Is Technology Wasted On Us?


Staff member

You know, I was watching this clip looking for some inspiration and I really couold not help but feel that everything that the guy says is completely true. I look deep into my own life at some of the technology that surrounds me and I really do think that technology is wasted on some people, who firstly do not appreciate it and secondly are so spoiled that they are taking it fro granted. So yeah, I took a look around my room and I had a think about some of the technology that surrounds me at this very minute and some of the flaws that I really cannot stand with them. To say that there is a few is an understatement because I think it is just people's nature to want things done now and done quickly. So let me describe some of the "flaws"

Firstly, my TV. I have a 32 inch, LCD HD TV that is hooked up to my cable box. My TV cost an absolute fortune and I paid for it. I appreciate it but I never think about how lost I would be without it. It gives me hours of endless enjoyment and makes news and stories, entertainment and laughter come at the touch of a button and I never really think about how different my life would be without it. Yet, I constantly yell at it for only having 2 scart ports. I mean, come on! That is ridiculous considering that the first TV I ever had in my room was about 15 years ago and it was an 11 inch black and white thing. It blows my mind how far TV technology has come and how unappreciative I am for it.

The next thing is my laptop. I constantly find problems with my computer and I really do not comprehend how empty my life would be without my laptop. I would not be writing this paragraph if it weren't for my computer and I would have no access to the news of the world in the click of a button. I would be less clever than I am and I would basically have no job because I deal with technology. I guess the guy is correct. We, as the human race, have never been more spoiled when it comes to technology but it is all about the next must have accessory and no one ever thinks about what the process of carrying out one instruction on a computer might involve.

But what do you guys think? Do you think we are spoiled by technology?
It all depends on what we use technology for. I can never complain, because without computer technology, I'd be out of a career. And yes, I am very spoiled by technology because it has enabled me to pursue a career in something that I have a strong passion for. Not everyone uses it that way though, very few people actually understand how powerful and capable a computer is. To me, a computer is a gateway to a different world that has unlimited boundaries and potential.

Technology has also assisted in making medical technology more advanced than ever, and has really cut costs and provided a more efficient and smarter way of getting things done without going broke doing it. Look how different technology is today, compared 20 years ago and we still haven't even used technology to its fullest potential, its not even close.

Almost every business in the world is going digital. I recently just helped an optomotrist's office make a transition from paper records to electronic records using mysql and postgreSQL. It was a huge undertaking, but it was well worth it because it helped them save over 25 thousand dollars. It just doesn't make sense for us to use archaic, unorganized and counter-productive means to run a business, especially when it's so easy to store everything in an encrypted database and have everything available to you at the click of a button.

Technology being as available and cheap as it is has helped capture criminals, save lives, recover kidnapped children, report robberies, and has really enabled families to become closer than ever.

So yes, it has made us very spoiled. But it has also made us more efficient and smarter than ever. The internet is the greatest resource in the entire world, take advantage of it and learn it. Learn the protocols, learn what makes it tick. It's fascinating and I love it.

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