Is Randy Orton Brother Bray's Newest Disciple?


On tonight's episode of SmackDown Live, Randy Orton hinted that he's open to joining the Wyatt Family. As Bray Wyatt & Kane were having a no DQ match, in which Luke Harper eventually appeared and was helping out Bray, Orton's music hit and he comes to the ring while Kane & Wyatt are recovering; he and Harper have a staredown with Harper eventually backing out of the ring. Kane gets to his feet, Orton acknowledges him with a nod, and gets ready to deliver a chokeslam to Wyatt while Orton does his thing of slithering & writhing in the ring before he goes for the RKO. I thought he was doing it as a means of keeping Harper at bay on the outside but he suddenly leaps up and catches Kane in the RKO as Wyatt sits in the corner staring dumbfounded before making the cover. Later on in the night, Orton was interviewed backstage and asked why he did what he did; he didn't say anything for about 30 seconds before simply saying "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em."

The notion of Randy Orton joining the Wyatt Family is an interesting one, but I'm wondering if Vince is ultimately just doing something like what we saw with Daniel Bryan a few years back. Bryan joined the family, fans immediately hated it as they wanted him back to being a babyface to eventually challenge for the title, he & Wyatt went up against the Usos in a steel cage match with Bryan turning on Wyatt and beating the crap out of him as Harper & Rowan were helpless to interfere. Of course, it would later be revealed that this was all part of Bryan's "plan" to get close enough to Wyatt. :rolleyes: At any rate, I'm wondering if Vince ultimately plans to do something similar with Orton, that it was all some sort of scheme to get Wyatt to himself. The flaw with that logic is that, and it's a big one, is that, as of right now, it's just Wyatt & Harper and Orton had Kane as an ally to neutralize the numbers advantage whereas, with Bryan's case, it was a 3 on 1 situation so there was at least some shred of logic to cling to; not a whole helluva lot, but enough so that it wasn't completely stupid.
Nah I think he is doing it just to get into Bray's head then he will turn the tables on him. It's just like the saying "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer". If he can get Bray to trust him even a little, or the illusion that he's joined the family, it will give him a huge mental advantage over Bray when Orton does turn on him.

Since Wyatt debuted it's been all about Wyatt getting into people's heads, now we are seeing someone possibly playing the mind games on him. It will be very interesting to see what ultimately happens, and what it will do to Bray down the road. Orton has always been a lone wolf and I can't see him as part of the Wyatt's, it just doesn't fit the character we've seen all these years.
This doesn't make any sense. Orton says "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em". You expect someone who continues to LOSE and/or be outnumbered, to have that state of mind. Orton only lost once, due to a returning Luke Harper, and that was before he was aligned with Kane.
Now you have Kane(who defeated Bray at Backlash) watching your back and the numbers are even, Why join them!? A lot of people are saying that Randy is playing mind games, which I can see being the direction they go, but why would you want to make Kane an enemy just to play mind games with Bray? That also means Randy will eventually have to fight Wyatt and Harper later down the road, but this time he won't have any help. It doesn't make any sense when he could just use Kane's help and beat Wyatt and Harper now.

Also this means that Kane will probably be feuding with Randy, Bray, AND Harper! A guy who's a few months away from being 50, and who's best years of in-ring work has long gone, will be feuding with 3 top guys from Smackdown. (or teased in the pre-show they will put Wyatt and Harper in Smackdown's 10 man tag team elimination, and make Orton and Kane feud, which I am not interested in seeing again.)

I have actually really enjoyed the storyline between Orton and Wyatt, even with the addition of Kane, but this turn of events have me puzzled. Things were going so well.
I HOPE HE IS. I've been havng this story in my head where Orton joins the Wyatts for over a year now! It seems to me as a great way to progress Orton's phsycho character and finally give Bray strength and make him the new dark force of the WWE.
It seems that this would be a rehash of the Bryan angle, I don't see Orton being a member of the Wyatt's for any length of time. I don't really remember, but didn't Bryan swerve out of that angle in less than a month? Hopefully if this is the route they're going they let the angle play out a little longer.

