Is the Rock now bigger than Austin?


Closet Conservative and WWE Fan
This thread has probably been done before, but I haven't seen it and with the recent events involving these two, people's answers may have changed.

Now when the Rock returned, he got one of the biggest pops in the WWE history and held the entire audience, both in the arena and watching at home, in the palm of his hands.

When Austin returned, he got a pretty big pop as well, but not as big as the Rock's.

Now there are two obvious factors here. One, Austin's entrance was expected while the Rock's wasn't, and two, the Rock hadn't been in a WWE ring in 7 years while Austin makes an appearance pretty much every year.

As my user name suggests, I think the Rock is overall superior to Austin. But I'm not here to make that argument, I'm here to ask:

Is the Rock now bigger than Austin?

Have the recent weeks changed your mind?

If Austin had been the one away for 7 years, could he have done what the Rock has done as effectively?

20 years from now, who will be looked at as bigger?
In the present, I think The Rock has an edge over Austin in terms of being 'bigger.' However, I do think they'd be on equal grounds presence-wise if Austin had been away as long as The Rock has. The thing is, throughout the decade, The Rock was able to successfully make that transition into big budget Hollywood movies while Austin was only able to shoot a few direct-to-DVD films. Outside of wrestling, The Rock gathered more of a following this way and remained active in the media. Austin only made sporadic appearances in the WWE and even then wasn't really involved in anything spectacular. We all know in terms of mic skills, The Rock is superior, but Austin had his time. Even in his absence, we can still hear the "What?" chants, so he's definitely relevant. As for who will be looked on as being bigger in 20 years? I can't say. While The Rock is currently stirring things up with his clash against John Cena and WrestleMania, who's to say what's in the future for Austin? Maybe he'll return for another match. You never know.
Great thread, but I think you answered your own questions. The fact The Rock was unexpected and hasn't been in WWE for 7 years is quite possibly the biggest reason for the massive pop and chants. But for me its a bit more also.

Austin was the VERY definition of attitude era, he couldn't be that character anymore, whereas The Rock wasn't as ''bad ass'' as Austin. Therefore we aren't really getting Stone Cold Steve Austin, as opposed to really getting The Rock.

If you were to look at the ratings then The Stone Cold Raw got better ratings than any Rock Raw, so maybe basing it on reaction alone doesn't tell the story.

Mania will see The Rock/Cena real life back and forths, as well as on RAW, and with Cena being WWE's biggest star it gives a lot more excitement.... and Stone Cold as the guest ref of Cole/Lawler. Booking says a lot too, about who WWE sees as the bigger star. Great thread.
Now till to this day, I don't think the Rock is a bigger or better wrestler than Stone Cold Steve Austin. And also u got to think too that The Rock kept his name and his presence through Hollywood. So people knew who he was anyway but didn't see him as the guest host of Wrestlemania. Both men contributed greatly in the Attitude Era, but Stone Cold was the ForeRunner followed by the Rock. And also another reason why I think The Rock right now is still not a bigger name than Austin was that Austin was mainly a person who did what he wanted and when he wanted, and he lived the sweet fantasized dreams of many fans on TV that can't be done in Real life. Like Drinking on the Job, Beating up and Stunning your Boss on National TV, Catching Steve Weisers like a Wide Receiver, Stunning The Bosses Daughter, His Son, His Son In Law, Gave everybody The Bird, and Used all 7 words that's not to be said on TV. Austin Said and he did. The The most famous thing about The Rock was his Catchphrases and People Elbow. But as far as wrestling it's Austin. The Rock got him in a talking contest. But Austin in my opinion will always be a bigger name than the Rock. Even 20 years from now unless Rock comes out of Retirement and try to redue what he done did in the business and does it better a second go around. Don't see that Happening, so Austin is my choice.
I think you need to be more specific with your topic. Do you mean in WRESTLING or do you mean WORLD WIDE?

Wrestling - Yeah, The Rock has probably passed Austin a bit currently due to most of the reasons already stated.

Overall - It's not close. The Rock has been bigger than Austin since the day he first hosted Saturday Night Live. The Rock truly now is the most electrifying man in all of entertainment. While Austin is just a man who's sorely trying to stay IN entertainment.

Don't ge me wrong, I LOVE me some Stone Cold. But the answer to the quesiton in both wrestling and media wise - is The Great One
Is the Rock now bigger than Austin?
I've always preferred Rock over Austin. When it comes to wrestling skills it could be a tie, but when you talk about charisma The Rock surpasses Austin IMO. His latest appearance was awesome... probably the biggest pop in wrestling in the last 10 years which in some way gives Rock extra score compared to Austin's. So yeah IMO Rock >>>Austin

Have the recent weeks changed your mind?
Not at all.

