Is The WWE Going To Screw Christian Again?


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As you saw from MITB, Christian defeated Orton and won the title. Also, Daniel Bryan won the Smackdown MITB match and has a contract that will let him cash in the MITB title shot and time and anywhere.

Now, with Bryan being a face, my question is...

Do you think that Orton beating up Christian and hurting him is another angle where Bryan will cash in the title shot on him?

One night on SD! we could see Bryan cash it in while Christian is doing a promo about his injuries from MITB.

Do you think this can happen?
I'm not too worried about it, the feud between Christian and Orton is still going on and MITB just fueled the fire.

Also, I don't see Daniel Bryan cashing in any time soon, as good as he is in the ring there is still a lot of work to be done with him until the WWE can even think of putting the gold around his waist. He needs some time to build his character and give him more mic time to help him get over with the crowd more, unfortunately there is alot more to being champ then just having superior wrestling skills, this isn't the 1950's anymore. Outside of his matches Daniel Bryan is just plain boring to watch. I believe a heel turn for Bryan would do wonders for him and his character, as seen in ROH Bryan plays a fantastic heel and really has a way of getting under the crowds skin when he wants to. Bryan has all the tools to be a champ he just needs more TV time to show the WWE audience those skills.

Chances are Christian being champ now is to continue his feud with Orton and for Orton to regain the title back at Summerslam as its pretty much a given that they will be going at it then. My guess is Christian will be champ until Summerslam with no MITB cash in for a long time (at least on Smackdown).
First of all, I don't know how anyone can say Christian has been screwed by WWE in the last 4 months. He went from being in the corner of his best friend during what would become Edge's last match at WrestleMania to becoming World Heavyweight Champion on the next PPV. Yes, he lost the championship in five days to Randy Orton in a transition. But the fruit of that decision has been an excellent series of matches between Orton and Christian that has helped to elevate Christian to a full main-event status in WWE. Christian has become a cornerstone of the Friday Night Smackdown program, and with or without the belt, WWE has shown they are investing in using Christian for the foreseeable future.

Now, as far as Daniel Bryan goes, I don't see WWE pulling a quick cash-in with Bryan. After all, if he didn't cash it in on Sunday, I don't think he'll cash it in the manner we're used to seeing. Plus, Bryan isn't as over with a lot of the crowd as some of us hope he would be. There are a lot of nights when Bryan comes out that if someone coughed in the crowd, you could probably hear it. WWE could use the briefcase to help elevate Bryan to a position where his cashing in and presumably becoming champion will have a greater effect.

To sum it up, I think you're more likely to see Christian and Orton feud for a few more months while Bryan continues to mount up victories and gain momentum. When Miz had Money in the Bank, he had all the momentum in the world to where his cashing in on any night would have been feasible. Bryan doesn't have that... yet. He can get it in time, but it will take that: time. So, no. I don't see Christian "being screwed" out of the World Heavyweight Championship as Christian vs. Orton will continue to be the centerpiece of Smackdown up to and maybe even past SummerSlam.
I would like to see Christian retain passed Summerslam. Get a couple of months, anyway. But I wouldn't be surprised if he loses in a rematch to Orton. At least this time it'll be more than a 5 day run, though...

And as for Daniel Bryan, I cannot stand him. I fast forward passed him every time he appears on camera. Yeah, he's good technically, but in every other fascet of being a superstar, he is abysmal. With any luck, he will be the first man to cash in and lose.
I think that DiscipleofWrestling pretty much said it all. I don't really think you can say that Christian was screwed when you look at what's happened to him.

Like a lot of other people, I was at least a little disappointed that Christian's first run was so short. However, I had an idea that it was a small part of a much bigger story that could ultimately come out great for Christian and, thus far, that's exactly what's happened. The Orton & Christian feud is some of the best work we've seen from either of them in years. It's resulted in some fantastic matches, a couple of which are legit contenders for match of the year in my view, and Christian has finally been elevated to the main event scene. I can definitely understand being irked at such a short initial run with the World Heavyweight Championship as using a title in such a way is a pet peeve of mine. However, in the long run, I have to say that it's been worth it thus far. I'd love to see Christian have a long run with the title and, truthfully, I don't see him dropping the title back to Orton. I expect they'll have one more match at SummerSlam, probably some sort of gimmick match like a Last Man Standing or Falls Count Anywhere or some version of a street fight, as the blow off to the feud.

