Is the PG issue going to effect SVR2011?


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pretty straight forward here guys, now i am pretty sure that in the game you can still bleed and divas are in 2 piece bikinis and there is probably some language in the storyline mode, why can the product be PG on TV but in the game there be no blood or anything? chair shots to head? that wont be taken out of the game i can almost guarantee, so is the WWE screwing themselves over here, or are we in for a PG smackdown vs raw video game that wont let you do these things?

maybe this has been touched upon, your thoughts??
Just cause the tv show is for 10 year olds don't meen they're gonna do the same with a game that more 16 and over people play.But I get your point the video game is gonna have more violence then the tv show.Just the way it is these days. Pretty sure the mods will move this thread and say it belongs in the video game section
the stuff on wwe tv is pg but you cant have a pg wrestling game because it just cant happen because of the violence. Dont forget if wwe tried to make a svr game pg no body will fucking buy it becuase the reason people buy it is because of the weapons the blood the extremeness (probably not a word). it also wouldnt be fun, could you imagine playing wwe svr without violence and weapons?
No way. That will not happen. The WWE should be well aware that doing so will very much damage the profit that is come from the game. Most of the people that are gona buy that game (myself included) is because we wanto play Hardcore matches, extreme rules matches, we want to see chair shots to the skull....we want to see the blood. Without any of these, then I think its safe to say the game will just be not as fun.

If the WWE were to actually make the game rated E or at the very least E for 10 and up, they would be making a huge mistake. The Majority of the people who are going to by that game are people between the ages of 12 - 25. Basically, almost everyone that has a grudge or some kind of hatred toward the PG era...and that, therefore, will most definately hurt its profit because these people (us) will not want to buy it.
Companies could be towards one age group then have certain products that are for the more mature crowd (like a videogame). It would be horrible for WWE to make a PG wresting game and I doubt they would do something that stupid.
All the blood, weapons etc. were still in the game last year with the PG rating in effect, infact they improved on the different variations of bleeding for 2010. I remember reading an interview from someone at THQ saying that their games are based on WWE, not a complete replication therefore have the license to go beyond the current style seen on TV. I wouldn't be surprised if the new WWE All Stars game was closer to a PG style and keep the SmackDown series as is.
T for teen is 13 and up. Tv PG is some content may be unsuitable for younger children. Can contain some sexuality, violence and language. Quit thinking that a pg rating is spongebob and seasame street. I am so tired of hearing everyone making such a big deal about this. It's not much of a difference. What did the cut out? Blood. Big Whoop. Probably safer anyways.
its not the fact of blood at all, i thought it was a sensible question to ask since they are saying the PRODUCT is PG i understand the game is made through another company but i wasnt sure, and its not just the blood that they took out, its like someone said on raw the divas had a one piece bikini.. didnt know mae young was back, and the chair shots etc; not saying its a bad thing cuz it is a hell of alot safer, the point was directed towards the video game, and it seems the wwe insults our intelligence because everything does seem PG, i nearly puked when that DX hornswoggle crap was going on, it was like watching an episode of The big comfy couch"
I can totally see WWE making a SvR game with no blood, no chair shots, no tables and all other violence removed from the game..Hell i can see a WWE Lego game. Anything to paint the Mcmahons in a good light during Lindas senate run.
Its a game...The tv shows are for the young people and the games I believe are for 15+..

And if there was no blood or head shots, then the game would not sell at all seen as kids can't buy it anyway...The game would just suck..

They are not doing themselves over by this either...
Let's not forget that WWE was rated PG back in 2009, around the time when Smackdown vs RAW 2010 was released. That should be a primary example to how WWE and Smackdown vs RAW won't collide in terms of influence on the game play.

