Is Roman Reigns a lock for MITB winner?


Championship Contender
I know it's only January and the Money in the Bank ppv isn't until mid-July, but barring an injury or any other unforeseen circumstance, do you share my opinion that Roman Reigns is already penciled in as the briefcase winner?

With there only being the WWE World Heavyweight Championship to go after now, I can't imagine there's any way that they let there be a repeat winner. So I'll immediately eliminate Ziggler, Sandow, Bryan, Cena, etc. I don't know how many guys they'll have in the match now that there's only one, but I'm guessing no more than 10 (I hope so anyway, more than that would be very hard to keep up with).

So I've compiled a list of names that I can see competing in the match. If you see anyone other than Reigns being the winner, I'm all ears. There's always a chance that they just give Reigns a title match without having to go through the hoopla of cashing in the briefcase. Especially if someone that matches up with him physically (like Lesnar or Batista) is the champion this summer. They may just decide to build a feud to get ppv buys, we'll see.

But here is my list of who I could see in the match. There's 15 names here, so naturally at least 5 of them won't actually make it.

Roman Reigns
CM Punk
Bray Wyatt
Brodus Clay
Mark Henry
Big E. Langston
Dean Ambrose
Seth Rollins
Cody Rhodes
Antonio Cesaro
Wade Barrett
Kofi Kingston

If not Roman Reigns, who can you see at MITB winner?

The only other guys I could really make a case for are Punk, Wyatt, Cesaro, or Sheamus.
I know it's only January and the Money in the Bank ppv isn't until mid-July, but barring an injury or any other unforeseen circumstance, do you share my opinion that Roman Reigns is already penciled in as the briefcase winner?

With there only being the WWE World Heavyweight Championship to go after now, I can't imagine there's any way that they let there be a repeat winner. So I'll immediately eliminate Ziggler, Sandow, Bryan, Cena, etc. I don't know how many guys they'll have in the match now that there's only one, but I'm guessing no more than 10 (I hope so anyway, more than that would be very hard to keep up with).

So I've compiled a list of names that I can see competing in the match. If you see anyone other than Reigns being the winner, I'm all ears. There's always a chance that they just give Reigns a title match without having to go through the hoopla of cashing in the briefcase. Especially if someone that matches up with him physically (like Lesnar or Batista) is the champion this summer. They may just decide to build a feud to get ppv buys, we'll see.

But here is my list of who I could see in the match. There's 15 names here, so naturally at least 5 of them won't actually make it.

Roman Reigns
CM Punk
Bray Wyatt
Brodus Clay
Mark Henry
Big E. Langston
Dean Ambrose
Seth Rollins
Cody Rhodes
Antonio Cesaro
Wade Barrett
Kofi Kingston

If not Roman Reigns, who can you see at MITB winner?

First of all, we can't make safe assumption because we don't even know if MitB will be PPV itself, or will it be included at Wrestlemania, since there is only need for one now.
Apart from that, and barring injuries,there are so many guys out there that are equally or dare I say even more deserving of that briefcase. Sandow / Rhodes / Ziggler etc, guys who were scammed out of their opportunity just to stroke Vince's and HHH's ego. These guy are doing nothing at the moment and I can't see a viable way of them being reinserted in some big angle in their current status. On the other hand, Roman Reigns is, along with Ambrose and Rollins, feuding with "the best in the world" in a high-profile feud. This means he can get an opportunity just because he is involved there.

You can't even say Reigns winning the MitB, because, if WWE wants to go down that way, they also have to choose between Ambrose and Rollins, and, although Reigns seems to be THE GUY in the Shield at the moment, this can change in just a Wrestlemania appearance.

How would I give Reigns his title shot? Have the Shield feud with the Wyatts at Wrestlemania, Wyatts win, and the Shield loses. In an upcoming PPV, they try to solve their difference in a match. HHH, knowing the the Shield was working for him and wanting to reward their loyalty all that time, will give the winner of the triple threat match a title opportunity at the next PPV, hoping that it will be SummerSlam. Reigns is already an semi-established guy that doesn't need the MitB to be given a shot. On the other hand, guys like Rhodes, Ziggler, Sandow, Barrett and a lot of the lower mid-card guys are not involved in anything serious, so the only way that they can come remotely close to the title is the MitB.

