Is the WWE Championship "Interesting" Again?


Championship Contender
So before winning the WWE Title at Survivor Series 2011 CM Punk made claim that he will make the WWE Championship "intresting" again.

CM Punk hasn't done anything close to "intresting" since becoming the WWE Champion. The prestige of the WWE title is the same as before. Nothing changed about the WWE Title. Even the design is the same which Punk "hates".

So what is intresting about CM Punk's title reign ?

Why is it any different from Alberto Del Rio's, John Cena's etc title reigns ?
I'm with you on that. Punk is a great wrestler, but his reign is as vanilla as Bryan's. At least Jericho is spicing things up a bit, which I'm guessing WWE creative was waiting to save until WM.

On a separate note: People can say what they want about Cena's title reigns, but he gets so much hate from a lot of the fans that people at least people watch in the hope that he loses the title. Perfect example: Punk taking it from him which is what really pushed Punk after he cut that famous promo. IMO Punk is really not a suitable champion. He just doesn't have the image (not talking like HHH) but I mean he doesn't seem like he's gone through what he's needed to to give off that image of THE man! By that I mean a hellacious match, or coming across an unstoppable heel force to really have him go over. The EC match was 'OK' but the way I look at it, The Miz, Kofi, Ziggler and even Y2J didn't have that intimidation factor to have us question whether or not Punk can really survive the Chamber. Had Kane, Taker, HHH, hell even Batista back in the day been in the Chamber, and Punk came out on top, I could really start to see Punk as having that Champion 'aura' to him every time he stepped in to the ring.

To each their own but that's how I view Punk.
ProWrestlingFan I totally agree with you! You said exactly what I have been thinking ever since he won the title. I mentioned in another thread that all the people who bashed Cena over the "Super Cena" comeback in his matches are now fans of "Super Punk" how no matter who's finisher he takes nor how many times he takes said finisher he still gets up and does the same lame three moves to finish a match. Why aren't the Cena haters hating on Punk for the same thing? Another thing tell me why Punk can't have a good match unless it's with the smaller talent like Daniel Bryan, The Miz or Dolph Ziggler? Hell, the WWE had to bring Jericho back to set up a decent match for him at Mania since Cena was already taking on the Rock. Cena/Punk was a good set of matches and I think it's because John Cena can put on a good match with anyone. I don't hate Punk I just don't see why he has the belt because he brings nothing new to offer. Now I am not saying stick the belt back on Cena but if they did I wouldn't complain but I wouldn't mind seeing a heel take the strap for a while such as Jericho or Ziggler. I have grown to enjoy Zigglers wrestling skills and think he will be making a run in 2012.
I got to agree Punk's reign isn't very interesting. That is probably due to the lack of charismatic heels to put him over. The whole booking with Johnny Ace feels weird. They tried so hard to stack the odds against Punk but would not pull the trigger of letting Punk get screwed, before letting Punk do the inevitable fightback to reclaim the title. Then all of a sudden the focus is no shifted from Johnny Ace towards Y2J, booking Y2J as the placeholder challenger for the title after the main players are involved in something else.
The WWE Championship hasn't been interesting for a while. Storylines do play a big role in this obviously but more than anything it's the star power you have. The lack of predictability. Now days we see the same people challenge over and over again and when we finally do get someone new we know they aren't going to win. WWE is in bad times roster rise. I'm hoping that they quickly improve. Since losing all their top stars they're starting to look weak and lack the star power required for interest. This is a serious problem they need to fix. I believe this is possible but they're going to have to take risks as well as put in time and effort. They have a decent amount of mid carders they could bring up to the main event. They just have to make sure they do this correctly. This is the only way to bring interest to all the championships.
It's not been a bad reign. But, yeah, a little disappointing considering the expectations going into it.

The pros:
-Punk is golden on the mic, and it's a pleasure to see him getting a good chunk of time each week to have at it
-His matches hardly ever disappoint
-It's still pretty exciting to me that this self-made dude who isn't much larger than me is on top of the WWE. That's cool.
-The fans care (or at least it seems like that on TV and in my CM Punk bubble of Chicago). When Alberto del Rio had the title, no one seemed to care.

The cons:
-Yeah, booking. Losing the title to ADR, then thinking about feuding with Nash but instead just losing to HHH, then winning the title again a little later, then feuding with Laurinaitis for some reason but also sort of with Ziggler... it took a lot of the fire out of the reign.