Besides, would it really hurt the game if we didn't have blood, didn't have the ability to make chair shots to the head (Yeah okay, don't care about that one, I want that ability), or any of the other things that are usually blocked by the WWE programming? I seriously don't see how it could influence the game, it will still be good.
Who thinks that the WWE games are aimed at over 16 year olds only? I loved these games since Royal Rumble on the Genesis and even the Wrestlemania game with magic powers. I was 11 when WWF Warzone came out and 12 for WWF Attitude (which still ranks as one of my all time favourites for playability.) I had three more years and 4 more games to look forward to before I was 16 and those were probably the best ones. Finally, I reached 16 and Here Comes the Pain was released which is generally considered to be one of the best, if not the best, of the smackdown series of games. From there we have moved onto The Smackdown Vs Raw series which has steadily worsened from year to year. Graphically it looks good. There is a lot of variety in match type but the gameplay seems slower than earlier games in the Smackdown series, voice over work is dreadful for this day and age and the customisation options are years behind other games with create a character options.

I personally feel that if I were under the age of 16 now those faults I mentioned wouldn't bother me. Warzone and Attitude were slow games but I loved them. There was very little voice work in the first Smackdown game and the storyline often made no sense. Smackdown 2 basically repeated storyline over and over but it didn't bother me.

PG could easily be introduced into the series. Chairshots and other weapons will no longer be animated to hit the head. That way blood will either be omitted or harder to achieve (perhaps only bigger weapons such as the Steel Steps or the Exposed turnbuckle could bust you open), First blood matches will probably not be included, nor will the Inferno match... no great loss there really, I hardly play them anyway.

It's my opinion that it is up to the parents anyway. Both the Playstation and Xbox come with excellent parental controls and if you include a PG option in the game settings, these features could be made available to some gamers but not all. I'll be very honest. I don't want my younger cousin who is 8 getting enjoyment out of bloodying people up. For the same reason, he isn't allowed to play games like Grand Theft Auto on my watch.
I don't believe he's going to go to school and unleash the same punishment on his classmates but I do believe that he shouldn't be placed in that kind of environment to early. Moving from Hannah Montana to Grating someone's head with barbed wire is not a healthy step for an 8 year old. But his brother is 14 and I'd have no problem with him playing those games or mode. He's mature enough to handle it properly. A simple switch of a PG button and both boys are happy.
I say yes.. it will hurt the game if there's no blood.. i always like busting open my opponent.. there's gotta be blood in a wrestling game.. do you know how pissed i will be if i bust someone open, then all of a sudden, there's a cut scene where the doctors or whoever start patching up the guy.. and plus, weapons are a big part of this game, you can set up tables almost anywhere and do crazy stuff
I just received word that there will be several radical changes to the game. Here is a list.

Blood will be banned so that little Johnny doesn't try to replicate the result.

Ties will no longer be availabe in CAW.

Each loading screen will contain a "McMahon for Senate" message.

Outdated modes such as Hardcore, First Blood, and TLC will be replaced with modes designed to appeal to the target audience. These will include Musical Chairs, Hide and Seek, and Ring Around the Rosie.

To save money, Michael Cole will only say the word Vintage during commentary.

John Cena will be the only chracter you can play as in Road to WrestleMania. After all, the show revolves around him, so why not the video game?

I'm sure there are some I'm forgetting. Let me know if I missed anything.
Outdated modes such as Hardcore, First Blood, and TLC will be replaced with modes designed to appeal to the target audience. These will include Musical Chairs, Hide and Seek, and Ring Around the Rosie.

These are appropriate if NXT is included in the game. Those immunity games that they play are wonderful. I'm hoping they include the race around the concourse area, having to drink a diet coke on the way and then all the way back down to spin your forehead around a baseball bat 3 times. This could utilise the six-axis controller on a PS3 and it could even have Kinnect accessibility for Xbox.

