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Is the Miz ready to be the top guy?


Beast from the East
Just thinking about this. The Miz still has bragging rights. He beat John Cena in the Main Event at Wrestlemania. The Miz has been out of our sights for awhile; doing movies, hosting tv shows, and doing media appearances. I honestly am not the biggest Miz fan but thought he had something going for him (sorta found him funny on the mic). Im pretty sure I read something on the home page over a year or two ago saying Miz was going to get his shot again one day. That they have "Major Plans" in store. Hes still young, great figurehead for the company, and has a small outside wwe following.

Could the Miz be this relevant again? The the Miz worthy enough right now with the talent they currently have? Thoughts?
I don't see it personally. To go from where he was as WWE champion, to being a true mid-carder, even being booked as a jobber sometimes, it'll be damn hard to recover from.

Again speaking personally, I'm not a fan of the guy, and I find him irritating. Probably why he makes a good heel! But on the mic I do find him pretty entertaining. I've seen the rumours about pairing him with Flair, and I'd be very curious to see where they go with it. I do not see him ever being WWE WHC champion, but I could see him feuding with some more higher profile superstars. If he comes back without Flair at his side, I don't see anything particularly different about his return. Maybe a US title run or something so we actually still remember the guy? I've also seen the rumour of a stable of the "disgruntled" superstars who are pissed at getting no opportunity, aka Miz, Ryder, Ziggler etc. I'll hold judgement on that one.
No. There is a reason he did not maintain his previous spot; he's not good enough. If he was, you would be able to see it. It would be undeniable. It would be a crime every time creative ran him out there in a mid-card bout. The fans would demand his push. He'd be selling more merchandise. More than a fifth of the arena would give a shit about whatever match or promo or appearance he was involved in.

I could go on, but I assume you get my point by now; Miz isn't even close to being 'ready to be the top guy.'
I enjoyed The Miz's run as a main event talent. He worked incredibly hard to get there and I feel he earned it by the massive improvement he made in all aspects of his work from when he first arrived in 2005 to when he was given the ball in 2010. I think The Miz is somewhat similar to a Rob Van Dam or a Chris Jericho, where he can be used for short-term main event runs but spends most of his time in the midcard. He definitely deserves better than being a jobber to the stars. I heard a few months ago that WWE was planning a Miz/Dolph Ziggler tag team, with their gimmick being that they had earned their way to the top and then had their spots stolen from them, which is exactly what I feel happened to them. Personally I'd love to see that tag team come to fruition. The Usos aren't accomplishing anything in the tag team division, and I sure as hell don't want to see Luke Harper & Erik Rowan as tag champions. The Miz & Dolph Ziggler would be a great heel team, and could do a lot for the WWE Tag Team Championships.
No! The Miz will never be ready to be the top guy because he does not have the talent and will never be believable enough to fill that role. Sure, he's great on the mic. That's it though. There is nothing else he brings to the table. He's not talented in the ring and does not have the look of a champion. His run as WWE Champion was one of the darkest times in WWE history. A guy who never should have won the belt in the first place not only defended the belt on PPV against a retired announcer but then went on to retain against John Cena at Wrestlemania in the worst main event in Wrestlemania history. Horrible, absolutely horrible. The person who decided that The Miz should have held the belt that long, let alone won it in the first place, deserves to be fired. If it was Vince himself (which it may have been) then he clearly lost his mind years ago.

I would prefer a route in a significantly different direction. I like MizTV. They should keep him for those segments or maybe let him be an announcer later down the line, but no more pushes beyond the midcard. Want him to be a champion? Give him the US Championship again. The Miz should never be anywhere near the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Once was bad enough and a time some of us would rather forget ever happened. A second run would be a horrendous nightmare. He didn't have the talent to justify the push back then and he certainly doesn't now. The world title should be reserved for the best of the best. Miz is nowhere NEAR that tier.
Personally, I always felt The Miz got a lot of undeserved hate when he was getting pushed. The Miz has strong abilities on the mic, he's solid in the ring and whether or not you were a fan, he had you interested in what he was in the midst of when he was WWE Champion. The look on that little girl's face when Miz successfully cashed in his MITB briefcase against Randy Orton was an all time classic. All in all, I thought he had a successful run as champion, he may have been overshadowed by Cena & The Rock at WrestleMania 27, but it's not his fault that he was booked to play second fiddle to them.