He really does need a solid opponent to make his reign "stick." I don't think Jericho's it, either. Y2J's not been booked too strong since returning--a kick to the head shouldn't KO you out of the EC--and, shit, before his return, he was losing to Evan Bourne. So for the immediate future, Punk's title reign'll stay the same quality, which, again, isn't bad, imho.
ProWrestlingFan I totally agree with you! You said exactly what I have been thinking ever since he won the title. I mentioned in another thread that all the people who bashed Cena over the "Super Cena" comeback in his matches are now fans of "Super Punk" how no matter who's finisher he takes nor how many times he takes said finisher he still gets up and does the same lame three moves to finish a match. Why aren't the Cena haters hating on Punk for the same thing? Another thing tell me why Punk can't have a good match unless it's with the smaller talent like Daniel Bryan, The Miz or Dolph Ziggler? Hell, the WWE had to bring Jericho back to set up a decent match for him at Mania since Cena was already taking on the Rock. Cena/Punk was a good set of matches and I think it's because John Cena can put on a good match with anyone. I don't hate Punk I just don't see why he has the belt because he brings nothing new to offer. Now I am not saying stick the belt back on Cena but if they did I wouldn't complain but I wouldn't mind seeing a heel take the strap for a while such as Jericho or Ziggler. I have grown to enjoy Zigglers wrestling skills and think he will be making a run in 2012.

This Super Punk and Super Cena thing is a fallacy. The people who bash wrestlers like Cena and Punk don't want a fighting champion. The champion who kicks out of several moves or gets hell of a beating and yet gets up doesn't mean he is a superman. It means he is a fighting champion. This theory was practiced to the fullest extent by Hulk Hogan. Hogan used to get back in the match after a great beating. Was he a superman? No, he was a fighting champion. This is the thing which the haters fail to comprehend.

I don't get your point on CM Punk needing smaller wrestlers to put on a great match. You need two wrestlers with great potential to put on a great match. You can't expect CM Punk to produce a match of the year with Great Khali by himself. Khali should support punk as well. It is very hard to carry a match alone when someone is facing a bigger opponent..

Similarly I don't comprehend your point on Jericho. Why do you think WWE had to bring Jericho to feud with Punk? They could let him feud with Cody,Ziggler,Barret. They brought him to get a good match and a fued with Punk. I can comprehend Vince trying to make this year's wrestle-mania one of the best and he has succeeded to put on a great card till now. Punk is better than Ziggler. Ziggler doesn't sell and draw for me.
Totally agree with you nothing really exciting has happened but punks putting on some good matches and im enjoying him having a lengthy reign instead of Cena. I think it will be exciting television coming up to mania with him and jericho so we'll just have to wait and see what's in store for us. And pretty much 100% certain punk and jericho at mania is going to be an awesome match.
The last interesting WWE Title Reign for me was The Miz.
And yes, I'm aware people around here tend to hate The Miz, but for me he did a fantastic job of hyping up his title belt and it making it really fell like something important. At the same time, he also made a fantastic heel job of making it look like the belt didn't belong with him, giving the crowd more reasons to cheer anyone who was up against him.

For reference, the most interesting World Title Reign for me in the recent past was Mark Henry's, but this one is pretty much a given anyway.

CM Punk reign has been, frankly, disappointing. His character lost a lot of impact by actually carrying the belt instead of chasing it, I believe.
That is because it's being booked for failure so when they give the belt back to Cena they can be like "look we tried" same old formula works so our 16 writers don't have to work as hard. Further more Punk is being given half the time Cena was given during his title runs so his feud with Ziggler looks weak at best and the only reason Jericho gets the time he does is because he's an established talent. It's hard to be interesting when the company is not 100% behind you...
Exactly what are people looking for that would be interesting? You say "Super Cena" and "Super Punk". Guess what, it is really "Super Face". Edge is champion, getting his ass kicked, out of nowhere, spear! Retains. Mysterio, getting thrown around like a rag doll, oh wait, drop toe hold, he's on the ropes, 619! Rey conquers yet again. This is how a face champion is almost always booked. The more interesting reigns are almost always heels because they can do more "interesting" things. Someone said Punk's reign is as vanilla as Bryan's. I am really enjoying Bryan's. Retaining the belt by fluky things, always getting the lucky break, but reacting like it was all him. Slowly transforming into a heel. It has been fun to watch.

With Punk, he is a face champion. He overcomes the odds. The faces are always better chasing the titles (climbing that mountain until finally getting to the top) and the heels are always better holding them (doing anything and everything to hold the belts).

I guess I just don't know what people really expected.
You're right, faces in general are much better when chasing the title. Heels make for more entertaining and interesting champions.
The WWE championship is pretty dull tbf but it always is, the WWE protect it and the superstar holding it too much for it to ever be interesting. Im being drawn more and more to smackdown atm because the story line with the WHC has been brilliant for a good 6 months now. You have Bryan, Show, Mark Henry, Cody Rhodes, Sheamus, Wade, Orton and soon Christian all in the mix, every competitor has an edge over another. Its just exciting and interesting, something the WWE title isnt.
This Super Punk and Super Cena thing is a fallacy. The people who bash wrestlers like Cena and Punk don't want a fighting champion. The champion who kicks out of several moves or gets hell of a beating and yet gets up doesn't mean he is a superman. It means he is a fighting champion. This theory was practiced to the fullest extent by Hulk Hogan. Hogan used to get back in the match after a great beating. Was he a superman? No, he was a fighting champion. This is the thing which the haters fail to comprehend.