So no, Reigns isn't a lock. I don't say that he can't win it, because there is a high possibility of him doing so, but I don't think WWE will give it to him, because he will get his shot in another way. After all, I don't think that the fans either want to see him go down the MitB road, because it devalues a lot of the effort needed and the status of "I'm World Champ because I cashed in MitB" tends to work in a negative way. Look at Bryan's cash in; it was a joke. Apart from the pop of the Philly crowd, it wasn't followed up, because he hadn't done anything to earn it. Compared to SummerSlam, he put in a hell of an effort in the match and came out on top, that's why he got a lot more respect.
Same could be applied to Reigns. A cheap victory over the World Champ might work in a negative way. He is supposed to be the bad-ass heel, not the chicken-shit Ric Flair to take the easy way out. And MitB is the easy way out.

All in all, so many reasons why he isn't a lock. There are many ways to build a Superstar and the MitB way is probably the worst of them all.
If it were me, I'd absolutely move the MITB ladder match back to Mania. Now that there's only one title match to win a contract for, it seems stupid to have an entire PPV devoted to it. But I doubt they'll change anything. They only have one HIAC match at the October PPV, sometimes no elimination matches at Survivor Series, and only just a couple weeks ago, they had just one match involving tables, ladders, or chairs at TLC. The gimmick PPVs are getting ridiculous.

I would bring back KOTR to fill the July spot and give the winner a title shot at SummerSlam.
Don't think he should win it myself as I think he needs to be face and tbh, MITB doesn't work for faces. He needs to be turned on by Ambrose and Rollins to gain the momentum needed for a run with the title. Maybe a suprise Ryback or heel Henry (gets his final run) win at MITB with Reigns going after the winner. MITB winner has to take out WM30 title winner do.

Just an opinion...

BestWrestlingOpinions You got there before me and added the extra about MITB possibly not being a ppv. Well put mate
I agree the MITB concept works better for a heel. So just a thought here, but if they do move the match back to Mania and Reigns were the winner, perhaps he could still be a heel. So maybe he cashes in the same night and they end the show with him spearing Orton, Lesnar, Batista, Bryan...whoever the champ might be, for the win. Ambrose and Rollins could come out, seemingly to congratulate him, and then attack him out of jealousy. So Reigns doesn't become a face until he's already cashed in. Then Reigns gives the former champ their rematch on Raw the next night, wins again, and gets attacked again by Ambrose and Reigns afterward. Reigns vs Ambrose vs Rollins for the title at Extreme Rules? Just some booking ideas. I kinda like it, but it might be too soon for Reigns to go over as champ.
I could actually see Ambrose Win it, and then as soon as Roman Wins his first World Title, Dean will swoop in and try to steal his spotlight. I know Roman has the momentum right now to be "The Guy", but who knows what could happen between now and then.
First of all, you said you'd eliminate the past winners, but you included Punk. I'm guessing that was a mistake.

I'd like to see them move the MITB match back to Mania and use the PPV as the place where the title match will take place. The whole cash in while they're down thing has run its course. If they want to do a ladder match at the PPV, then do a tag team MITB match in July.

As for who should win, it's impossible to guess right now. If Reigns gets hurt, or if Ambrose gets a Wellness violation, for example, there go two of the possible favorites. We saw it happen with Barrett and look what he's doing now.

If I had to throw a name out there, I'd say it'll have to be a proven guy this year. Since it's the first time that they'll have MITB with one title, the E will either have to give it to someone who can carry the belt already, or someone they don't mind having lose but get the rub. If it happens in July, I'll say Punk, because I don't have a provision that the guy can't have won, and if it happens at Mania, I'd be fine with Wyatt winning.
NO...I would actually say the opposite. I think its a lock that he doesnt win it. The fact that there is only won TOP TITLE makes me think that an established guy will win it, maybe even a part timer. If you look at the last two years, Orton and Cena won the MITB for the wwe title. The World Title MITB was more for guys like Roman Reigns. With only one MITB match, that will probably close the show, I really cant see Reigns winning.

