Is Sting the Most Unfortunate Wrestler of All-Time?

Man, when I sit back tonight reminiscing on what the fuck i have just seen at Victory Road, I can't help but think Sting has been involved in some of the biggest screw job moments in professional wrestling. They aren't your Bret Hart screw jobs type of moments but his character has taken some decent hits through out his career and I often wonder why he actually continues to stick with the one promotion. Credit to the guy because if it was me, I'd have packed up and moved on a long time ago.

Here is a short list where I think Sting has been hard done by:

Obviously Starrcade 1997 - Finally took the belt off Hogan after the best built storyline in the history of professional wrestling IMO but did so in the most controversial fashion. Title was vacated the very next night on Nitro.

Spring Stampede 1997 -Loses title when the new Wolfpac storm the ring. To sum up, two title reigns for a total defense of two months and 1 day.

Halloween Havoc 1999 -Was booked to defend the title against a face Hulk Hogan and disagreements backstage were high. Hulk sulked and wouldn't come out when his music played. Sting came out first. Hogan's music plays once again he finally makes his way out in street gear. Lays down in the center of the ring and the match is over. Sting ends up facing Goldberg and is squashed in a three minute, non-title match. Anger is clear to see on his face. Title is vacated next night on Nitro.

Victory Road 2011 - I'll just move straight to last night's PPV (If anyone wants to fill the gap, by all means go for it). One and a half minute match where he defends the title with rumors that Jeff Hardy wasn't fit to wrestle. Sting is visibly pissed off after the match. Rumors are he could be at Wrestlemania in front of 70,000 but instead chooses this.

When I think about all that Sting has achieved in his career, the above moments stick out in my mind. The pictures of Sting shaking his head walking back up the ramp after an altered result is often something I think about when I see Sting in TNA. I genuinely feel sorry for the guy, as I feel he has been hard done by when its clearly out of his control.

Title says it all, is Sting the most unfortunate wrestler of all time?

Will Sting be remembered in your view for the above reasons or for the long list of achievements his career has definitely had?

Please try and keep discussion off the Wrestlemania rumors and comparisons with TNA/WCW to WWE. Thanks.
Ummm, I think Owen Hart will hold the "Most Unfortunate of All-Time" title for a long time (hopefully). As for Sting's legacy, you've narrowed the scope quite a bit and have ignored all of the success he had pre-NWO that really made him WCW's flagship even before Bischoff rose to power. I certainly don't dwell on those incidents you mentioned when I think of the Stinger and his career.
Hes had a couple chances to jump ship and work for WWE.. where he would instantly be a headliner and a great draw.. and the crowd would definitely go nuts for him heel or face.

Hes chosen to stay with the mickey mouse organization time and time again...
Sting has had a few unfortunate moments in his career, but he's also partly to blame. Based on his career, Sting seems like the kind of guy who likes to be a big fish in a little pond. JR recently reffered to this as his "comfort
zone". TNA has been doing crap like this for a long time, and he should just know to expect it.

Everyone that cheered Sting for resigning with TNA dont care about Sting. They just wanted to stick it to the WWE. Last month Sting had the opportunity to sign with the WWE. If he had done so he would be wrestling in front of over 50,000 screaming fans in his former home town at the biggest event in the wrestling industry next month. He would have been able to show the millions of people watching around the world that he still had it on the biggest stage he has ever wrestled on. Instead, he signed with TNA and was one half of the biggest piece of shit excuss for a main event in wrestling history in front of 1000 people. If Sting is "unfortunate" it's his own fault.
Titles really mean nothing, he was the top hero in that nWo feud for a year before it culimated at Starcade, plus he had so much success before that. Sting was WCW's golden boy from start to finish, he was to WCW what HBK was to WWE. I dont think thats unlucky at all.

You could make a better case for Bret Hart after the way he left WWE (Montreal), not being used well in WCW and when he finally reached the top in WCW he got kicked in the head and had to retire... and at that point WCW wasnt exactly a good product anyway and when he finally came back it became painfully obvious that he couldnt wrestle to save his life when 12 years earlier he was the best bell-to-bell performer in wrestling.