If Austin had been the one away for 7 years, could he have done what the Rock has done as effectively?

I don't think so. The big difference is that The Rock had success in Hollywood while Austin didn't...hell, Rock's fanbase is huge compared to Austin as a consequence.

20 years from now, who will be looked at as bigger?
Hard to say. What if Austin dissapears for 10 years and come back as Rock did this year? You never know what's going to happen.
Is the Rock now bigger than Austin?

As for as Hollywood is concerned I would say yes Rock is bigger than Stonecold, when your talking about just wrestling I believe more ppl put Austin ahead of Rock, but I think the reason for that is because more ppl connected w/Austin more than Rock so alot of ppl are bias In there opinions on who is better. I put them as a tie (yin & yang) there completely equal in wrestling IMO

Have the recent weeks changed your mind?

No the recent weeks hasn't change my mind.

If Austin had been the one away for 7 years, could he have done what the Rock has done as effectively?

I believe If Austin was gone as long as The Rock was I'm sure his pop would be the same & I'm sure he could cut a pretty good promo also may not been better than Rock's, but Im sure It would have been good. I will say that another reason why Rock's comeback was so special, was because for some reason alot of ppl thought he was never coming back, making his return that much more surprising.

20 years from now, who will be looked at as bigger?

IMO 20 yrs from now they should be looked at as equal they both did a great job as for as carrying the company & they both was good champions & so forth, not to mention Rock's rise to fame was faster than Austin's. So to be so big in such a quick time & really have the ppl behind you unlike most of the new guys should put him w/Austin. Sadly I think WWE is going to put Austin ahead of Rock unless Rock comes out of retirement & add somemore years to his career.
Is the Rock now bigger than Austin?
Bigger? In terms of popularity and influence, yes the Rock is definitely bigger because of his ties to hollywood and extended absence. In terms of physical size, yes the Rock is taller and more muscular. So yes, I guess the Rock is now bigger than Austin.

Have the recent weeks changed your mind?
Completely. No one ever attributes anything to The Rock, yet Austin is "The Entire Attitude Era" and "The Biggest Face since Hogan". Austin has always had the fans' respect that the Rock lost when he left to Hollywood, I would've said Austin is bigger than the Rock if the Rock didn't come back this year.

If Austin had been the one away for 7 years, could he have done what the Rock has done as effectively?
No way. I don't think he's as electrifying as the Rock on the mic. Don't get me wrong Austin was good but he just didn't have that extra magic that Hogan Flair and Rock had on the mic (add Dusty to that list).

20 years from now, who will be looked at as bigger?
WWE likes to re-write its history whenever necessary (who's Chris Benoit?) so the answer to this question is definitely not a secret at WWE headquarters but I'm an insider so I'm not sure. So far it's been Austin, and it might continue to be unless the Rock wrestles again. If he does, the WWE will re-write history to make him look bigger than Austin, just to put over the match.
I think you need to be more specific with your topic. Do you mean in WRESTLING or do you mean WORLD WIDE?

Wrestling - Yeah, The Rock has probably passed Austin a bit currently due to most of the reasons already stated.

Overall - It's not close. The Rock has been bigger than Austin since the day he first hosted Saturday Night Live. The Rock truly now is the most electrifying man in all of entertainment. While Austin is just a man who's sorely trying to stay IN entertainment.

Don't ge me wrong, I LOVE me some Stone Cold. But the answer to the quesiton in both wrestling and media wise - is The Great One

You said it all bro..As far as todays day in time Rock is so far ahead of austin its not even debatable really. In my opinion, Rock has been bigger than austin since the Alliance angle. As great as stone cold is, he isent on the rocks level of world wide popularity. Hell rock even got a much bigger pop, and has been more interesting to watch than austin. To me, austins return was a little lack-lustered to tell the truth...but in any event, i think Rock has austin by a mile at this point in the game
Great thread, but I think you answered your own questions. The fact The Rock was unexpected and hasn't been in WWE for 7 years is quite possibly the biggest reason for the massive pop and chants. But for me its a bit more also.

Austin was the VERY definition of attitude era, he couldn't be that character anymore, whereas The Rock wasn't as ''bad ass'' as Austin. Therefore we aren't really getting Stone Cold Steve Austin, as opposed to really getting The Rock.

If you were to look at the ratings then The Stone Cold Raw got better ratings than any Rock Raw, so maybe basing it on reaction alone doesn't tell the story.

Mania will see The Rock/Cena real life back and forths, as well as on RAW, and with Cena being WWE's biggest star it gives a lot more excitement.... and Stone Cold as the guest ref of Cole/Lawler. Booking says a lot too, about who WWE sees as the bigger star. Great thread.