With that being said, however, I think Miz's time at the top is passed and won't be coming around again. The Miz has gone from WWE Champion to being smack in the middle of the lower to low mid-card on the roster. Allegedly, based on reports I've read over the years, Triple H isn't really a huge fan of Miz's. If that's true and Triple H is gaining more power behind the scenes, currently has Big Johnny's old job, is 2nd in command of WWE creative, with Vince ultimately having the final say of course, and with Triple H poised to ultimately take over Vince's spot one day, then the odds of Miz being back on top aren't good.

There's also a load of fresh talent on their way up the ladder like Bray Wyatt & The Shield, Daniel Bryan's far more over than Miz ever was or ever has been, Cesaro looks as though he's being slowly built towards an eventual main event run and you have a lot of promising talent in NXT. I simply don't see much room for Miz. He's been WWE Champion and he's held both mid-card titles multiple times. The only place I can see Miz having a chance to make a real splash that MIGHT lead him back to the Promise Land would be in the tag team picture. If he were to be part of a strong tag team that won the titles and had a very memorable time as champion, it MIGHT lead to the rejuvenation of his singles career. That possibility aside, and it's a fairly slim one, I simply don't see it happening.
I think he should work on his body; a more impressive physique would make him look tougher and better capable of competing at the high level they've placed him in the past. Back then, they had him as the world champion on the basis of his nasty personality.

Admittedly, he grades out well on the mic, and I think he works a match better than many believe.....but he needs a more imposing presence inside the ring to bring him back up to where he was.

To me, Miz was one of those guys who was elevated far beyond where he should have been. On the one hand, kudos to him for somehow convincing the top people he was worthy of a mega-push. But on the other hand, I see him as a mid-carder who managed to grab the brass ring, at least for a while.

It's practically sacrilege to say on this forum, but I liked him far better as a good guy than a heel and the company did him no favors by waffling him back and forth. His speaking abilities made his in-ring "talk show" a better watch than almost anyone else who's tried.

Still, a tighter body might make me take him more seriously as a wrestler.
NO. Not only a no, but a hell no. Especially if he's a face. I cannot stand him as a face. He's not funny, he's obnoxious. He's also getting up there in years. Don't get me wrong he's nice in the ring but his bod is showing his age. I also think that the crowds are sick of him, save for Cleveland.
If he were to be saved, make him a heel and stick him in the upper Midcard at most. You know, maybe some wins tagging with the Usos or fodder for Cesaro every once in a while. I personally am sick of the Miz.
I will never understand this mentality. So, the Miz isn't ready for the top picture, but Daniel Bryan, who is lacking what the Miz has in every single category, is totally legit.

I personally think that the Miz could EASILY be put back into a Main Event status, especially with people like Cena, Orton, Batista, HHH, Lesnar, etc. there to help him out. The problem with the first Miz run is the same problem with the current championship run. Some smark fans are able to somehow convince a few arenas for a few months to pop.

The Miz was only unsuccessful because of the way he GOT to the title picture. He was a perfectly believable WWE champ.
He's not main event material and never was, so the question doesn't make sense IMO. Firstly, he needs to do miracles to be considered worthy of another main event push. And then he'd compete for a spot against a bunch of very talented newcomers.

Very hard for him to move up from the midcard.
The fact that people remember his reign, remember who he beat, remember his awesome Wrestlemania intro and video, all that suggests he's more than capable of being one of the top guys.
Personally, I thought he was one of the best heels of the past 5 years. He clearly worked his ass off to improve in-ring, he looked the part and he got people to hate him. Job done on every level, I'd be happy to see him back at the top.
While I hate the term "Vanilla Midget" it's almost apt for Miz in that he is NEVER going to have the size or skillset in the ring that makes him credible as a top guy. Bryan works cos he clearly has technical and striking skills to build his foundation on, Rey worked as he was a high flying lucha with a "never say die" attitude. Miz is a snarky, cocky guy who can talk but has nothing to really make you suspend disbelief enough that he is "better" than the top guys... This was SO apparent when he headlined Mania.

Can he ever get them... doubtful now but the idea of Flair once more his manager COULD work if they're part of a Horsemen style group. Miz can take the "vocal role" but he's no Enforcer, no Tully Blanchard in the ring and is as far away from Flair as it gets.

