Is Scott Hall HOF Worthy?

Is Scott Hall Worthy of HOF because of :

  • His accomplishments in the WWE?

  • Being a charter member of the NWO and the impact it made on wrestling?

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It was Curt Hennig not Hall that won the AWA World title and recognizes that accolade..

I think Piper not getting a world title undermines everything he done.

Hall belongs in a general HOF because of the latter matches, the legendary formation of the NWO, and his role in fueling the MONDAY NIGHT Wars.
I definitely think Scott Hall is worthy of HOF recognition.

He had a great run in the WWE as Razor Ramon, holding the IC title several times and having some classic matches, especially the ladder matches with HBK. If Razor was around now he definitely would have been the champion.

He was the FIRST Outsider to arrive in WCW, and was one of the founding members of one of THE most influential factions in wrestling history in the nWo, which was a MAJOR reason why WCW overtook WWE and became the number 1 wrestling promotion for a few years. Hall was a great talent in his prime and I think the impact he had on the business makes him a definite candidate for entry into the HOF at some point.

I dont think his personal issues will keep him out. Look at Eddie Guerrero, he had severe drug issues himself and was welcomed into the HOF with open arms. The same should be the case for Scott Hall. With his close friend HHH in such a powerful position in the WWE now, I would think he would be pushing for Hall to enter the HOF at some point. Kevin Nash would surely be the one to introduce him.
So by that Logic Rowdy Roddy Piper or Mr Perfect Shouldn't be in the Hall of Fame because they never won a world title.

Actually Curt Hennig won the AWA World Title, yes it's not a WWF or WCW World Title but it still counts, that's why whenever I read threads that have the words "The best wrestlers never to be World Champion" shouldn't just be assumed to everyone else by the OP that they are referring to only WWF or WCW (in rare cases). So therefore Hennig was a World Champion despite the fact that it was in an organization that was in its twilight.

Curt Hennig's WWE Bio - WWE Official Website

Even WWE has finally acknowledged that Hennig was a former World Titlist, it says it right there on his bio entry.

Anyway though, yeah I would not agree with the guy that posted this comment about Hall of Famers having to be World Champions to be eligible. Because let's be honest here, Kerry Von Erich was a former World Champion (albeit briefly) and yet he's in the Hall Of Fame...and considering Scott Hall's magnitude in the business (which only got bigger with the nWo formation)...Hall is a shoe in for a Hall of Fame spot.

And how does Hogan come into this picture in ANYWAY?? It was a program on Scott Hall...

I wouldn't put too much into that guy's statement. Hogan just happened to be interviewed considering that he had such a close relationship working wise with Hall since they were both in the nWo, obviously.

Also how was that Program about sympathy? It was about a man struggling with a addiction.

Exactly, boss. Never mind what this guy says it all sounds silly.

Stupid comment. But to answer the question Scott more than deserves a spot in the HOF one day. The man had tons of ability, great charisma, good move set and made a impact on the industry and changed it. He should be in there for both reasons and i hope he can get it together to be alive to accept the honour.

I agree with you 100 percent on all that you said, and I wasn't trying to be a dick about the Hennig thing but I had to point that out real quick that he was a World Champion.
Hall is worthy of being in the HOF no doubt.

His run in the WWF up to 1996 included two excellent ladder matches and the fact he was in the top half dozen names at that time in the WWF, of course not the greatest ever time in the WWF.

As for his WCW run it simply goes without saying what the nWo did and what he did during that time. It was huge and will never no matter how many times it is copied will be better in success for a stable in wrestling.

Hall in my view is one of the better wrestlers in his size, being 6' 7" and 280-odd lbs ever. And would be in the top 5 names of wrestlers who have performed on the national stage in the past 20 years and not won the World title.
Does Scott Hall deserve a spot in the WWE Hall of Fame? Generally speaking, the answer is yes. When you take everything into consideration, Scott Hall has had an impressive career. His character of Razor Ramon was one of the overall funnest and most entertaining in the WWF during the early and mid 90s. He was also the first 4 time Intercontinental Champion in the history of the company and held the title a total of 438 days. He was one of the best IC champs of the 90s, his matches against Shawn Michaels alone, especially the ladder matches, are enough to prove that. Then he goes to WCW and is one of the original members of the nWo. He was a big part of one of the biggest angles in pro wrestling history. He was one half of the WCW World Tag Team Champions with Kevin Nash 6 times for a total of 474 days and had another run with The Giant as his partner for a total of 572 days as a tag team champ in WCW.