As far as Daniel Bryan goes, it's far too soon for him to cash in his MITB briefcase. He's not ready to be elevated to that level yet and I think everyone knows it. There's a full year in which he can cash the thing in and that's plenty of time for him to be built up properly. We all know he's got it in the ring and he can deliver on the mic if given the opportunity. The potential is there. If and when he cashes it in and if he's successful, I'm sure there'll be some that will complain because of his size. He's bigger than Mysterio but he's still a 200 pound guy. However, wrestling is changing and a lot of guys that we see now that got into the business years back are noticably smaller. Most of the better guys are on the "smaller" side. Hell, most of the better guys we've seen come up in either WWE or TNA in the past 10 years are guys that are well under the 250 pound mark. Guys like Christian, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Macho Man Randy Savage, Chris Jericho, The Miz, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, CM Punk, etc. are all guys that aren't exactly "big guys" in the grand scheme of things.
Yes we did see Daniel Bryan win MITB this past Sunday, but just because he has it, doesn't mean he's in any position to cash it in. Daniel Bryan is over, but he's not over enough to become the WHC.

IF he cashes it in before Royal Rumble 2012, it will be too soon.

Daniel Bryan is in a similar position as Jack Swagger was when he won MITB, cashed it in, won the Title and had a very short, and meaningless title run. He's just not ready to be the GUY on Smackdown yet. Nows the time to build Bryan up, similar to what they did with the Miz last year when he was carrying the briefcase. Give him a nice slow and gentle push towards the top. Give him a couple of bigger feuds to see if the crowd really likes him, or if they just pop for him because theres nothing better on the menu at that time. He needs a program with a strong heel, maybe Rhodes will help him, maybe Barrett or Sheamus could do the job.

Daniel Bryan needs someone to help elevate him to that next level or he will fail with the title much like Swagger and fall into the middle card purgatory shuffle that so many countless others have spent their careers in.

If all else fails, turn him heel and have him start putting on wrestling clinics vs everyone he encounters and make the fans hate him, then putting up against whatever face champion there is, and have him beat him, cleanly
Daniel Bryan is over, but he's not over enough to become the WHC.

Agreed. In some respects, Daniel's "upbringing" is similar to Christian's, in that they were both brought up the old-fashioned way, requiring that they spend tons of time earning their stripes before competing for titles. You might disagree with that assessment when you consider how long Christian has been around, but really, he started from zero after coming back from TNA. Except for that 5-day transitional title, he's been toiling on the mid-card for a long time......and the same is so with Daniel Bryan. They've earned their shots.

Sometimes I wonder what long-timers like Christian and Daniel think when they see guys like Jack Swagger given the title without having to go that route. But then, I remember that no one is actually "winning" anything in professional wrestling; they're just following a script like actors in a play.

So, now it's Christian and Daniel Bryan's time......and that's great.
I don't think that the Christian/Orton feud is over, so it would not make sense for a Bryan cash in right now. I'm guessing that either Bryan will announce ahead of time his cash in, turning it into an actual match (like RVD did when he won it) at a PPV, or someone like Barrett is going to challenge Bryan for the case and win it from him.

So to answer the original question, I don't think the briefcase is going to be involved against Christian.
I dont think Christian will be "Screwed" by the WWE at the moment. Christian is in a great feud with Orton at the moment and its the best feud ive seen on Smackdown in a while. While i do think that having someone cash in the briefcase on Christian after he pulls off a win against orton(on lets say Summerslam) would help develop his character as Christian once again gets the title "unfairly" taken away from him, the problem is Daniel Bryan isnt ready yet.

Its better for WWE to wait and let the tension build as Byran walks around each week with the briefcase because it instantly makes him relevant. It gives him a reason to talk on the mike each week and get the crowd interested in him as he teases a cash in on the world champ. It also makes each show untill the cash in a "must watch show" as people wont want to miss the show where Bryan cashes in and gets his Title Shot.