But when I look at misfortune I look at Droz and Owen Hart.
Honestly, until you listed the WCW ones, I didn't remember them and I watched those PPVs.

Unless Hardy dies sometime soon and this was his last match, this too shall pass and only Sting's Icon status and illustrious career will shine through.
Man I have been a life long Sting fan and I could not agree more with what has been said. I feel so bad for the guy. I will never understand why Sting went back to TNA instead of signing with WWE. He could have ended his career in a glorious way, entered the WWE Hall of Fame and retired, but instead he chooses to be loyal to TNA. Being loyal is what has bitten Sting in the ass time and time again. It happened in WCW with the cancer that is Hulk Hogan and now it has happened in TNA. Truly feel bad for the guy and like I already said I could not agree more with first post.
Man, when I sit back tonight reminiscing on what the fuck i have just seen at Victory Road, I can't help but think Sting has been involved in some of the biggest screw job moments in professional wrestling. They aren't your Bret Hart screw jobs type of moments but his character has taken some decent hits through out his career and I often wonder why he actually continues to stick with the one promotion. Credit to the guy because if it was me, I'd have packed up and moved on a long time ago.

Here is a short list where I think Sting has been hard done by:

Obviously Starrcade 1997 - Finally took the belt off Hogan after the best built storyline in the history of professional wrestling IMO but did so in the most controversial fashion. Title was vacated the very next night on Nitro.

Spring Stampede 1997 -Loses title when the new Wolfpac storm the ring. To sum up, two title reigns for a total defense of two months and 1 day.

Halloween Havoc 1999 -Was booked to defend the title against a face Hulk Hogan and disagreements backstage were high. Hulk sulked and wouldn't come out when his music played. Sting came out first. Hogan's music plays once again he finally makes his way out in street gear. Lays down in the center of the ring and the match is over. Sting ends up facing Goldberg and is squashed in a three minute, non-title match. Anger is clear to see on his face. Title is vacated next night on Nitro.

Victory Road 2011 - I'll just move straight to last night's PPV (If anyone wants to fill the gap, by all means go for it). One and a half minute match where he defends the title with rumors that Jeff Hardy wasn't fit to wrestle. Sting is visibly pissed off after the match. Rumors are he could be at Wrestlemania in front of 70,000 but instead chooses this.

When I think about all that Sting has achieved in his career, the above moments stick out in my mind. The pictures of Sting shaking his head walking back up the ramp after an altered result is often something I think about when I see Sting in TNA. I genuinely feel sorry for the guy, as I feel he has been hard done by when its clearly out of his control.

Title says it all, is Sting the most unfortunate wrestler of all time?

Will Sting be remembered in your view for the above reasons or for the long list of achievements his career has definitely had?

Please try and keep discussion off the Wrestlemania rumors and comparisons with TNA/WCW to WWE. Thanks.

You make a reasonable suggestion, but I'd have to agree that Owen Hart would warrant that title. I'm not just talking about his death, either. I've always heard a story that he was supposed to get a title run after Bret was screwed, but Shawn didn't want to give him a run because he hated Bret and was still upset that Owen hurt him and ended his first reign. This all lead to a series of, "unfortunate" events where he was dressed as the Blue Blazer and was being lowered from the ceiling in Kansas City. That story probably isn't true, but it would only add to the fact that Owen is still the most tragically unfortunate person in wrestling history.

I honestly think the common denominator here for Sting, though, is Hogan and Bisch. I don't think Hogan ever really respected Sting as a major star, or anyone else as a star other than himself, for that matter, and I'm sure that that's probably held Sting back more than anything.

If this is all real, then I honestly wouldn't be stunned if Sting was kicking his own ass, right now, for not agreeing to sign with WWE all those years when he had the chance. Sting's legacy is bigger than this, and I doubt he needs this crap at his age.
I can see where you're going with but I'd say it's far from the truth. He's the only big modern name to not work for WWE & yet is considered Hall of Fame level & an all time great. I think that's pretty amazing.