Not true
The Raw with the most ratings, which reach an all time high of 8 was the "rock this is your life show" with mankind and the rock.

I was always a fan of the rock, more so than austin, and yes the rock is bigger in any way today, maybe not in 99 but definitely now
I always find it funny when people say that the ratings for scsa's raws were always more than the rocks. you know the rock's segment with foley was one of the biggest ever, and it was the rock's match with foley that turned the tides in the ratings war? and do you actually know the ratings, or are you talking out of your asses.

as far as the questions are concerned, austin was at the top for awhile, but when he was "ran over by rikishi" the rock took the top, and austin never took it back. so the rock has been bigger for awhile. no, austin would not have the same impact coming back after seven years. of course his pop would be just as loud, but the rock is able to command attention better than anyone else. best promo man ever.

in 20 years, they will both be seen as greats. i dont think that one will be bigger than the other. austin helped save the wwe, and the rock got the wwe more mainstream attention than anyone else in history. both contributed, both are on the level of austin as one of the best three of all time.
Personally in my own opinion Austin is bigger and will always be bigger. You answered your own question, The Rock got the bigger pop because he has been gone for so long. As for "unexpected" no, I heard many people saying The Rock was coming back as the guest host for weeks before he did. Truthfully I think The Rock shouldn't of bothered, just wasting show time by appearing. Well at least he only as done satellite skits lately...

But no I think Austin is bigger then The Rock.
I think that The Rock is certainly bigger at this point - for reasons already stated - but I think that Austin is a lot more important in WWE history. Think about late '96 and early '97 when the WWE was at its all-time low point and getting killed by WCW. Austin was only fresh thing the WWE had to retain any viewers (invading Pillman's home, his rivalry with Bret Hart and cheating in the Royal Rumble had to have SOME people talking about the WWE product). Whereas The Rock, HHH and other future megastars were still stuck being midcarders at best. And HBK and Bret Hart (God love them) still couldn't be big time draws.

So while Rock is bigger now, he didn't save the WWE like Austin did.
Great thread, but I think you answered your own questions. The fact The Rock was unexpected and hasn't been in WWE for 7 years is quite possibly the biggest reason for the massive pop and chants. But for me its a bit more also.

Austin was the VERY definition of attitude era, he couldn't be that character anymore, whereas The Rock wasn't as ''bad ass'' as Austin. Therefore we aren't really getting Stone Cold Steve Austin, as opposed to really getting The Rock.

If you were to look at the ratings then The Stone Cold Raw got better ratings than any Rock Raw, so maybe basing it on reaction alone doesn't tell the story.

Mania will see The Rock/Cena real life back and forths, as well as on RAW, and with Cena being WWE's biggest star it gives a lot more excitement.... and Stone Cold as the guest ref of Cole/Lawler. Booking says a lot too, about who WWE sees as the bigger star. Great thread.

WOOW It seems to me that everyone is jumping on the bandwagon, now. A few months back, I made a comparison thread about these two, and I have to say %70 of the posters voted for austin, hell they thought that austin was the bigger and "IT'S NOT EVEN CLOSE". And now, all the sudden, rocky became the bigger star in most people's view?! WAAOOW and He only did one live promo! That's amazing. But that's ok, cause that prove to me that 70% of the posters here in this forum really don't have any idea what they're talking about, they just go with the majority, or just because the WWE is claiming that "austin is the biggest star ever", in other words, they were not fans during the attitude era(rock and austin's prime) or let's say they were not old enough. The other side of those who said"austin and it's not even close" are those who hate rock because he left the company 7yrs ago.
The way alot of you were shocked how good rock was on the mic(returning speech, weeks ago) prove what I said about those "who don't...".

Now as far as your statment go, 2000 was the most successful year in wwe's history, and it had the highest rating shows. Guess who was the face of the company at that time....That's right, The Rock. When austin came back in the late of 2000, the ratings when down a lil.

Now, back to rock vs austin. I've said it before and I'll say it again, rock and austin are in the same level. It's really hard to argue whos bigger, because they both were huge. This is my opinion few months ago, this is my opinion now, and there ain't a damn thing will change it.
the rock might be more popular NOW because he's made some disney movies and the wwe's fan base has gone back to the little kid fan base of the 80's but in the 90- and early 00's stone cold was the man
Not true
The Raw with the most ratings, which reach an all time high of 8 was the "rock this is your life show" with mankind and the rock.

