Is the "PG" Rating Effecting the Heels Most?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
It just seems like because of the "PG" rating none of the heels can do anything memorable. I feel like CM Punk has potential to be one of the best heels to ever step in the ring, but the creative team mis uses him miserably.

Is it the PG rating effecting the heels? is it the creative team? or is it just a lack of talent now?

I truly believe there are no GREAT heels in the WWE, only the Miz is the one that really stands out.
To an extent, I will agree that the heels are working with a bigger restriction what with the PG Era; however, when compared to the faces, you'll see that being a heel is much easier. A heel could basically walk into the squared circle and scream "I am better than all of you," and just make that work. On the other hand, a face cannot be that easy. A face has to get the crowd to like him one way or another. And as we've seen with some, it just doesn't really work that well.

Such is the reason I am going to blame this on the talent themselves. As it is, not many are actually that good on the mic. Some superstars are decent, but most just come out as bland and, well, too repetitive. We all know CM Punk is fantastic; but the others, well, they could be better.
Ive still seen people get hit with chairs, thrown into stairs, hit in the head with water bottles, thrown into tables and beat up backstage.

Punk comes out and says hes better than everyone else, BOOM instant heat

Miz comes out and talks about how the fans, the other superstars and everyone else hates him because he was a reality TV star before he was a WWE Superstar, BAM instant heat.

Truth starts calling out little Jimmy's and goes toe to toe with Cena, he's been on a roll as a heel.

Batista stated he was tired of doing things for the fans, that he wanted to win gold, and make money, the fans turned on him instantly

Heels will be Heels and if they're good they can get heat without going to extreme measures.
Not at all, infact I think the PG rating is helping heels especially. Back when the WWE was geared toward an older audience, the lines were blurred and it was kind of harder to find footing.

Infact, nowadays it seems like a guy can't get over as a face without previously having a heel run.
yes, it is... 100%. you got dolph ziggler, drew mac, cody rhodes, kane (when he is heel) and everytone else (sheamus, wade barrett, punk) and others who get destoyed in feuds. i know punk just beat cena but that is only cuz hey want to re-sign punk without lettin him know how great he really is. the pg era is not good for any heel character other than 2. the miz(he is a great talker, and very good performer)... and r-truth.... i don't think he could get over in any other way as a heel except for the pg part. he is so goofy it works perfect for the kids and their parents, he does just enough to make them hate him. but his antics are nothing compared to the attitude era with stone cold, the rock, triple h, undertaker, kane... etc.
I think it has affected some of the heels, but there have been some great heels in the PG Era, Edge is one of thee greatest heels ever and he did a lot in this era, Miz is getting a lot better and is easily the most hated heel in the WWE right now, Albert Del Rio is getting better promo wise, which is saying a lot because the guy could talk in the first place.
Long story short, sure, they can't do as much as they want now, but the better heels, like Punk, Edge, and Miz have found a way to draw tons of heat without having to step out of the PG ratings bounds.
Did Ric Flair need to curse to get heat? No he didn't.

Could someone explain how it exactly effects them? I know during the years of TV-14 he heels did the same sort of things. They just happened to have blood involved in matches.

Even if it's TV-14 they wouldn't have Punk do his true evil heel indy promos where he says he hopes the people die.
Seriously its like anything before 1998 never happened.... yes thats right there was a time before 1998 when the product was PG, get the **** over it. Its rating, its not restricting the product at all, understand what the rating is. How the PG rating affects heels is irrelevant, theres only two factors to consider here:

1. The wrestlers, the likes of Jericho, Miz, Punk have no issue being heels
2. The writing team, thats the biggest problem because most of these heels dont have a chance to shine... this is where the restriction is.
do people even watch the show?
other then no blood and no major swearing, fewer weapons used, how is it all PG or affecting heels

There is still excessive violence, there is still strong language, there's still beating the crap out of people, there's verbally abusing the crowd and taunting kids. obvious women portrayed as nothing but eye candy

WWE is not 100% PG, it's a mix, they just don't go anywhere near the extent they did during the attitude era. Go back and watch the Hogan era it wasn't anywhere near as violent for the most part and that wasn't PG either that was Family Entertainment TV 14 and 15 with role models aimed at kids and teens.

anyway with restrictions i think it makes better people, they can't just go for the cheap heat pops, bloodying someone, swearing blue murder, using weapons excessively. They have to think more. Regardless it's always easier being a heel then a face, getting people to hate you is easy, keeping them linking you takes alot more effort.
Not really. You look at what Jerry Lawler would do as a heel (as a wrestler that is). He would simply insult the fans with very basic insults, run down the local area and it's sports teams and by the end of it, he would be utterly hated. Lawler's just one good example though, guys like Piper and DiBiase emerged before the Attitude Era and they're both hated equally as much as a lot of other heels. The Attitude Era simply added a different dimension to heels.
Ive still seen people get hit with chairs, thrown into stairs, hit in the head with water bottles, thrown into tables and beat up backstage.

Punk comes out and says hes better than everyone else, BOOM instant heat

Miz comes out and talks about how the fans, the other superstars and everyone else hates him because he was a reality TV star before he was a WWE Superstar, BAM instant heat.

Truth starts calling out little Jimmy's and goes toe to toe with Cena, he's been on a roll as a heel.

Batista stated he was tired of doing things for the fans, that he wanted to win gold, and make money, the fans turned on him instantly

Heels will be Heels and if they're good they can get heat without going to extreme measures.

Good call. Times have changed and the need for over-the-top violent heels is minimal if not zilch. To use an example from the TNA/IW, look at Abyss. He's a 'TV-14' monster heel and is almost cartoony, though his adoption of 'The Art of War' has added a different dimension to him to be fair.

So maybe the 'PG' heels are getting themselves over on the mic, so what? It's working and separates the wheat from the chaff. Batista even managed to get over by saying nothing one time on Smackdown and just led the audience on for a good 5 minutes because they wanted to hear his explanation of why he had turned on Rey Mysterio at the start of his heel turn. One of my favourite moments just for the psychology and manipulation of it all. Minimalism can work wonders when done right.

Oh and OP you mean 'Affecting' not 'Effecting' :)
Simple answer: No, it isn't.

Heels can still gain heat from everything they say. It's actually easy to be a heel in the WWE, you can step up in the ring and mock a football team or a basketball team of the hometown and here you have, instantly heat.
You can attack some guy loved by the fans, and here you have, HEAT!

The only thing that "PG" really affected was the Divas Division, that's right no more Fulfill Your Fantasy Match, nor Bra and Panties Match!!
So Heels can still be heels without cursing, mocking is enough and PG!!

WWE could add some blood for some matches, not every match like in the old days, but for some highly expected matches, that we know for sure that will be "a slobber knocker"
I watched TV-14 TNA/Impact Wrestling last night, and it was terrible. Anderson calling himself the Ass-hole champ was dumb, watching Gunner get stitches in the back from being busted open, pointless. Watching the Knockouts grab each others asses was trashy. Street fight outside with Angle vs Jarrod boy what a piece of shit of a segment.

If TV-14 WWE was to look anything like what I watched on Impact last night, Ill take the PG Era from this point on, because the product suffers more because TNA is trying to be over the top. The tactic clearly isn't working because they aren't doing squat for ratings and their product blows.
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