He did get pooped on a lot when it came to stories especially the Hogan/Sting match you talked about. There was a lot of things wrong with that story. Hogan lost to just about everyone even before Sting got to him. Okay not everyone but all of the other main faces ( Luger, Piper, Big Show ). Hogan should've stayed a dominant character until his battle with Sting, in which Sting should've won cleanly.
Sting has had a few unfortunate moments in his career, but he's also partly to blame. Based on his career, Sting seems like the kind of guy who likes to be a big fish in a little pond. JR recently reffered to this as his "comfort
zone". TNA has been doing crap like this for a long time, and he should just know to expect it.

Everyone that cheered Sting for resigning with TNA dont care about Sting. They just wanted to stick it to the WWE. Last month Sting had the opportunity to sign with the WWE. If he had done so he would be wrestling in front of over 50,000 screaming fans in his former home town at the biggest event in the wrestling industry next month. He would have been able to show the millions of people watching around the world that he still had it on the biggest stage he has ever wrestled on. Instead, he signed with TNA and was one half of the biggest piece of shit excuss for a main event in wrestling history in front of 1000 people. If Sting is "unfortunate" it's his own fault.

This is the fact, let's not forget how hard McMahon went after him when he bought WCW and Sting refused to sign cause of how rater R the WWE was. That makes him look like a total hypocrite today. The WWE is PG and marketing to kids and he chose the promotion who uses blood like if it was water and throws underage children into story lines.
He choose this path so idk what else he expects, what's the common factor in all of those things!?!? Eric and Hulk, time and time again they have shown that they can't handle it.
Sting is in no way unfortunate in this... he will have a contract clause for "moral terpitude" and that TNA always has to show him in a good light... by putting him in this position, TNA will have not shown moral terpitude and shown him in a bad light... unless his lawyer/agent is a chimp...Sting interfering and ending the streak for Taker is a very real possibility!
What happened at Victory Road honestly makes me sad...

little background on me.. Ive been a huge WWF/WWE fan all of my life.. Ive only cared for other promotions briefly.. I enjoyed WCW briefly during the nWo invasion.. and I loved ECW in its hayday... Other than that.. it was Vinny Mac's promotion.. all day.. everyday.. I just could never really get into WCW because I thought the product as a whole was really lacking.. it was always the same old wrestlers and same old story lines.. WWE however was always exciting and you never knew what was going to happen next.. especially in the attitude era..

anyway.. the point of all this.. even being a huge WWE fanboy/homer/geek I always had major respect for Sting. I loved everything about him.. His ring skils.. his mic skills.. the respect he commanded no matter what city he was in... To this day I still respect the hell out of him and will rate him Top 5 of all time in my book hands down...

It just saddens me to see him wasting away in that bullshit mickey mouse company towards the end of his career that Bischoff and Hogan are once again in the drivers seat for..

Sting.. you owe it to yourself brother.. Get some lawyers involved and get the fuck out of TNA... go over to the other side.. if not for Wrestlemania this year.. hell maybe Wrestlemania 28, or 29, or fuck it even 30...

Why stay along for the bullshit once again? A 1 minute "main event" in front of 900 people at what is supposedly a pay per view? You could headline, or at the very worst, co headline Wrestlemania.. the biggest event in sports entertainment.. in front of 50,000 + people...

You owe it to yourself Stinger... your legacy deserves it. All your hard work deserves it. You will be welcomed with open arms.. I promise you... and Vince McMahon would never dare misuse you. Few command respect in this business... your undoubtedly at the top of that list.