The problem, however, is that Hall won't be anywhere near consideration for the WWE Hall of Fame until he gets himself straightened out. After all, nobody wants to see Scott Hall stagger out on stage drunk off his ass to accept his place alongside some of the biggest and best in the history of wrestling. Hell, what if he even wound up no showing the event? Both incidents would be a slap in the face to the WWE, to those other inductees and, most importantly, to the fans themselves. If that doesn't happen, then the only other way he's getting in is after he's dead.

He does deserve a spot in the HOF but, at the same time, it's hard for me to blame WWE for not putting him in anytime soon because the guy's a friggin' train wreck.
Who doesn't deserve the WWE Hall of Fame? They let just about anyone and everyone into that thing... unless Vince despises you.

I see absolutely reason for Scott Hall to be left out. He's a fuck up, but I don't think he has any huge personal issues with Vince. He's one of the 25 or so most popular wrestlers of all time (take into consideration his nWo run).

Yes, he deserves it. And even if he didn't, I'd still say yes, seeing it's seemingly open to anyone and everyone.
I hate it when people act as if anyone's down moments should hinder them from being in the HOF, I mean the fact that this thread even has to ask...

Of course he deserves it and will go in. Yes his WCW stuff with the nWo is HOF worthy, but he belongs despite it! He was already legendary as Razor Ramon and had a nice legacy in WWE, which is also a reason why it was a big deal when he got into the ring that great night on WCW.

If Damien Demento had done that, it definately wouldnt have come off the same.

Hall and everyone going through issues like him who have stellar careers should always have their profession accomplishments count over personal matters and even Benoit deserves to be in as this is based on your professional career not what you do... outside... the ropes. (unWWE related anyway)
Actually Curt Hennig won the AWA World Title, yes it's not a WWF or WCW World Title but it still counts, that's why whenever I read threads that have the words "The best wrestlers never to be World Champion" shouldn't just be assumed to everyone else by the OP that they are referring to only WWF or WCW (in rare cases). So therefore Hennig was a World Champion despite the fact that it was in an organization that was in its twilight.

Curt Hennig's WWE Bio - WWE Official Website

Even WWE has finally acknowledged that Hennig was a former World Titlist, it says it right there on his bio entry.

Anyway though, yeah I would not agree with the guy that posted this comment about Hall of Famers having to be World Champions to be eligible. Because let's be honest here, Kerry Von Erich was a former World Champion (albeit briefly) and yet he's in the Hall Of Fame...and considering Scott Hall's magnitude in the business (which only got bigger with the nWo formation)...Hall is a shoe in for a Hall of Fame spot.

I wouldn't put too much into that guy's statement. Hogan just happened to be interviewed considering that he had such a close relationship working wise with Hall since they were both in the nWo, obviously.

Exactly, boss. Never mind what this guy says it all sounds silly.

I agree with you 100 percent on all that you said, and I wasn't trying to be a dick about the Hennig thing but I had to point that out real quick that he was a World Champion.

