is a great idea is just foolishness at its highest. Nothing will change when they have free reign. Hell, Bischoff was better in WWE when he had limits. Take the limits off of EB and let him get led around by his bf HH and their boy toy VR and you can just smell the disaster before the contracts are signed....

JJ - The double J double M A tournament was entertaining and it gave Jarrett plenty of good heat. If he took a bigger role in Immortal and was the center piece instead of Hardy you'd be bitching that he's main eventing and nobody wants to see him main eventing anymore. If he ran it instead of Hogan nobody would care. Its also very believeable that Jarrett is happy with anyone but Dixie running the company since he founded it, cant afford to buy it back and it was stolen from her..
Jarrett's a massive tool and this gimmick sucked monkey sac. In fact, any gimmick with Jarrett sucks said sac. It gave him heat from the same crowd that's always there and is probably prompted like WCW. Ok. The only reason he got massive heat is the same reason he always gets heat, and that's because people legitimately hate the douchebag and want them out of the ring/off of their tv. And yeah, nobody would want him MEing anymore. That would definitely be a reason to bitch because he sucks. Don't give TNA any ideas.

Sting - Who fk'in cares. He should just retire, he hasn't done anything in 2 years worth remembering and has nothing long term to contribute to TNA with their current roster. He is a marqui name but he's done all he can in TNA for now.
Yet you sing the praises of Hardy (hasn't done anything worth remembering for longer than that, and with less of an iconic career), HH (Hulk Hobble), and JJ (who hasn't done anything worth remembering... EVER.) and even Flair who's 5 times older than Sting. :lmao::lmao::lmao: Seriously, I wanted to say so many things about this one, but all I can do is laugh and shake my head.

Here's my answer to the topic. I've watched TNA for a while now (not as long as some, but longer than others) and have noticed a trend. It has gotten worse. My reasoning? I used to be excited to watch it, even though it had its faults, and still loved seeing certain people. Seeing certain talents is what still keeps me tuning in, but I'm actually enjoying less of the product as a whole. I used to sit and watch, but now I will do other things while it's on, paying attention only on certain things, and those things are becoming less and less. The knockouts fighting backstage is old and the same thing over and over. Something different needs to be done. It could be done in a more limited capacity and be more relevant.
Certain people getting more time than others is a problem too. I mean, you can have some of these people have air time, just don't over-saturate the show with them.

They need to keep the format of a short intro bit and go into a match. That usually keeps my attention at the beginning more than a long winded, couple commercial break spanning, chatfest. I've thought that the beginning of Impact has been great a few times, dwindling down in the 2nd hour, but there's no consistency. It's almost like they don't know what works better, even though they've tried all of their ideas and could simply polish it from there.

That being said, before Reaction was removed, there were things that were shown during Impact that could have been saved for Reaction. I actually sat watching Impact before thinking "Damn, isn't that what Reaction is for?" Unfortunately, with that gone, I'm afraid we're going to get all the drawn out unnecessary crap on Impact again and they're going to bog it down even more.

They need to take some of the guys that are "WWE rejects" as some people call them and give them shorter promos and talk time and just hit the main points. Giving the guys some creative license is fine, but it's just not as effective as having it written beforehand. Let's face it, WWE's got TNA beat horribly in promos (save for a couple of shining stars) and it just helps hold consistency better. It is supposed to be a scripted show, after all. Sorry, that's what it is, and I'd rather have it better written ahead of time than to just have a crap shoot during taping. Some guys can get away w/that with their gift of gab, but most cannot. Maybe script the majority of it with some leeway for creativity or adlibbing, but I've been noticing that some promos are being fumbled by a few of the supposedly "good talkers" (fumbling over words), some seem to be taking too long to get to the point of the promo, and some saying the same exact things so many times it's like "ok, we got it, say something else already". It's like they're on Who's Line is it Anyway? but they don't quite have the improv skills to keep up with the flow of the game...

On to the announce team. I don't know what to say here. It's fine for what it is, but I've never been a big Tenay fan. It just sounds too much like an episode of Nitro. Couple that with all the other WCW stuff they're doing and it just makes it worse. Taz? I really don't mind Taz as an announcer, but on TNA he's sounding too forced. I don't know, like they told him how to act and it doesn't go with his persona or something. It would help if he would decide what kind of commentator he was. I mean, being a tweener is fine, I guess, Ventura did it pretty well, but Taz will sound like he's a nasty, evil bastard one second and ready to hand Tenay his head on a pike, then he'll turn into Mr. Agreeable, buddy buddy, yuk it up with him the next second. He contradicts himself too much, and is super annoying when he says "let the pigeons loose!" like he's trying to be the attitude era version of Lawler. I get the weird feeling that line was handed to him from Russo himself and told it would be great, but dammit, it's not. And no matter how many times he says it, it will never catch on. Give it a rest already. Just let the guy be himself. Unless that's what they're doing, and if that's the case, then I have no idea what to say.