I don't get your point on CM Punk needing smaller wrestlers to put on a great match. You need two wrestlers with great potential to put on a great match. You can't expect CM Punk to produce a match of the year with Great Khali by himself. Khali should support punk as well. It is very hard to carry a match alone when someone is facing a bigger opponent..

Similarly I don't comprehend your point on Jericho. Why do you think WWE had to bring Jericho to feud with Punk? They could let him feud with Cody,Ziggler,Barret. They brought him to get a good match and a fued with Punk. I can comprehend Vince trying to make this year's wrestle-mania one of the best and he has succeeded to put on a great card till now. Punk is better than Ziggler. Ziggler doesn't sell and draw for me.

My thoughts exactly. I don't know what people expected Punk is a face so he beats the odds. Duh. Punk could make a broomstick look good in the ring. He's just that damn good. He's 10 times better on the mic than Cena was as champion and he's 10 times the wrestler. His match against Bryan on Smackdown was the best i've seen on Smackdown in a long time. I hope Punk holds the title for a little longer simply because I'm tired of the hot potatoe they were doin with the belt and Punk has been a great champion. I can't wait to see his match with Jericho at WM. That'll be great but so were his matches with Ziggler. I just think the IWC are complaining for the sake of complaining. They wanted Punk to be champion and now that he is they want to complain about every little thing. And don't pull the "it's not interesting" card either. Because it has been interesting. But to each his own. You wanna bitch? Then bitch. But that's why Vince doesn't listen to the IWC all the time because we bitch even when we get what we want.
I have to agree that the Best In The World hasn't really done much to make the title interesting. I might even go as fair as saying DBD is making his reign more interesting.

I really hope WWE, no i hope Punk and Jericho make this story toward mania interesting!
Punk has been a good champion but I do agree there really hasn't been anything really interesting that has happened during this reign. To me, he is getting almost a little too goofy. We'll see how this feud with Jericho goes but I think Punk needs to act just a little more serious.

Aside from that though, the title itself and the title picture is stale. I know I am beating a dead horse, by they really need to unify the belts. They need to center the unification around one of the big PPVs, maybe Summer Slam or something. That would get people interested again. Right now, in a way, I feel bad for Punk. People love him but not because he's champion. The championship has almost become a prop, IMO.
Its not intresting because Punk needs someone good on the mic and lots of charisma to play off of. That only happened with his Cena fued. Most of the roster is boring and stale.
I can tell you why Punks reign as champ has been dull and boring, its because the only reason we got excited about Punk in the first place was for the pipebomb he set many months ago. Since then can anyone remember anything memorable he has done.
See we expected that character to continue. Since then His promos haven't been good at all and just went back to old vanilla Punk.
Daniel Bryan ( who I bashed up until now) has passed him, his reign is more exciting and has grown into my top #3 in the company right now.

Punk is a great wrestler and can put on a great match but he hasnt been able to draw my interest for any match with his promos, he just comes off like a nerd to me and he would be better off rehashing his SES and being a heel.

Punk is still getting cheers from his 1 promo but in reality thats all he has given us, his promos recently dont get us to laugh see him get angry nothing and he is trying to make his promos to guys like me the 30+ range but they just fall flat. Dont ever put Punk in the class on the mic with The Rock or even Cena in the ring I take nothing away from him but after some time since the pipebomb he has shown himself to me ( IMO ) very boring and vanilla. Even his stuff with Laurinitis is weak sorry Punk fans but its true.
And dont blame booking Punk marks because you never blamed booking when Cena was dull.
Punk as Champion is fresh but the belt means shit.
It's all illusions and WWE needs to bring in a fresh new or re-designed older belt for the WWE belt to give it that fresh, top quality look, nowadays the belt just doesn't fit 99.9% of the guys who hold it, it's well over due a make over and WWE could have initiated that with Miz, Alberto and or Punk and they didn't.

The thing is even the wrestlers have commented on how the belt looks shit, corny and worthless so bring in a new belt something that looks priceless and worthy of being the WWE Championship belt and not the should have been hardcore belt.
Its not intresting because Punk needs someone good on the mic and lots of charisma to play off of. That only happened with his Cena fued. Most of the roster is boring and stale.

This same quote could have been used for Cena as well, but people like you chose to bash Cena and not the guys he was working wiith. If your that good on the mic it doesn't matter who your opponent is.
The Rock could fight a tree and cut a promo on the tree and make it interesting so can all the other Great mic talkers ( Flair, Piper, Jericho,Austin etc.)
Lets just face it Punk is just not on that level, he has a cult ROH following and thats what keeps him relevant, the blind love from his fans.
Belt only means anything if the people fighting for it are somebodies.