My guess is either, Brock, DB, or maybe even Batista.
The misconception about MITB is that only heels have won it. Not True. John Cena won it as did Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton as faces. Daniel Bryan did cash-in the heel way, but Cena did not. Randy Orton also cashed-in as a heel. A face can win they just have to come up with a new intriguing way for a face character to hold it. WWE knew had Cena beaten Bryan and Orton cashed-in on Cena he would have been cheered. So faces have won the MITB, but only Cena who lost has emerged still a face after the cash-in.
Nobody said only heels have won MITB. We just said the concept is better for heels to win, because the best opportunity to cash in is when the champion is down and out. When a face wins, such as Cena, they're more likely to cash in with advanced warning, without a sneak attack.
The misconception about MITB is that only heels have won it. Not True. John Cena won it as did Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton as faces. Daniel Bryan did cash-in the heel way, but Cena did not. Randy Orton also cashed-in as a heel. A face can win they just have to come up with a new intriguing way for a face character to hold it. WWE knew had Cena beaten Bryan and Orton cashed-in on Cena he would have been cheered. So faces have won the MITB, but only Cena who lost has emerged still a face after the cash-in.

Who said this? Cena, RVD, Punk, Kennedy, Bryan were all faces when they won. I don't think too many people believe that only heels have one it, and certainly not enough people for it to be a misconception.
Too soon for Reigns, least imo. Lets face it, WWE has really bad luck when they push guys to the moon too quickly. Sure lightning struck with Kurt Angle, but he's freaking Kurt Angle. Just about anyone else that gets a super push really early always flames out. Give him a year or 2 all by himself and then maybe we can talk about him getting the top prize. Until then let him get the inevitable feud with Ambrose out of the way where he'll get the US title and hopefully actually defend it on PPVs so it looks good again.
We talk about wrestlers getting pushed too soon then cream over so done like reigns to get a push

I wish we could let him go about his business, no pressure. When he is ready he will get it.

Reigns character does not need him walking around with the briefcase
Not in the least because we have absolutely no idea how fans will ultimately react to Roman Reigns when he's finally out on his own as a singles guy. As of right now, he's getting a good reaction, such as fans cheering & chanting his name on Raw this past Monday as they wanted him to go up against CM Punk. However, that's no guarantee of future success.

In my eyes, to say that one member of The Shield has stood out so amazingly from the others as to be in a whole other league just isn't at all accurate. All three have shined in their respective roles. For instance, I'd nearly forgotten just how good Dean Ambrose is on the mic until I heard him on commentary during Rollins & Reigns teaming against The Usos this past Friday on SmackDown!. We've also seen Rollins given a couple of opportunities to show what he could do in a couple of rare singles matches against John Cena and CM Punk in which he shined like a brand new penny. In the comparatively limited amount of time we hear Reigns on the mic, he's done a good job, but he hasn't been as good as Ambrose or Rollins. In terms of pure cosmetics, Reigns has the best look of the three. As I've said many times, if you were to stick a goatee and long, straight, shiny black hair onto The Rock, he & Reigns could easily pass for brothers. Reigns has also done well inside the ring, like Ambrose & Rollins.

WWE may be very high on him, but that's no guarantee that the fans will be into him. WWE was extremely high on Alberto Del Rio and gave him numerous chances to get over as a main eventer, but fans simply didn't go for him at nearly the level they were hoping. It's FAR too early to make any major predictions for Roman Reigns once he breaks away from The Shield.
How is he a lock? What if nobody cares about him turning face or breaking off as a singles star? Remember when Del Rio was a face? When the Miz was a face? Nobody cared. Reigns could end up in that group as well. What if he's injured around the time the MitB PPV rolls around? Too many questions in there.