why is everyone acting like Sting turned down WWE recently in favor of TNA? No one in WWE mentioned anything about courting Sting for a deal.
I have to agree with several other posters who said that a lot of the "unfortunate events" in Sting's career are partially his fault, especially this latest one. I hope Sting is kicking himself tonight. Tomorrow on Raw he could have been building toward arguably the BIGGEST moment in his career against The Undertaker at the biggest event in wrestling. Instead he's gonna be spending Monday night reflecting on that abortion of a main event he had with with Junky Jeff Hardy. When is he gonna get fired anyways?
The biggest thing here is that STING DOES NOT CARE ABOUT HIS FANS! We made STING, and now he care more about his personal feelings! The crap TNA is putting out WILL NEVER MATTER! The is PURE JUNK! STING is Letting his Legacy go down the trash, If he NEVER goes to WWE, STING will never be what he could have been! Care about your fans STING and Go to the Place where you belong, in WWE Hall OF Fame! If you care about your fans, you would do it!
I cant help but feel bored anytime I watch TNA.. Im not even remotely entertained.... not even for one second... Seriously though.. Samoa Joe?..Who the fuck told this guy he was a wrestler... AJ Styles?..Has this guy ever drawn a dime? Aside from the legends who are in their 50s and 60s these are your headliners?

Get fucking real.

TNA is an inferior product top to bottom. Its not even a fraction of what WCW used to be. Hell.. its not even on old ECWs level.. atleast that had an amazing cult following..

Someone needs to put TNA out of its misery and just pull the plug, for good.
why is everyone acting like Sting turned down WWE recently in favor of TNA? No one in WWE mentioned anything about courting Sting for a deal.

EXACTLY!!!! Why is everyone acting out as if Sting CHOSE TNA OVER WWE??????? He never had that choice to begin with... WWE NEVER considered Sting for that 2/21/11 reveal. The choice was always Undertaker... That's been confirmed by the same websites that began the rumor in the first place. :banghead:

Sting is an Icon in this business, period. Ric Flair isn't a Legend because of his time in WWE. His most memorable moments were not in WWE. What makes Flair a legend is what he accomplished in NWA and WCW. Same with Sting.

I'm a huge Sting fan, and appreciate his work ethic (anyone that still wrestles at the age of 50+ has a strong work ethic in my opinion). I would love to see him in the WWE. I would love to see him at WrestleMania. But whatever the circumstance, he's still The Stinger and an Icon.

TNA just sucks. But that doesn't change Sting's status.
I didnt even know about halloween havoc and i still have thought that sting has been screwed a lot. Poor guy is one of the most humble and genuine guys to step foot in a ring, and he gets screwed time and time again. he comes back to tna, when they cant hold onto a decent storyline to save their life, (they, mem coming back, the bs with fortune) then in his first ppv back, he gets that shit of a match, and looks bad in front of everyone because of it. vince may have screwed people over, but i, for the first time, honestly think that sting needs to leave the sinking ship that is tna, and go work for the wwe for one year. start after mania, and make a name for yourself there. do it before tna kills your legacy like it has for other wrestlers.
I cant help but feel bored anytime I watch TNA.. Im not even remotely entertained.... not even for one second... Seriously though.. Samoa Joe?..Who the fuck told this guy he was a wrestler... AJ Styles?..Has this guy ever drawn a dime? Aside from the legends who are in their 50s and 60s these are your headliners?

Get fucking real.

TNA is an inferior product top to bottom. Its not even a fraction of what WCW used to be. Hell.. its not even on old ECWs level.. atleast that had an amazing cult following..

Someone needs to put TNA out of its misery and just pull the plug, for good.

Stay on topic. Take your fucking bitching and whining to the complaint board.

How exactly has he brought these moments on himself? If I play Football and get tackled by an opposing player and break my leg, is it my fault because I chose to play football? The lot of you have to get fucking real and have a think about what you'r writing. When there are outside parties influencing everything that happens, blaming Sting because he chose WCW/TNA is just plain garbage and completely stupid.
Stay on topic. Take your fucking bitching and whining to the complaint board.

How exactly has he brought these moments on himself? If I play Football and get tackled by an opposing player and break my leg, is it my fault because I chose to play football? The lot of you have to get fucking real and have a think about what you'r writing. When there are outside parties influencing everything that happens, blaming Sting because he chose WCW/TNA is just plain garbage and completely stupid.

the fuck are you talking about?.. There are posts all over this thread slamming TNA.. the quality of TNA is why the majority of us are saying Sting should have jumped ship.. I was in turn .. giving my opinion with more examples why Sting should have jumped ship from TNA to WWE.. you sure are talking like your a mod on this forum with the "take it to the complaint blah blah blah" response. Do yourself a favor and worry about yourself and I'll worry about myself and where I post.