Im trying to give you rep for this one but i dont know how much I have to spread it before I give itto you again but anyways as far as non world champions its a shame Vince and the E refuse to acknowledge titles from other companies. Christian more recently is not considered a world champion before his 2 recent reigns because it was the TNA title. Also WWE doesnt recognize 2 of Flairs reigns for whatever reasons but the NWA recognizes ALL his reigns. The WWE and Vince have a problem acknoledging there are other companies besides his. They have a problem with history made in other companies and even forget their own history as well if it isnt convenient to them at the time. This is something they have to change. I agree that Scott Hall should go to the HOF for everything he has done for this industry, however until he gets himself fixed up, i dont think he should. Right now, he's got a lot going and needs to be heading in the right path in order to get support from the fans. He is HOF worthy! Winning the WWE title is not the end all be all of HOF worthyness. Its about impact to the business and how they contributed to the business. Razor Ramon and NWO Hall did contribute heavily to wrestling.
Is Scott Hall HOF worthy? Of course he is. He had quite a bit of success in both WWF and WCW. There are moments such as the ladder match with Michaels or being a founding member of the nWo that more than qualify him for deserving membership in the HOF, especially when you have guys like Drew Carrey or Pete Rose in it for one or two appearances compared to a career like Hall's. His recent actions have not been all that great but people make mistakes and whether he makes good decisions today or not should not impact the moments he provided during a successful career in the wrestling industry because otherwise a lot of deserving names would not make it in, it's not just Hall.
I would have to say yes cause of what here have said about his accomplishments and what he did with the NWO days in WCW. Sadly he has personal problems as well acholic issues. If he does get inducted I would be shocked but Vince and WWE probaly wouldn't do it unless he passed. I loved his Razor Raomon gimimck in the 90's and was one of my favorites at that time.
I'm pretty mixed about this. I enjoyed Razor Ramon to a point, but he never did get past mid level status or maybe I missed that. He did have some good matches from time to time. And with his time in the NWO that was truly something different and unexpected, but even with that, once Hogan joined, and Nash took off on his own, where was Hall in all of that? Did Hall really go over that much in WCW? I'm leaning towards no on Hall of Fame worthy. Let's get guys like Randy Savage in there first, and then see who's left.
AT some point where do draw the line on HOF worthy ? Scott Hall ?? The guy was a dud in AWA, a dud his first run in WCW, had success in WWE (not as much as Nash & HBK but he was successful), and he was part of the NWO story in WCW.

Of course, Nash & Hogan were the biggest stars in the NWO, in fact by the end of 97 Hall was wrestling mid card matches and was no more imporant to that group (maybe less so) than Scott Steiner & Curt Henning.

After that he did nothing of note, no last run in WWE of any substance (unlike Nash & Hogan), no revival in TNA (Unlike Nash & Hogan), he's barely been a presence on the independent scene.

Just because a guy has some success or wrestles some good matches doesn't make him a HOFer. Its like in the NFL, Steve DeBerg was a good quarterback, he had multiple 3,000 yard passing seasons, lead pretty good offenses in Tampa Bay & Kansas City, helped put KC into the playoffs for only the second time in 20 years and as a starter won their first playoff victory in two decades. He also played good ball late in his career with Miami, even beating the Super Bowl Champion Dallas Cowboys in Dallas on Thanksgiving.

Now, is he a HOF quarterback ? - When you think of Montana, Young, Marino, Elway do you think of DeBerg ? NO!! Doesnt take away from the fact he was good, had some nice moments, he also had some serious down time and penchant for interceptions.

Scott Hall had some nice moments, particularly the first Ladder Match with HBK, during his WWE time and initially he was a big part of the NWO story. That doesnt make him anymore a HOFer than Buff Bagwell, who had some nice matches for the WCW Title with Ric Flair, had some good tag team matches with his partner Scotty Riggs, and was entertaining in his "Buff" persona as heel with the NWO. Bagwell had some moments but when I think HOF I think Hogan, Savage, Sting, Flair, HBK, Hart, Road Warriors, eventually HHH & Undertaker, I sure dont think Buff Bagwell - I dont think Scott Hall is in that class either.
In my view I would see Hall as a bigger star than:
Junkyard Dog
Koko B. Ware
Jim Duggan
Wendi Ritcher
And all of the celebrities that have been inducted. And to go with those names I am sure that there will be more over the next coming years that will somehow get in. Of course it is understood that Sting will enter the HOF when he finishes with TNA and can do stuff with the WWE, ie DVD and HOF. Other names like HHH, Rocky, Undertaker and Foley will go in as they are certainly names that deserve to go in and add Edge to that as well but outside of those what other names are big enough to headline the HOF nights. I think the WWE should lower the number that goes in each year or perhaps make it every 18 months to two years for a decade or something. Hall would of course be in the level below those names that I mentioned so similar to Owen I would say.
1st post so here goes

For me a no to Scott Hall why because i don't think he did enough

I got into wrestling around the time of Razor and Diesel and love the whole bad guy thing and then he leaves the WWF and goes to the other company

For me he should not be in the WWF/E hall of fame as he did not do enough in the company

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