It really reflects badly on the belts when Cena, Hunter, Taker and Rock show no interest in them nor the Royal Rumble. If these superstars dont care, then why should the fans? It seems like the belts have been relegated while the superstars are too busy fighting for more important i dont know but they sure ashell dont care about that belt it seems.

Am i saying Hunter and Cena should be champs? No

What i am saying is they should want the belt, they should be in matches that are about it (RR) that will make the current champs look better.

Essentially Bryan is champion over Big Show, Henry, Orton and...Wade Barret??!

Essentially Punk is champion over Ziggler, Miz, R Truth and...Otunga??!

When you look it at that way, then it really is not all that impressive to be champion.

They arent champions over the top top guys, only Cena has even wrestled for that title, the rest dont even want it.
Punk as Champion is fresh but the belt means shit.
It's all illusions and WWE needs to bring in a fresh new or re-designed older belt for the WWE belt to give it that fresh, top quality look, nowadays the belt just doesn't fit 99.9% of the guys who hold it, it's well over due a make over and WWE could have initiated that with Miz, Alberto and or Punk and they didn't.

The thing is even the wrestlers have commented on how the belt looks shit, corny and worthless so bring in a new belt something that looks priceless and worthy of being the WWE Championship belt and not the should have been hardcore belt.

I agree and I think Punk is the perfect guy to do a side storyline or a couple promos (which could continue his "against authority" gimmick) about how crappy the belt is and how he wants a new design. Laurinitis can force him to win some matches or whatever to get what he wants. Then after he wins, they can have him do a promo about the new belt and then give him the new belt. Something like that would re-inject interest into the title itself.
Oh shut the fuck up all of you. You people never know what you want, do you?

The WWE Championship has been interesting. CM Punk is one of the best in the ring. He's one of the best on the mic. What's there not to like? Because he never did anything special or out of the ordinary with the title? Who gives a shit! You all worship Dwayne Johnson, but did he ever do anything special? Not a knock on him as champ, but he never did anything special with the title. He's great on the mic, but that's it.
Also, anyone calling him a nerd is an idiot who thinks every wrestler has to be a steroid filled junkie.

You all pleaded to have Punk and Bryan as champs. You have them, and what do you do? You bitch that they're champs. Who gives a shit if they're not doing anything that pleases you specifically. It's gotten them over. Punk sells just as much merch as Cena now. Bryan gets massive heat thanks to his arrogant gimmick. They're over, and doing a great job as champs. Everyone here is just bitching for the sake of bitching.
What has the Rock ever done with the title are you kidding me, the whole attitude era was fights for the title. They would even say it that if your not fighting for the belt you shouldn't be in this business. those statements alone make the belt mean something.

Daniel Bryan in the beginning I didnt see why people loved this guy so much, it wasn't until this current change that yes I see the wrestling skills but now his character has won me over.

Punk I liked he was his own man and was better on the mic up to the pipebomb, since then he has not said anything silver worthy on the mic nothing memorable ( hopefully with Jericho he will get some of his steam back ) but in general since his title reign he has taken steps backwards in his promos. He is still one of the best in the ring though no doubt but his character is not as interesting. which is what I was afraid of he dropped the pipe bomb and thats what we came to expect his character to morph to. but in this PG days it is hard for that type of character to continue for the long haul.
and if your on here a lot of punks best stuff he said is stuff we read on here or in dirtsheets or whatever so yeah it does come off a little nerdy.

P.S when your the best on the mic you own the crowd Punk Cena they are crowd favourites but they dont own the crowd. Jericho owns the crowd, The Rock owns the crowd, Flair, Piper theses guys held/hold the crowd in the palm of their hands. Imagine the chant The Rock would have had going if it was his promo instead of Cena to get the crowd to chant hoski.

Bottom line to make the belt relevant make the champion state those simple words" if your not in it for the belt then you shouldn't be in this business" have the commentators make the belt a big thing
The different players in the title scene has definitely helped. I hope after Wrestlemania they consider getting rid of the title. If Jericho wins that would be the best time to switch the belt out for a new one. He could degrade the belt, trash it and pick up the new one...

As for the picture... the new blood has definitely helped. They're all about the same level. CM Punk is only on top because of the MITB stuff last year. I like the guy and hope he continues to hold the title. The title needs someone that can run for long stretches. No 1 change a month crap... I know that's not happened in a while and that's great. The interest would help if the Champ lost a match to the challenger before the title match (tag team match up... singles matches kill the PPV). Writers just need to look into the past a bit for some ideas and push their own... a hybrid of sorts...

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