In many ways the best thing they could currently do for him is re-hire Morrison and re-form their team in the way the Outlaws did so successfully. Build Morrison up to a level where they can split and feud and then Miz is back in the mix.

His mic ability isn't the best when compared to someone like Wyatt, Barrett or Ambrose...and these guys are the ones quickly taking his spot and chance to move back up... if they get the main event no way Miz can get back... if they can't, they're better than Miz all round so they take that spot... leaving Miz to be the jobber he has been for a while or the announce table beckoning.
What I liked about The Miz was his reality TV crossover to sports entertainment. I don't recall him having a prior background or family ties to wrestling. Then to make it is outstanding.

I don't understand why others are being critical of his move-set. So many past champions have had a limited move set. Then I see someone talking about his physique as if our current champion has a chiseled physique. Lol Chris Masters and David Otunga have great physiques but you don't see them in the main event - so I find that irrelevant to some degree.

I feel he isn't going to be a top guy but I do feel he would be a worthy challenger to top stars. Especially in a heel role. I would like to see him in a tag team title picture. Dolph Ziggler would be a great option - just don't pair him with Ric Flair.
Whoa. I read the title of the thread and had to check the calendar. i thought we went back in time like four years. Anyways as far the Miz goes, he never should have gotten as far as he did. He way over achieved and I think the WWE realized that with the way he's fallen into obscurity. I'm not even sure if he was a heel or a face when he left. Creative had zero direction with him, but its not all creatives fault. The reason they didn't know what to do with him is because he can't get over in anyway. His heel schtick got old and now its flat and he's extremely bland as a face. I'm sorry to all the Miz fans but he is no longer, or ever was, Awesome.
I will never understand this mentality. So, the Miz isn't ready for the top picture, but Daniel Bryan, who is lacking what the Miz has in every single category, is totally legit.

I personally think that the Miz could EASILY be put back into a Main Event status, especially with people like Cena, Orton, Batista, HHH, Lesnar, etc. there to help him out. The problem with the first Miz run is the same problem with the current championship run. Some smark fans are able to somehow convince a few arenas for a few months to pop.

The Miz was only unsuccessful because of the way he GOT to the title picture. He was a perfectly believable WWE champ.

Daniel Bryan will never be what the smarks want him to be. He lacks the size and mic skills to be a believable long reigning champ. If he had one of the 2 that might be enough to camouflage his short comings, no pun intended. Booking hasn't helped him. He should have been stripped of the title by now. Instead of feuding with Steph and pandering to the fans until he let his wife take the bullet for him tonight. Guess now he will fight to get her job back.

Miz will get a little push when WWE wants to promote their movie.
The Miz is an upper-mid carder for life. I like the guy well enough, but he doesn't have the look or the wrestling ability to thrive as a main eventer. I never bought into him as WWE Champion. The belt had more charisma than he did.

The US Title fit him like a glove, though - few guys looked better with it. Miz, like many others before him, simply shines better in the mid-card, and nowhere else.
The Miz did a good enough job of elevating his presence outside of wrestling to not need the championship. He can still host fantasy football shows and teen award shows and be in movies on the rep that he's "WWE superstar the Miz". Will that last forever? No, and he may be getting to the point soon of needing to spend more time in the ring than out of it. But doing more wrestling doesn't require him to be champion. Not to mention the fact that he's been out of things so long that storyline wise it would take at least a little time to sensibly integrate him into the title picture.
Let me just say The Miz is not really as bad as some people make him out to be. He isn't a great wrestler or amazing on the mic but he is NOT BAD he is actually quite decent.

He will never be the top guy nor will he ever main event WM again but if WWE handles him well he can be at a upper mid card level and be ready to step into the main event every now and then.

Now when he comes back I sincerely hope he doesn't return with Ric Flair because when and if he is with Flair you can 99.9% garentee that he will be a face and the best thing about The Miz is that the people just naturally want to boo him and he plays off of that very well.

The only reason he should be upper midcard is because the guy is a media magnet and should be used one.