Next time try and read the context in which things are written before talking shit.

thank you.
Well, it looks like Hogan was in all your examples (except for last night). Everybody knows Hogan has a fat ego and doesn't care if he hurts anyone else.

We also don't know why the match ended the way it did. It could have been Jeff was so messed up he couldn't put on a show. Only TNA knows.

But I see where you're getting at, OP. Sting just happens to be in the middle of everything. But he's not the most unfortunate wrestler.

As said already in this thread, that title goes down to either Owen Hart or Droz.
the fuck are you talking about?.. There are posts all over this thread slamming TNA.. the quality of TNA is why the majority of us are saying Sting should have jumped ship.. I was in turn .. giving my opinion with more examples why Sting should have jumped ship from TNA to WWE.. you sure are talking like your a mod on this forum with the "take it to the complaint blah blah blah" response. Do yourself a favor and worry about yourself and I'll worry about myself and where I post.

Next time try and read the context in which things are written before talking shit.

thank you.

Well, fucking idiot, the thread isn't about why Sting should have gone to the WWE (when their potentially was no offer), it was if he (in your opinion, though I can't be fucked hearing it) is the most unfortunate wrestler in the business due to the reasons and past evidence I posted. If you had read the opening post and the questions im looking to have answered, you would know that.

Fucking hell!
Well, fucking idiot, the thread isn't about why Sting should have gone to the WWE (when their potentially was no offer), it was if he (in your opinion, though I can't be fucked hearing it) is the most unfortunate wrestler in the business due to the reasons and past evidence I posted. If you had read the opening post and the questions im looking to have answered, you would know that.

Fucking hell!

Once again you do a piss poor job at reading because I'm not the one who started the thread.. so it wasn't really my opinion that he is the most unfortunate wrestler in the business rather the OP's..

Did I steer off topic a little? Sure.. but show me a forum where every thread stays on topic and I'll show you a boring, lifeless forum with no fun allowed.

Anyway.. enough drama.. I'm cool with agreeing to disagree... pretty shitty way to end a PPV for a company that's trying to be a legitimate threat to the WWE eh? It just seems like Sting is always caught up in the middle of some bullshit like this...honestly speaking.. the common denominator with this kind of behavior usually involves Hogan, Bischoff, and/or Russo. Those 3 are just awful man... The keys to the city need to be taken away from them immediately.

all I can say for surely is there is no way in hell this would have ever happened in the WWE. :worship:

P.S. I might have slammed what you said but in no way did I go the length of calling you a fucking idiot.. That shit isn't necessary dude.
I have to agree with several other posters who said that a lot of the "unfortunate events" in Sting's career are partially his fault, especially this latest one. I hope Sting is kicking himself tonight. Tomorrow on Raw he could have been building toward arguably the BIGGEST moment in his career against The Undertaker at the biggest event in wrestling. Instead he's gonna be spending Monday night reflecting on that abortion of a main event he had with with Junky Jeff Hardy. When is he gonna get fired anyways?

I have to disagree with saying that facing the Undertaker would have been the biggest moment of Sting's career ..... while facing Taker at Mania would have been huge , I doubt it would have been bigger than Sting's draw with Flair at Clash 88 or Sting's title win at the Great American Bash 1990 and certainly would not have been bigger than Starrcade 97 , the pay off for starrcade might have sucked , but the hype and build gave WCW the biggest buyrate it ever had for a ppv and I believe Starrcade 97 is still in the top ten all time for ppv buys.....Sting drew that Starrcade with his first match in a year and half........... But as for the topic yes Sting has been stuck in these stupid spots on more than one occasion , I think it probably happens to him because he doesn't say no the way guys like Hogan , Austin , Triple H , and others would.

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