One last thing I've noticed about TNA is that not all the stars give it their all. Maybe it's the relaxed schedule and they don't feel like they have to do much, but damn. Case in point, RVD. Is it just me, or is he getting pudgier and showing less effort? RVD used to be my favorite entertainer a while back, and even though he never had much of a gift for mic work he would always make up for it (IMO) in the ring. It's not so much anymore. He just seems slower, and a lot of his stuff barely connects if at all. His punches seem to have gotten lackluster and look like he's just barely swinging his arm. It's kind of like that with a lot of the ex "E" talent, actually, save for a couple. Hardy is one of them, too. Hell, the entire faction of EV2 was like that save for Stevie Richards and Rhino. I don't know, I just think that having one figurehead above everything that's a little more anal than liberal might actually help to have a tighter ship. I mean, a more relaxed schedule is cool and all, but that doesn't mean to half-ass your job when you're at work, too...

So that's my review in a nutshell. If I forgot anything I'll post it. TNA can be exciting at times, and something to check out, even watch on a weekly basis. But just don't come to the table expecting a 5 star, 12 course meal. Expect the worst, and when you see the gems that stand out they will be that much more entertaining.
yes give it a try. TNA is fantastic, no i have to admit i didnt like it at first because i was a die hard wwe fan and didnt like the 6 sided ring but after a while i gave it another chance and loved it. AJ styles is probably the most phenomal athlete in wrestling today. the tag divison is crazy. if you love tag team wrestling go to youtube and check out motor city machine guns vs beer money. in any of the best of five challenge, all were great matches in different stipulations. and now the tna knockouts division is getting back to where it use to be with odb and awesome kong and gail kim. if you like fast pace wrestling watch tna.
I ask this as someone who's always been a big fan of WWE and WCW from late 97 up to the present. I never really got into TNA, though I remember channel surfing into it in its early days and I remember being impressed by the likes of AJ Styles. Nowadays when I come pass it on TV, I never see anyone wrestling, but always some corny in ring standoff or backstage shaky camera promo.
My question to the Wrestlezone Forum(ers) is... Is TNA worth getting in to if the only interest I have in it comes from you guys' threads and all the Jeff Hardy (who I was never a huge fan of) controversy?
Angle was my favorite in the WWE, but are he, Anderson, and the other ex-WWE superstars even shadows of the greatness they showed in WWE?
Are TNA veterans like AJ Styles, Abyss, and Samoa Joe still entertaining?
If I knew when to watch, I would turn just for Angle, and Mickie James/Tara... Is the Knockout Division the only thing TNA has over WWE?
How does TNA compare to WWE, as objectively as you can be, in terms of action, stories, and booking of talent?

This isn't communist Russia unlike what a lot of one tracked minded WWE marks around here like to think when it comes to their choice of wrestling product. I have to admit that between both WWE is THE company, bar none they are the best at telling a story and they still have great talent that makes it the best at the art of wrestling. Even if Vince McMahon doesn't like to admit his product is wrestling at times there are plenty of great performers that personify the art at its very best, guys like Randy Orton, The Undertaker, Sheamus and while I am not a John Cena fan he leads the roost and all these guy still provide something redeemable about the product. Despite how I am not as big of a fan as I used to be, I still give my kudos to how they've endured the test of time in the wrestling business.

On the other hand, TNA does not have the same audience as TNA nor the dedicated following of a WWE, but they have a great women's wrestling division and their X-Division has some great talent guys like Jay Lethal and Kazarian are very good in ring competitors and know how to tell a story through their action. AJ Styles has been a staple of the company since the old days and while I wish he was still in the World Title picture, I hope to see him back there after he recovers from his injury. Sure, some people don't like the idea of Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Mr. Anderson and Jeff Hardy coming to the organization (in Hardy's case he's merely returning to the promotion) but there are a million plus fans that tune in weekly to watch them. While not the type of numbers you'd think they should be doing for who they have on the roster, it's still respectable. So of course comparing what they do to WWE's numbers you have no contest there. Plus WWE is a juggernaut, they're established and they are wrestling for all intents and purposes. However, TNA has shown that they can still exist in a post-WCW wrestling world.

But at the end of the day we live in a society where you can have Coca Cola or RC Cola, you can go to McDonalds or you can have Wendy's. Which basically means that you can watch WWE and still enjoy TNA. Just don't listen to any of the idiot marks on this page that might want to criticize you for it. It's a free country you can like it all, plain and simple.
Of course it is. TNA has FINALLY woken up! I can't wait to watch again now that Matt is back and Anderson is champ. Possibilities are endless now...

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