I was always a fan of the rock, more so than austin, and yes the rock is bigger in any way today, maybe not in 99 but definitely now

I didn't mean of all time, I meant since both have returned this year. A lot people have Rock pictures and names in this forum so I wonder why you all said Rock. Overall merchandise sales and who got the ''hottest'' in the business it was Stone Cold. I don;t think anything can change that.
I think if the WWE hadn't hyped up Austin's return on the 7th, the place would have been electrified when Austin finally did come out. Cole could have hyped that "One of Texas' own was going to be the guest referee... and it's not Stone Cold!" as the chants would have broken out.

I was shocked when JBL was announced, but then quickly put the pieces together of what had to happen next.

Had Stone Cold not been hyped for the show, that place would have come unglued for his arrival.

The Rock seems bigger simply because he had been gone forever, minus his visit to the Hall of Fame a few years back. He's been missed longer. Stone Cold has made a few appearances over the timeframe to remind us why we miss him so much.
omg The Rock returns and now everyone thinks he is bigger then Austin but in 2-3 months when The Rock leaves again to make movies everyone will start saying that Austin is bigger and better again,

the reason why we are all discussing this is because for years weve been talking about the rock vs john cena and because this is all fresh everyone is getting excited, but Austin was the joint man in 97, and then the man in 98, 99, 2001 and the start of 2002 the rock has always been behind Austin, in 2000 i agree The Rock was the man why because Stone Cold was injuryed so to me after the excitment has warn off Austin will be remembered as bigger then the rock
omg The Rock returns and now everyone thinks he is bigger then Austin but in 2-3 months when The Rock leaves again to make movies everyone will start saying that Austin is bigger and better again,

the reason why we are all discussing this is because for years weve been talking about the rock vs john cena and because this is all fresh everyone is getting excited, but Austin was the joint man in 97, and then the man in 98, 99, 2001 and the start of 2002 the rock has always been behind Austin, in 2000 i agree The Rock was the man why because Stone Cold was injuryed so to me after the excitment has warn off Austin will be remembered as bigger then the rock

In early 2001, they're equal, it's hard to say who was the number 1 guy, upuntill WM. IMO, austin won the WWF title at mania, but he lost the number 1 spot to rocky. Yeah austin was the guy during rock absence(4 months), but after rock made his comeback, he was slightly the face of the company. As far as 2002 goes, Rock was the face of the company and it's not even close.
I didn't mean of all time, I meant since both have returned this year. A lot people have Rock pictures and names in this forum so I wonder why you all said Rock. Overall merchandise sales and who got the ''hottest'' in the business it was Stone Cold. I don;t think anything can change that.

True - but please don't forget that the Rock was an ENORMOUS HEEL for his first Main Event year and a half.

Austin was a baby face from Day 1. That has a huge effect on sales - IE. John Cena is still a face.

omg The Rock returns and now everyone thinks he is bigger then Austin but in 2-3 months when The Rock leaves again to make movies everyone will start saying that Austin is bigger and better again,

the reason why we are all discussing this is because for years weve been talking about the rock vs john cena and because this is all fresh everyone is getting excited, but Austin was the joint man in 97, and then the man in 98, 99, 2001 and the start of 2002 the rock has always been behind Austin, in 2000 i agree The Rock was the man why because Stone Cold was injuryed so to me after the excitment has warn off Austin will be remembered as bigger then the rock

You do realize that your second paragraph 100% proves your opinion wrong, right? You feel Austin is bigger.....yet you admit the match that EVERYONE wanted to see for "years" was THE ROCK vs. John Cena. Not AUSTIN vs. Cena.

Why would you want the Rock in that match so bad if you feel so strongly that Austin is #1?
I'm sure that Austin would have gotten the same reception if he'd just returned from a seven-year absence, but there's no doubt that in WWE Rock is bigger than Austin now because many people thought that he'd never be at a live event again and here he is. That's a huge draw.

In terms of outside wrestling, Rock's been bigger than Austin and it will always be that way.

God knows I love them both, Austin a bit more because he was such a badass back in the day, but when it comes to charisma and drawing in the crowd Rock is probably the best of all time, even though Austin was no laughing matter either.

So yes, The Rock>Stone Cold Steve Austin.
It's hard to compare and to answer these questions. During both of their primes (the attitude era) they were equal, IMO.

However, since The Rock was away for so long, he is getting the bigger pops and is "bigger" now. Many of the young fans are just getting exposed to The Rock now. Austin has been around for appearances on RAW, and PPVs for several years since he quit wrestling so it's not a "big deal" when he comes back.

Both guys are still loved and always will be and both are legendary WWE superstars that will never be forgotten but I just think that The Rock has surpassed Austin, at least for now, due to the fact that we just haven't seen him in so long so we're overly excited every appearance he makes now.

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