Overall i think if he were to cash in now it would benefit Christian more but if he were to wait at least 3 months it would benefit himself more.
Agreed. In some respects, Daniel's "upbringing" is similar to Christian's, in that they were both brought up the old-fashioned way, requiring that they spend tons of time earning their stripes before competing for titles. You might disagree with that assessment when you consider how long Christian has been around, but really, he started from zero after coming back from TNA. Except for that 5-day transitional title, he's been toiling on the mid-card for a long time......and the same is so with Daniel Bryan. They've earned their shots.

Sometimes I wonder what long-timers like Christian and Daniel think when they see guys like Jack Swagger given the title without having to go that route. But then, I remember that no one is actually "winning" anything in professional wrestling; they're just following a script like actors in a play.

So, now it's Christian and Daniel Bryan's time......and that's great.

What the hell are you talking about? Daniel Bryan has barely been in WWE for a year. I hardly consider that to be a "long time". If anything, it's a short time. Especially considering The Miz has been in WWE since 2004 and just recently won the WWE title. Daniel Bryan and Christian were not "brought up" the same way, and whatever/whoever has you thinking that needs a reality check.

As for the "Is WWE going to screw Christian again?" well... I certainly hope so. I hate Christian solo. Without Trish, Edge, Tomko, AJ, Jericho, Lance Storm, Test, or even Rhino around to make Christian look good, he becomes boring and a waste of tv time. Christian should be where Chavo was before he was released... jobbing at house shows.
What the hell are you talking about? Daniel Bryan has barely been in WWE for a year. I hardly consider that to be a "long time". If anything, it's a short time. Especially considering The Miz has been in WWE since 2004 and just recently won the WWE title. Daniel Bryan and Christian were not "brought up" the same way, and whatever/whoever has you thinking that needs a reality check.

As for the "Is WWE going to screw Christian again?" well... I certainly hope so. I hate Christian solo. Without Trish, Edge, Tomko, AJ, Jericho, Lance Storm, Test, or even Rhino around to make Christian look good, he becomes boring and a waste of tv time. Christian should be where Chavo was before he was released... jobbing at house shows.

I'm sorry but have you been watching the WWE Program entitle Smackdown that airs on Friday Nights on the Sci Fy Channel? Because Christian is currently carry Randy Orton in a feud over the WHC.

YES Christian "the side kick to insert someone's name here" is CARRYING RANDY "I'm only good as a heel with the title" ORTON IN A FEUD.

Christian is the best part about this entire storyline. Orton brings his great in ring work to their program, but Orton doesn't bring anything else. I'm not sure how many of you love Orton's monotone promos, but I for one do not. Don't get me wrong I don't hate Orton, he's great in the ring, but I just like him as a face.

If the Viper was a heel and punting people in the head onto the shelf I would get wet at the sight of him weekend and week out, but he doesn't do it for me as a face, he's not a believable face.
as far as daniel bryan screwing christian i dont see tht happening sense hes a face and if hes gonna cash in on smackdown it wont be till orton and christian are officialy done fueding over the title! but i do think at summerslam christian will be screwed by being forced to job to randy orton (again :banghead:) meaning orton gets the title back :disappointed: so ill be shocked if christian leaves summerslam with the whw title between superorton (whos also bitch orton for bitching to triple h all the time backstage and refusing to put other people over) and then of course theres daniel bryan or even del rio could move to smackdown and cash in?
I find it hard to say that anyone who has been given two World Title runs in the past few months is getting screwed. I too am personally pulling for Christian in this match, as I find him entertaining in his current role. That being said, part of what makes the character so enthralling is that his being screwed over by Teddy Long, the referees, etc. is what gives his character the motivation to be what he has been. It gives him a reason to be paranoid and complain about the injustices he has suffered, be it real or imagined by him. It's similar to R Truth over on Raw. Sometimes a guy, more so when its a heel, needs to have adversity to fuel his motives. Christian very well may go down to Orton at Summerslam, but it gives him even more ammunition for his own "conspiracy" theory angle. Also, as a former champion he will have a rematch clause to invoke at some point. That means he will still be involved in the World Title picture for a minimum of another month. Add in that he is clearly Smackdown's most over heel and there's little doubt in my mind that he will be champion again some point down the line. The fact is Christian is firmly entrenched in Smackdown's main event picture, which is hardly a person being "screwed over".

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