I think the best way to make him return is by having Cesaro beat down on Sheamus and out comes the Miz (Hopefully with a new song) to makr Cesaro leave the ring. Miz helps Sheamus up only to hit the Skull Crushing Finale on him and raise the US title up. The next week he comes out saying The Miz is a superstar who stars in movies and TV shows and should be a champion due to all his previous merits. This leads to a qualification match between Cesaro and Miz where the winner moves onto the MITB match. Sheamus runs outnand costs the Miz the match saying that he will get him back for last week and hell he even puts the title on the line. The Miz wins the championship and defends against Sheamus at August PPV and then perhaps a new but over guy Sept. PPV
No! The Miz will never be ready to be the top guy because he does not have the talent and will never be believable enough to fill that role. Sure, he's great on the mic. That's it though. There is nothing else he brings to the table. He's not talented in the ring and does not have the look of a champion. His run as WWE Champion was one of the darkest times in WWE history. A guy who never should have won the belt in the first place not only defended the belt on PPV against a retired announcer but then went on to retain against John Cena at Wrestlemania in the worst main event in Wrestlemania history. Horrible, absolutely horrible. The person who decided that The Miz should have held the belt that long, let alone won it in the first place, deserves to be fired. If it was Vince himself (which it may have been) then he clearly lost his mind years ago.

Very well said. Miz's strength is definitely his mic work, which is the only aspect of the business in which he is better than average. He's just not cut out to be the top guy, never has been and never will be.

I've said it many times, Miz isn't good enough in the ring, and doesn't look like a Champion. During his title reign he looked like a mid-carder masquarading as a main eventer. At no point did he strike me as someone I could buy into as Champion, he didn't look the part or wrestle like a top star and he just bored me.

If I was WWE, I'd keep him employed as he works hard for the company and does alot for the WWE off camera but as a performer I'd try and use him as a manager or commentator more than an actual wrestler, or perhaps throw him in the long-discussed tag team with Ziggler. If they fired him I wouldn't mind though.
In another era, Miz would be a lifetime tag team player who could cut promos and would probably never be questioned as to whether he is a top guy or a glorified jobber. He would have his role: Tag team guy, and that'd be good enough.

So yes, this is my thinly disguised rant that the lack of tag teams means that guys who have some talent but will never be great singles wrestlers could still have long, solid careers. Of course, so far, Miz is still gainfully employed, and has had a long career despite his ups and downs, so maybe there's nothing to complain about in the first place.
I may be in the minority here but I REALLY liked the miz in 2010. He was a good heel, got good heat from the crowd and his title run wasn't as bad as people make it out to be. He had some really good matches against Orton and even when he was looking over shadowed by The Rock and Cena, he would still do something to stay noticed like when he dressed as The Rock and attacked Cena, I LOVED that. He also is a really good in-ring talent. He puts on entertaining matches and I like his finisher more than some other ones we see like Ambrose, his finisher is pretty weak. I definitely feel like he could carry the company as a champion. He has all the charisma to do so, a lot more than Daniel Bryan and he's the current champ so...
Yeah I think Miz can definatly be a main eventer again. It just may be a bit tough for him to get there again with the likes of Cena not going anywhere and DB, Orton, Batista, Sheamus and all the new up and comers. But I always liked him and his championship run. I think people hate on him because he was a "reality" tv star before wwe. But I say who cares if he was? He went through developmental first. It's not like he came in and was handed the title in his first few months or something.
Yeah I think Miz can definatly be a main eventer again. It just may be a bit tough for him to get there again with the likes of Cena not going anywhere and DB, Orton, Batista, Sheamus and all the new up and comers. But I always liked him and his championship run. I think people hate on him because he was a "reality" tv star before wwe. But I say who cares if he was? He went through developmental first. It's not like he came in and was handed the title in his first few months or something.

You hit the nail on the head, who cares if he is on realtiy tv, THE MIZ WAS AND ALAWAYS WILL BE AWSOME.
Can he be relevant again? Definitely. The guy was the WWE Champ at some point and main evented WM (yea, whatever). He is pretty good in the mic and solid in the ring and a natural heel.

Is it easy for him to be relevant again? Not at all. First of all, he has been out of action for long and the time he was here, he was involved in random, uninteresting programs. The first I'd do with him is make him come back at MitB, a la 2 years ago. He got a good pop and he will get another one, since it is technically a return. Then, he MUST go heel. The face just doesn't fit him at all, his best work was when he was that annoying heel. Given 2-3 months of solid booking and some big wins here and there, I could actually buy a Bryan vs the Miz program, which actually has a great backstory to it. It would definitely be a better story than Bryan vs Kane at least.

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