Also, I would still say no he's not one bit. Because if they push him to the moon like it sounds like they're going to, he's going to be a guy that's not going to need the briefcase to get him over and make him relevant. He will do that on his own just fine without the need of the briefcase. Moreover... with only 1 title (for now), can you honestly see a time in the next year and a half that Cena, Orton, Punk, Bryan, Bray Wyatt, Batista, Lesnar, etc... aren't going to be champion? I surely don't. The only one I can see there honestly not being champion is in that timeframe is Cena. He's beyond wrestling in title matches at Mania at this point. So he doesn't need the title for anything.

But as JH said above, saying one member of the Shield is better than everyone else at this point is sort of ridiculous. They have all shown their strengths. Personally, I like Reigns the least of the group. I see the money there, I see the future star there, he's just my least favorite. I like Ambrose on the mic and in the ring. I love Rollins in the ring. Reigns is also great. Just my taste.
As far as Cena goes, I think (and definitely hope) that they'll take their time in planning out his next couple of title reigns seeing how he's about tie Flair's record. When he gets #15 and #16, They should be at significant times, not just a random event like the majority of his title acquisitions. It's time his title wins become much fewer and further between.
i dont think they will have a MITB ppv and i think they will have it at mania, i mean c'mon whats the point of having a ppv named after 1 match, if they have 1 at mania i think Reigns could win it yeah
Well, I could be wrong... but I feel that now that there is only one World Title in WWE, the days of a mid-carder/upper-midcarder winning the Money in the Bank and using that to propel him are over. The only way you're going to win it now is you've already established yourself as a main eventer.

I've been saying this ever since they unified the championships, there will be far less "testing" going on. Meaning that you won't get anywhere near the World Title unless you are undoubtedly money. For about four or five years now the WWE has been testing people by giving them World Titles, whether it was The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan. However, when you had a "test champion", the other World Champion on the other brand was always stable. When the Miz was champion on RAW, Edge was Champion on Smackdown. When Daniel Bryan was the World Heavyweight Champion, CM Punk was the WWE Champion. When Dolph Ziggler was the World Heavyweight Champion, John Cena was the WWE Champion. You have never seen two test World Champions, and if there were, it certainly wasn't for an extended period of time. There was always one stable, main event World Champion.

Roman Reigns has a decent shot of winning Money in the Bank, but certainly not at the level he's at. If this were last year or previous years, he would be the clear winner. But not now, not with one title, he has to do more, maybe put him in a feud with a top guy, a Cena, an Orton once he loses the title, a Punk, even a Bryan now. He needs at least half a year of good solid, main event feuds before he can "reach that status".

Well, he could also win the Money in the Bank and then go onto have those main event feuds AND then cash in once those feuds are done, that's always an option.

It's just that with only the one title now, I see a few guys ahead of him. Guys that are already more established than he is.
No doubt about it, Reigns can be "the guy". But, he won't win MITB this year because they can't afford to hand titles to guys that aren't tested yet anymore, it's a shame but it's true. Reigns should completely skip the midcard once the shield splits, throw him in with a main event feud against an established guy to see if he can cop it, maybe Cena once he drops out of the title picture or maybe Punk if he isn't doing anything. Also, with Batista coming back, maybe have Reigns feud with him later in Batista's run, heck if this is his last run maybe have Reigns be the one to "retire" him if Dave is definitely done with WWE. Thoughts?
I could see Rhodes or Sheamus winning it. They've been around the WWE for a while and paid their dues.

Despite having a dominant 2012, Sheamus put over Big Show as WHC, The Shield, Orton (in MITB match last year) and heel Del Rio last year. He probably has to take the backseat again this Wrestlemania coming up since more part timers are in the title scene.

If not Sheamus, I'd say Cody Rhodes. He's yet to get that signature win to platform in the main event scene. He's been a great IC and tag team champion and had great matches with Orton and The Shield. Hopefully if he feuds with Goldust, that helps him get over as a main event face - a transition that took time with him. Him and Orton has history so if Orton was to walk out Wrestlemania as champion, heading into Summerslam that's a matchup to look at.

I see a lot of people want Reigns but I can see him winning the Rumble next year

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