It seems so obvious that if Randy was to join forces with the Wyatt's that a swerve is imminent, so maybe creative takes advantage of that and makes this a long term partnership while teasing a power struggle. Knowing WWE it will probably just last until Survivor Series at the longest. Maybe this isn't leading to anything and it's just a way to distance Kane from this feud and throw a little wrinkle into the storyline while continuing Orton v. Bray until SS.
In my opinion they are going about this all wrong. With the insertion of Kane into the feud, they really should have had Kane be the one to turn on Orton and join the Wyatt Family. There is history there and the original Kane/Wyatt Feud never really came to closure. That would have given the Wyatt family the strength in numbers again, give Kane a significant role on SD Live, as well as keep Orton looking like a strong contender on SD. Constantly getting beat down by Wyatt, Kane and Harper wouldn't hurt his status, and once the feud ends, Orton would still have the star power to fill in main event feuds.
I guess that we're still going to get Bray Wyatt Vs. Randy Orton II at Survivor Series where we get an inevitable Orton victory. In other words, we would get the same basic Bray Wyatt feud where at last, he is the one who eats the defeat. I hope that this doesn't end as mentioned above.

A face turn for Bray Wyatt is long overdue just like a heel turn for Roman Reigns.
ShinChan™;5598375 said:
I guess that we're still going to get Bray Wyatt Vs. Randy Orton II at Survivor Series where we get an inevitable Orton victory. In other words, we would get the same basic Bray Wyatt feud where at last, he is the one who eats the defeat. I hope that this doesn't end as mentioned above.

A face turn for Bray Wyatt is long overdue just like a heel turn for Roman Reigns.

Bray Wyatt has already been a face. He turned shortly before his injury earlier this year. It was working quite well. Then when he came back, they returned him to a heel for some dumb reason.
Bray Wyatt has already been a face. He turned shortly before his injury earlier this year. It was working quite well. Then when he came back, they returned him to a heel for some dumb reason.
Yeah I remember it. He teamed up with Reigns in a match as a face and was damn good. But after two days, he got injured and everything got scrapped.

Returning him as a heel is as dumb as Rollins returning as a heel. I guess that I won't even consider a face Wyatt run since it was so short-lived.

I strongly agree with what Bray himself said about his booking: WWE doesn't know how to handle such a unique character.
In my opinion they are going about this all wrong. With the insertion of Kane into the feud, they really should have had Kane be the one to turn on Orton and join the Wyatt Family. There is history there and the original Kane/Wyatt Feud never really came to closure. That would have given the Wyatt family the strength in numbers again, give Kane a significant role on SD Live, as well as keep Orton looking like a strong contender on SD. Constantly getting beat down by Wyatt, Kane and Harper wouldn't hurt his status, and once the feud ends, Orton would still have the star power to fill in main event feuds.

That would make a lot of sense. There's not too much he can do now as Demon Kane. I'm not a fan of Orton vs. Kane matches, they seem to get worse as Kane gets older.
ShinChan™;5598375 said:
I guess that we're still going to get Bray Wyatt Vs. Randy Orton II at Survivor Series where we get an inevitable Orton victory. In other words, we would get the same basic Bray Wyatt feud where at last, he is the one who eats the defeat. I hope that this doesn't end as mentioned above.

A face turn for Bray Wyatt is long overdue just like a heel turn for Roman Reigns.

Sadly, Bray's just enhancement talent. Orton put over Brock. Now Bray is here restoring Orton. Something to keep Orton busy while AJ finishes up with Cena and Ambrose. Leading to the inevitable Orton vs. AJ at WM.

Bray needs a face turn bad. I was hoping they'd keep Harper away from Bray. Feud reminds me of Bray vs. Reigns.
Bray Wyatt has already been a face. He turned shortly before his injury earlier this year. It was working quite well. Then when he came back, they returned him to a heel for some dumb reason.

Yeah, he needs a face turn bad. It would be so refreshing for his character and match ups. A Miz vs. Bray, Bray vs. Corbin, Bray vs. AJ, feuds would be great to see.
In my opinion they are going about this all wrong. With the insertion of Kane into the feud, they really should have had Kane be the one to turn on Orton and join the Wyatt Family. There is history there and the original Kane/Wyatt Feud never really came to closure. That would have given the Wyatt family the strength in numbers again, give Kane a significant role on SD Live, as well as keep Orton looking like a strong contender on SD. Constantly getting beat down by Wyatt, Kane and Harper wouldn't hurt his status, and once the feud ends, Orton would still have the star power to fill in main event feuds.

Strength in numbers for what reason though? Since the brand split and the roster's have been thinned out, is there really any reason to have three good singles wrestlers running around pretending to be a cult? Yes it works for New Day but they are tag champions, and I suspect when their run is over one of them will drop out and become a singles wrestler again.

Wyatt needs to go his own way, same with Harper (who I thought was going to RAW btw). Turn Wyatt face and let him feud with Styles for awhile, or keep him heel and have him hand Ziggler a beating or two every couple of weeks. That would be okay.

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