They could also perhaps take a page out of TNA's book and stop matches halfway through and include a dance off.
I think wwe should just go back to tv14 cause that was a really good time i know everybody misses raw is war i do to but then again the next raw generation was awsome till 2009 then it got boring wwe has to remember we like blood we like alot of tables not allt he time mostly on ppvs cause moms and stuff will get mad if there kid is playing a game with blood so just switch back and we wouldnt have the problem come on just think about it and when cena turns heel thats the perfect time cause no more little kids the only reason they are there cause cena as a good guy but when he goes bad it will be a good time to change back
I think they should propose 2 things:

Smart Game This would flow with the parental levels set on the console. However, since most parents don't care enough to configure those settings....

option 2

Blood Option Have an option where you can turn blood on/off. I believe there were a couple of games in the past, not necessarily wrestling games, that you could do this with.
T for teen is 13 and up. Tv PG is some content may be unsuitable for younger children. Can contain some sexuality, violence and language. Quit thinking that a pg rating is spongebob and seasame street. I am so tired of hearing everyone making such a big deal about this. It's not much of a difference. What did the cut out? Blood. Big Whoop. Probably safer anyways.

Finally someone understands PG!

I'll break the news to a lot of people because they simply do not know. The WWF stop being PG in the middle of 1998. Which means the likes of the original DX, Austin etc were all created in a PG rating. Strikes it as odd why people think PG would restrict things (unless you want the over the top, insane things that happened in the Attitude Era).
Most of the stuff cut out of WWE programming is nothing to do with the show being PG (it never was and never will be). Its down to real life events and the health of the wrestlers. Something that has been ignored for years. Blading, chair shots to an unprotected head etc were stopped for health reasons not PG reasons. Storylines and wrestlers aren't affected by PG, they are affected by the creative team.
As for the game, seeing the health of the wrestlers aren't at risk. Then there is no reason to ban it. The WWE product will always be violent, its the nature of it.
Last years gane was made during the PG era and still featured blood and Divas in 2 pieces so I dont see why this years would be any different. Just because your TV shows are PG dosent mean your games have to be.
Well, unfortunately, THQ does its best to replicate the WWE product as close as it possibly can.

They sent out a survey to members of the SVR site and asked how they would be affected if blood was removed from the game, so I am going to assume here that its out. Other than that, maybe no inferno match? To be honested, pixels in bikinis dont turn me on so I wont miss that.

Other than things that THQ needs to work on for the game, I dont see the PG rating playing too much of a role in the game.
I happen to have a copy of SmackDown vs. Raw handy. It says that this game has been rated T for Teen for blood, language, sexual themes, and violence. The last time I checked, the PG era started in 2008 and it's been Teen since then. I wouldn't worry about the rating nor the content changing.
I don't think that the television product will affect the game at all.You will still be able to bleed and hit people in the skull with chairs, it's a wrestling game, where would be the fun if you couldn't.The game is played by people over the age of 16 and so they aren't going to take violence out of that.If it is such a problem why not have a filter in the options menu, where you can turn off blood and all that.
Yeah, as the majority have stated, just because it is PG 13 on TV, doesn't mean the game is, last year's game was, and that was a great game! The PG 13 thing will have little to no effect the game.
I'm VERY surprised none of you pointed this out but the WWE IS bringing out what appears to be a PG game in WWE All Stars:

Believe it or not the WWE are not as stupid as the IWC seem to think they are. I'm sure they are well aware that SVR is a series that even appeals to older fans who don't tune into Raw or buy the PPVs. It's clear from the exaggeration of the wrestlers and the moves that All Stars will be primarily aimed at the PG generation while SVR will be aimed at the average gamer.

I thought that was obvious. :shrug:

I could be wrong as I'm not aware of all the facts but it wouldn't surprise me if All Stars had blood disabled. However, it's already been confirmed that blood is in the SVR and that the main focus of the game is the new weapons physics:

Check out 08:49

So it appears there is one less reason for the IWC to complain about PG. Shall we move on to the next topic? Lol
Well IMHO i think that new WWE Arcade game coming out near Wrestlemaina next year is aimed for the PG ERA and Smackdown Vs. Raw 2011 will be for the ades 12-26 or so as it always has been, so no PG ERA in SVR2011 but expect so in the Arcade Game next year.....

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